binaryman01-blog · 13 years
Normally I mix 50% 48mg pg/nic to get 24mg then add 35% VG and 15% flavor. If I want to go to 12mg, can I sub 25% of nic with everclear?
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binaryman01-blog · 13 years
Has a gogo
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
Vy4 from @AtmosUSA and the GoGo are an awesome pair!! yummy.
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
trying to find someone who sells clearomizers XL 2.6ohm , that have them in stock
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
I hope I like RY4
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
Where to get a quick DIY kit, just to get my feet wet ? PG/VG mix
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
I hope eliquid can make it from TX @ 8pm to MD (eastern shore) and in my mailbox by noon today through priority mail :P
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
Awesome Vendor for eCig suppliers.  It's the only vendor to date that has eLiquid that I like.  I don't know if he mixes it himself or purchases from another in bulk, but it's awesome.
Customer Service freaking incredible!  Rick knows the secret to being successful, that's apparent.
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
Is their a down side to the REO ? It seems to be an effortless device. No need to deal with wicks or filters ?
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
Flavor Selection
One thing I have noticed about the eCig/PV Industry is that they have come out with a variety of flavors too numerous to count.
Trying to find that right flavor can be tough.  As a matter of fact I still haven't found the right flavor.  Could it be that I will be searching for the rest of my life ?  Probably..
I found it interesting that their is an expectation that their should be a tobacco flavor on the market.  Well their is but it's not the same as analogs. 
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
Vapor Scent
I was under the impression that using eCigs or PVs didn't produce any second hand smoke.  While I think that's true, I am finding that an odor permeates my office space from the vaporizing that occurs.
Today I am using a Cherry flavor and the scent of it is carried throughout the office area.
The scent itself makes it hard to justify vaping in the office, especially in consideration of those that might have allergies.
I will have to research this more in depth.
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
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Member of the GrimmArmy.  The founder of GrimmArmy is truly inspirational. I can't say enough about this guy.
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
Awesome resource on the eCig/PV.  Incredible bunch of people.
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
Radical - Smoking to Vaping Transition
It's incredible.  February 11, 2011 was a day of radical change for me.  I had been a smoker of analog (cigarettes) for over 20 years.  
My wife introduced me to eCigs due to concern for my health, scent, and the effect smoke was having on the family.
The first puff on an eCig was transforming and little did I know would result in me becoming a eCig/PV advocate.
I haven't touched an analog in 30 days.
During my journey the past 30 days I have become acquainted with the eCig community.  Everyone I have met in this community has expressed the same radical transformation that I have.  We're like a bunch of kids with a box of candy.
Amazingly enough, we all want to share our candy to all those eating the bitter black non sweetened duds.
The community has been around for a while and continues to grow and become sophisticated.  We have VapeTVLive, e-cigarette-forum.com and a whole host of vendors, reviewers, etc.. You name it and this community has it.
Once I figure out how to put links on tumblr to my favorite eCig places, I will do so.
Finally for this particular post, I would like to say, the eCig community welcomes you and they are the finest bunch of people you would ever want to meet in any revolution.
eCig consumables cost me $44.00 a month as opposed to $240.00 a month for analogs.  The funny thing is, there is a variety of cost effective models for Vaping.. I believe I have a cheaper method, which I will be sharing soon.
So stay in touch and see the journey of a Smoker->Vaporer Radical. 
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binaryman01-blog · 14 years
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