bigfootsbigtits · 21 days
you should really research veganism cause it seems you have a really malformed idea of what it entails and what it means, probably derived by a bunch of tumblr people who don't know what they are talking about. One does not have to have a cultural reason to do something, that is actually a messed up way to look at life. A culture doesn't validate something as right or wrong. You know some native american tribes are so misogynistic that they don't let women talk at their community gatherings? I know this as a native person. not my tribe thank god but i know someone in it. I guess its valid cause they're not white.
i have never heard the term 'factory-farmed soy' cause soy grows outside. (also over 75% of soy is fed to livestock which btw is horrible for the environment due to trophic levels) factory farms refers explicitly to animals and how they are treated like they're in an assembly line stuck in a big warehouse. You cant just use that term willy-nilly.
and on the topic that vegans who buy into the corporate/imperialist structure that is literally the dumbest, most uninformed thing, no offense. BUT FOR REAL. meat eating and animal agriculture is BIG BUSINESS. like oil company big business. they own the politicians. you should look up ag-gag laws. animal agriculture is one of the biggest businesses in the united states alone and it the driving force behind the destruction of the amazon, amongst MANY other environmental crimes. any environmentalist worth their salt will tell you that humans need to go vegan if not meatless if we are going to avert this disaster.
here is an article detailing just how costly a pound of beef is in terms of water. now that is not even touching the amt of land it takes, how much of the actual food we're growing goes to livestock, and not even the sheer cruelty of which these creatures are treated: https://www.latimes.com/food/dailydish/la-dd-gallons-of-water-to-make-a-burger-20140124-story.html
the attack on vegans is a deflection from the facts, they emphasize white because its usually coming from so-called woke circles who think they have some gotcha. (even tho the obvious one is that a lot of non-white people cant even process dairy) when in truth, they generally parrot literally word for word what a far right person would say. its one of the only topics in leftest circles where they go straight to feelings and stereotypes instead of facts. probably because its one of those things you have to act on and not just reblog a post.
Calling vegetarian/veganism a “white people thing” as some fucking racist bullshit lmao
I am Afro-caribbean and Indian. Firstly India has the highest vegetarian population in the world, and in the Caribbean the rastafari have their whole ital movement/diet - which my Jamaican father is a massive believer in.
Y’know what other countries have massive populations of vegetarians and vegans? Mexico. Taiwan. Ethiopia. The fuck do you mean it’s a “white thing”?
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bigfootsbigtits · 2 months
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bigfootsbigtits · 3 months
It has apparently been ten years since the time one of my professors pulled me aside to tell me I had to clean up after making out before going to class because my lipstick was everywhere and I realized "actually my tapdancing group decided we all had to dress like the Joker for our performance" was an infinitely worse explanation so I just said I was sorry
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bigfootsbigtits · 3 months
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bigfootsbigtits · 3 months
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some magazines from my collection📚⛓️🎶🎤
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bigfootsbigtits · 4 months
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bigfootsbigtits · 4 months
Found this on pinterest had to put it here
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Tradwives need to realize the seriousness of the shit they are getting themselves into.
The society isn't all that kind to women.
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bigfootsbigtits · 4 months
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bigfootsbigtits · 4 months
“Your pet would eat you if you died near it” yeah well so would a lot of people. My pet isn’t special. I give them food meal & never let them outside. Are they gonna open wet food themselves when I’m gone? Are you stupid? If I have to be the wet food to buy a little guy some time so be it. Fuck off
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bigfootsbigtits · 4 months
There’s no agenda here. I was just thinking about how I used to walk 45 minutes to school and 45 minutes back every day (eg. I could listen to two full LP albums of music every day) and that I have no idea how common of an experience that is.
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bigfootsbigtits · 4 months
obviously like there is a thousand reblogs on this post about drugs/addictions etc etc. so i apologize if i am reiterating what someone else wrote. im just adding in case someone comes across this and finds it useful
but a lot of people out here demonizing addictions don't realize that addictions come in many forms and most people have something they are addicted to. once you realize that, you can begin to stop moralizing it. like I have an addiction to coffee. i had an addiction to soda. i had an addiction to negative thinking that would cause me to have anxiety, depression, and being unable to fulfill my responsibilities. MANY people, especially where I live have an alcohol addiction. they can't socialize or relax without it and they spend copious amounts of money on it. this doesn't even touch social media addictions.
i guess at the heart of what i am saying is, that these are common. and most of us if not all of us experience an addiction at least once in our lives.
like can you imagine if you, as a housed person, said "oh man im really struggling financially right now I can't pay my bills- my electric is going to be cut off, my car might get repossessed, and I definitely can't afford to get a new laptop after mine broke"
and someone who had a lot more money than you said "I can help you!" and you were like"oh my god great thank you so much-" and then they just offered to take you to olive garden. and you say "hey man that's really nice but I'm actually okay on food right now, I really just need to pay some of these bills. I already got food somewhere else (foodstamps, friends, food pantries) and I really just need money. if you can't do it that's fine but I don't need food"
and the rich person said "you must not really need money or be poor then or else you'd take me up on my offer. I bet you were going to use that money on drugs anyway"
that's what yall sound like when you refuse to give homeless people money & just offer to buy them food
food is great! if you need it and that's what you're asking for. unfortunately food doesn't buy clothes, hygiene products, shelter, pay a phone bill, or yes even buy drugs or alcohol if you're going into detox and can't do so safely without literally dying
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bigfootsbigtits · 4 months
I have the BIGGEST side eye for anyone who says shit like 'celebrities aren't obligated to make political statements' or 'why do you even care what they think?'. Why the fuck would I want to support someone who sees what's happening in Palestine and has the power to inform their audience/fan base and simply doesn't? Why don't they care enough to say anything at all? How do they, as millionaires and billionaires with very real influence whether we want them to have it or not, not want to help? When they see these people suffering and begging to just survive, how do they continue about their lives and not WANT to speak out even once??
Like how do they see children being bombed and go 'oh, that's so sad...anyway, nothing I can do about it', when they absolutely can do something about it. Small content creators with only a few hundred people listening are doing more to help Palestine than Taylor Swift, Beyoncé or literally any other big-time celebrity with the power to both make massive change and preserve their careers through it all. So why, why the actual FUCK, would I want to support these celebrities in ANYWAY when I know that they are capable of ignoring what's happening in Gaza or any atrocity like this. Why would I give my time and possibly money to some cunt who can't get on Twitter for two minutes and post something as simple as 'I stand with Palestine' because sometimes that's all they need to fucking do!
Y'all can ask 'why do you even care what they think?' all you want, but I do care if someone I was openly supporting doesn't have the basic decency to want to help the people of Palestine when they are screaming to be heard. Where they stand on issues like this will ALWAYS be more important to me than their next album or TV show. Silence is compliance.
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bigfootsbigtits · 4 months
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bigfootsbigtits · 4 months
not to get righteous but if your anti-transphobia doesn't include a conversation in misogyny then it's shit <3
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bigfootsbigtits · 4 months
cis people will say “I found out I’m having a baby girl at my anatomy scan and I’m experiencing gender disappointment” but be mad when you say “who knows? maybe you’ll end up with a son anyway”
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bigfootsbigtits · 4 months
remember when taylor speaking about voting led to a 1226% increase in vote.org activity within just an hour?
it’s been just 2 hours and her instagram post announcing the new album already has over 7 million likes.
i wonder how many phone calls to reps, money to feed starving people in gaza, emails to government officials, and awareness could be brought about if she were to do literally anything to acknowledge the ongoing genocide that has murdered over 10,000 children!
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bigfootsbigtits · 4 months
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