bikkimuses · 2 years
I ended up moving to firefox and I’ve been uninstalling all my chrome stuff. Unfortunately, Firefox’s profile thing is a hassle, so I’ve moved my muses over to @feathrfcll. Threads and such will be continued there if people want.
I apologize for this. I know that it’s been silence on my end, and I don’t really do much here because the other blog is like 99.9% of my focus. But if you’re still interested in interacting, you can find all the muses on the blog mentioned above.
You can also catch me on discord if that’s easier: Hibiki 🌸#0076 (please be sure to tell me who you are when adding!)
I apologize. Perhaps I should’ve thought harder about the blog before going through with it.
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bikkimuses · 2 years
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There’s a story to tell, and a WORLD to see.        Always a place to go, always a person to SAVE. But here, WE GATHER.
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an independent, semi-selective original character multimuse. established on march 11th, 2022
multimuse, oc and fandom-friendly. not connected to any one fandom, open to verses and roleplays. both fandom-related and fandomless ocs are on this blog!
blog / rules / muse list (google doc) / navigation
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bikkimuses · 2 years
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after so much deliberating it’s finally happening.
Hibiki is the daughter of a woman from Lucis and a man from Accordo. Their chance meeting ended up in a marriage that would later fall apart after a daemon attack nearly took Hibiki’s life and killed a good amount of others. Though she eventually got better and worked hard to make her family happy, her father would abandon them, having lost his job and returned to Accordo.
Her mother, on the other hand, decided to sent Hibiki to Insomnia. Because of this, Hibiki was generally alone and lived in an apartment that relatives in Insomnia paid for. However, Hibiki never had contact with them.
During the Fall of Insomnia, Hibiki was evacuated along with many others but did not go to Lestallum. Instead, she ended up becoming a Hunter and travelling by foot from place to place, setting up camp in Havens and sleeping under the stars. She would dedicate her life to saving people and helping them, no matter the risk to herself.
Her father is a part of the Altissia government, having cut ties with Hibiki and her mother as well as taking back his old last name.
Her mother basically abandoned her, sending her off to live alone instead of supporting her.
Hibiki goes by the name “Gaia Bellona” on Hunter official records. Her dog tag has this name on it, but she has no known family. She’s one of the Hunters Dave worries most about, as there’s no one for her dog tag to go to if she dies.
She’s extremely reckless, running into fights headlong and without a plan.
Martial arts are her go to, as she’s been training with action movies. If she can’t use martial arts, a spear is her next go to. Her spear is named Gungnir.
Hibiki will risk her life to save someone in danger, even if they weren’t the nicest to her. This has actually gotten her almost killed quite a few times, but she doesn’t seem to care.
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bikkimuses · 2 years
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“.......” She’s looking longingly at a cute dress in the shop. Does she have the money for it? No, so she’ll continue to look at it.
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bikkimuses · 2 years
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[A faraway voice clues me in, One after another, Comrades prepare to battle.]
Hey there, Kaerene here with a makeshift promo for the time being! If you’re interested in interacting with a multimuse blog composed of both canon (divergent & compliant) as well as OCs hailing from series such as Alchemy Stars, Arknights, Drakengard, Granblue Fantasy, Guilty Crown, Final Fantasy, Honkai Impact, Tales of, Type-Moon, and Xenosaga just to name a few: Could you please kindly reblog this post? While likes are appreciated, they will not get this post around. Please also note that this blog will be home to a good degree of triggering content due to the source materials, including but not limited to the NSFW kind.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this! 
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bikkimuses · 2 years
@triplev​ messaged:
“Do you wanna buy penis enlargement pills,”
Pls do not ask Michinori why he’s asking (muse of your choice) to buy recreational drugs. Is that even the right term
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“Think it’s big enough already.” No, he isn’t elaborating. Damn it, Gladio.
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bikkimuses · 2 years
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I’m rewatching Symphogear and noting how things would be different for my Hibiki, based on this rewatch, my own memory and an RP I had with a friend.
Miku acting like a bitch after learning about Hibiki’s secret as a Symphogear user because “we don’t keep secrets from each other!” is more like a jealous lover than an actual friend. Being cold towards her, basically making her feel like she has to ask to enter her own room and not being understanding enough. Hibiki cut off that friendship after Miku made her feel like utter shit for keeping the one secret that could put Miku in danger. She moved in with another girl named Tamaki and got a friend who understood that keeping secrets is pretty normal for people to do. Which means that Miku was ultimately axed and no longer relevant to Hibiki’s plotline. This would mean that Miku never gains Shenshoujing and never becomes the vessel for Shem-Ha, nor does Hibiki get together with Miku.
Secondly, Maria. Maria was the “Black Gungnir” and false Finé, which automatically put Hibiki on edge. Though the two of them were okay with each other (Hibiki and Finé, though Hibiki is still weirded out by her), but not so much that Hibiki wasn’t fucking nervous around Maria. With how Maria acted up until the times she started to attempt to become sympathetic in the show (It didn’t work, unlike Kirika and Shirabe, and came too little too late in my opinion), it didn’t really change Hibiki’s opinion of her. Maria has attempted to take Gungnir back because she would ultimately believe that she is Gungnir’s rightful owner and that Hibiki was usurping her place as the rightful wielder of the relic. Maria does not join the team in GX and remains a heroine idol. The role Maria would have filled goes to Tamaki instead.
Thirdly, Akira. Akira is Hibiki’s biological father, who abandoned the family after losing his contract with a business due to Hibiki surviving the Zwei Wing Incident and turning to alcohol. Despite Hibiki putting herself through hell in physical therapy to make her family happy again, he abandoned them because he decided he couldn’t take the torment anymore. Though he was the one to teach her the words ‘heiki, hecchara’ when she was younger, she doesn’t care that he did. Akira abandoned his family, and wanted to bring it back together by implying that Hibiki should do the legwork to get him and her mother back together. Hibiki didn’t see him again after the attempted meetup with him, writing him off as a lost cause.
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bikkimuses · 2 years
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“....” Her father left her when she needed him the most. When she was struggling after the Zwei Wing incident. To have run into him while with Tsubasa, Chris, Shirabe and Kirika at the beach had... made her stomach churn.
She’d only tried reconnecting with him once. Where he wanted her to bring the family back together, as if she was the one who broke them apart. And then, he had the audacity to ask her for money to pay the restaurant bill with.
“My father didn’t leave me with anything.” All she had was a terrible former friend who had gotten pissed at her for having secrets and had acted like Hibiki owed her for sticking around instead of going to move with her family to her aunt’s city. Instead of being happy that Hibiki could save her life, she’d basically acted like Hibiki barely existed and like the brunette had done something wrong.
“But I don’t care about that. Just because I wasn’t left anything by my sorry excuse for a father doesn’t mean I can’t do anything to stop you and save the world that I love.”
As long as I have a song in my heart, I’ll be able to overcome any obstacle!
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bikkimuses · 2 years
me: i’m not really gonna focus on shipping also me, a few days later: ...I may want a ship or two on this blog... or three...
aka: apparently i want ships on this blog?? .__. I feel betrayed by my own brain.
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bikkimuses · 2 years
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“Sure! I’d love to.” He perked up like a puppy at the thought.
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“Then let us head to the kitchen. I’ve a recipe in mind already, though I’ll need help with assembling the proper ingredients and the preparations.” Foreigner was already headed off towards where the kitchen would be located.
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bikkimuses · 2 years
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“Trying not to let fear eat at me. I have autophobia you know”
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“Indeed. Perhaps a distraction can help you with that. Would you like to assist me in making a meal?”
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bikkimuses · 2 years
me: i have other muses i can use! i don’t need to use ignis all the time! also me: uses ignis all the time
i have a problem.
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bikkimuses · 2 years
“Ah, Foreigner was it? Currently feeling the weight of the world again.”
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“The weight of the world is a daunting thing to carry.” Foreigner stated with a small smile. “If there is anything that I can do to alleviate that weight, Master, you need only tell me.”
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bikkimuses · 2 years
She was indeed staring due the recognition of the other’s glove they were wearing. These almost looked the same one she once received from Eizen several years ago. She was almost in a trance until Edna snapped her out of it.
Then she must be-
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“Sorry, and again for asking this. Are you Edna, Eizen’s little sister?” The young woman then revealed an identical pair of leather gloves. “He once looked after me in the past and gave me these before we went on separate ways.”
Even though her pair of gloves showed a bit of wear, Chloe kept them dearly ever since.
So, this girl knew Eizen? And knew about her? Had Eizen been blabbing a lot about her? It was typical of the man if he had a chance to talk about her... At least, he would’ve had he not become a dragon.
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“Yeah, I am.” She pushed one of the rocks near her forward with the tip of her parasol. When she spoke, Edna paused. Eizen had looked after her in the past? And given her a pair of gloves as well? There was an unknown feeling bubbling in her chest that she could barely place. Was it jealousy? More than likely.
He could spend all that time looking after someone else’s kid, but he couldn’t come home to see her. Not once. “So he spent time with you, gave you a pair of gloves and then you two separated. Is that supposed to mean something to me? Get to the point, I don’t have all day.”
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bikkimuses · 2 years
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He was not okay.
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“Penny for your thoughts?”
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bikkimuses · 2 years
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Summoned after Episode Ignis - Verse 2 Alternative Ending
Noctis’ Hand and loyal retainer who has known the King since the two of them were children. As a son of House Scientia, Ignis had been given a formal education and took classes to grow into his later role as Noctis’ advisor. He was told to take care of Noctis by the late King Regis, and did that without much complaint.
When Ardyn offered Ignis to join him, he accepted to avert the fate that Pyrna had shown him-- where Noctis would sacrifice himself to cleanse the world of the Starscourge. Donning the Ring of the Lucii, determined not to let Noctis die in the name of a prophecy, Ignis offered his life in exchange for access to the full power of the Ring.
He survived, healed by the crystal, and waited ten years for Noctis’ return. Ignis concocted a plan that eventually allowed daylight to return without sacrificing the King.
Though his alternative classifications are Assassin and Ruler, Ignis was summoned to Chaldea as a Foreigner. The reasons for his manifestation as Foreigner are unknown, but he speculates it’s either because of the Ring or because of Pyrna showing him the vision of Noctis’ fate.
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bikkimuses · 2 years
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His offer surprised her, but she wasn’t about to complain. “Sure. Roll up your sleeves; I’ve got some baking to do,” she replied. Especially with dough, having more hands available would make the work go by so much faster. Normally, it didn’t bother her to do all the work on her own.
Ignis knew what he was doing, though, and she knew he would be good at following instructions and could show her new tricks.
“I need to make a batch of sweet rolls for tonight. You up to the task?”
Baking. Something he was pretty okay at, seeing as he spent a lot of time baking to make Noctis that pastry he had from his time in Tenebrae. His sleeves were already rolled up, thankfully, as it was a bit too hot in Lestallum to continually wear his leather jacket everywhere.
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“Certainly. I have dabbled in baking a few times.” Mostly attempting to recreate the dessert that Noctis had enjoyed when he was in Tenebrae, but it extended to a lot of other things as well. It’d be easy to make some sweet rolls with her.
“Shall we get started, then?”
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