bidmoth · 2 months
One fun thing about the Silmarillion fandom is because so many of the characters are literally older than the sun, people are free to imagine them - not just Feanor - inventing pretty much anything, no matter how old and integral to civilization the concept is.
“Turgon invented building codes”, “Maglor invented musical theater”, and “Miriel invented clothing” are all ideas I’ve seen floating around at some point.
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bidmoth · 3 months
I’ve been debating what the funniest, most fan-fury-inducing thing any hypothetical Silmarillion movie/show could do would be, and I think the answer is to condense the sons of Feanor. There are so many of them! And they aren’t particularly individualized! You could just… cut a few. Who needs seven whole kinslayers? You get get it down to three or four, easy.
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bidmoth · 4 months
I’ve been debating what the funniest, most fan-fury-inducing thing any hypothetical Silmarillion movie/show could do would be, and I think the answer is to condense the sons of Feanor. There are so many of them! And they aren’t particularly individualized! You could just… cut a few. Who needs seven whole kinslayers? You get get it down to three or four, easy.
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bidmoth · 5 months
AU where Elrond and Elros are actually Maglor’s sons:
Elwing and Earendil desperately want children. Unfortunately, unlike elves, half-elves can be infertile. It’s just not working.
Meanwhile, Feanor’s sons send a letter asking for the Silmaril (Or Else)
Elwing writes back that she’s willing to negotiate
She makes her case - she needs one of Feanor’s sons to father a child with her. She gets the kid, they get the Silmaril and then they fuck off out of her life forever. They get no paternal rights.
none of Feanor’s sons want to do this. At all. But unfortunately they swore that pesky little oath that they’d do anything for a silmaril…
Maglor draws the short straw
he goes to Sirion
Elrond and Elros are conceived
Sidenote: sex = marriage for elves, not half-elves. Half-elves, like humans, are perfectly capable of extramarital affairs. So Maglor is now technically married to Elwing, but she’s not married to him. Everybody involved hates this.
And then Elwing reneges on her deal
she doesn’t give Maglor the Silmaril in exchange.
It’s hers! It was bought with Luthien and Beren’s courage, and Dior and Nimloth’s blood, and Elured and Elurin’s absence. The sons of Feanor have no right to it. She never intended to give it to them.
Maglor and his brothers are MAD about this but they don’t want to attack the settlement where Maglor’s infant children are, because the kids might get hurt. Also, no matter how messed up the circumstances, Elwing is kinda Maglor’s wife now, and the idea of killing her is weirdly complicated. It is both more and less palatable than it was before…
they hold off as long as they can, but the oath is pushing at them
meanwhile, Elrond and Elros are raised as Earendil’s sons, but there are rumors about the truth
Cue the Third Kinslaying a few years later
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