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thetrollingninja started following you
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thekatfierce started following you
Another fang? You guys just come in flocks, don't ya?
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You got that right. Do you know how many pies people make just for this holiday? Seriously, it's like Heaven. 
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bigsisterwinchester started following you
Oh, another Winchester. Ello, love.
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-shrugs- Just dandy, s'long as my "eggnog" doesn't run out. -smirks- 
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bigsisterwinchester started following you
Oh, another Winchester. Ello, love.
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Hiya. -waves-
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bigsisterwinchester started following you
Oh, another Winchester. Ello, love.
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Merry Christmas Eve, Everyone
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"You guessed right." Dee replied as she watched her sister with a suspicious expression, wondering how she was holding up with Lucifer still playing co-pilot. Of course, she wasn't about to mention it with Gigantor beside them, much less Captain Smooth coming out of the store. Maybe... Maybe Mom could help them figure it out, if they could get her alone.
When Sam mentioned this place being a nightmare, she scoffed. "You know it's never that easy, Sammy." she said, casting a wry glance around the area. It was so dull; there seemed to be little color, and what was there, was almost faded. Before she could talk to Sam again, she was interrupted by her male half.
He came strolling up behind them, two huge bags filled with who knew what, shoving one of them into his brother's arms. Deanna watched him carefully, beginning to see small similarities in the two of them. Did she really walk like that? 
At the mention of Castielle, Dee looked up at the other Sam. "You think she's here?" she asked, a small glimmer of hope opening up in the front of her mind; if they could get a hold of the Angel, maybe she could just zap them back to reality. 
“I’d say ‘weirding things have happened’ but—-I guess that’s no longer accurate.” Sammy looked…up and eyed the Moose-like being. “Sam.” She pointed at him. “And the probably loud, rough, one still in the store would be Dean.”
She turned her attention back to Deanna. “This place just gets stranger and stranger.” Sam seemed to listen to a voice in her head before grimacing. “I swear, we better all wake up and this better be one helluva nightmare, Dee.”
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We really do need some more people. Recruitment is the magic word, so please, pass this along, but make sure to direct anyone interested to our rules page first, specifically the addition added by Michael.  -Mama Mary
Go forth, my wayward children.
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vampiresgreatestweakness replied to your post: vampiresgreatestweakness replied to your post:...
Why don’t you do some research? I bet you’ll have lots of fun.
Nah, that's Sam's job. I'm more of a shoot-first kinda gal.
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vampiresgreatestweakness replied to your post: vampiresgreatestweakness started following you ...
How nice.
-scoffs- Yeah, just peachy.
So, who're you?
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vampiresgreatestweakness started following you
Great, now a fang's following me. 
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bigsisterwinchester replied to your post: -tugs the pillow of his head- Rise and shine, Cloud Hopper! You wanna party all night, you gotta deal with the consequences. -laughs-
M’not bein’ loud, Mikey. You’re just bein’ extra sensitive. -grins-
-grumbles- You’re still loud regardless.
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You got that trashed, huh? -chuckles- 
bigsisterwinchester replied to your post: -tugs the pillow of his head- Rise and shine, Cloud Hopper! You wanna party all night, you gotta deal with the consequences. -laughs-
M’not bein’ loud, Mikey. You’re just bein’ extra sensitive. -grins-
-grumbles- You’re still loud regardless.
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Hey, dude Me.
bigsisterwinchester started following you
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-quirks a brow- That's your relaxed face? C'mon now, you were hilarious last night. What happened?
bigsisterwinchester replied to your post: -tugs the pillow of his head- Rise and shine, Cloud Hopper! You wanna party all night, you gotta deal with the consequences. -laughs-
M’not bein’ loud, Mikey. You’re just bein’ extra sensitive. -grins-
-grumbles- You’re still loud regardless.
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Oh, relax, man. 
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bigsisterwinchester replied to your post: -tugs the pillow of his head- Rise and shine, Cloud Hopper! You wanna party all night, you gotta deal with the consequences. -laughs-
M’not bein’ loud, Mikey. You’re just bein’ extra sensitive. -grins-
-grumbles- You’re still loud regardless.
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