bicibici2013 · 11 years
Here it is folks! The final itinerary and workshops schedule for Bici Bici 2013. We are super excited to have such a fun and educational weekend planned. See you all there! Cheers.
  Schedule:  Friday, April 12 • 5pm Meet and Greet at Spokeland • 7:30pm Optional ride to East Bay Bike  Party http://tinyurl.com/cnrgmkf • 7:30pm Movie Screening: Singletrack High Saturday, April 13 • 9am Breakfast, Welcome, Intros • 10:30am-11:30am Workshop • 12pm Lunch @ Spokeland • 1pm-2pm Workshop • 2:30pm-3:30pm Workshop • 3:30pm Bike Ride / Free time • 5pm Dinner @Spokeland • 7:00pm Ride to Port Sprints! http://tinyurl.com/c89ag79 • 10pm Bici! Bici! Baile! Baile! Location TBD Sunday, April 14 •9am Breakfast •10am Workshop •12pm Lunch @ Mosswood park •1pm Concluding Workshop @ Mosswood • 2pm Kickball, Bike Polo, Other Games Workshops Schedule: Sat 10:30am #&$^# - The art of getting things unstuck @ Spokeland Women of Color and Families in cycling @ Art Barn Bike Collectives as Radical Community Spaces @ The Holdout Inspiring New Cyclist & Mechanics @ Pedal Express 1:00pm Technology in Co-ops @ Pedal Express Campus Coops @ The Holdout Starting a Comida No Bombas on Bicycles @ Art Barn Macguyver Bike Repair @ Spokeland 2:30pm Effective Teaching @ Spokeland Community Bike Organizations @ Art Barn Gender Inclusiveness and Your Bike Community @ The Holdout Hustling Donations 101/Fundraising through events @ Pedal Express Sunday 10:30am Organizing Parts @ Spokeland Youth Programing @ The Bikery Practicamos Español del Taller (Practicing Shop Spanish) @ Pedal Express Workshop Locations: Spokeland: 1121 64th St, Oakland, CA Pedal Express: 1501 Powell St, Emeryville, CA The Holdout: 2313 San Pablo Ave, Oakland, CA Mosswood Park: 3612 Webster St, Oakland, CA
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bicibici2013 · 11 years
For those who wish to eat during the conference please pay attention: Please note that if you haven't registered by today (4/8/2013) but wish to attend it's not a problem, we've got you covered. HOWEVER understand that we may not be capable of feeding those who have not registered yet since we are determining meal portions now based on currently registered participants. For those who have registered: please help us help you by bringing your own dinnerware (aka a plate and a fork). This is integral to the success of you getting fed. We will have a limited supply of dinnerware on site for those who forget but will not have nearly enough for everyone. Thanks so much everyone! We look forward to filling your minds with knowledge and your bellies with delicious grub!
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bicibici2013 · 12 years
Spokeland is hosting the 4th Annual Bici! Bici! Conference on April 12th - 14th. Bici! Bici! is a California regional event modeled after the (inter)national Bike!Bike! conference. The first CA event was held at the Bike Church in Santa Cruz (2010), followed by the Davis Bike Collective (2011), and Bikerowave in LA (2012). Spokeland is a relatively young organization, and we have a long list of influences to thank for our progress, many of whom will be present at our 2013 event! Spokeland had no physical location when we attended the Davis conference, and what a journey it has been. Over this weekend, we hope to create an environment where future bike projects can gather inspiration, and existing organizations can achieve greater successes!
Conference events will be held in various venues in the area surrounding Spokeland's shop in North Oakland, and there will be plenty of time to socialize, network, and ride bikes! Please RSVP if you plan on attending or hosting visitors so we can plan ahead and everyone can enjoy their time in the East Bay!
[UPDATE] The 2013 workshops schedule is now final and can be found by clicking the "Topics" tab at the top of the page.
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bicibici2013 · 12 years
We would like to thank the following for their contributions to Spokeland, helping make our vision and the Bici! Bici! conference a success:
The PLACE for Sustainable Living Actual Cafe Manifesto Bicycles Montano Velo Bicycle Coffee Co.
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