billihill · 3 hours
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happy pride month to rhaenicent and every rhaenicent enjoyer... i finished this
prints on my kofi ✹
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billihill · 2 months
I was thinking of reader being pregnant but not being aware yet but bucky can hear the heartbeat of his unborn child but what if the reader and Bucky weren't in an established relationship in fact the two don't really get a long at all but they hooked up once and Reader got pregnant. After a mission they end up in a safe house and Bucky realizes that he's hearing the heartbeat of their unborn child
Unexpected » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Avenger/Pregnant!Reader
Summary: Bucky finds out Y/N is pregnant with his unborn baby when he hears the heartbeat.
Warnings: mix of Fluff and Angst, language, mentions of sex (18+), kissing, use of pet names
A/N: Thank you for requesting @annekelovesreading đŸ©”
A/N #2: @little-miss-dilf-lover wrote a similar one shot. Just know I’m not copying her in any way. Her and I just got the same request. She said I can write this and I thank her for allowing me to write thisđŸ©·
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found this one on Pinterest.
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“I had him, Barnes!” You yelled, panting.
“No you didn’t. You could barely-” That’s when he heard it, the noise he’s been hearing all week.
“I could barely what, huh?” You asked.
“Nothing.” He clears his throat. “Let’s just finish this mission so we can go to the safe house.” He says, gently nudging you in the direction you two need to go.
Bucky thought he had been hearing things all week. He has been hearing a little thumping noise. He only hears it when he’s around you which is weird, considering that you two don’t get along. He’s been trying to figure out what the noise is and it’s driving him crazy. That was the only thing on his mind as you two finished the mission and went to the safe house. It didn’t take long for realization to hit him. The little thumping noise he has been hearing all week is a heartbeat of an unborn baby. Meaning, you’re pregnant with his child. Bucky remembered the one time you and him had sex. You two got drunk off of Asgardian alcohol Thor gave you and him at Tony’s party a few weeks ago, making his eyes widen.
“Oh my god.” Bucky says to himself.
Bucky ran his fingers through his hair as he paced back and forth in the bedroom. If you knew, you would’ve told him, right? You wouldn’t keep something this important from him, would you? Or maybe you don’t know it yet. Instead of jumping to conclusions, he laid down on the bed and tried to relax, but that got him nowhere. He just stared up at the ceiling. Bucky already knew that he wasn’t going to get any sleep that night so he just tried to relax. He turned the TV on for background noise to drown out his thoughts. He soon fell asleep. A few hours later, he woke up from his dreamless sleep. A sigh left his lips as he got out of bed to get something to drink. He stopped in his tracks, hearing the heartbeat of his unborn child coming from your bedroom. Bucky was tempted to go in your room to hear the heartbeat better, but he didn’t want to wake you. He went to the kitchen and got some water and went back to his room. Bucky laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling once again till he fell asleep. When morning came, he woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining through the curtains. Bucky rubbed his eyes to wake himself up more before getting out of bed. He went to the kitchen, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion when the smell of coffee didn’t instantly hit his nose.
“You didn’t make coffee?” Bucky asks, slightly annoyed.
“No.” You took a sip of your orange juice. “For some reason, it’s been making me nauseous for the past couple weeks.” You tell him.
Bucky’s breath got caught in his throat when you mentioned being nauseous.
“That’s weird.” He says, clearing his throat.
Bucky got a cup from the cabinet and poured himself some orange juice. He went to the living room and sat down next to you.
“Just out of curiosity
” Bucky took a sip of his orange juice before asking his question. “Does anything else make you nauseous?” He asks curiously.
“Now that I think about it, some of my favorite foods have been making me feel sick lately.” You answered. “Wait a minute. We don’t like each other. Why are you asking me this?” You asked, looking at him.
Bucky shrugged his shoulders and took another sip of his orange juice.
“Are you thinking I’m pregnant?” You asked.
“What? No. I’m not thinking that at all.” He says, lying through his teeth.
That’s when Bucky heard the little heartbeats again. He glanced down at your stomach, listening to the heartbeat of his unborn child.
“Either you have a staring problem or you know something I don’t.” You say.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He says, moving his eyes away from your stomach.
“You’re a terrible liar.” You tell him. “Tell me what’s going on before I interrogate you.” You say, turning your body to face him.
“Last time I checked, you’re not a detective or a cop.” He says, standing up and went to the kitchen.
“I was trained in that area, Barnes.” You followed him to the kitchen. “I’m going to ask you again, do you know something I don’t?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
Bucky gave in with a sigh and turned to face you.
“Heartbeats.” Is all he said.
“You mean our heartbeats?” You asked.
“Not ours. An unborn baby’s heartbeat.” He says.
“What do you mean an unborn baby’s heartbeat? I’m not-” You stopped to think for a moment. “I’m not pregnant. Am I?” You say, more to yourself.
You kept thinking. You haven’t gotten your period in two months and most of your favorite foods and drinks make you nauseous. Some of your clothes don’t fit you like they used to. Your mind started to wander to the time you and Bucky had sex. That was two months ago as well. You two got drunk on Asgardian alcohol Thor gave you guys and neither of you thought to use a condom when you guys had sex. As you were putting the pieces together, it was beginning to make sense.
“Maybe I am pregnant.” That’s when your eyes widen in realization. “Oh my god.” You whispered. “I’ve been taking a lot of hits during this mission. What if- What if I did something to hurt the baby?” You say, looking at Bucky with tears in your eyes.
“Hey, don’t go there.” Bucky cooes, wrapping his arms around you. “You didn’t know, doll. I’m sure the baby is fine.” He says softly, rubbing your back to calm you down.
Bucky stood in the kitchen, holding you in his arms till you said something.
“How can we raise a baby together if we don’t get along?” You asked, looking up at him.
“We’ll figure something out.” He says, moving a piece of your hair from your face.
“What about the mission? I obviously can’t finish this mission in the condition I’m in.” You say.
“We’ll call Steve later and figure something out. As of right now, let’s get you comfortable.” He says.
Bucky lead you to his bedroom. You got underneath the blanket while Bucky stared at your stomach for a moment.
“Can I listen to the heartbeat?” Bucky asks.
“Of course you can. It’s your baby too.” You say with a smile.
You took the blanket off of you and moved your t-shirt just above your stomach. Bucky’s eyes filled with adoration when he seen your baby bump beginning to form. He laid down on the bed next to you and pressed his ear against your stomach, smiling when he heard the baby’s heartbeat.
“What’s it like?” You asked curiously.
“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.” Bucky says, completely astonished.
You couldn’t help but reach a hand down, running your fingers through his hair. Bucky hummed at the feeling.
“You know
” Bucky starts. “I’ve always wanted a daughter. That was in the 40s and I still want that now.” He tells you.
“Wanna know something?” You asked. “I’ve always wanted a daughter too.” You say with a smile.
A smile grew on his face. What Bucky did next surprised both of you. He leaned up and kissed you passionately.
“Sorry.” He mumbles, pulling away.
“No need to be sorry. I’m pregnant with your baby. You get to kiss me all you want.” You say, cupping his scruffy cheeks and rubbed your thumbs over his beard.
“Well, in that case
” Bucky kissed you again. “A kiss for my doll and
” He moves down to your stomach. “A kiss for our little one.” He says, kissing your stomach.
“You really think we can work this out?” You asked.
“For the sake of the baby, I hope we can.” He says, lying down next to you.
Bucky wrapped his arms around you protectively and pulled you closer to him, placing one of his hands on your stomach. You and Bucky spent the rest of the day cuddling and talking out your differences so you two can raise this baby together.
-Bucky’s Doll
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billihill · 2 months
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Please consider to like or reblog if you use!
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billihill · 2 months
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Be still, our little shipper hearts!
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billihill · 2 months
Do you take this pebble?
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Bucky barnes x fem!reader
this was written quickly because if i didn’t do it now i never would so sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. also i suck at using punctuation so ignore that too!
“Hey what’s wrong, Doll?” Bucky asks as he walks into the bedroom to find his best girl crying.
“Penguins” She mutters out and Buckys face turns into a perplexed expression.
“Penguins?” He asks as he scoots onto the bed to get closer to her, laying a hand on her thigh.
“Did you know- did you know that the male penguin will scour the area for the perfect pebble to present to the female as a way of proposing? If she says yes they mate for life.” She starts crying again and Bucky tries holding back his laugh because he thought something had upset you but no you’re crying over penguins.. He moves a bit to accommodate you on his lap, your head on his chest as he rubs his hands up and down your back to soothe you.
“This is ridiculous, i’m ridiculous. Sorry” You apologise for being overly dramatic and Bucky shushes you, you’ve always been emotional and the smallest thing, sad or happy can set you off. He finds it endearing how much you feel.
“It’s okay, baby” He kisses the crown of your head “It’s not ridiculous” He reassures you. The two of you lay there for awhile in each others embrace.
____________ The next morning _____________
After the whole debacle of your emotional breakdown over penguins last night Bucky and you both woke up and got on with your regular activities, him going out to run some ‘errands’ that you apparently weren’t allowed to join him on.. so you tended to some spring cleaning of the apartment.
A few hours later Bucky returns.
“Hey Buck, I missed you” You approach him and wrap your arms around him as he returns the hug, he has a bag in his hand.. a suspicious bag..
“I got you something” He says and you automatically smile, he always thinks of you when he’s out, whether it be him bringing home your favourite treat or a bouquet of your favourite flowers.
“Yeah..? What is it” You beam excitedly and he laughs at your eagerness. You both walk to the kitchen where he sets the bag down on the island.
“Close your eyes and put your hands out” He says and you give him one last suspicious look before you listen and close your eyes. It’s then you hear him go into the bag and get something out, a few seconds later something is placed in your hands, it’s weirdly heavy.
“Open them!” He’s got a bright smile plastered on his face anticipating your reaction.
You open your eyes.
“A pebble?”
“You know how you were telling me about penguins last night..” He jogs your memory and it instantly works because you’re putting it down and jumping into his arms.
“OH MY GOD BUCKY YOU GOT ME A PEBBLE!” He laughs at how adorably excited you are. Eventually he manages to pry you off of him.
“It’s not just any pebble.. break it open.. theres a pretty crystal inside” At this your eyes brighten up, you pick the pebble up and put it on the chopping board and use a hammer that’s meant for meat to break it open. It takes a few tries but eventually you get it open and see what’s inside and pick it up.
“A diamond??” You look at it absolutely baffled and turn around to ask Bucky what it’s all about but stop in your tracks at the sight before you.
Bucky on one knee. Bucky on one knee holding an empty band, looking at you with the most love stricken eyes.
“Accept my pebble and do me the honour of being my mate forever?” He is smiling so big and you stand shocked as tears escape your eyes.
“Bucky..” The biggest grin breaks out on your face.
“What do you say, doll? Will you marry me? Be my penguin partner forever and ever?” He doesn’t get time to prepare himself for the way you launch yourself at him fall to your knees in front of him and wrap your arms around him so tightly
“I take it that’s a yes?” He himself is tearing up now and you lean back to look at him unable to form words simply nodding as tears stream down your face. He takes your hand and puts the band on it.
“Well need to take it back to the jewellers so they can put the diamond in” He starts to explain but you shut him up with a kiss that tells him all that you couldn’t say.
“Bucky Barnes I won the lottery with you” You say cupping his face and kissing him again.
“Doll you have no idea the way the universe answered my prayers by allowing me to find you.” He mutters out as he starts to properly ball and you both cried and kissed and hugged and started dreaming of the rest of your lives
reblogs appreciated if you liked it!
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billihill · 2 months
Gary Ross public enemy #1 for ruining Katniss and Peetas character but especially Peeta because Josh would’ve KILLED the iconic cave scene lines.
Francis Lawrence public enemy #2 for ruining Katniss and Peetas relationship. Why the fuck did they miss out the best scenes?!?! My favourite scene from the catching fire book is when Katniss sprains her ankle and can’t walk for like 3 weeks, so Peeta carries her everywhere and they spend all day every day together, updating her family plant book. This was when we caught a glimpse of what domestic K+P looked like and they didn’t include it in the fucking film. I can’t do it. They literally cut ALL of K+P’s scenes like what the fuck.
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billihill · 2 months
cant wait for snowstorm to hold hands. can't wait for them to stand next to each other. want canon jondany interactions NOW.
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billihill · 3 months
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Even though Jon was not the obvious option to marry her grace, Queen Daenerys, their closeness and how they influenced each other was undeniable.
Jon was responsible for showing the north, or some parts of it, to Dany, and both often couldn't help but exchange glances at each other...once more embarrassed, another longer, but always in mind that he would never have her for himself. , after all, he was a Snow...
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billihill · 3 months
if we ever find ourself in a conflict with asoiaftok and we need a distraction to hit one of their major population centers i volunteer to walk out into no-man’s-land with arms outstretched i’ll have a sign pinned to my chest that says ‘idgaf about targaryen blood quantums also i don’t believe in the divine right of kings’ and while the 32 year old women with questionable eyeliner are gnawing on my bones you guys will take their strongest base and we’ll be one step closer to winning the thousand year war.
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billihill · 3 months
here is my official swiftlark playlist
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billihill · 3 months
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billihill · 3 months
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Alright. Not Dany. How about “My Queen”?
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billihill · 3 months
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Game of Thrones | "Winterfell" (8x01)
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billihill · 3 months
yeah, i’m really going to need a scene of snowstorm where dany and jon are alone together and she’s finding all of his scars, tracing them and kissing his skin while he’s just in awe that someone as beautiful as her is in love with him
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billihill · 3 months
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billihill · 3 months
anyone ever feel like the real reason peeta was kidnapped and hijacked was because the love triangle was solved in the beach scene in catching fire and suzanne needed to hold out the everlark endgame until the end of book three?
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billihill · 3 months
Go into Pinterest and put the first 9 photos it shows you into a mood board.
Thank you for the tag @sweater-daddiesdumbdork!
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Tagging @biteofcherry @witchywithwhiskey @goldylions @sergeantbarnessdoll @wintersoldierdarling @gaysindistress @stargazingfangirl18 + anyone who wants to!
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