billjones2023 · 5 months
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And more. I'll stop now.
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billjones2023 · 5 months
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A miscellaneous selection of our life in 2023
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billjones2023 · 5 months
On the whole a good year - Bill's health has improved hugely; we've spent time with friends and family on a regular basis; we've had some lovely holidays both here in the UK and overseas; and we've spent money on maintaining our loving ageing home. A random selection of photos to end the year.
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billjones2023 · 5 months
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Christmas: Day, Bramhall; Macclesfield
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billjones2023 · 5 months
Christmas 2023
A quiet Christmas Day at home indeed but preceded by visits to the wrong side of the Pennines to meet up with Elaine, Rachel, Ads and Jordi (over from San Francisco and en route to Norway for new year); then on to Bramhall to visit the local Warwick Avenue Christmas lights with Markus, Alex and Evelina before playing racing robin. Around this time we had drinks and nibbles with neighbours, Ruth stayed over and we shared delicious cheesecake with Mike and Sandra (the real treat was being allowed to park there as the rain was torrential for alot of this period). Bill and I also visited the Floral Hall for breakfast, played our ukuleles at the u3a Christmas cracker event, ate an excellent dinner at Elwells restaurant (part of the local college); shared a meal with M and S at the Welly in Lund, and did a couple of walks in glorious sunshine (and chill wind) at both North and South bays in Brid. NYE we both fell asleep listening to the radio and were awakened by the chimes of Big Ben. Happy New Year to all.
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billjones2023 · 6 months
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A Christmas experience
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billjones2023 · 6 months
Saturday 09.12.23
Ruth and C had an R&C day out with a visit to Howsham Hall for lunch / afternoon tea. The weather that morning had been wet and very windy and the roads across the Wolds were often flooded; the biggest "puddle" was on the road immediately prior to the HH access. With lots of discussion and noisy horror we bravely drove through to access our experience. Good food plus a tour of the hall - it was a school at one point in its history and is now a wedding venue - two of our group would be returning later in the year to celebrate their marriages (no idea how much this would cost!) Road clear enough to enable a brief foray into Malton for a potter round two very lovely shops before returning home across the now accessible country roads.
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billjones2023 · 6 months
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Our Birmingham Brian Bilston experience
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billjones2023 · 6 months
07.12 - 08.12.23: Birmingham
Our visit to Birmingham began with one of the worst motorway journeys either of us has ever experienced; heavy rain, cross winds and lots of spray from large lorries. Airbnb accommodation acceptable for an overnight stay but we would not recommend; however, it was close to the three venues we needed to access. We collected Chris and Graham from Catherine's home and then it took us over half an hour to negotiate the three mile distance to the Highfield through the weight of traffic and the labyrinthine nature of suburban roads (there was also a school of thought that satnav was sending us round in circles). Good meal at the Highfield restaurant before transferring to the Birmingham City University South Campus for the event organised by Catherine, Chris and Graham's daughter, as part of the programme offered by the Heath bookshop. We thoroughly enjoyed listening to Brian Bilston reading a selection of his poems, although were both most impressed by the Benjamin Zephaniah 'talking turkeys' poem he read to acknowledge the death of its author that day. Next morning we drove to the King's Heath area to meet with Chris, Graham and Catherine for breakfast at the Loco Lounge before walking down to the Heath bookshop. It was already busy in the small and welcoming store where we bought three books before setting off for home. This time the journey was much easier and we arrived back mid-afternoon.
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billjones2023 · 6 months
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Ann and Carolyn; Bill in all his Christmas splendour; raffle prizes and our orchestra seating.
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billjones2023 · 6 months
Tuesday 5 December: Ukulele Party
This event was held at the Conservative Club - an excellent venue but wrong in so many other ways. Carolyn went off to help with preparations one hour before the party started. We sat with Sue Rosewall and Ann from the ukulele u3a group and spent a pleasant hour chatting and avoiding much of the high calorie food on offer. We also chatted to Roger who last year had been sitting with his good friend Jake; sadly Jake is no longer with us. We then played for about 45 minutes songs drawn from our repertoire; the audience, comprising friends and relations of the group, applauded with some initial enthusiasm. A good afternoon celebrating with people who have become friends.
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billjones2023 · 7 months
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Happy on the rope climbing frame
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billjones2023 · 7 months
22.09 - 24.09.23: Not half-term
Markus, Alex and Evelina came over to Beverley to stay for two nights - it was half-term on their side of the Pennines but not here which made our visit on Monday to Sewerby even more special as it was fairly quiet (although long café queues). "We" first played on the boat, E climbed the rope frame, spun in the saucer and generally ran everywhere. The zoo was quite exciting producing (very fishy smelling) penguins, parrots, pigmy goats, donkeys, alpacas, pigs and sundry other creatures looking fairly content with their lot. After lunch in the café (queued up for by Bill and Markus) we travelled on the land train (much less bumpy than on our previous journey a couple of weeks earlier) down to the beach for Evelina (well her mummy and daddy) to look into her "rock" homework. Ice-creams and chips - a true seaside visit. So lovely to see them all - even Ernie got involved. Not so much Elgar who reappeared approximately 15 minutes after their departure!
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billjones2023 · 7 months
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Brid, bacon butties, Beverley Arms and us
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billjones2023 · 7 months
13 - 17 September 2023: Dave & Wendy visit
Our old friends, who now live in Vancouver, were undertaking a 51-day long tour of the UK, catching up on family and friends. Their visit to us came towards the end of their travels when, we think, they were pleased to have a couple of (almost) travel free days to relax and enjoy ourselves. The weather, which hadn't been the best during their stay - torrential downpours and flooding seemed to be the order of their day - was kind to us which made a world of pottering difference. We visited York and the Jorvik Centre - impressed with the more modern figures (and smells), walked the walls and had a pub lunch; Sunday at the seaside - bacon sandwiches on the prom at Bridlington and took the land train back up towards Sewerby - what a lumpy ride that was. Monday we had breakfast at our favourite Floral Hall in Hornsea - I think they were impressed! and tea and cake with Ruth (who Wendy had met many years ago during our visit to Canada) at the Beverley Arms. All this activity was interspersed with dinner each evening, joined by Mike and Sandra on Sunday evening, along with rugby, cricket and music. We thoroughly enjoyed their visit and are looking forward to meeting up with them "somewhere in Europe" on their next bike foray next year, and then, perhaps, off to Canada.
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billjones2023 · 8 months
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Bill and Rachel Campey in the Beverley FM studio (107.8 FM)
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billjones2023 · 8 months
Friday 29.09.23: Beverley FM
Bill was interviewed by Rachel Campey in the tiny Beverley FM studio. A good interview which covered not only Politics UK and the new book "Just like Us - the Politics of Promotion" but also Bill's play Guardian Angels which is now available as a radio play.
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