binarybrother · 2 years
@furyof​ / the phrase ‘see attached bibliography’ is the single sexiest thing you have ever written to me. 
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the  warmth  that  crept  up  demetri’s  neck  would  have  been  unnoticeable  to  the  untrained  eye,  but  eli  knew  him  better  than  anyone,  so  he  saw  it.  but  that  didn’t  mean  demetri  was  going  to  draw  attention  to  his  blush.  a  year  ago,  that  word  would  have  meant  nothing  to  him,  but  they  weren’t  making  out  then,  and  they  weren’t  having  the  sex  talk  now.  at  least,  not  yet.  they  had  been  discord  chatting  back  and  forth  about  college  stuff  because  they  wanted  to  go  together,  and  it  was  easier  to  communicate  and  share  links  that  way  when  they  weren’t  together.  he  was  expecting  a  ‘hey’  in  greeting,  and  he  got  that  instead.  “oh  yeah?”  he  played  along,  doing  his  best  Sexy  Face.  which  probably  wasn’t  sexy  at  all,  but  whatever.  “i  should  talk  nerdy  to  you  more  often,”  he  teased,  like  he  wasn’t  already  fluent  in  geek  speak.
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binarybrother · 2 years
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“buttercup?   i’m   obviously   blossom.“   that   is,   if   he   is   going   with   a      powerpuff   metaphor,   if   not,   guess   she   will   just   die   of   embarassment   for   exposing   the   fact   she   absolutely   thought   about   who   she   would   be   in   all   scenarios.   but   she   does   sit   with   him   either   way.   “just   wanted   to   say   i’m   proud   of   you,   am   i   allowed   to   say   that?“   because   the   yare   the   same   age,   and   yet,   she   is   proud,   when   she   looks   at   demetri.   she   looks   and   sees   the   change   he   went   through   and   the   hardship   and   she   can’t   help   but   to   think,   how   much   mr.   miyagi   would   be   proud   of   him   too.   making   the   legacy   proud   and   all.   “you   are   miyagi-do,   through   and   through.   I   just   think   my   tanmee   would   be   proud,   you   know?   dad   is   too.“
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he  wasn’t  making  a  powerpuff  girls  reference,  but  she  was  right.  “that’s  fair.  i  guess  that  makes  moon  bubbles  and  yasmine  buttercup  and—  yeah,  that  checks  out,”  he  finished  with  a  laugh.  she  said  that  and  his  smile  faltered  a  little,  not  because  he  didn’t  like  hearing  those  words  because  words  of  affirmation  were  one  of  his  love  languages,  but  it  wasn’t  something  he’d  heard  from  anyone  other  than  his  mother.  “you’re  allowed  to  say  that,”  he  affirmed.  and  if  her  saying  she  was  proud  wasn’t  enough,  she  went  on  to  say  that  her  father  was  proud  of  him  too.  and  mr.  larusso  was  his  sensei,  so  that  made  sense.  but  he  had  never  met  her  tanmee.  “i  wish  i  could  have  met  him,”  he  said  instead  of  properly  acknowledging  the  compliment.  “—but  i  know  he’s  proud  of  you.  you’re  kind  of  a  badass,”  he  pointed  out,  nudging  her  with  his  shoulder.  “—and  just,  a  really  good  person.  he’d  be  proud  of  that  too.”
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binarybrother · 2 years
         she  wouldn’t  trade  him  for  the  world.  he’s  a  good  reminder  that  she  shouldn’t  be  taking  life  so  seriously  all  the  time,  even  when  things  seem  to  be  going  to  hell  &  she  appreciates  that  more  than  he  knows.  like  the  time  they  made  their  dumb  little  ‘straight  out  of  miyagi-do’  hoodies  ––  that  was  obviously  not  her  idea,  but  it’s  now  one  of  her  fondest  memories.  &  one  of  her  most  worn  hoodies  around  the  house.  she’ll  only  wear  it  outside  if  she  knows  he  will,  too.  they  go  together,  after  all.  &  she’s  not  only  referring  to  the  hoodies.  “  right,  sorry,  i  forgot  our  uniform.  ”  she  apologizes,  giving  him  another  squeeze  before  he  starts  dramatizing  &  before  she  knows  it,  he’s  on  his  knees  at  her  side.  “  finally  !  ”  her  smile  widens  in  amusement,  one  brow  arched  as  she  lets  out  a  short  laugh.  “  actually,  i’m  a  smidge  taller,  which  is  even  better.  ”  there’s  a  little  pride  in  her  voice,  one  of  her  hands  lifting  to  smooth  over  one  of  his  out-of-place  hairs.  “  so,  how  do  you  like  it  down  here  ?  feeling  my  pain  yet  ?  ”
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her  excitement  only  made  his  smile  bigger.  he  knew  sam.  hell,  he  liked  to  think  that  he  knew  sam  better  than  just  about  anyone,  except  for  maybe  the  three  girls,  but  aisha,  yasmine  and  moon  all  had  years  on  him.  sam  was  one  of  his  best  friends,  coming  in  second  right  behind  eli.  in  the  time  that  he’d  known  her,  like  since  he  really  got  to  know  her,  he  hadn’t  seen  her  smile  much.  not  since  they  were  a  trio.  he  thought  she  was  almost  happy  when  miyagi - do  had  three  students.  they  had  fun  together.  they  still  did,  but  her  smile  had  lost  some  of  it’s  shine.  so  when  he  got  a  good  one  out  of  her,  he  cherished  the  moment.  “oh,  finally,”  he  echoed  the  word  back  to  him,  but  he  smiled  even  as  he  rolled  his  eyes.  “honestly?  it’s  not  great,”  he  replied  with  a  laugh.  “it’s  kind  of  like  a  whole  new  world  down  here.  or  half  a  world,”  he  teased.  “—but  whether  i’m  taller  than  you  or  shorter  than  you,  i  always  look  up  to  you  sam.  never  forget  that.”  she  was  the  best  fighter  out  of  all  of  them,  there  was  no  questioning  that.  but  she  was  also  the  best  person  he  knew.
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binarybrother · 2 years
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when  demetri  went  to  the  dojo,  he  wasn’t  expecting  to  see  anyone  else  there  :  especially  not  robby  keene.  his  fight  or  flight  instinct  kicked  in,  and  he  almost  turned  and  left  without  saying  anything.  but  robby  was  his  friend.  or,  well,  he  used  to  be.  it  was  him  and  sam  and  robby  against  their  common  enemy.  now  robby  was  the  enemy.  he  was  enemy  number  one.  demetri  was  confused  by  what  robby  said  though.  sensei  knew  robby  was  coming?  he  was  going  to  let  robby  walk  into  the  dojo,  and  he  trusted  that  he  would  just  leave  the  trophy  and  go.  demetri  didn’t  trust  him,  not  anymore.  but  robby  wasn’t  alone,  and  demetri  couldn’t  help  but  wonder  if  this  was  some  kind  of  parent  trap  type  of  situation  planned  by  one  or  both  of  the  larusso’s.  he  wouldn’t  put  it  past  sam.  he  stood  up  straight  and  folded  his  arms  over  his  chest  like  that  would  make  him  more  intimidating.  “for  the  dojo,”  he  repeated,  and  couldn’t  help  but  scoff  after  the  words  left  his  mouth.  “yeah,  okay.  it  is,  by  the  way.  closed.  miyagi - do  is  closed,”  he  kept  repeating  it  so  that  robby  would  feel  the  weight  of  those  verbal  punches.  “you  don’t  have  to  leave.  we  can  pay  our  respects  to  our  former  dojo.  “you  can  have  the  honor  of  saying  the  eulogy  since  you’re  the  one  holding  the  knife.”
@binarybro​ gets some love
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he   mutters   only   his   breath.   it’s   probably   an   insult   really   but   he   wasn’t   expecting   to   see   demetri   at   the   dojo.   then   again,   he   should’ve   known   better   than   to   trust   mr.   larusso   when   he   said   that   he   could   walk   and   leave   the   trophy   at   that   time.   it’s   like   a   set   up.   robby   looks   directly   at   demetri   for   a   moment,   remembering   the   way   both   he   and   dem   once   vocalized:   once   cobra   kai   always   cobra   kai.   he   is   likely   the   biggest   betrayer   of   them   all.   he   holds   the   trophy   of   the   out   of   the   state   championship   he   won   in   his   hand,   looking   back   for   a   moment   before   clearing   his   throat.   “uh,   mr.   larusso   said   i   could   walk   by   and   drop   this.   you   know,   for   the   dojo.   closed   or   not.”   because   he   went   as   miyagi-do.   because   he   sported   that   bonsai   and   felt   good   again.      “i’ll   be   gone   in   a   second.   don’t   worry.”
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binarybrother · 2 years
riddle me this batman. are you mad at me
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binarybrother · 2 years
anyone else just really love the sun so much 
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binarybrother · 2 years
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binarybrother · 2 years
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Elyse & James Willems Rage Together
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binarybrother · 2 years
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binarybrother · 2 years
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That’s also something I’ve seen over the years a lot. There’s like this still of the four of us on the bed and it’s like a really sweet..They’re all happy you know? And together. It was a really nice moment at the end of this episode. -Rachel Bilson
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binarybrother · 2 years
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      HAWK   KNEW   DAMN   WELL   THAT   HIS   IMPLICATION   HAD   BEEN   A   RISK.      there   was   so   much   at   stake   when   it   came   to   him   and   demetri   and   their   complicated   dynamic   they’d   forged   for   themselves.   except   it   didn’t   really   feel   all   that   complicated.   hawk   knew   he   liked   being   with   demetri.   he   liked   kissing   him   and   holding   him   close   when   they   shared   his   bed.   no,   the   complication   came   when   he   considered   what   would   happen   if   things   went   wrong.   he   wasn’t   terrified   of   losing   his   best   friend   again,   after   working   so   hard   to   get   back   to   that   point.   still,   some   things   were   worth   the   risk.   being   with   demetri   officially   felt   like   it   was   worth   the   risk.   he   gave   a   warm   smile   as   the   other   approached,   leaning   back   against   the   side   of   the   house,   hands   shoved   into   his   pockets.   he   stood   up   straight   when   demetri   was   just   a   few   steps   away,   ready   to   greet   him   when   his   best   friend   stepped   closer   and   greeted   him   with   a   kiss.   it   caught   hawk   off   guard,   but   he   was   quick   to   respond,   kissing   demetri   back,   hand   raising   to   cup   the   back   of   his   neck.   eyes   opened   slowly   as   they   pulled   away   just   slightly   from   each   other,   staring   into   hazel   eyes   as   demetri   took   the   leap   hawk   had   been   too   fucking   nervous   too.   his   breath   caught   in   his   throat   and   he   nodded.   ❛   binary   boyfriends,   ❜   he   agreed   on   a   whisper   of   his   own,   using   the   hand   on   the   back   of   dem’s   neck   to   pull   him   down   for   another   quick   kiss.   ❛   think   our   families   will   be   surprised?   ❜   he   asked   with   a   laugh,   nose   brushing   against   his   best   friend’s   boyfriend’s.   
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up  until  that  point,  all  their  kisses  had  been  behind  closed  doors,  in  one  of  their  bedrooms.  they  held  hands  on  their  . . .  were  they  dates?  demetri  didn’t  really  know,  but  they  felt  like  dates.  everything  changed  when  they  started  kissing  regularly.  every  hang  out  held  a  little  more  weight,  and  he  never  felt  more  comfortable  than  he  did  when  eli  held  his  hand.  eli  was  his  peace,  when  just  a  year  prior  he  had  been  the  cause  of  his  angst.  and  he  realized  to  late  that  his  mood  and  attitude  were  a  direct  reflection  of  his  best  friend’s.  when  he  had  eli  by  his  side,  he  felt  more  like  himself.  and  when  they  were  separated,  he  felt  like  he  was  missing  a  limb.  like  eli  was  as  important  to  him  as  an  arm  or  a  leg.  this  was  different,  any  member  of  their  families  could  walk  around  that  corner  and  see  them  kissing.  and  demetri  didn’t  care.  because  he  didn’t  want  to  have  to  hide  to  hold  eli’s  hand  or  kiss  his  . . .  boyfriend.  his  boyfriend.  he  grinned  when  eli  echoed  the  words  back  to  him.  hearing  him  say  them  out  loud  made  them  real.  and  he  was  about  to  respond  when  eli  kissed  him  again.  “moms?  no.  dads?  maybe  a  little,”  he  replied  with  a  chuckle,  kissing  him  again.  “our  friends  too.”
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binarybrother · 2 years
@furyof​ knows what this is :’)
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eli  was  right.  binary  besties  didn’t  work,  but  the  o.g.  binary  brothers  wasn’t  any  better.  neither  title  felt  right  for  their  relationship  that  had  taken  an  interesting  turn  lately.  demetri  knew  what  title  he  wanted  to  use,  but  he  wasn’t  sure  if  they  were  ready  to  take  that  step  yet.  saying  it  would  change  everything.  or  it  wouldn’t  change  anything  at  all.  because  they  were  already  kissing  and  cuddling  and  acting  like  the  very  thing  he  wanted  to  call  them.  so  when  he  saw  eli  waiting  for  him  at  the  annual  moskopoulos  fourth  of  july  party,  he  got  a  little  more  pep  in  his  step.  and  when  he  reached  his  binary  whatever  at  next  to  the  house,  out  of  sight  from  both  of  their  families,  demetri  immediately  went  in  for  a  kiss,  hands  resting  on  eli’s  hips.  “binary  boyfriends?”  he  whispered  when  he  pulled  back,  eyes  searching  eli’s  for  an  answer  before  he  even  had  a  chance  to  say  anything  out  loud.
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binarybrother · 2 years
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binarybrother · 2 years
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binarybrother · 2 years
ship with dem 🥰
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binarybrother · 2 years
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER ⏤ 2.05, “Reptile Boy”
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binarybrother · 2 years
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