bigboybigsby · 6 months
When Jesus saw the breadth of his domain he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.
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bigboybigsby · 11 months
Just because Halloween is over does not mean that the spookiness needs to end. It is acceptable all year round to summon demons.
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bigboybigsby · 1 year
Like a little chimpanzee, springing through the trees, I have lost my bananas.
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bigboybigsby · 1 year
One of the governors of New York was a man of Dutch heritage. New York City had been founded by the Dutch. So, not surprising. But, one of his ancestors was a political leader in the Netherlands and then eaten by the local populace. So just a reminder that if you eat the rich, you must make sure their whole family is eaten.
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bigboybigsby · 1 year
“The sword of time will pierce our skins It doesn't hurt when it begins But as it works its way on in The pain grows stronger, watch it grin “
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bigboybigsby · 1 year
Comedy and Tragedy
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bigboybigsby · 1 year
I tried to add a grass spider to my terrarium today. It displayed decent intelligence, so morally I had to release it. Of course,  that poses me with the moral dilemma of general intelligence. Can I morally and ethically keep all other specimens now that I have released one? The isopods and millipedes haven’t shown any interest in whether they stay or leave. Of course, they also didn’t show that they have the ability to know where the exit is like the spider did. should it matter though? Of course, I also cannot find them now, as they are too good at hiding. so I suppose I’ll chalk it up as a moral win. I guess I’m god now.
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bigboybigsby · 1 year
Happy pride month to the tiny cowboy and tiny Trojan man from Night at the Museum
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bigboybigsby · 1 year
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bigboybigsby · 1 year
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This is who the civil war was fought over? They really couldn’t find a sexier man?
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bigboybigsby · 1 year
Did this 1930's Soviet made anti NAZI propaganda film set in 13th Century Russia just make a KKK reference? If so, at least it portrayed them as the bad guys.
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bigboybigsby · 1 year
Quick, while Jesus is gone we can eat ham!
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bigboybigsby · 2 years
I had my car broken into at my apartment. It's whatever. But the things they stole meant something to me in a very odd way. So, what they tried to steal was cigarettes. Of course, I haven't smoked in about 5 years. So why did I have a pack of cigarettes in my car for someone to steak? Well, it was just the box. A few weeks ago I was walking to my car from the grocery store. All of a sudden the wind picked up and I heard a noise behind me. It was a half pack of cigarettes running up to me. It was not a brand I had ever heard of. Montclair. The odd thing to me was that it was the name of the main character of the book I'm writing. So I grabbed them, looked around, and kept them. Awhile later I had something in my pocket. It was a little friend. Gnome "the Rock" Johnson. I thought to myself that it would be funny if I put him in the pack and offered cigarettes to people at work and it just ended up being a gnome. Flash forward to this past Wednesday, someone broke into my car to steal the pack of cigarettes they saw. Of course, they had to of opened the pack to find a gnome. I find that hilarious. They also didn't find and steal the extremely ornate knife I had in my car. I wish I could have my stuff back, but I also wish I saw their face as they opened the same pack they already tried to steal another time, just to find a gnome inside. Right now my neighbor and I have baited our cars with cigarettes and weed to catch the fiend. I want my stuff back, and hopefully this will help.
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bigboybigsby · 2 years
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bigboybigsby · 2 years
For all those who have trouble quitting smoking, the urge will never leave you. All those moments where you used to smoke will still make you want a puff. Every song you hear where you’d take a rip will still make you want to take a hit. Ever cruise will make you want to burn one. Every beer will make you want to light up. well, I’m proud of you for resisting. I haven’t smoked in 5 years, and I couldn’t be happier. Of course I’d love to buy a pack of camels, and smoke them all. But I know I can’t. Because I quit. I no longer smoke. And You should say the same thing. It will hurt, and you’ll want to light up. But you shouldn’t. I’ll be proud of you.
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bigboybigsby · 2 years
You walk through the valley of shadows, I set up a nice picnic under a shadow in the valley and share a nice tiramasu with death. We are not the same.
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bigboybigsby · 2 years
Music often evokes certain emotions, be it happy, sad, excited, what have you. The music of Joe Hisaishi, in my opinion, is the closest music can actually come to an emotion, that being bittersweet. To me, bittersweet may very well be the most powerful emotion. The perfect melding of happy and sad make for the most overwhelmingly confusing feeling, that simultaneously encapsulates true nature at its core. The innocence and brutality of nature is both beautiful and ugly, horrid and necessary. It is sad that the lion must kill, but it is good that it may live.
Joe Hisaishi was the composer for the Miyazaki films. In particular, the music for spirited Away, and Howl’s Moving Castle both bring on such strong emotion for me anytime I here it. The films themselves also bring out this emotion, but they are just completely elevated to a whole new level by the music. It’s like being enveloped in a warm Sunday afternoon, or the last day of a great vacation. It’s the sadness in knowing something is over with the happiness that such a great thing happened.
If I had to describe bittersweet, I would play the main theme of Howl’s Moving Castle, and One summer’s Day from Spirited Away.
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