bikatniss · 9 years
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Canary X Rihanna 
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bikatniss · 9 years
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bikatniss · 9 years
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If death has no cost, life has no worth.
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bikatniss · 9 years
making decisions solely based on what your companion likes
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bikatniss · 9 years
When you think you speak a language properly and go to that Country. This so accurate it hurts (apply to slang and weird accents too)
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bikatniss · 9 years
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Gina Rodriguez To Those Saying She’s ‘Not Latina Enough’
[Do you need to speak the language fluently in order to be proud of your heritage?] I think that that’s bananas, no, I don’t think that’s - This is another thing: what happens in this country is we are the Latino community, right? Under that umbrella of Latino community, you have, underneath, 50 or so countries: Cubans, Mexicans, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, and we’re all different. We have different music, we have different food, we have different slang, we wear different cultural garb. We have different skin colors… So to put us in a box is unfair. Some people have come over from a different country so Spanish is their first language. Some people are born here in this country. English is their first language. My parents specifically were terrified of us having accents because they were made fun of their whole life for accents. So they wanted to assimilate us into a culture that wouldn’t, right away, put up their guard against us because of our accent. So they chose to only speak English in the house and to teach us English as our first language. I’m going to be reprimanded by a culture that I’m supposed to support and is supposed to support me because of the way I was raised? That is too limiting. That is unfair to any child, to any human being.
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bikatniss · 9 years
The disappointing thing about the Paris attacks yesterday was the amount of people who used it for their own political gain.
130 people were shot, innocent people. Instead of people banding together to support the French, many people went on social media and spread both bigoted and ignorant information.
Some people used the Paris attacks to show why gun control doesn’t work. Some people used it to condemn Islam. Some people even so far as to condemn people supporting the victims because they’re not caring about other attacks.
Why is it that political views are now more important than basic human decency. Instead of caring about these people, we used them for a stupid political gain. We use the phrase “the worlds gone mad” but really, the world has just become selfish.
I hope peace comes to those in the Middle East who face terrorism everyday. I hope peace for the French who have had 130 innocent people stripped from them. I hope peace for the refugees who will face harder discrimination due to Islamaphobia that will grow in the upcoming weeks. I hope peace comes to anyone who faces terror and will be used for a political gain.
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bikatniss · 9 years
supposedly 60 people killed in multiple shootings and explosions around Paris (at least 26, reports vary)
100 people are still being held hostage at Bataclan concert venue
if you’re in Paris and need shelter, visit the #PorteOuverte hashtag on Twitter
French president François Hollande declared state of emergency, also announced closing of all borders 
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bikatniss · 9 years
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bikatniss · 9 years
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If you think I’ll allow Hope out of my protection for a second- What you’ll allow doesn’t matter Klaus.
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bikatniss · 9 years
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New set of character posters for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
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bikatniss · 9 years
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complete bliss
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bikatniss · 9 years
R.I.P all 224 people on board including 17 children in the Russian plane crash. My thoughts and prayers go out to their friends and families.
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bikatniss · 9 years
why must daddy take away our replies i’ve been a good girl
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bikatniss · 9 years
DONT!!!! dress up as a serial killer this halloween!!!!! it is appropriating white culture!!!
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bikatniss · 9 years
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oil on photograph  210 × 297 mm
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bikatniss · 9 years
You have to be tougher. You have to learn the way to beat your path through, to make yourself felt, and make yourself necessary.
Grace Coddington (via westheritage)
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