billingualbastard · 4 years
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zero fucks left
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billingualbastard · 4 years
Him: I’m gonna drill your asshole
Me: Do it dadddy
* sounds of power tools start *
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billingualbastard · 4 years
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Forgot I made these quick refs once!! It’s not that you should feel obligated to portray every part of an animal correctly, but in some cases these are very unique, interesting features that very few artists are ever utilizing creatively!
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billingualbastard · 4 years
I need help
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billingualbastard · 4 years
Ancient fairy wells in Croatia.
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Wells named by old Croats Rajčica, are as its name in Croatian says a little haven, hidden deep in old hills of Dalmatia.
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Location itself is part of Croatian national heritage surrounded by untouched nature.
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Location is surrounded by numerous legends, most prominent one is that water from well is enchanted, and that stone circles made by Gods create energy that attracts fairies.
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billingualbastard · 4 years
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billingualbastard · 4 years
“We chose the term “asexual” to describe ourselves because both “celibate” and “anti-sexual” have connotations we wished to avoid: the first implies that one has sacrificed sexuality for some higher good, the second that sexuality is degrading or somehow inherently bad. “Asexual”, as we use it, does not mean “without sex” but “relating sexually to no one”. This does not, of course, exclude masturbation but implies that if one has sexual feelings they do not require another person for their expression. Asexuality is, simply, self-contained sexuality.”
— The Asexual Manifesto, Lisa Orlando and Barbara Getz, 1972
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billingualbastard · 4 years
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Water is a human right
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billingualbastard · 4 years
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billingualbastard · 4 years
Dwayne Johnson was Zuko.
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billingualbastard · 4 years
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Friendly reminder bc we are one week away!!!
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billingualbastard · 4 years
Which of the two versions of the Scarlet King is better in your opinion? Angry anprim (Tufto) or evil tomato demon lord (Dust and Blood)?
Evil tomato demon lord never does much for me tbh. Like yeah it’s powerful and full of hate, but like… It’s just doesn’t seem super special to me, not talking about the writing quality, just that it doesn’t do it for me personally.
I like Tufto’s version much better! Although I kind of prefer the various other articles Tufto created than the 001 one. I think that one has a great premise, and it’s a great development to the Scarlet King character, but like, the logic has failed to convince me? Like the more I read it the less I feel like it make sense and the less I feel like the doctor should fall for it.
I think it might have something to do with how I think of the modern world and the pre-modern world? In the article the Scarlet King is the struggle between the modern and the historical, but I feel like how they are characterized are generalizations. Like it’s very easy to think “modern” as something clearly dividing the past and the present, and the modern as technology and rational mind, and the past as savage and blood and war… But I feel like in reality there are no clear dividing line, and none of those features are exclusive to the present or the past. Personally I think human progress is definitely a thing, but I don’t think we are fundementally different people, living fundementally different lives from those in the past. If that makes sense.
I would probably have articulated it better if I had just read the article, I had a lot of thoughts on it back then, but now I just forgot most of it XD
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billingualbastard · 4 years
Prompt: the ideological opposite of a catgirl.
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billingualbastard · 4 years
“I had forgotten what fiction was to me as a boy, forgotten what it was like in the library: fiction was an escape from the intolerable, a doorway into impossibly hospitable worlds where things had rules and could be understood; stories had been a way of learning about life without experiencing it, or perhaps of experiencing it as an eighteenth-century poisoner dealt with poisons, taking them in tiny doses, such that the poisoner could cope with ingesting things that would kill someone who was not inured to them. Sometimes fiction is a way of coping with the poison of the world in a way that lets us survive it. And I remembered. I would not be the person I am without the authors who made me what I am—the special ones, the wise ones, sometimes just the ones who got there first. It’s not irrelevant, those moments of connection, those places where fiction saves your life. It’s the most important thing there is.”
— Neil Gaiman, “Newberry Medal Acceptance Speech”
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billingualbastard · 4 years
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billingualbastard · 4 years
In the Catholic church, the proper title of a priest who serves as an advisor to a bishop is a “canon”.
If that advisor to a bishop owns an artillery piece, naturally that makes it a canon’s cannon.
Furthermore, if you write a story in which it’s textually established that an advisor to a bishop owns an artillery piece, it’s a canon’s canon cannon – or possibly a canon canon’s cannon, depending on whether we’re more concerned with the canonicity of the canon, or the cannon.
(Conversely, if the advisor to the bishop is popularly supposed by the fandom to own an artillery piece, but no such device appears in the text, it’s merely a headcanon canon’s cannon.)
Finally, the term “canon” may also refer to a religion’s body of approved sacred texts; thus, if in the story it’s established that the advisor to the bishop’s artillery piece has been specially modified for the high-speed delivery of holy scriptures, that makes it a canon canon’s canon cannon.
Any questions?
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billingualbastard · 4 years
my asshole cat once again comes to me and does his usual indications for “hey, there’s a problem I need you to fix, please help.”
because I love him and he is weirdly smart and actually really good at figuring out problems and getting help (like when he lets me know the bird feeder is empty because he wants to watch the birds) I trustingly get up and follow him.
he reaches the window, outside of which is a thunderstorm. he is very afraid of thunderstorms, and normally does not go anywhere near the windows when they happen. upon reaching the window he indicates in his usual fashion, “here is the problem, please fix it.”
no idea whether to be flattered and endeared that my cat thinks I control the weather, or frustrated because my cat is now mad at me for refusing to control the weather on his behalf. this is the second time this has happened.
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