bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
@nowandgen: I will let you know!
@justinbieber: I’ll be waiting you on it! have fun today! @nowandgen 
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
@nowandgen: Thank you Justin!
@justinbieber: Let me know when you’re around LA so we can celebrate @nowandgen. Drinks on you. It’s the brithday’s law. 
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
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I do kinda enjoy the big family, there’s always something to do with someone. New York is amazing, I’ve got a home there I occasionally stay in. True, but it’s nice there, I’d live there if I even used my own home much. Honestly, I’m the same with Sweden, but I’ll try and make more trips there as well for the new year. Hockey, no, but I’m rather interested in the sport. It is really nice, I know the feeling, it’s kinda why I stay in New York. It’s so big most wouldn’t recognize you without a second glance.
I bet! I don’t have a home there, but I should definitely consider getting one because I love it there! Focus on the future and in what you want to do differently. Do you know how to ice skate? You could totally come to my next game in New York and try it out, just for the fun of it. I can definitely burrow myself in my cap and hoodie and go unnoticed for a good while. But as long as I wish! But definitely way more then in L.A.
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
How many kids you want to have? I don’t think I ever asked you this before. I do know you want kids though. Right? Good news is that I was already going on a private jet, so it won’t a problem to have you tagging along. I’d appreciate the company to be honest. And you’re welcome to stay over at my place unless you really want to stay at an hotel. It’s up to you. It’s not really that funny, it’s just the truth. 
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I don’t know, definitely more then one! I love to have siblings! I won’t go for a football team kinda of answer, but I’d definitely love to have two or three, for sure. How about you Kens? I don’t think we ever talked about kids? Damn, is this a sign of how old we are getting that our conversation themes are getting all grown up stuff? It’s a date then! I’ll love to stay over, if you’re really sure that’s okay with you. I can be a messy dude, but I promise I’ll behave. Or at least I’ll try. You do realize that I’m older then you right? 
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
@nowandgen: Happy birthday to me!!
@justinbieber: @nowandgen Happy birthday to you!! Hope you have an amazing day! 
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
He really is! Well all of them really. It’s amazing how fast kids grow up. I have like two days before heading back to New York for a photo shoot, I’ll be behind the camera so I’m pretty excited about it! I’ll be in NY for about a week and a half before I’m back to LA. How about you? I’m up to make an effort to find the time. Do I look like I need you to pay for any of my meals Bieber? Really? Get over yourself kid. 
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I got the same exact feeling with my siblings. It’s crazy! That’s amazing Kens! How bad would it be to have a plus one on that flight to New York I was supposed to go there anyway, not this soon, but I could make it work. What do you say? Kid?! That one is real funny. 
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
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I’ve got half siblings too from my father. Including them I’m kinda like somewhere in the middle, but I’ve got a rather large family. If you get the chance you’ll love him, he’s a great guy. We stay in New York. Exactly and Canada is a swell place, I’ve been there a couple times for filming. Yeah, it is nice to be seen as just some kid over some big time celebrity sometimes. I totally get that.
Big families are the best, mine could be bigger that I wouldn’t mind. I’m sure I will! I love New York, I go there a lot. It is! Most actors that I know filmed at least once in Canada. It’s home. So I will always love it there. I don’t visit as much as I should though. Planning on going more often this year though, already have a couple of hockey games scheduled and everything, ever tried? Hockey I mean. Exactly. It’s refreshing to get treated like any other guy my age would be. 
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
“Hey, I thought this was a judge-free zone. Where’s all of this coming from, man?”
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Oh I’m sorry! How’s that splinter though? Want me to kiss it better?
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
Just after reading Justin’s command to open the door, she locked her phone, pushing the pile of blankets off of herself and standing up. Stretching her arms above her head before sauntering over to the front door. It was a bit cool outside, but still bearable. She turned the doorknob, pulling it open and blinking a few times, getting used to the light from outside. She smirked, watching her best friend waddle up the driveway with more bags than he probably could manage. It had been a while since she had seen him and even though they’ve known each other for years, she still got that bright smile and flushed cheeks when he was around.“You just had to by the whole store, huh?” She giggled, reaching out to take some of the bags from him. “Is there any more in there?” She nodded towards his car. Selena turned around, stepping back inside the house. 
He was already half way there when Selena opened the door for him, bags literally hanging everywhere. Some hanging on his arms and holding a few more in his arms causing him trouble to watch where he was stepping into. "You know me" he grinned, managing a shrug even with all he was carrying. "No, I've got everything. And the pizzas should be here soon as well" Justin replied on his way inside her place, not taking the time to head into the kitchen and placing everything over the living room table. By the corner of his eye he caught sight of the pile of blankets that were already on the couch that looked like she just got up from. Turning his gaze back to her he couldn't help the wide smile on his face and he could swear that his heart just skipped a beat.. "Missed you!" He quickly declared stepping forward to greet her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Just dig in, I think I got most of your favorites besides what you asked me" he gestured to all the paper bags with tons of junk food inside as the doorbell rang. He quickly took care of it, deducing it would the pizzas, and in less then a couple of minutes he was already back with two huge boxes of extra cheese pizzas in his hands. "And we got pizza!"
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
That makes two of us. I decided not to have any resolutions at all. That sounds interesting. I recently started on coloring books actually. A friend told me it helps with stress and stuff, so I give it a try and turned out quite found of it. A road trip? That sounds amazing, and unfortunately not something I’m able to do without a crazy ton of security on my tail. Where would you like to go on your road trip?
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So, maybe I don’t have New Year’s Resolutions this year but, I might have decided on some new things to try this year. I’ve gotten into scrap-booking so I have a shit ton of stuff for that and now I’m collecting stickers. I’m also thinking to try sketching so I have a couple sketch books. First draws of people passed out from New Year’s. Lastly, I wanna plan a crazy road trip, I just need someone to tag along. Any takers?
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
“I thought you were tougher then that Cara, complaining about a splinter? But next time go for the fork”
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They should have a warning label for Chopsticks. I wanted to use them with my noodles and I got a fucking splinter. A splinter for christs sake! What a way to start my fucking day.
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
“Right? I just hope she doesn’t realize, otherwise she’ll kick my ass. I’ll be happy to help you, I’ll start looking for more quotes to have in case you need them, I don’t charge a lot.”
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“You do that, I’ll manage whatever you might charge dude, no worries. How was New Years?” 
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
Shut up you idiot! With kids the house imediatelly feels more full. I can’t really explain it. We did the Santa act and they all totally buy it! Mason might be the only one to get suspicious I’d say, but he hasn’t totally lost faith on Santa yet. I believe it’s since my 2016 birthday party, yes! You really should. 
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Mason must be so big since I last saw him. Oh man, how good was when we still believed in Santa. Those were magical times. I’ll do that. What have you been up to lately? How worked up is your schedule already? We should totally hang out sometime soon. You’ll be the one paying for our meals though, just saying. 
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
No, I’m super sweet! I mean, sometimes.. You’re very welcome, I always keep your interests in mind. That Tom kid looks adorable, though. So, you would be totally up to watch Roman Holiday with me as well then? Yeah, you’re not. I don’t know how you can share your food. It’s too good to share. Smart idea. Okay, I’ll set everything up. But make sure you bring your black sweater, the comfy one. I wanna wear it and that’s my favorite. We might end up shutting down the internet if we do that. So I’m down. 
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When you want to be, you’re sweet. Right... Adorable?! Fine, as long as we get to watch the movie that Tom dude can be whatever you like. Now you pushing it. We could trade that one for The Notebook. I know you love it just as much as I do. And Ryan Gosling is hot. Curiously enough I’m wearing it right now, so that’s another check on my list. If you’re down, I’m down. Game on. Jelena fans will flip shit. I might post a throwback on insta just because. Open your door, I’m grabbing all the bags from my trunk and won’t be able to ring your bell.
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
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Trust me, I pig out on Christmas and sometimes on New Years as well. That does sound like fun, so are you siblings older, younger or are you the middle? It was nice just seeing my family again, and all in one place. I only really see my brother, Alexander cause we live in the same city. I also met up with some old friends which was great.
They’re both younger then me. Jaxon and Jazmyn. They’re my half siblings, only from my father actually. Oh that’s right, Alexander! I don’t think I’ve met him before. Where do you guys live? That’s for sure the best part, get to be with your family and meet old friends. I always love when I get to go back to Canada because of that. Specially my at my grandparents neighborhood, I’m just that kid Justin, and not the Justin Bieber, and I love that. 
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bieberjustinla-blog · 7 years
‘You’re one heartbreak closer to happily ever after’?! That’s some deep shit dude, but in the end of the day you were being a good friend though, even if you were quoting Wizards of Waverly Place. I’m definitely setting your number as a call-in-case-of-a-break-up. Not that I’m gonna need it in the future since I’m single. But still. 
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“My friend and her boyfriend just broke up and she called me crying and I was all like “You’re going to fall in love so many times before you find the one you’ll be forever. So think of it this way; you’re one heartbreak closer to happily ever after.” and I think she thought I was being deep and insightful, but really I was quoting Wizards of Waverly Place.”
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