billioncheers · 5 years
Role of Probiotics in Human Health and Prevention of Diseases
We have been taking natural probiotics since our birth. Mother’s milk, curd, fermented food, cheese, etc. contains probiotics. But do we really understand the benefits of probiotics? And what is the role of probiotics in human health? We’re going to explain exactly that.
What are Probiotics?
Well, scientifically speaking, according to WHO “… Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.” Simply stating they are live bacteria which boost our health. When taken in a proper quantity, best ones restore gut flora and reduces belly fat.
Many food sources like curd, idli, cheese, buttermilk contain natural probiotics, but if it is not possible to involve these foods in our daily diet, we can always switch to their supplements.
  How do Probiotics Benefit Us?
The role Probiotics play is as vast and still emerging. They not only help restore a healthy balance of good bacteria but also improves cellular communication with bacteria.
There are many ways by which Probiotics helps us in prevention on diseases and complications.
Role of Probiotics in Disease Prevention
Obesity: A proper blend of probiotics, when given, reduces the already existing fat and reduces the weight-gain even on a high-calorie diet.
Intolerance: The reason for you being intolerant towards lactose might lie the missing of good bacteria which helps in digesting it.
Infections and diarrhea: Certain probiotics fight of infection causing bad bacteria and helps curing diarrhea.
Gastritis and Ulcers: Probiotic bacteria like Acidophilus slows the growth of culprit causing ulcers- H. pyroli.
Metabolic disease: These disorders often leave our gut weak and susceptible to more disorders and chronic diseases. The probiotics play an important role by making gut strong and resistant to disorders.
Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome: The good bacteria, i.e., probiotics have known to drastically reduce the symptoms of IBS and IBD. Let’s jump to next point extending role of probiotics.
Colon cancer: A new study suggests that probiotics show promising results in colorectal cancer associated with IBD.
Hypertension: Probiotics like Lactobacillus murinus helps lower hypertension.
Cholesterol: A few of these reduce the already existing LDL or bad-cholesterol in our body.
Insulin-sensitivity: Probiotics, when given along with prebiotics showed a promising effect in improving insulin sensitivity by favorably modifying the gut microbiome, reducing gut toxins and decreasing energy uptake.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: New studies have suggested that probiotics could be used as a novel option to cure such livers and to prevent this from happening by improving liver-function, fat metabolism, and insulin resistance.
Low-immune responses: The most plausible effect of probiotics is on how it teaches and guides our immune system to become stronger and more resilient towards harmful allergens and pathogens.
Depression and stress: About 90% of our happy hormone- serotonin is produced by our gut and good bacteria are responsible for it; GABA a biochemical which helps fight fear and anxiety is produced by microbes. Both these chemicals keep depression and stress at bay.
So, the need for such probiotic supplements arises which is easily available in the form of drinks, powder sachets or pills. The easy way to lose weight, keeping yourself healthy and active by taking probiotic supplements like billion cheers in our daily diet.
All probiotic foods are made by the process of fermentation, which takes hours and sometimes days to complete. And not everyone is able to develop a taste for such foods. Say, for some reasons, you are unable to include probiotic foods in your daily busy schedule, or simply don’t like the taste of any but want a healthy body, you can always switch to probiotic supplements. Probiotic supplements are available in a multitude of varieties, are palpable, tasty, safe and easy way to make your life healthy and happy. We hope now you have known about the role of probiotics in human health.
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billioncheers · 5 years
How Gut Dysbiosis Affects your health and happiness?
Do you have digestive issues despite following rigid diets and exercise regimes? Are you experiencing sudden depressive moods or bouts of stress? The root cause of these issues could be connected to your gut health!
Your gut is home to a vast ecosystem of harmless bacteria, yeast, and fungi, collectively known as microbiota or gut flora. These bacterial species have their function defined in our body and these probiotic bacteria help in breaking down food and speeding up the digestive process, brain & immune function when one or more of these bacterial colonies are out of balance, it leads to dysbiosis.
What are the factors that might cause Dysbiosis?
Consumption of fried foods, caffeine, and sugar
Processed & pasteurized food
Missing Dietary fiber in our daily food
Strong antibiotics that can cause an imbalance in the gut flora
Poor dental and physical hygiene
High levels of stress and anxiety
How Can Gut Dysbiosis Affect Health?
Dysbiosis can cause the following health issues, wherein symptoms might vary from one person to another, depending on the type of bacteria present in their body:
Acid reflux or Acute indigestion
Allergic reactions to certain foods and gluten
Frequent headaches/nausea
Chest pain
How Can Gut Dysbiosis Affect Happiness?
Apart from affecting your health, can gut dysbiosis dampen your mood or hinder happiness? Absolutely yes. Recent studies have shown a connection between the gut and mental health – Gut dysbiosis can lead to decreased levels of serotonin, a hormone 95% of which is produced in the gut by probiotic bacteria, responsible for triggering joy and happiness. Hence, dysbiosis might result in:
Acute stress and anxiety
Troubled thinking
The inability to concentrate
A state of constant sadness/dissatisfaction
The Ultimate Saviors – Probiotics & Prebiotics
Probiotics are ‘good bacteria’ that keep your gut happy, healthy, and functional as nature intends. On the other hand, prebiotics are fibers that act as ‘food’ for probiotics as they help bacteria thrive, multiply, and form better bacterial colonies in the gut. Both prebiotics and probiotics play an essential role in the restoration and regrowth of the gut microbiome. Prebiotics supports the growth of good bacteria and decrease food intolerance, and are also being used by medical professionals to treat anxiety and depression.
You can remedy gut dysbiosis by ingesting the right amount of healthy probiotic bacteria, present in foods, such as yogurt, kefir, traditional buttermilk, green peas, and dark chocolate. The ingestion of such probiotic-rich foods, coupled with healthy probiotic drinks can also help cope with anxiety, depression, and stress, and erratic behavior.
Reboot your gut; transform your health and happiness!
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billioncheers · 5 years
Why Not to take Antibiotics in case of Common cold?
We have experienced cold at some point in our lives—the really bad one. We all know how it feels, the constant headache, running nose, coughs that are enough to choke you and nothing seems to make you feel warm. Well, a week into this treachery and we know we never want to go through this again. So, what do we usually do? Visit the doctor and get a prescription for antibiotics. Simple isn’t it? Factually, the common cold—diagnosed as ‘Upper respiratory tract infection’ (URTI), stands out to be one of the top reasons to visit a doctor in the US. But then here’s the issue ‘Antibiotics have no effect whatsoever on common cold’.
Though your doctor might prescribe you some antibiotics, as a matter of fact, the causative organism of the common cold is a ‘virus’ so how exactly can we cure it with a drug that is targeting to kill bacteria? (If at all the antibiotics seem to have worked it might only be due to the placebo effect.)
Antibiotics for Common Cold?
It is alarming to note that an estimated 30% of the total antibiotic prescriptions in US clinics and hospitals are given inappropriately as a prescription for UTRI. As we have discussed earlier that, intake of antibiotics in excessive amounts is now being considered as a major threat to public health worldwide, as it causes resistance to the antibiotics within the body. Also, antibiotics may have adverse effects on the gut microbiome of an individual and thereby leads to long term health risks.
So, can we get rid of this? Technically, we would try to prevent our self from contacting cold in the first place, but it does not seem practical at all. It becomes almost impossible to escape the viral exposure of this virus due to the countless public transits that we are regularly a part of such as, ATM keypads, elevator buttons, or even the doorknobs we touch daily.
Can Probiotics keep a check on Antibiotic Prescriptions?
In this regard scientists are starting to investigate a technique that might solve this inevitable problem, they believe that ‘probiotics can potentially act as a preventive measure to avoid the common cold.’
In a 2015 scientific analysis evidence shows that probiotics can be a way to enhance results associated with the common cold. For this analysis, two groups of adults were compared i.e., those who used probiotics and those who did not. It was seen that out of a total 100, about 11 fewer people contacted common cold in the former group. Also, the duration of the illness was shorter by 2 days at an average and above all, this group had fewer antibiotic prescriptions.
What Studies and Research Suggest?
The benefits of probiotics in real life in order to prevent common cold were seen with some concrete data in the countries of France and Canada. In an analysis published in 2015 and 2016, it was shown that an increase in the intake of probiotics may curb thousands of antibiotic prescriptions each year. Data indicates that this number was between 291,000 and 473,000 in France and even higher i.e., between 52,000 and 84,000 in Canada. And ultimately this also leads to reduced expenditure on healthcare.
Follow-up studies are in order to be conducted by researchers at the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) to answer the question of whether the use of antibiotics can be reduced by administering probiotics prevent or cure infections such as a common cold.
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billioncheers · 5 years
Gut Health and Love: Rise in Love!!
Gut health and love, are they really interrelated with each other, how? We know now how But what if gut microbiome could help us in love. Is it possible? How?
Love is the matter of the heart which has its own chemistry behind it. No one actually knows why we fall in love with a particular person. No one can tell you when you will fall for love.
All I can do is tell you how to “Rise in love”. How to maintain a healthy and long relationship with your partner… And I can help you get ready for love.
I can and will do so by helping you feel your best, by making your best and it will start at the gut level. love affects gut microbiome and health.
4 Simple Ways to Rise in Love
First, Love helped gut thrive, now gut microbiome will help love thrive.
Add An Adorable Personality
gut microbiome boosts confidence
It turns out that happy-cuddly hormones alone do not affect the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome also affects the levels of happy-cuddly hormones. The good bacteria of gut not only makes serotonin, but also helps in making other hormones like Dopamine, GABA, and Oxytocin, which fights Cortisol-the stress hormone. The gut microbiome also makes us less emotionally reactive, improving our mood, make us feel good about ourselves, and boost confidence. Adding charm to our personality and making us the cuddly-bear through oxytocin release.
Reach the Finest and Fittest Self
When we feel good about ourselves, our confidence boosts up. This helps us reach our finest selves. The health gut microbiome helps you have a healthy weight and fittest body. Along with the fact that we try to look good for our partner, we can become our finest and fittest self if we focus on our gut microbiome more.
5.Have That Radiant Skin
Improving gut microbiome helps skin radiate naturally
You glow when in love. It is again not a metaphor. The gut microbiome if in bad condition, makes you look dull and older. Taking care of gut microbiome is again very important in order to keep skin healthy, and radiant. Bad bacteria makes skin wrinkly, patchy, dehydrated, and stiff. Improving gut microbiome helps skin radiate naturally, hydrates skin from inside, reduce wrinkles and make skin flawless.
Be Kiss Ready
The major cause of bad breath is the unhealthy gut microbiome. The gut microbiome is not restricted to intestines only, it covers the whole digestive tract, including oral cavity (mouth). And even slightly smelling breath makes us self-conscious at such an intimate moment. So be kiss ready by taking good care of your oral cavity. Certain good bacteria fight off the bad tooth decaying bacteria. And encourage the growth of good bacteria.
How to take care of Gut Microbiome?
The answer is simple, probiotics. The best Probiotics are found to have gut microbiome restoring properties to greater extents. Some of the Probiotics also repair the damage done by bad bacteria on the body. Probiotics can be used to maintain gut microbiome.
The relation between love and gut health is cyclic. Love supports gut health. A healthy gut supports love. And to have a healthy gut a healthy gut microbiome is necessary. And healthy gut microbiome is achieved by using the best quality probiotics. Long story short, probiotics are needed to maintaining a healthy relationship, and to “Rise in Love”.
Billion Cheers Probiotics are one of its kind supplements, made with love and care for the gut microbiome. It contains all necessary 10 strains need by gut microbiome in order to achieve all above-mentioned goals. The 24 Billion good bacteria of Billion Cheers help you healthy neurochemical levels, reduce weight, give your skin a natural glow and kills bad bacteria of the mouth.
The post Gut Health and Love: Rise in Love!! appeared first on GUT University.
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billioncheers · 5 years
Why you need to have Paleo Diet alongside Probiotics for better GUT Health
The stomach has more than 500 different species of microorganisms, which is collectively known as the gut microbiome or gut flora. These microorganisms offer a wide range of benefits, from aiding digestive processes to warding off bacterial pathogens. How can you ensure a healthy gut microbiome?
Paleo Diet and Probiotics for Gut Health
The Paleo lifestyle, along with a diet rich in probiotic foods can definitely keep your gut healthy and happy.
What is the Paleo Diet?
Paleo is a dietary plan that emphasizes foods similar to those consumed during the Paleolithic era, which dates back to 2.5 million years ago. This kind of diet typically includes:
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Nuts and seeds
Lean meats, especially grass-fed animals
Fish, especially those rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna
Oils, such as walnut oil or olive oil
The aim of this diet is to return to the way we used to eat in ancient times, before the rise of commercial farming. Followers of the Paleo diet believe that it can prevent obesity by maintaining the balance of microorganisms in the gut microbiome. You might need to consume certain supplements along with the Paleo diet if you are suffering from:
Chronic diarrhea
Acid reflux
Chronic stomach infections
Probiotics to the Rescue!
Above listed problems might be a result of an imbalance in the gut microbiome, wherein the number of good bacteria or probiotics is exceeded by the number of bad bacteria. This is termed as gut dysbiosis. Taking probiotic supplements like billion cheers, along with following a Paleo diet, can help restore balance in the gut. The best probiotic foods are as follows:
Dark Chocolate
Greek Yogurt
Green Peas
Green Olives
Pickled and fermented foods
Sourdough bread
Cottage Cheese
You can also ingest a tablespoon of coconut oil by cooking your food in that medium, as it is a good source of fat and can provide added support to your gut.
Tips to follow for a Better Gut Health
Get more sleep:
Not getting enough sleep has been connected to a tendency for gaining weight with time. This can also cause severe digestive disorders. Exercise thrice a week:
Exercise is not only instrumental for losing extra pounds and maintaining a healthy body weight but also improves mood and immunity levels. It is also known to ward off digestive problems. Manage stress:
Once you manage to reduce stress, you will also be able to keep a host of health issues at bay. Regular exercise can also reduce heartburn, migraines, and other stress-induced illnesses. You can try meditation and relaxation techniques in order to manage stress. Seek therapy for anxiety and depression:
Your mood and gut health are closely connected. Hence, once you seek treatment for anxiety and depression, your gut health is most likely to improve as well.
Look after your gut – happiness will follow!
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billioncheers · 5 years
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Why you need to have Paleo Diet alongside Probiotics for better GUT Health http://bit.ly/2wPBTuE
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billioncheers · 5 years
Why you need to have Paleo Diet alongside Probiotics for better GUT Health
The stomach has more than 500 different species of microorganisms, which is collectively known as the gut microbiome or gut flora. These microorganisms offer a wide range of benefits, from aiding digestive processes to warding off bacterial pathogens. How can you ensure a healthy gut microbiome?
Paleo Diet and Probiotics for Gut Health
The Paleo lifestyle, along with a diet rich in probiotic foods can definitely keep your gut healthy and happy.
What is the Paleo Diet?
Paleo is a dietary plan that emphasizes foods similar to those consumed during the Paleolithic era, which dates back to 2.5 million years ago. This kind of diet typically includes:
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Nuts and seeds
Lean meats, especially grass-fed animals
Fish, especially those rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna
Oils, such as walnut oil or olive oil
The aim of this diet is to return to the way we used to eat in ancient times, before the rise of commercial farming. Followers of the Paleo diet believe that it can prevent obesity by maintaining the balance of microorganisms in the gut microbiome. You might need to consume certain supplements along with the Paleo diet if you are suffering from:
Chronic diarrhea
Acid reflux
Chronic stomach infections
Probiotics to the Rescue!
Above listed problems might be a result of an imbalance in the gut microbiome, wherein the number of good bacteria or probiotics is exceeded by the number of bad bacteria. This is termed as gut dysbiosis. Taking probiotic supplements like billion cheers, along with following a Paleo diet, can help restore balance in the gut. The best probiotic foods are as follows:
Dark Chocolate
Greek Yogurt
Green Peas
Green Olives
Pickled and fermented foods
Sourdough bread
Cottage Cheese
You can also ingest a tablespoon of coconut oil by cooking your food in that medium, as it is a good source of fat and can provide added support to your gut.
Tips to follow for a Better Gut Health
Get more sleep:
Not getting enough sleep has been connected to a tendency for gaining weight with time. This can also cause severe digestive disorders. Exercise thrice a week:
Exercise is not only instrumental for losing extra pounds and maintaining a healthy body weight but also improves mood and immunity levels. It is also known to ward off digestive problems. Manage stress:
Once you manage to reduce stress, you will also be able to keep a host of health issues at bay. Regular exercise can also reduce heartburn, migraines, and other stress-induced illnesses. You can try meditation and relaxation techniques in order to manage stress. Seek therapy for anxiety and depression:
Your mood and gut health are closely connected. Hence, once you seek treatment for anxiety and depression, your gut health is most likely to improve as well.
Look after your gut – happiness will follow!
The post Why you need to have Paleo Diet alongside Probiotics for better GUT Health appeared first on GUT University.
from WordPress https://billioncheers.com/blog/paleo-diet-probiotics-gut-health/
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billioncheers · 5 years
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Gut Health and Love: Rise in Love!! http://bit.ly/2wM7Jsn
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billioncheers · 5 years
Gut Health and Love: Rise in Love!!
Gut health and love, are they really interrelated with each other, how? We know now how But what if gut microbiome could help us in love. Is it possible? How?
Love is the matter of the heart which has its own chemistry behind it. No one actually knows why we fall in love with a particular person. No one can tell you when you will fall for love.
All I can do is tell you how to “Rise in love”. How to maintain a healthy and long relationship with your partner… And I can help you get ready for love.
I can and will do so by helping you feel your best, by making your best and it will start at the gut level. love affects gut microbiome and health.
4 Simple Ways to Rise in Love
First, Love helped gut thrive, now gut microbiome will help love thrive.
Add An Adorable Personality
gut microbiome boosts confidence
It turns out that happy-cuddly hormones alone do not affect the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome also affects the levels of happy-cuddly hormones. The good bacteria of gut not only makes serotonin, but also helps in making other hormones like Dopamine, GABA, and Oxytocin, which fights Cortisol-the stress hormone. The gut microbiome also makes us less emotionally reactive, improving our mood, make us feel good about ourselves, and boost confidence. Adding charm to our personality and making us the cuddly-bear through oxytocin release.
Reach the Finest and Fittest Self
When we feel good about ourselves, our confidence boosts up. This helps us reach our finest selves. The health gut microbiome helps you have a healthy weight and fittest body. Along with the fact that we try to look good for our partner, we can become our finest and fittest self if we focus on our gut microbiome more.
5.Have That Radiant Skin
Improving gut microbiome helps skin radiate naturally
You glow when in love. It is again not a metaphor. The gut microbiome if in bad condition, makes you look dull and older. Taking care of gut microbiome is again very important in order to keep skin healthy, and radiant. Bad bacteria makes skin wrinkly, patchy, dehydrated, and stiff. Improving gut microbiome helps skin radiate naturally, hydrates skin from inside, reduce wrinkles and make skin flawless.
Be Kiss Ready
The major cause of bad breath is the unhealthy gut microbiome. The gut microbiome is not restricted to intestines only, it covers the whole digestive tract, including oral cavity (mouth). And even slightly smelling breath makes us self-conscious at such an intimate moment. So be kiss ready by taking good care of your oral cavity. Certain good bacteria fight off the bad tooth decaying bacteria. And encourage the growth of good bacteria.
How to take care of Gut Microbiome?
The answer is simple, probiotics. The best Probiotics are found to have gut microbiome restoring properties to greater extents. Some of the Probiotics also repair the damage done by bad bacteria on the body. Probiotics can be used to maintain gut microbiome.
The relation between love and gut health is cyclic. Love supports gut health. A healthy gut supports love. And to have a healthy gut a healthy gut microbiome is necessary. And healthy gut microbiome is achieved by using the best quality probiotics. Long story short, probiotics are needed to maintaining a healthy relationship, and to “Rise in Love”.
Billion Cheers Probiotics are one of its kind supplements, made with love and care for the gut microbiome. It contains all necessary 10 strains need by gut microbiome in order to achieve all above-mentioned goals. The 24 Billion good bacteria of Billion Cheers help you healthy neurochemical levels, reduce weight, give your skin a natural glow and kills bad bacteria of the mouth.
The post Gut Health and Love: Rise in Love!! appeared first on GUT University.
from WordPress https://billioncheers.com/blog/gut-health-and-love-rise-in-love/
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billioncheers · 5 years
Love and Gut Health: Love is in the Air
Why have love and gut health written together? That’s we will discuss later. The main point is- Is Love in the Air! Have you found someone special! Something’s is the same yet different!! Starts seem to be shining brighter than usual!! Colours looking more vibrant!! Life looks more beautiful!! Every dream seems to come true suddenly!! The air is full of life!! Is Red your favourite colour now?! And those boring songs, are those more meaningful now!!
Yes, it is love, but it simply doesn’t end there. With a happy relationship, comes the deeper changes in our health. We become healthier, happier and live a long life. How!!!
Love and Gut Health
There are a whole lot of songs and poems written on the fact that mood elevates in love. Why!!!
Love, Health and Happiness are linked deeper than we expect. But before going over that let me ask you a one more important question. Have you felt the butterflies in your stomach when you look into the eyes of your beloved? Do you experience the gut drop when your crush talks to you? Can you explain the feeling when you got the proposal you were expecting? Or the feeling when you propose to someone and answer is yes? The racing heart beats even faster… but there is something going inside the gut as well. What is it and why gut!!
The Gut feeling!!
With a happy relationship, comes the deeper changes in our health
Our gut contains what, same cells as the other parts of body and gut microbiome. The trillions of microbes which supports us in different functions of the body like immunity, digestion, metabolism, mood, etc. We know 80% of our immunity is linked to gut microbiome, maximum of our digestion, energy distribution, and weight management is related to the microbiome. The good bacteria helps us a lot.
But how are they related to love? Do these good bacteria jump out of joy with us in such situation, coz deep down we are happy!! Maybe yes!-
How love and gut health are related?
A Good relationship is good for our gut microbiome, and we know that. So is the case with romance as well. A romantic relationship, the feeling of being in love improves our gut microbiome and immunity in astonishing and delightful ways:
Reduce stress
Among the top 10 causes of stress, 6 are linked to one problem- being alone. Loneliness is the poison that not only adds stress to life, it decreases its sustainability of gut microbiome and thus duration life also. Cortisol- the stress hormones are released by the body, along with some other. Being in a romantic relationship act as an antidote to this poison. The fact that “someone is there for you” alone gives a 50% relief in stress. The rest 50% is relieved by being with that person. When you are in love, the body releases the love and cuddle hormone- oxytocin to counter cortisol.
Supports immunity
The feeling of love supports our gut microbiome, therefore, supporting our immunity. Our 80% immunity lies in the gut and is related to the gut microbiome. So next time, you hear someone say “love gives us strength”, take that in a literal sense, not just metaphorically.
Induces good feelings
Being in love makes us feel good, how? There is a huge science behind this feeling. Just like above-discussed oxytocin, other hormones like the happy hormone-serotonin increase. It increases due to our gut microbiome. A healthy gut microbiome produces up to 90% serotonin. Many other hormones and neurochemicals are released like Vasopressin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, etc. all these bio-chemicals together make us feel good.
Promotes Physical Fitness
The feeling of joy, optimism, the inner strength (both physically and mentally) and the fact that the need to groom arises. All together leads us towards physical fitness. We tend to take care of our body more in love. And it is nothing against nature, even animals tend to groom themselves when they are in love.
Enriches Gut Microbiome
Love and gut health are linked in many ways, some we have discussed until now. But love enriches the gut microbiome directly. Physical contact, the passionate kisses, the eating and sleeping together, the holding of hands, hugging, cuddles, all these help in enriching the gut microbiome directly. While you may think of long romantic walks by the beach as a way to make long-lasting memories. You are actually collecting the real treasure of microbiome. The exchange of friendly bacteria happens, leading to a healthier gut. Not only that we often tend to meet more and more people when we are in love. We meet new people, the ones related to the beloved- the friends, family, and colleagues. These meeting also contributes to diversifying the gut microbiome and enriching our health.
Love nothing to run away from. It is good for your heart, mind, and body. Love enriches your soul and makes you whole. It is a feeling that everyone who has experienced can describe it in their words. And those who haven’t can understand none of those words. Loving someone is good for your gut as well. The gut microbiome actually jumps out of joy when we are in love.
The post Love and Gut Health: Love is in the Air appeared first on GUT University.
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billioncheers · 5 years
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Love and Gut Health: Love is in the Air http://bit.ly/2V94LvX
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billioncheers · 5 years
Love and Gut Health: Love is in the Air
Why have love and gut health written together? That’s we will discuss later. The main point is- Is Love in the Air! Have you found someone special! Something’s is the same yet different!! Starts seem to be shining brighter than usual!! Colours looking more vibrant!! Life looks more beautiful!! Every dream seems to come true suddenly!! The air is full of life!! Is Red your favourite colour now?! And those boring songs, are those more meaningful now!!
Yes, it is love, but it simply doesn’t end there. With a happy relationship, comes the deeper changes in our health. We become healthier, happier and live a long life. How!!!
Love and Gut Health
There are a whole lot of songs and poems written on the fact that mood elevates in love. Why!!!
Love, Health and Happiness are linked deeper than we expect. But before going over that let me ask you a one more important question. Have you felt the butterflies in your stomach when you look into the eyes of your beloved? Do you experience the gut drop when your crush talks to you? Can you explain the feeling when you got the proposal you were expecting? Or the feeling when you propose to someone and answer is yes? The racing heart beats even faster… but there is something going inside the gut as well. What is it and why gut!!
The Gut feeling!!
With a happy relationship, comes the deeper changes in our health
Our gut contains what, same cells as the other parts of body and gut microbiome. The trillions of microbes which supports us in different functions of the body like immunity, digestion, metabolism, mood, etc. We know 80% of our immunity is linked to gut microbiome, maximum of our digestion, energy distribution, and weight management is related to the microbiome. The good bacteria helps us a lot.
But how are they related to love? Do these good bacteria jump out of joy with us in such situation, coz deep down we are happy!! Maybe yes!-
How love and gut health are related?
A Good relationship is good for our gut microbiome, and we know that. So is the case with romance as well. A romantic relationship, the feeling of being in love improves our gut microbiome and immunity in astonishing and delightful ways:
Reduce stress
Among the top 10 causes of stress, 6 are linked to one problem- being alone. Loneliness is the poison that not only adds stress to life, it decreases its sustainability of gut microbiome and thus duration life also. Cortisol- the stress hormones are released by the body, along with some other. Being in a romantic relationship act as an antidote to this poison. The fact that “someone is there for you” alone gives a 50% relief in stress. The rest 50% is relieved by being with that person. When you are in love, the body releases the love and cuddle hormone- oxytocin to counter cortisol.
Supports immunity
The feeling of love supports our gut microbiome, therefore, supporting our immunity. Our 80% immunity lies in the gut and is related to the gut microbiome. So next time, you hear someone say “love gives us strength”, take that in a literal sense, not just metaphorically.
Induces good feelings
Being in love makes us feel good, how? There is a huge science behind this feeling. Just like above-discussed oxytocin, other hormones like the happy hormone-serotonin increase. It increases due to our gut microbiome. A healthy gut microbiome produces up to 90% serotonin. Many other hormones and neurochemicals are released like Vasopressin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, etc. all these bio-chemicals together make us feel good.
Promotes Physical Fitness
The feeling of joy, optimism, the inner strength (both physically and mentally) and the fact that the need to groom arises. All together leads us towards physical fitness. We tend to take care of our body more in love. And it is nothing against nature, even animals tend to groom themselves when they are in love.
Enriches Gut Microbiome
Love and gut health are linked in many ways, some we have discussed until now. But love enriches the gut microbiome directly. Physical contact, the passionate kisses, the eating and sleeping together, the holding of hands, hugging, cuddles, all these help in enriching the gut microbiome directly. While you may think of long romantic walks by the beach as a way to make long-lasting memories. You are actually collecting the real treasure of microbiome. The exchange of friendly bacteria happens, leading to a healthier gut. Not only that we often tend to meet more and more people when we are in love. We meet new people, the ones related to the beloved- the friends, family, and colleagues. These meeting also contributes to diversifying the gut microbiome and enriching our health.
Love nothing to run away from. It is good for your heart, mind, and body. Love enriches your soul and makes you whole. It is a feeling that everyone who has experienced can describe it in their words. And those who haven’t can understand none of those words. Loving someone is good for your gut as well. The gut microbiome actually jumps out of joy when we are in love.
The post Love and Gut Health: Love is in the Air appeared first on GUT University.
from WordPress https://billioncheers.com/blog/love-and-gut-health-love-is-in-the-air/
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billioncheers · 5 years
The Vaginal Diaries: Candida Albicans, the Fungus No One Talks About
The burning down there, we know the story behind it. We have discussed quite a lot about it. We also know the best ways to cure it at home. But no story is without the villain. Today I would like to tell you about the villain of our story. Candida albicans, the fungus which no-one is talking about much, and is plotting a lot more bad schemes than you think, to make you suffer, hidden behind the veil.
Think of Candida albicans as the suppressed, kept in uncontrolled, bullied sidekick which turns into the villain once the curfew is over.
Candida Albicans: The Fungus behind Vaginal Thrush
Candida albicans is a normal part of our vaginal micro-flora. C. albicans, normally, is kept in control by our immune system and the good bacteria present in our vaginal flora. When vaginal flora gets disturbed and/or we become immune-deficient, it starts causing health issues.
C. albicans causes “Vaginal thrush”– medically known as “Vulvovaginal candidiasis” when vaginal flora is disturbed. It is the most common infection women deal with. It is estimated that 75% of adult women experience its blow at least ones in their life.
Urinary Candidiasis
The other common problem caused by C. albicans is urine infections. It is initially present in lower parts urinary tract, but if kept un-treated may ascend up to kidneys.
Frequent and urgent need to urinate,
Incomplete emptying of the bladder,
Blood while urinating,
Abdominal pain
Oral Thrush
It is also the mucosal infection like vaginal thrush. When C. albicans colonise the mouth, the infection it causes is known as “Oral Thrush” or “Oral Candidiasis”.
It causes white lesions on the tongue and/or inner cheeks,
Pain or difficulty in swallowing food might occur,
Bad breath,
Burning mouth syndrome,
Excessive dryness- mouth feels parched,
White tongue,
An oddity of taste,
Redness of throat.
Mucocutaneous Candidiasis
Sometimes C. albicans infect the skin as well. The moist, warm, sweaty areas are the frequent targets of C. albicans, like armpits, groins, between the fingers and toes, corners of mouth etc.
Blister-like lesions,
The More Serious Infections
Both oral and vaginal thrush are mucosal infections. But C. albicans causes one more serious disease, i.e. “Disseminated Candidiasis”. It is a systemic infection. It occurs when C. albicans enters the bloodstream.
When we become immunosuppressed due to drugs like immunosuppressant or chemotherapy, enters tissues and go in the blood.
C. albicans is also a part of the normal gut flora. So disseminated candidiasis can start if C. albicans enters the system by invading gut walls through ulcer and wounds. It also grows in medical devices like intravenous catheters, and cause disseminated candidiasis in patients. It can then reach to visceral organ and cause serious issues.
Candidemia: It is the blood infection caused by C. albicans. Symptoms include:
Kidney failure
Neutropenia: When C. albicans invades the blood, it causes Neutropenia, the most common risk factor involved with disseminated candidiasis. Neutropenia is when the number of neutrophil cells of blood decreases to an alarming level. It makes us prone to more infections.
Endocarditis: When C. albicans infects the inner lining of heart, heart chambers and valves. Symptoms include:
Breathing difficulties,
Pain in lower parts of the body.
Endophthalmitis: It is the infection of eyes caused by C. albicans. It can lead to complete loss of vision. Symptoms include:
Inflammation of eyes,
Pus in eye tissue.
Meningitis: Inflammation of tissue that is around your brain and spinal cord. Symptoms include:
Stiff neck,
Sensitivity to light,
Candida peritonitis: Inflammation of the lining of the inner abdomen. Symptoms include:
Loss of appetite
Osteomyelitis and septic arthritis: Bone infection, i.e. osteomyelitis and septic arthritis are also caused by C.  albicans. It is rare. Symptoms include:
Can we get rid of it entirely?
Candida albicans is a part of the normal and healthy human microbiome, though it is present in very fewer numbers due to our good bacteria and our immune system. We cannot remove it entirely from our systems. We can only keep it in check by strengthening our immune system and by increasing the number of good bacteria in our microbiome.
Billion Cheers Probiotics are one such solution. It contains 10 probiotic strain which strengthens our immune system. It also helps in dramatically increasing the number of good bacteria. Each serving initially contains 24 billion CFU of bacteria. Ones consumed the bacteria immediately starts to double in number. It is due to the presence of prebiotics in Billion Cheers.
The post The Vaginal Diaries: Candida Albicans, the Fungus No One Talks About appeared first on GUT University.
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billioncheers · 5 years
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The Vaginal Diaries: Candida Albicans, the Fungus No One Talks About http://bit.ly/2wJKTS6
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billioncheers · 5 years
The Vaginal Diaries: Candida Albicans, the Fungus No One Talks About
The burning down there, we know the story behind it. We have discussed quite a lot about it. We also know the best ways to cure it at home. But no story is without the villain. Today I would like to tell you about the villain of our story. Candida albicans, the fungus which no-one is talking about much, and is plotting a lot more bad schemes than you think, to make you suffer, hidden behind the veil.
Think of Candida albicans as the suppressed, kept in uncontrolled, bullied sidekick which turns into the villain once the curfew is over.
Candida Albicans: The Fungus behind Vaginal Thrush
Candida albicans is a normal part of our vaginal micro-flora. C. albicans, normally, is kept in control by our immune system and the good bacteria present in our vaginal flora. When vaginal flora gets disturbed and/or we become immune-deficient, it starts causing health issues.
C. albicans causes “Vaginal thrush”– medically known as “Vulvovaginal candidiasis” when vaginal flora is disturbed. It is the most common infection women deal with. It is estimated that 75% of adult women experience its blow at least ones in their life.
Urinary Candidiasis
The other common problem caused by C. albicans is urine infections. It is initially present in lower parts urinary tract, but if kept un-treated may ascend up to kidneys.
Frequent and urgent need to urinate,
Incomplete emptying of the bladder,
Blood while urinating,
Abdominal pain
Oral Thrush
It is also the mucosal infection like vaginal thrush. When C. albicans colonise the mouth, the infection it causes is known as “Oral Thrush” or “Oral Candidiasis”.
It causes white lesions on the tongue and/or inner cheeks,
Pain or difficulty in swallowing food might occur,
Bad breath,
Burning mouth syndrome,
Excessive dryness- mouth feels parched,
White tongue,
An oddity of taste,
Redness of throat.
Mucocutaneous Candidiasis
Sometimes C. albicans infect the skin as well. The moist, warm, sweaty areas are the frequent targets of C. albicans, like armpits, groins, between the fingers and toes, corners of mouth etc.
Blister-like lesions,
The More Serious Infections
Both oral and vaginal thrush are mucosal infections. But C. albicans causes one more serious disease, i.e. “Disseminated Candidiasis”. It is a systemic infection. It occurs when C. albicans enters the bloodstream.
When we become immunosuppressed due to drugs like immunosuppressant or chemotherapy, enters tissues and go in the blood.
C. albicans is also a part of the normal gut flora. So disseminated candidiasis can start if C. albicans enters the system by invading gut walls through ulcer and wounds. It also grows in medical devices like intravenous catheters, and cause disseminated candidiasis in patients. It can then reach to visceral organ and cause serious issues.
Candidemia: It is the blood infection caused by C. albicans. Symptoms include:
Kidney failure
Neutropenia: When C. albicans invades the blood, it causes Neutropenia, the most common risk factor involved with disseminated candidiasis. Neutropenia is when the number of neutrophil cells of blood decreases to an alarming level. It makes us prone to more infections.
Endocarditis: When C. albicans infects the inner lining of heart, heart chambers and valves. Symptoms include:
Breathing difficulties,
Pain in lower parts of the body.
Endophthalmitis: It is the infection of eyes caused by C. albicans. It can lead to complete loss of vision. Symptoms include:
Inflammation of eyes,
Pus in eye tissue.
Meningitis: Inflammation of tissue that is around your brain and spinal cord. Symptoms include:
Stiff neck,
Sensitivity to light,
Candida peritonitis: Inflammation of the lining of the inner abdomen. Symptoms include:
Loss of appetite
Osteomyelitis and septic arthritis: Bone infection, i.e. osteomyelitis and septic arthritis are also caused by C.  albicans. It is rare. Symptoms include:
Can we get rid of it entirely?
Candida albicans is a part of the normal and healthy human microbiome, though it is present in very fewer numbers due to our good bacteria and our immune system. We cannot remove it entirely from our systems. We can only keep it in check by strengthening our immune system and by increasing the number of good bacteria in our microbiome.
Billion Cheers Probiotics are one such solution. It contains 10 probiotic strain which strengthens our immune system. It also helps in dramatically increasing the number of good bacteria. Each serving initially contains 24 billion CFU of bacteria. Ones consumed the bacteria immediately starts to double in number. It is due to the presence of prebiotics in Billion Cheers.
The post The Vaginal Diaries: Candida Albicans, the Fungus No One Talks About appeared first on GUT University.
from WordPress https://billioncheers.com/blog/candida-albicans-the-fungal-vaginal-disease/
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billioncheers · 5 years
The Mighty Gut Microbiome: The Threats (Part 2)
It is clear that gut plays a crucial role in keeping us healthy. If kept in its natural state gut microbiome helps not only in physical fitness but also plays a crucial role in our mental health. But due to the changing times, our gut microbiome is under constant threats. Our want to become westernized, without balancing it with traditions; our hunger for hygiene; our hype for processed food; our addicting habits have dreaded our gut microbiome.
7 Threats to Gut Microbiome
So, why you have an unhealthy gut? The following are the top most bullies dreading our gut microbiome unceasingly:
We are Eating Antibiotics
antibiotics are a serious threat to GUT health
Antibiotics are good when we are sick, it helps us get well. But the fact is, antibiotics come with their own side-effects.
It is one of the most dreaded threats to our gut microbiome.  They kill bacteria, but they kill without partiality. They kill the good bacteria, the much-needed bacteria as well. Some antibiotics we take because of the requirement, due to illnesses, because our doctors want us to get better. But many antibiotics we take unknowingly. 70-80% of the meat that we buy from the market contains antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is the biggest worry of the 21st century.
Low fiber diet
Burgers, diet coke, fries, and all the junk food that we eat. Is it good, or just tasty? The question should not be this. The question we should be asking is, “To what extent is it harming us?” It is harming the key to our fit survival. It is harming our gut microbiome. The processed food, sugar, pasteurized dairy, excessive gluten and less to zero fiber are actually threatening the continued existence of good bacteria of our gut. Giving rise to problems like obesity, IBS type 2 diabetes and many other similar health problems.
Sedentary lifestyle
Whether you belong to small towns or big metropolis, your 50-90% work involves sitting. And no time of exercise works as a cherry on top in diminishing the diversity of microbes. It is one of the most discussed threat to gut microbiome. A sedentary lifestyle may decrease the number of microbes up to 40%.
Stress is directly linked to a threat to gut flora. Stress decreases the blood circulation in the gut, which is harmful for digestion as well as the gut microbiome.
Stress makes your Gut Unhealthy
Sleep deprivation
Do you know that your gut bacteria love your sleep? When you deprive yourself of sleep, not only you but your good bacteria also become cranky. And your bad bacteria level increases. Just a few sleepless nights can decrease the microbial number by 50%.
Pollution and environmental toxin harm not only your surrounding but it harms the good bacteria also. Air pollutants, alone, possess a huge threat to your gut microbiome. The TRAPs and PMs kill the good bacteria more than antibiotics. And then there are other pollutants also, like soil, and water pollutants.
Fanatical Hygiene
Washing hands before and after eating are good for health. Maintaining cleanliness in your surroundings is a must. Bathing daily is required. But when did it happen that we started killing our good bacteria as well it happened when we become over obsessed with hygiene. We started using sanitizers more than water. When we started prevented our kids from paling in soil, in the ground outside. When we stopped our pets from jumping in puddles. This is when we started getting cleaner as well as sick. We are killing our microbiome with hyped hygiene. And we need to stop going overboard with it.
It is our duty towards ourselves not abuse our gut microbiome anymore. Not to mistreat this part, which is so vital for our healthy survival. It is high time we face these bullies head on and return the gut microbiome to its natural state. Gut microbiome suffering leads to body anguishes. For both physical and mental health, it is important to take the necessary steps like eating healthy, exercise, and probiotics.
Billion Cheers probiotics comes with the natural goodness of multi-strain probiotics as well as prebiotics. The perfect synbiotic available just a click away. It is specifically designed to take complete care of gut and the microbiome residing in it. It is made to fight off the threats of the microbiome and creates the natural state of gut microbiome you were born with.
The post The Mighty Gut Microbiome: The Threats (Part 2) appeared first on GUT University.
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billioncheers · 5 years
The Mighty Gut Microbiome: The Threats (Part 2)
It is clear that gut plays a crucial role in keeping us healthy. If kept in its natural state gut microbiome helps not only in physical fitness but also plays a crucial role in our mental health. But due to the changing times, our gut microbiome is under constant threats. Our want to become westernized, without balancing it with traditions; our hunger for hygiene; our hype for processed food; our addicting habits have dreaded our gut microbiome.
7 Threats to Gut Microbiome
So, why you have an unhealthy gut? The following are the top most bullies dreading our gut microbiome unceasingly:
We are Eating Antibiotics
antibiotics are a serious threat to GUT health
Antibiotics are good when we are sick, it helps us get well. But the fact is, antibiotics come with their own side-effects.
It is one of the most dreaded threats to our gut microbiome.  They kill bacteria, but they kill without partiality. They kill the good bacteria, the much-needed bacteria as well. Some antibiotics we take because of the requirement, due to illnesses, because our doctors want us to get better. But many antibiotics we take unknowingly. 70-80% of the meat that we buy from the market contains antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is the biggest worry of the 21st century.
Low fiber diet
Burgers, diet coke, fries, and all the junk food that we eat. Is it good, or just tasty? The question should not be this. The question we should be asking is, “To what extent is it harming us?” It is harming the key to our fit survival. It is harming our gut microbiome. The processed food, sugar, pasteurized dairy, excessive gluten and less to zero fiber are actually threatening the continued existence of good bacteria of our gut. Giving rise to problems like obesity, IBS type 2 diabetes and many other similar health problems.
Sedentary lifestyle
Whether you belong to small towns or big metropolis, your 50-90% work involves sitting. And no time of exercise works as a cherry on top in diminishing the diversity of microbes. It is one of the most discussed threat to gut microbiome. A sedentary lifestyle may decrease the number of microbes up to 40%.
Stress is directly linked to a threat to gut flora. Stress decreases the blood circulation in the gut, which is harmful for digestion as well as the gut microbiome.
Stress makes your Gut Unhealthy
Sleep deprivation
Do you know that your gut bacteria love your sleep? When you deprive yourself of sleep, not only you but your good bacteria also become cranky. And your bad bacteria level increases. Just a few sleepless nights can decrease the microbial number by 50%.
Pollution and environmental toxin harm not only your surrounding but it harms the good bacteria also. Air pollutants, alone, possess a huge threat to your gut microbiome. The TRAPs and PMs kill the good bacteria more than antibiotics. And then there are other pollutants also, like soil, and water pollutants.
Fanatical Hygiene
Washing hands before and after eating are good for health. Maintaining cleanliness in your surroundings is a must. Bathing daily is required. But when did it happen that we started killing our good bacteria as well it happened when we become over obsessed with hygiene. We started using sanitizers more than water. When we started prevented our kids from paling in soil, in the ground outside. When we stopped our pets from jumping in puddles. This is when we started getting cleaner as well as sick. We are killing our microbiome with hyped hygiene. And we need to stop going overboard with it.
It is our duty towards ourselves not abuse our gut microbiome anymore. Not to mistreat this part, which is so vital for our healthy survival. It is high time we face these bullies head on and return the gut microbiome to its natural state. Gut microbiome suffering leads to body anguishes. For both physical and mental health, it is important to take the necessary steps like eating healthy, exercise, and probiotics.
Billion Cheers probiotics comes with the natural goodness of multi-strain probiotics as well as prebiotics. The perfect synbiotic available just a click away. It is specifically designed to take complete care of gut and the microbiome residing in it. It is made to fight off the threats of the microbiome and creates the natural state of gut microbiome you were born with.
The post The Mighty Gut Microbiome: The Threats (Part 2) appeared first on GUT University.
from WordPress https://billioncheers.com/blog/the-mighty-gut-microbiome-part-2-the-threats/
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