big-brained-blog · 11 years
What are we celebrating?
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Alright people!
Let’s party! 
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
"Yeah. Xavier." Hank nodded, looking up as he realized what Steve had just said. "Use myself as an experiment?" He knew it was risky, but there weren't a lot of options. Lab rats weren't mutants, and he definitely could not ask someone else to do this for him. "It'll be fine. I will double check and triple check before doing something like that."
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
Steve appreciated the topic change.  There were very few people he managed to ever talk about sex with, without a constant blush ruining it.  One day he figured he’d get past that.  ”Charles, huh?”  He’d never actually talked to the man, but he seemed to have a connection with just about every mutant at the school.  ”How do you plan to test your serum, to see if it’ll work?”  Steve couldn’t say anything against it, not really.  He didn’t like his size much when he was younger, and a serum was what brought him here.  The most he could do without sounding like a hypocrite, was to ask questions.
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
Hank smiled, surprised to see someone as allergic to sex as he was, even more so, he noted the blush in Steve's cheeks. He decided to drop the subject to avoid embarrassing the man. "Not really. I'm developing this serum that will suppress the mutant gene in terms of physical appearance. It's not really going anywhere yet. I finished this really big project for Charles, so I guess I'm giving myself a little break."
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
Steve shook his head quickly, and covered his face for a second before looking back up.  ”Oh God no.  I ran away even faster.”  He laughed lightly watching the doodle come out on paper, it was an accurate enough interpretation.  ”So, besides the shield, any other projects you working on?”  Honestly he was interested, he liked to hear about science coming together, even if he didn’t totally understand the field.
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
Hank laughed, shaking his head slightly at the image. "What did you do? Don't tell me you slept with all of them." He smirked, doodling a small Steve running away from a crowd of angry girls on the paper. "Yes. Exactly." He nodded; his sincerity falling across his face again.
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
“That’s true.” Hank nodded, “You ran through what…?” The boy couldn’t control his laughter, “Angry bridesmaids?” He smirked, shaking his head. “Hey, no problem. Give me a new project to work on.” Hank’s smile was genuine, lighting up his eyes, a smile that doesn’t always happen.
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
"That's true." Hank nodded, "You ran through what...?" The boy couldn't control his laughter, "Angry bridesmaids?" He smirked, shaking his head. "Hey, no problem. Give me a new project to work on." Hank's smile was genuine, lighting up his eyes, a smile that doesn't always happen.
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
“Yeah? It’s okay. I’ll help balance things out, pretty uncompetitive, except for football.” Hank winced, “Sorry about that. Can’t control…” Hank shrugged, looking away. “I understand that. No guns yet.”
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
"Yeah? It's okay. I'll help balance things out, pretty uncompetitive, except for football." Hank winced, "Sorry about that. Can't control..." Hank shrugged, looking away. "I understand that. No guns yet."
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
“Could get pretty competitive.  I think I know who to ask, so we’ll get you out of the lab for an afternoon.”  Steve smiled, and rolled his shoulders back when he was hit, a reaction he didn’t know why he had.  ”That’s quite a grip.  But no, not a huge fan.  Not against them, just don’t want to get used to carrying one on me too soon.”
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
"Right. Just for fun. I know I would need the push to atually get out of this lab." Hank smiled, nodding as he wondered who would be interested in joining for a bit of fun. "A gun? Not a big fan then? I promise I'll see to it, Steve." He clapped a hand on the other boy's shoulder, rather hardly for Hank barely knew his own strength.
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
Steve laughed lightly, dipping his head down for a moment.  ”Maybe we could just get a group of people together instead, less commitment, which most here prefer.”  He nodded as Hank spoke, not having much more to input on the matter.  It came to the science parts now, which were not his forte.  ”If you can, that’d be great.  Just, make sure they don’t try to install a gun somewhere.” Knowing them, it was a valid concern.
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
"That's the spirit." Hank smiled happily, turning back to the sketch on his hands. "Ultimate Frisbee? You should get a team together, I know I miss playing that game even though I was really bad at it." Hank laughed, looking at his abnormally large hands. The boy had to pause to think about that question. "Not if you want it to be a great A weapon. I can talk to Tony or Shield for you. Maybe they got something stored up we can experiment with."
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
“I’m glad to help! I had a fun time teaching Thor, and I assure you’re a better student. I know it.” Hank smiled, “Right.” He crossed out the design, and drew a circle. “Like a Frisbee.” He smirked, quickly sketching a 3D curve, “Concavo-convex.”
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
"I'm glad to help! I had a fun time teaching Thor, and I assure you're a better student. I know it." Hank smiled, "Right." He crossed out the design, and drew a circle. "Like a Frisbee." He smirked, quickly sketching a 3D curve, "Concavo-convex."
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
“You really don’t need to go through the trouble of it.”  Steve said, waving it off.  He wouldn’t mind a DVD player, since he should have had one for years now, but he’d get one in time.  ”A shield could work.”  He moved next to Hank, watching what design he started drawing out.  ”Maybe a circle would work?  Not so many course edges on it.”  They tended to be easier to work with than other shapes, too.
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
"Right." Hank completely forgot about the time lapse, it must be hard on Steve, he knew Thor had a happy time learning about a completely different culture, but that was different. "I can get you one if you want. Raven's really good with movies and stuff, I can ask her about what you really need to know." Hank smiled, "Maybe it's a good thing, they don't make a lot of good movies now. Or, music either." He shrugged, pausing and bringing a piece of paper closer to him. "Defensive? So, a shield then?" He thought about wooden medieval shields, iron large shields, and... Hank started drawing a pentagon, crossing it out and scratching it. Too bulky.
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
“Me too, though most of the tapes my mom bought were old movies.  A DVD player might help me catch up on a few movies everyone’s been talking about the last decade.”  He said, chuckling lightly.  The whole pop culture genre was still a mystery to him, anything made past 2000 wasn’t so commonly made into tapes anymore.  ”Haven’t seen Tony around.” Steve replied, shaking his head.  ”That’s not the kind of weapon I’d want anyways.  Maybe something more defensive?”  Offense he had covered well enough, and he’d rather not resort to carrying a gun around on him.
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
"No. I love them. Used to watch disney movies with my sister, all the time." Hank smiled, "We should get you a dvd player. I know that Thor really enjoys blu-ray." Hank blinked at the strange request, but he smiled at the potential of it. "A weapon? What type of weapon? Guns? Knives? I'm not an expert on military stuff, have you tried Tony?" Hank would love to go all out on this project, but he knew that Stark had more experience with such things.
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
Steve laughed along, knowing how outdated it is.  ”I brought it with me when I came here.  Still have tapes, too.  That’s technology I can understand.”  He looked towards the papers Hank was patting, waiting a beat before he said anything.  ”Can I ask you a favor, Hank?  I was wondering if you could help me get a weapon of some sort.”  It wasn’t what he came here for, but it’d had been on his mind for a while now.  Bare strength couldn’t get you as far as you would think.
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
"You have a VCR? I haven't seen that in... years." Hank laughed, leaning back on his stool, and trying not to wince as Steve surveyed his mess. "Just finished one for Charles, tying some lose ends and showing it to him later on how it actually works. But he's busy, so I have to somehow sneak it into his schedule." Hank smiled, patting the stack of papers. "But for now, not really."
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
Following the motion, Steve sat down across from Hank.  He glanced around the room, looking at what normally he’d consider a mess.  Something about the science element of it, made it seem different.  ”Compared to the VCR I still have, this is all pretty top-notch.”  Steve replied with a short smile, and a joking tone, even if it was the truth.  ”Working on any experiments lately?”
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
Hank laughed happily, shaking his head. "No, it's okay. If you don't mind the mess, I can't have you cleaning for me." He gathered up a bunch of papers and shoved it to the side, so that they would have a clean space. He motioned a stool to Steve, telling him to sit. "This building is really not that impressive, especially this little tiny room. You should see the experiment rooms though, that's where all the impressive gadgety stuff is." He smiled, sitting on the stool opposite of Steve.
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
“Just checking out the building, haven’t been here before.”  Steve replied, lifting his hand in a short wave.  He could easily tell the other wasn’t flustered, to say the least.  ”You really don’t need to clean anything on my account, but I can help if you’d like?”  He asked, moving towards a bundle of papers that had fallen off a desk.  Steve carefully moved them exactly as-is onto the table top, not wanting to disturb an order to them, if there was one.  
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
Hank worked furiously at the stain, muttering to himself to never use that type of substance again. He jumped up when someone said his name, turning around and clutching at his heart. "Steve!" He stood up, clutching a dirty rag in his hand. He looked around nervously, no idea what the other guy was doing in the same room. "Umm... Hey. What are you doing here?" Hank juggled the rag in his hands, not knowing to do with them, social conversations were never his type of thing. He quickly threw the rag into the sink. "Sorry... Let me clean up a bit. I don't usually have visitors." He was flustered, shoving papers, and trying to throw the cold pizza out.
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
Today was the first time he’d even step foot inside the science building.  Countless times he was told about it, by a few people, what great technologies it had, and the people that tended to spend their time there.  Steve of course didn’t know what most of the machines he walked past did, but he could appreciate their value to those who did.  His walk inside was mainly one just to see around, maybe bump into someone he knew, nothing important to be done at the moment.  As Steve made his way around, he did see someone familiar.  He knew Hank from the football team, but as far as he could remember, they never held conversation.  A bit torn between not wanting to bother him from whatever work he might be doing, but still wanting to talk to the other, he settled with a brief “Hey.”
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
Concavo-convex || Steve & Hank
After a morning of wandering outside his lab, filled with fresh air and actual food, Hank inched back into his home. The artificial light felt comforting, harsh and critical upon his face. It was nice. The half eaten cold pizza, the coffee mugs half washed half not in the sink with the chemicals he used to stain the brain samples, and the pieces of blueprints of "Cerebro". He loved it here, except the sticky mysterious substance on the floor. Sighing, Hank picked up the mop, and started cleaning. One project done, now he needed to find something else to entertain himself. He felt too wired to drop what he was doing. This was state of the art facility, he never had that before, and he wanted to live here. Just breathe and live science every second, he went on his knees to scrub the stain out. Grunt work, the not so glorious side of a scientist. Hank smirked privately to himself, wondering what new thing his mind would come up with.
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big-brained-blog · 11 years
You train? That's... really cool. And sketching. Wow. I wish I was that creative.
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In a way…
What relaxes you then? I have my science, you?
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