bigbroichinii · 7 years
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Tousute Extra: Marshmallows (May 19, 2016)
Tsurumaru may have started this experiment, but let’s face it― Mikazuki’s the one who you should really be wary of here! Because I have this feeling that wasn’t what Hasebe meant when he held up his hand… XD This is actually the second time Hasebe ate marshmallows in the war council scene. It wasn’t included in the DVD, but the first time they did this, he was only able to take 4 marshmallows, so Wada (Hasebe’s actor) was quite proud that he improved. ^^
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
@uchigitsune liked for a starter!
How long have they been at this now? An hour or maybe even longer then that? This was indeed an maze in the underground of Osaka Castle. The saniwa had another mission for the touken danshi. That was to go through fifty floors to find a new sword. Which to Ichigo’s delight was one of his younger brothers. They were suppose to bring the blade to the saniwa once they find it and they will bring life into that sword. But sadly he and another sword, who is part of the Awataguchi group name Nakigitsune, were separated from the group. From what he remember what happen, the ground under the two collapsed and both fell into the lower parts of this underground maze. Once Ichigo got to his feet then dusted himself off, he looked over at the white haired uchigatana and asked:
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“ Are you alright? You’re not injured, are you? “
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
@fukuseii liked for a starter!
It was Ichigo’s first time working with the hooded blade with today chores. It was just a simple task of cleaning out one of the rooms so the saniwa can summon new swords to the citadel. At first, Ichigo didn’t speak to the blonde blade. The uchigatana didn’t seem the type of wanting to make small talk. While he wasn’t unfriendly as Ookurikara, Yamanbagiri does seem a little distance from talking to others. Maybe he is just shy. Even his younger brothers couldn’t tell. But isn’t it best to get along while working together with the saniwa? Once the tachi was done sweeping the floor with a broom, he notice one of the boxes was a little heavy for the blonde uchigatana. Ichigo lays the broom against a near by wall and walks over to Yamanbagiri.
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“ Kunihiro-san, Maybe I should help you with this one. ” He offered.  
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
// Like this post for a starter. All starters will be one paragraph long! I might not post these till sometime after I finish washing clothes and watched the new episode of Katsugeki/tkrb!
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
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damn right I REFUSE to be the only responsible parent here
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
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               {  hello, hello! this is wolfie back at it again with another sword boy blog! this time it’s for the very loving and tiny toushirou brother, mouri! he’s fun-loving and energetic, will always stick up for the little people ( even if he is rather small himself ), and loves listening to stories! could you guys do me a solid and LIKE/REBLOG if you’re down with interacting with this good noodle? icons are still in the works, but i’d love to get the ball rolling! cheers!! 
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
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Ichigo lets out a small defeated sigh. Tsurumaru was right about the chef tachi. And he also knew the crane like sword wasn’t a bad person when it comes to pulling pranks. If anything, he was like a innocence child when he isn’t on the battlegrounds. “ Is that what it was called? This tool is very useful, I agreed with you. But be careful when putting your hand inside of it. You might cut your fingers on those small blades in there. “
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“Mitsu-bou~? Awww, no worries~ That lovely sword hardly gets mad about anything~ Besides, we were only using the blender, which is a surprisingly neat and tidy tool for such a messy task of shredding fruits into pure juice~” Tsuru gave Ichi an assuring wink. He might be quite a prankster, but he knows his limits, and what other people’s limits are to his surprises as well.
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
The cyan tachi watched as the younger blade push the sleeve upward to his forearm. Ichigo never did like the idea of someone making a fuss over him when it comes to his own injures. He could take care of itself. Why is the elder brother acting this way? It could be a lot of reasons. Either it was knowing his role as the oldest or due to the events when he was retemper. Ichigo didn’t have a good answer to give if he was asked this.
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“ I think he was playing with the horses. Then one of them must have gotten scared and it was about to run out of the stables. I tried to clam it down till it pull it’s head to the right and, with the lead rope in my hands, my arm lightly touch a near by pitchfork. It was no one’s fault of course. I know I should have been more careful when dealing scared animals. ” 
continued from here, @bigbroichinii​
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Yagen immediately held up Ichigo’s arm and gently yet swiftly pulled the sleeve up, revealing a very long cut that ran up the tachi’s arm. It wasn’t deep thankfully, but there was a significant amount of bleeding. The tantou’s eyes widened a bit before it softened into a calm yet concerned look as the blade took out a roll of bandages to wrap the other’s arm with. 
“Are you sure? What were you running through to get such an injury?”
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
"What've you done this time?"
Clumsy Starters
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“ Well…I may have follow Tsurumaru-dono to make sure he wasn’t getting into trouble again. But I somehow got a cut on my arm when chasing after him. B-but please don’t worry, Yagen-kun. It’s nothing to worry about, it will heal on it’s own. “
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
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“ Who I was doesn’t matter to me anymore  It’s about who I can be now that I was given a second chance     Who I am now does matter to me even more       It’s about what I can do now that I have a bigger reason to keep on fighting         So I’ll proof to you and myself that I can still be me while protecting those I love “
           Indie, semi-selective, semi-private, Ichigo Hitofuri roleplay blog
                      Banner by shokudaikasai | Poem by Amber(me)
                                 [ Personals do NOT reblog~! ]
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
Clumsy Starters
*trips over their own feet*
*walks into you*
*accidentally drops _____ on you*
*falls down the stairs*
*treads on your foot*
*accidentally hits you*
"I'm sorry I'm so clumsy"
"Dexterity isn't my strong suit"
"I think I broke _____ "
"I had a disagreement with the floor"
"The step appeared from nowhere"
"You're the clumsiest person I know"
"Are you okay?"
"How did you get that bruise?"
"What've you done this time?"
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
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While being careful with the tea leaves just before adding the hot water, a voice reach his ears that cause him look over his shoulder. The master? Hmm, maybe she needed something? There weren’t many swords here today with a lot of events going on and such. 
Even his brothers should be having a good time as they went on a trip with a few other swords. Ichigo sadly couldn’t go with them as he had to tend his own duties for the citadel.
Maybe even plan a surprise for them once they return? But of course it wasn’t the kind of surprise Tsurumaru would do. But he has been working on his cooking skills to help him get over his small fear of being around fire. 
Even if he didn’t remember all of it, the nightmares Osaka Castle’s flames can still haunt him to this day.
“ Oh, Aruji-san! I was making you a cup of tea. I thought it would help you a little if you were...um, if you weren’t feeling too well. You don’t mind do you? “ 
He asked as the cyan haired blade stop what he was doing. Again, his elder brother instincts were acting up again. Might be a little bad habit since he was use to worrying about his younger brothers. Then again, he couldn’t help not to worry about the saniwa like he does for the younger ones. He does owe a lot to her and for looking out his family while he is away on missions. 
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“ I can fix you something else for you if you like if it’s not tea you want. But I can only do so much, um cooking wise of course. “ 
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“Returning to my room,” she said—
A pang of pain lingered slightly in her chest, especially at the thought of going into her own room. A place where even worse thoughts would linger on and on endlessly—
Her mind was already preoccupied with thoughts, especially of one who is no longer around. Perhaps, it was just an unconscious sense, but she avoided her own room entirely and wandered aimlessly slow in the citadel. Luckily, due to festivities going around, it was rather empty—a serene kind of peace.
She didn’t want to bother Ichigo, as he was already very nice and caring by nature. Perhaps it was a sword’s job to care for their master, but even till this day, Shion never felt that she deserved it. Although, she took the job to be a saniwa, she never once felt that she was of any importance.
A lot was weighing on her, especially since she had to convince her family to be a saniwa in the first place, but also just to chase the illusion of getting closer to her already deceased mother.
“For the sake of the family” only if it goes well…
It was also some time around spring when she came to a nearly empty citadel save for her and her first sword… Spring certainly had its way of making her life one full of beginnings and one full of endings.
Lost in thought all the way until she went into the kitchen—
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❛ Ah— …. I didn’t know you were in the kitchen. ❜
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
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Once he was given the permission he needed from Jin, the shoji paper door open and Ichigo enters his master’s room. He could tell from the mess in his room that he has been working hard since the request for fireflies were asked for. From day to night the master has been working hard for new swords and new resources for their fight against the historical revisionists army.
Looks like Hasebe would have to clean this up again if he would ever see this display. But Ichigo chose to hold his words for now. He knew Jin might be displease or would have a few words to say if the tachi where to say anything about the master’s messy room.
Ichigo first said nothing as he walks over to where his master was. He looked around to see if there were any space left for the tray. When he couldn’t find any, he asked:
“ Where will you be eating tonight, Aruji-san? “
花 — It’s a tedious and boring task but the assignment sent from the Ministry of Defense forced his hand in participating in this ‘game’. The time his army spends on collecting these fireflies could have been used to find more revisionist strongholds. Nevertheless, the saniwa is unable to question his orders for the time being.
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The familiar voice of the cyan tachi reaches his ears as soft taps clatter upon the wood of the shoji doors. Dinner? Is it that time already? Jin looks to the opened windows and notices that darkness had already enveloped the gardens.
Perhaps he has been too preoccupied with his novel to notice the passage of time. He places the book on the table where it lays with its completed compatriots. “Come in.”
As the aroma slithers beyond the partition, Jin remembers who he assigned for cooking duty. That explains the delectable scent.
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
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“ Haha, forgive me. I guess I was just used to hearing the other swords saying things like this. I will try to remember your words. “ Ichigo knew his master was very kind to him, his brothers and the other swords in citadel. Yuuki, the saniwa, has never treated them like tools for war or just mere objects with human bodies. He was also very care as a parent to a child in a way. But he would always be grateful to the saniwa for taking care of his younger brother while he was away in missions such as collecting fireflies or making sure history goes untouched by the enemies’s hands.
He really wished the master wouldn’t worried about him. He only had cuts from his clothes, small cuts on his arms and a barely visible cut on his face from an arrow. He was just lucky to move at the right time when he heard the warnings from his comrades. Besides, it suppose to be his job to worry. Comes with being an elder brother and all.
“ I’m sure they will be happy to see you, Aruji-san. Right now everyone is resting and waiting for their turn to recover as well. Which by the way, one of the swords wanted to ask about having more rooms for the repair room. But as you said, we can talk about all of this in the main room if you wish. “ He watched as the crimson eyes looked at the cage at the fireflies, glowing in a pretty yellowish green like. Ichigo couldn’t help but let his mouth form a smile on his face. The saniwa’s eyes remind him of his brothers. The way they were at an aw at the sight of this glowing insects. It was kind of rather enjoying to see from the tachi’s eyes.
“ I’m sure you have your reasons. Some of my brothers don’t get to see that many too often in one area or another. As long it makes them happy, everyone is safe and makes you happy as well for the good result, then that’s all that is matters to me in the end. “ 
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As soon as the soft tapping of fingers against the wood frame of the shoji echoed, the tachi could hear behind the panels paper rustling and the shuffling of fabrics; just as he had finished speaking, the saniwa was sliding the doors open, smiling at the other.
“Ichigo-san.” The look on Yuuki’s face was complex to decipher, a mixture of worry, relief, tiredness, and impatience. “You never bother me, I told you and the others many times.” He had gathered the blades, and forcefully summoned them, constantly sent them to missions they cared little for, or even worse, some that put them in great danger and revived old, painful memories – he truly wished they would understand his hope to see their partnership as a collaboration, more than a vertical hierarchy down which orders were passed.
“I was busy with some letters and paperwork, lost track of the time. It would be better for me to later visit everyone who has returned…” He made a point to always welcome all the warriors back home when they returned from missions, or at least visit them as they underwent reparations, to make sure everyone was well. That time, however, the workload was rather heavy, and he had been absorbed in it, trying to clear as much as possible before more requests came from the government, causing them to pile up. “Let us go to the main room. There are some snacks, and I will make tea, so we can seat and enjoy them while I listen to your report. You deserve a treat before dinnertime for the great work you have done today as well.”
Stepping out and closing the door, the sage made sure to observe the warrior from all angles, in order to ascertain Ichigo had not carelessly prioritized delivering a report rather than taking care of himself. Once satisfied, reddish eyes turned down onto the light bamboo cage filled with fireflies. “Thank you for having brought so many… although it must have been quite the weird task, being sent to gather insects…”
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
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“ An honor? Haha, I am no one special. Though, my brothers would say otherwise. “ The cyan haired tachi said while picking up his own cup. It was true they didn’t speak too often after becoming human. Ichigo does spend more time with his brothers and Tsurumaru when he’s up to no good with his childish pranks. Maybe that was the golden eyed sword’s fault for this. Hopefully he can make it up to the other.
“ I heard Hirano visit you once before I was summon here. He was trying so hard to give you a good gift. ”
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        “Why, company is always welcome. Especially if the company is pleasant―”        Uguisumaru takes the offer, holding the cup delicately,        pausing for a moment, then returning his gaze to the        other tachi. They don’t speak too often, do they?        Having been served by Ichigo so casually was a        wonderful surprise.        “Though with the most pleasant are indeed is busiest. If anything, I feel it rather an HONOR to be able to be the one to join you in something more relaxing.”
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
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“ Yes...But if memory serves me right, it could also lead us to someone getting angry. Namely, Mitsutada-san if you were to mess something up in the kitchen. “ At least Tsurumaru wouldn’t go too far to ruin tonight’s dinner. Maybe? “ Oh, no! I d-didn’t mean that! It’s just...I don’t want you to go and hurt yourself is all. “
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“Ah hah~ Didn’t I ever tell you that there’s no such thing as a ‘bad’ idea~?” Tsuru chuckled as he was blending some strawberries to make juice out of them, to mix with the tea. “What do you meeeaan~? Isn’t having tea with you always an enjoyable thing~?”
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bigbroichinii · 7 years
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// incoming spam threads on your dash, I’m sorry in advance
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