big-bad-wolf-99 · 5 years
Social anxiety is not necessarily having huge panic attacks when you’re in a crowd.
It is, a lot of the time, little things that are usually easy just being complete hell on earth, like:
Crying just thinking about having to give a presentation in class
Not playing games or participating in fun activities (even with your friends) because you’re afraid you’ll be terrible at it and people will judge you
Having to rehearse your order at the restaurant a hundred times
And counting your money 10 times to make sure you have enough (even though you have plenty)
Being overly concerned about the way you look because you think people are judging you
Feeling anxious every time someone laughs because they’re definitely laughing at you oh god
Getting nervous about coming late to school because you’ll have to get in class and everyone will look at you
Crying a little when someone says you’re wrong or screams at you (especially in front of other people)
Not knowing what to talk about even with friends that have a lot of things in common with you
Feeling uncomfortable being in the front row in class or at the cinema because you think everyone is staring at you
Thinking and rehearsing for 5 minutes the simple things you’ll have to say in class (like “here” or “yes, I did my homework”)
Being afraid that the teacher will ask you something in class
Being embarrassed of something you did or said literally months ago (that probably wasn’t so bad)
Pushing people away when they show any type of interest because they’re definitely making fun of you and actually hate you
Going out of your way to avoid someone in public because you actually cannot talk to them
Biting you tongue or lips or clenching your fists or digging your nails into you leg when you’re embarrassed
Being scared of being alone with only 1 person because you don’t know what to do or say
Constantly hating yourself because you can’t do easy things like having a small conversation
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
Interviewer: What part of your morning routine takes the longest?
Minho: Finding the will to live.
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
Felix: *gasps*
Minho: What?
Felix: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in spanish?
Minho: What the fuck?
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
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✿ like/reblog if save ✿ credit @editionsiconx
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
You’d be surprised how much more motivation you have if you pretend you’re on a hidden camera show and your fav idol is watching and being proud of how hard you work 😂
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
im acting like a bad bitch with resting bitch face whilst walking to uni but really im listening to chewing gum
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
Get into: Dreamcatcher, CLC, and Loona
Here are some videos to help you get into Dreamcatcher, CLC, and Loona. Most of these have Eng Subs, and some of them are just funny videos. I’ll probably update this list as time goes by; As Loona hasn’t even debut yet, and Dreamcatcher debuted a year ago
!! I do not own any videos on this list !!
YouTube accounts that do Eng Subs For Dreamcatcher: Woaini Handong | 7 Dreamers | Dream Subs 
-Chase me part switch
-Fact in star (Chase me era) (Eng Sub)
-Dreamcatcher’s Hatching out (Eng Sub)
-Dreamcatcher Profiles, written by the members (Eng Sub)
-Dreamcatcher plays Board Games (Eng Sub)
-After School Club (Good Night era)
-Fact In star (Good Night era) (Eng Sub)
-Fly High part switch (Eng Sub)
-Fact in star (Fly high era) (Eng Sub)
-After School Club (Fly High era)
-Star Interview (Eng Sub)
-A memeful intro to Dreamcatcher
YouTube accounts that do Eng Sub for CLC: Cheshires Subs | Vanilla Cupcake | Sornwife
-After School Club 
-Weekly idol (Eng Sub)
-Seungyeon hidden camera prank (Eng Sub)
-Hobgoblin goodbye stages (Eng Sub): Part 1 | Part 2
-Manglidan Street Tour (Eng Sub)
-Fact in star 
Loona’s videos are normally released with Eng Subs already, but here are some YouTube accounts that do Eng Subs for Loona videos that don’t have subs already: LoonaSubs | How To Loonatic
-Play list of all the Loona TV videos
-Live 1/3 Q&A (Eng Sub)
-Fact in star 1/3 (Eng Sub)
-Fact In star OEC (Eng Sub)
-OEC Sweet Crazy Love Part Switch (Eng Sub)
-OCE Profiles (Eng Subs): Jinsoul | KimLip | Choerry
-Kim Lips birthday V live feat Chuu (Eng Sub)
-Guide to Loona
-Loona inside jokes
-Amazon echo: Loona edition
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
hyunjin, minho and felix’s choreography is art
reblog if you agree
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
Soon we’ll have the most iconic debut 🐰🐱🕊️🐸🦌🦉🐟🦇🦆🐧🦋🐺
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
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What we all didn’t know we needed! BLESS ASC MY BABY IS GETTING HIS TIME IN THE SPOT LIGHT
I’m literally bouncing up and down, I’m so happy!!! 
(Pic from ASC twitter)
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
kim seungmin appreciation post
min cause we need it badly
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this is savage murder king kim seungmin
appreciate him
the end lol
but no like
to start off
can we just acknowledge, before anything else, just how hard minnie worked to even be a trainee?
like he actually cried when he told his parents he wanted to pursue singing and be an idol
and he had to study really hard in school in order to not only convince them, but prove to them that he could do it
not to mention the fact that he’s really diligent in training 
like he’s so dedicated to filling out his trainee journal
he kept working on it even after the others stopped
every. single. day he’d record what he did, what he learned, what he could improve on
it just proves how hard he works
like i know his nickname is snail and it fits him like a frickin glove 
but he always tries his hardest and puts forward his best
also fans gave him the nickname ‘sunshine’ 
and i could not agree more
I mean look at him
like just look at the way his cheeks go squish when he smiles
like he’s all soft and cUTE and SWEET
and you just wanna give him a hug and some hot cocoa w extra whip cream + sprinkles
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(photo by piece of cake)
but also like the crazed look in his eyes when he’s about to do something
it’s the literal definition of white girl crazy
he smiles that evil evil evil smile
and flames light up in his eyes that spell out, in gothic, cursive font
‘white girl crazy’
i know what it looks like trust me
and seungmin hAS IT
like no one knows what’s gonna happen
is he gonna murder someone? 
is he gonna troll fans again?
is jeongin gonna get strangled with love?
it’s a free for all, really
like when he did that aegyo thing for food
and it was so bad they had to censor it to save face
i nearly bust a lung watching that
i legit have it saved in drafts i watch it like once a week
he’s got such a good sense of humor
like for FUCKS SAKE
at kcon
it’s the first time he’s in the states since like FOURTH GRADE
and he’s like
“oh yeah i really miss the cheetos”
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(photo by s2ung min lsv2)
what a nerd omg he can’t get any better of a person than this
that legit just solidified his place on my ults list
like carved in into freakin sTONE
also his vOICE
soft and sharp and beautiful and magnificent
it reminds me of like a hidden river in a forest
weirdly specific but its just so crisp and clear and BEAUTIFUL
not to mention he made young wings his literal bitch
like he owns that song, no ifs ands or buts
on the topic of his voice
it’s actually really soothing to listen to
even when he’s not singing
like it’s not like asmr or anything weird but 
he just sounds like a close friend you’ve known for years
he’s got that chill friend vibes
like the one who shows up at your house, no questions asked, with pints of ice cream and some toilet paper so you can tee-pee a fuckers house
also his giggles
it’s also really cute that his voice gets nasally when he’s not paying attention
he nags a lot tbh but the vOICE just makes it so damn funny
not to mention he never hesitates to slap a bitch
honestly idk how hyunjin and jisung managed to survive even a week as his roommates
like it’s a miracle he hasn’t snapped 
ngl it’s probably because woochan steps in before it gets messy
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remember happiness train?
he tried to hit binnie w a coke bottle
tldr; don’t mess w minnie
he’ll nag ur ear off then rip ur dick off 
he’s a softie but he’s a savage softie
minho taught him well
speaking on minhoE
minnie was absolutely bawling when he when he was eliminated
he did the same with felix
the boys also say he tends to be emotional
and i know that’s something everyone teases him for it a lot
the fact that he’s a ‘crybaby’ and all
but it’s honestly amazing, to me, that seungmin is so in touch with his emotions
especially with his personality
seungmin is NOT a pushover 
he feels more with his heart than his head, but he’s still savage
he’ll still beat a bitch up
he’ll still roast you because you need to be roasted
he’ll still put someone in their place if need be
but at the end of the day
he’s still caring
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seungmin is a prime example of how being ‘vulnerable’ isn’t being ‘weak’
i honest to god hope younger fans (especially younger male fans) see him and look up to him and
just realize that it’s alright to make yourself ‘vulnerable’ at points
because you can still be ‘strong’ in the long run
i hope he’s seen as a role model for that
so people can see and understand that crying and being empathetic and in touch w your emotions is STRONG
so appreciate our savage, hardworking, emotional ~sunshine~ king
because he deserves the world 
and more but we’ll work on that later
woojin | bang chan | lee know | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin | I.N
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
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M + M
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
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LOONA challenge: 1 bias
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
Idols = normal humans
Thank you for your attention 👍
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big-bad-wolf-99 · 6 years
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school moodboard
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