binchansbiceps · 1 year
Can't Fight The Moonlight
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Chapter 2: Goodbye
Following Felix out to the big mingling area that you walked into when Namjoon first brought you into the cell block, he went to a back corner table where a few others were sitting. A man with blue hair sat tall and proud like he has the power and control over the others there. 
A man with purple hair sat to blue hair’s right and had the facial expression that he wants to murder everyone in the immediate vicinity.
The last man was the tallest of the three with bright red hair and seemed to be drawing something in a sketchbook.
“You guys will not believe whats happened” Flex says as he sits down at the table and grabs you by the waist and forces you to stand beside him. The three men all look at you with shocked expressions. 
“How did you get a girl in here Felix?” asked Red hair, his jaw dropped and he was looking you up and down checking you out. 
“She's my new roommate. Some paperwork or something got mixed up or something and instead of being sent to the women's prison she’s here with us” he told them, bringing you to sit in his lap. 
“You seem attached to her already Felix” pointed out purple hair. Causing Felix to hug you tighter almost like he was trying to merge your body into his. 
“She shouldn’t be here, she didn’t do it so i'm going to protect her, she's mine now Minho” Felix told them resting his face on your shoulder right next to your neck. You could feel his breath on you. 
“Y/N” a guard came up to the table “your family is here to see you” he told you pulling out a pair of handcuffs  
Felix snarls at the sight of them “put those away she doesn’t need them! look at her she couldn’t fuckin hurt a fly let along commit mass murder” he growled out pushing you into his side while putting himself between you and the guard. 
“It’s the proper procedure Felix, I'm just doing my job” he told Felix. You tried to stand from Felix's grip wanting to go see your family hoping they have something to fix this and get you out of here. 
“Felix it’s okay please i didn’t get to say goodbye to them please Felix” you beg him. Felix looks at you for a minute before he pulls your face closer to him and gives you a quick kiss to your lips. Stuned you didn’t notice at first how he had loosened his grip on you but still firm enough to keep you up right and not let you fall. 
Felix laughs at your expression “your acting like that’s your first kiss. I didn't realise I was that good”. You blush and turn your face away from him and stand walking towards the guard, he gestures for you to turn around and you do putting your hands behind your back as he cuffs you. 
“Wait, that was your first kiss!?” Felix asks, standing up himself. You just slowly nod your head and turn to follow the guard, when Felix comes up to you and grabs your wrist testing how tight the cuffs are making a pleased hum as he finds they are not tight on your wrists and shouldn’t leave any marks. He then comes around to face you and places his finger under your chin and lifts your face to look at him. 
“I’m gonna be your first boyfriend then right?” he asked. You give him a slow nod, not wanting him to be your first anything but you're too afraid of him and the others here and of what they might do to you. But if he is going to protect you from the others for the cost of you calling him your boyfriend and kissing him then that is something you will just have to get used to till you can leave here. 
Felix gave you another kiss, this one a bit longer before going back to sit down with the others but not before slapping your ass as he passed by. You yelped at that not expecting it and heard him laugh at your reaction as you followed the guard to meet up with your parents. 
Walking to the room you could feel your heart beating faster. Wondering if your parents were holding up okay with their child in prison, and their other in hiding for committing the murders. Still in your own shock of the blood shed your brother was capable of. As you got to the room the guard released your wrists from the cuffs and you moved to sit across from your parents at the table they sat at. You could tell your father had been crying the redness to his eyes still visible. Your mother was nervous, her hands unable to keep still. 
“How are you so far?” your mother is the first to break the silence. 
“It’s an all men's prison and my roommate just claimed me as his girlfriend and has already started to treat me as such and i-” you break off into tears unable to hold back the fear and panic and pent up emotions since you’ve walked into the prison. 
“It’s going to be okay sweetheart you can get through this” your father tells you as he holds onto your mothers hands in support of one another. 
“Please tell me you guys are looking for him, telling the police to look harder at the DNA difference” you begged your parents. The two looked at each other before looking back to you. 
“Y/N sweety we… we can’t do that” you mother whispered to you. 
You looked at her confused. “What do you mean you can’t?” you asked her.
“Your mother means then both of you will be in prison and having you in here is hard enough on us” your father explained for your mother. 
“But if you do this then i’ll be proven innocent and be set free and he will be in here where he belongs after what he did to those people” you tried to get through to them. 
“There is no guarantee of that Y/N. I can't be known for having both of my children being in prison for multiple life sentences. It’s been all over the news and the death threats from random strangers for you is too much. I can’t handle it” you mother cried out to you. 
“So you're just going to leave me here to rot? Do I really mean that little to you? HE IS A MURDERER- HE KILLED PEOPLE AND YOU ARE JUST GOING TO LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT AND DO IT AGAIN? AND LET YOUR INNOCENT DAUGHTER ROT IN PRISON FOR A CRIME YOUR SON COMMITTED?” you cried out to them, unable to believe what they were saying to you.  
“We are so sorry sweetheart” your father tried to calm you down. 
“You're sorry? Are you kidding me? You are unbelievable! get out and never come back if I truly mean that little to you both!” you tell them getting up and seeing Namjoon standing there and he too was pissed at your parents. 
“Please don’t ever let them come back, I don't want to see them again” you asked him while holding out your wrists for him to cuff you again. He nodded and instead placed his hands on your wrists and pushed them down and turned to let you walk before him. Walking to the door and out of the room you could hear your parents calling to you saying that you were being unreasonable and insensitive. 
Sobs fighting their way out of you unable to hold them back from the betrayal of your parents you walk back to your cell block and are let in. looking to the corner where felix sat with the other three men that were there you now saw four more men had joined them. Not wanting to be around them right now you ran to the stairs and to your cell and crawled into your bunk and sobbed into your pillow. Hearing footsteps coming up to your cell you look up in fear only to see Felix walking into the cell. 
“Hey what happened?” he asked as he picked you up to sit in his lap as he sat on the bunk. 
“My parents are protecting my brother. They are just going to leave me here to rot and die” you sob into his chest. You can feel him petting your back as you sob. 
“It’s okay baby, I'm here for you. I’ll always be here for you. No one will take you away from me. You're my girl now and forever” he declared to you. The fear of him grew but the need to have someone on your side and comfort you was too strong right now to care if he was crazy. 
“You won’t abandon me?” you ask for clarification looking up into his eyes looking for any sign that he is fucking with you. 
“I swear on my life I will never abandon you. i will marry you one day when we get out of here” he told you. You were unable to find any deceit in his words and you leaned up and kissed him, grabbing onto his shoulders you sat up more to make it more comfortable for the both of you. You could feel him smiling into the kiss as he took control of the pace and direction. You’d made out with him till the feeling of regret and sadness took over you, making you break the kiss as you sobbed yourself to sleep on his chest.
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binchansbiceps · 1 year
I Have Been Playing With A Superstar Chapter 7
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Waking up the next day you pull your phone over and see what notifications you received throughout the night. A few missed texts from Han asking if you wanted to hang out today and offering a few things the two of you could do. Also receiving a text from a new number saying it’s Seungmin and that he got your number from Han and also gave it to the other members and that's how they all got your number mentioning he also did the same with Mini’s number from Lee Know. Sending back a good morning to Han and that you would love to hang out with him today, as well as a good morning to Felix as you always do. Getting up and having a shower and changing into the clothes of today, you are about to head into the kitchen to make breakfast when your phone starts to ring. Seeing it’s Han you answer immediately. 
“Hey Han, what's up?” you ask 
“Do you wanna grab breakfast with me and Felix?” he asks back. 
“Sure I was actually just thinking about what to have,” you told him, 
“oh good timing then hahaha, I’ll text you the address to meet us at and we will see you there,” he let you know. 
“Sounds good I’ll see you guys soon,” you told him and hung up, grabbing things you think you might need and putting them in your bag. You looked at the address and pulled up Uber to grab a ride to get there faster. 
While waiting for the Uber to get there your phone starts frantically pinging with text after text, instantly knowing it’s Mini and probably about how all the members have her number now. When you do go to answer you see how right you are- she is saying exactly what you knew she would be, and telling her Seungmin did the same to you with the help of Han. You also tell her you are going to meet up with Han and Felix for breakfast and will keep her updated on what happens with the day. 
With the Uber letting you know they are outside, you send the group chat that Han made yesterday of the three of you that you are own your way now, locking the door and getting into the Uber you buckle in and sit back and try to keep relaxed as it hits you that you are about to have breakfast with two famous k-pop artists who now happen to be your friends. 
Pulling the door open to the restaurant and walking in you look around for the boys, when from the left down a hall a door opens and someone walks out. “Oh hey Y/N, you're here,” says the person who turns out to be Changbin when you turn around. 
“Oh, Changbin, you came to?” You ask him, he nods in response. 
“Yeah, I wanted to hang out with you too. I hope you don’t mind,” he says, running his hand through the back of his hair.
“I don’t mind at all, I'd love to get to know all of you better,” you tell him, 
“Good, we should probably get to the table,” Changbin smiled and started to lead the way to the table that they had grabbed. Coming up to the table you see Felix and Han sitting together looking over the menu. “Look who I found,” Changbin says as he gestures for you to sit in the booth first. 
Felix and Han both look as you slide into the booth and Chanbin sits next to you, you smile and wave at both as they give you excited greetings. You sit across from Felix and Changbin across from Han. As you look over the menu the four of you talk about the show telling them what you thought and how excited you were the whole time. The waitress came and collected your orders- Felix ordered waffles with sausages, Han ordered scrambled eggs with bacon, Changbin ordered steak and eggs with home fries, and you ordered eggs benedict with back bacon, home fries and orange juice. 
Laughing at a joke Han had made, the waitress had brought over the food. Thanking her before turning to the food and digging in. “So what are your guys’ plans for the rest of the day?” You ask between bites of food. 
“I was hoping we could hang out around the city or something,” Felix had told you.
“You guys are good to be out in public and more importantly to be seen with me out in public? I know it’s not as bad as back in Korea but there are still stays here too that would snap a photo and say something and post it to Twitter or whatever,” you ask the three looking at each of them. 
“We would just have to be careful, but it’ll be okay,” Changbin answered for them. You gave him a nod as you had taken another bite of food, you just hope everything will go okay and you don’t cause a mess for them. 
“Any stores you think we should check out?” Han asked, you look to the ceiling thinking about the store in the mall and what they might like best. 
“I mean Hot Topic and Spencer’s are always my go to’s, GameStop is another one I like to stop into, or ohhh I have a really cool idea let me figure out if we can do it!” You say pulling out your phone and looking up a place not too far away from where you were. The boys all looked at each other before Han and Changbin looked at Felix for an explanation to which he just shrugged his shoulders and gave them a confused face back not knowing at all what you were planning. 
When the food was gone and the check had been paid for, you stepped out before the other three to finalise your plan for the four of you to do. When the other three stepped out to join you, you had just hung up and put your phone away. “What are you up to?” asked Felix. 
“Nothing bad I swear it’s gonna be tons of fun, I just had to make sure they had a time slot open for us today,” you told the three.
“We can’t get tattoos Y/N, it goes against our contracts,'' Felix told you, to which you frowned at him.
“I know that Lix, as much as I think it’s dumb that you guys can’t live your lives how you want and do what you want cause the fans might not like it,” you ranted to them. Not the first time you had told this to Felix, but it is the first time he sees how much it truly upsets you, how that the fans can really rule their lives in this industry. 
Felix walks up to you and hugs you. “Thank you,” is all he said. 
“So, what will we be doing then?” Han asked as he joined the hug, hugging you and Felix both. 
“I’m not telling you guys, you will have to wait and find out when we get there,” you told them, to which Han immediately pouted and started to whine at you for.
All you give him is a deadpan look and then slowly raise one eyebrow. “Really, do I look like Chan to you?” you ask him. To which the other two start to laugh at knowing exactly what live you are referring to at this moment. 
“No,” he gives another pout, “it’ll be a fun surprise I promise and before we do that we are going to the mall,” you tell Han giving him his own hug. 
“Hey, why am I the only one that doesn't get a hug?” asked Changbin. 
“Cause we are all better friends” Han told Changbin, hugging you closer and tighter plus sticking his tongue out at him. Giving Han the deadpan look again, he releases his tight grip on you and you release him from the hug and walk over to Changbin and hold your arms out to him, to which he accepts the hug and crushes you in a bear hug. 
Ubering to the mall the four of you walked around and enjoyed some window shopping. You bought all four of you hoodies, as you will need them later for the fun you had planned for them, which just confused the boys even more. Spending a few hours there it’s about time for you all to head to your next destination. When you walked through the mall into the car park to await your Uber you heard an unfortunately recognizable voice screaming. 
“YOURE A FUCKING LIAR GOD DAMN MIMO-” everyone snapped there heads in the direction of the yelling. There she was in all her defensive glory… Mini. Being held back by a smaller girl as she tried to pounce on a mask covered boy. “SAY IT AGAIN YOU LIAR I DARE YOU” she continued to yell at him trying to yank her arms free. 
“YOU'RE A SIMP!” Minho screamed back. 
“DO YOU WANT TO DIE??”  Mini scowled, “KITTY HOLD ME BACK BITCH IMMA KILL HIM” Mini screamed at both people now. 
“Min HES not wrong you are a fucking simp,” Kitty laughed.
“Common Mini, your Lock Screen changed every hour and the past three hours have all been him, YOU'RE lucky I didn’t show it to him right away” Minho teased. 
“You wouldn’t.” Suddenly Mini became docile, and silent. 
“Wanna bet? I would too,” Minho took a step closer to her snatching her phone right out of her hand. 
“God you two are a terrible pairing, chaos follows the two of you like a moth to a flame,” Kitty sighed. 
“Give me one good reason to not show him once he gets out here…” though masked you could feel the smirk coming from him, evilly. 
“Because you love me oh so much?” Mini pouted, as Minho laughed, dangling her phone right above her head. 
“Now give it back before you die,” she demanded, holding her hand out waiting for him to give her back her phone.  
“I’d win that fight kitten you know I would,” Minho teased her, 
“Did you just call me kitten??” Mini cries out, “HELL NO. I WANNA DIE, IMMA DIE OF CRINGE, WHY WOULD YOU” she drops to the floor dramatically as the four of you watch in absolute shock to the commotion. 
“You called me fucking Mimo!” Minho explained his reasoning, 
“YEAH SO THAT YOUR NAME ISN’T EXPOSED DUMB FUCK-“ Mini screamed at him from the floor. 
“What’s going on there..?” Hyunjin asked, startling the four of you who were not aware of his presence coming up behind you all. 
“Mini’s apparently a simp for someone.. apparently her Lock Screen is someone she likes” Han laughed, 
“I think Minho might die today,” Felix expressed. 
“Not again…” you sighed to which all the boys looked to you. 
“Huh?” Changbin asked. 
“Last time someone did something like this to her she had me chasing her around town… she almost ACTUALLY killed someone,” you explained the fun past you had with your best friend. 
“God. Minho’s gonna become a hashtag in a few minutes if no one stops them,” Han looked at the others worriedly.
“Anyone know who this crush is?? Maybe we can help??” Hyunjin offered. 
“… no totally not…” you said definitely not telling Hyunjin Mini is a simp for him, she would kill you after she was finished with Minho. 
“YOU KNOW SOMETHING!” Felix exclaimed pointing at you, 
“NO OF COURSE NOT!” You yelled out, garnering the attention from the other group. 
“Tell us!” Felix pouted wanting to know since you have been telling each other everything since becoming friends. 
“Tell them what?” Mini yelled over as she began to walk over now attempting to swipe her phone from Minho. 
“Someone catch,” Minho yelled as he tossed the phone high up in the air. 
“OH MY GOD,” Mini screamed, reaching up to grab it, before Hyunjin grabbed it immediately to avoid it falling to the ground and smashing. The screen lit up, as he caught it revealing Jeongin, as her background. 
“Oh…” Hyunjin sighed, as he held in a laugh, “you like innie?” he asked her.
“INNIE?” Minho yelled out as he snatched the phone back, “THE ONE TIME IT CHANGES AWAY FROM HYUNE ITS INNIE???” Minho couldn’t believe the luck Mini had at the moment. 
“Wait what…” Hyunjin asked, confused looking at the two chaos twins. 
“Find your own way home Minho, I’m leaving your ass here, you're banned from my car,” Mini said, turning her back to him. 
“Wait, wait, wait, no I like riding with you, don't leave me to them!” Minho cries out pointing to your group.
 “HEY!” Han called out offended at that. 
“Wait, your background was me?” Hyunjin asked, trying to understand what was going on as was Changbin, Felix, and Han. 
“It changes hourly. All of you are an option for it to change to,” Kitty quickly tried to save Mini. 
“Yeah, but the last 3 hours have all been Hyune…” Minho mutters. 
“Interesting,” Changbin laughs, 
“Oh, so you all want to die?” Mini called out looking to everyone around her. 
“I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING?” You yelled out to her knowing she was just joking around … kinda, but also just defending yourself from her anger. 
“Not yet.” she says, side eyeing you. 
“If anything you’re just as much of a simp for Yeosang, as you are Hyunjin.” You say with an eye roll, quickly realising exactly the words that came out of your mouth, and immediately running and hiding behind Changbin hoping the mussel man would be able to save you from the wrath of Mini. 
“Dead to me. You’re all dead to me.” she says pointing a finger at you. 
“Oh well, now I’m curious,” Hyunjin smirks, “who else is she a fan of?” he asked, turning his full attention to you, giving you that princely smile of his, truly understanding how many stays fell for him at this moment. 
“Uh…” you mutter, “Yeosang… Wooyoung… don’t even get me started on what she was like at the Ateez concert.. feral. Absolutely feral… and never bring up Kihyun or Key, OH AND GOD FORBID ANYONE GOES NEAR WOOSUNG,” you list off. “Oh and Jisun-“ Mini quickly pushes Changbin out of the way and slaps her hand over your mouth before you out her as a Han simp right in front of him. 
“That’s fucking enough,” Mini demands not removing her hand from your mouth, 
“Nahhh she’s a HyunSung stan, we all know it,” Kitty laughs. “Oh and she’s in love with the nuggets from your company-” she continued before Mini gave her the look of a promised slow painful death. 
“Nuggets?” Felix asks. 
“Mhm, GAON especially,” Kitty continued moving slowly behind Hyunjin knowing truly that was the safest place to be. 
“DEAD. YOU'RE ALL DEAD TO ME!” Mini screamed. 
“Come on Min, it’s true,” Kitty laughed. 
“You do know we’ve seen your TikTok’s right…?” Felix laughs. 
“You’ve. What.” Once again, Mini is docile. Shock and panic running through her, “I’m going to go play in traffic,” she says. 
“Here you go, take my car, it's yours-“ she says as she places her car keys in Kitty’s hair as she walks by, heading to the intersection into the mall. 
“TikTok’s? ABOUT WHO?” Jisung laughs. 
“Us! Oh the one about Hyune and an itch in her throat was wild,” Felix said laughing. 
“Oh my god. I’m deleting my existence,” Mini said, laying down in the middle of the road. 
“No, no wait. I’m invested in this now,” Hyunjin said, walking over to her and pulling her up and back to the group, to which she just layed down on the floor again in the middle of everyone. 
“How did you even find that…” Mini asked Felix, looking distraught.  
“My bad…” you said petting your hair knowing she was going to be so mad at you for this for, knowing her probably ever now. “It was long before I knew he was a member of SKZ,” you tried to explain to her.  
“I’m out, you can find your own way to the movies yourselves” Mini said, getting up and taking her keys back from Kitty and walking to her car, 
Kitty sighed “and we were having such a good day” she said. Minho immediately following after Mini, the two pushing and yelling at each other. 
“Those two are gonna be weird if they ever get together…” Changbin said as we all watched them. 
“She’s already a cat person, they're going to be crazy cat people,'' you say, knowing Mini and how many cats she has had since you met her. “GOD! Imagine if they had kids,'' you exclaimed. 
“If they have kids none of us are gonna bail them out of jail…” Han said already picturing how their kids' personalities will be and how that would get them into trouble. 
“Yes you will,” Minho states as we didn’t realize Mini had driven the car over, the death stare the two gave to defend their nonexistent kids was terrifying. One of them doing it, was enough- but both and that could run the world in fear.
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binchansbiceps · 1 year
Can't Fight The Moonlight
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Chapter 1: I Wonder
“We the jury find the defendant guilty on all charges” stated the male juror to speak for the collective 24. Immediately tears sprung from your eyes, terror running through your blood at what is going to happen to you. Panic rises and you find breathing difficult. Being told you're guilty on a mass murder charge that you didn’t commit will cause you to have a panic attack.
Trying to pull yourself together to listen to the judges verdict, takes a bit of a struggle. But when you do manage to, you hear the second worst verdict you could possibly hear. 
“3 life sentences and no chance of possible parole.” The judge declared and slammed her gavel down and with that sound, the world went black to you. 
Waking up to the hum of an engine you can’t help but question the scary dream you had of your older twin brother becoming a mass murder and you getting the blame for it because the police couldn’t see the few small strands of DNA that distinguished you and your brother on a cellular level.
When you go to move your arms to the side to help you sit up you feel a bracelet on each wrist and are unable to move them more then a few inches. Gasping as your eyes fly open and look down to see the bracelets were in fact handcuffs. 
Feeling another panic attack quickly rising, you scramble to look around you, seeing that you are the only one on the transport bus other than an officer at the front by the driver. Both of which ignore you and your panic attack.
Trying to ground yourself you look outside and see a park pass by. A memory of you and your brother playing there as kids flashes in your mind. 
Seeing friends' houses pass by and thinking of how they will get married one day and have children. Things you will never get to do anymore. 
All you could do was hope your parents and brother would do the right thing to get you out of this. Taking a deep breath in you tell yourself you just have to be strong till they do. 
Finally pulling up to a huge gated and guarded building you figure is the prison you will spend the rest of your life in, still in the low throes of a panic attack the cop walks over to you and grabs your cuffs forcing you to stand. Walking ahead of the officer and off the bus you see more officer guards waiting on the tarmac. 
“What the hell is this?” asked one as soon as the one on the bus with you stepped off.
“What do you mean this is your new prisoner” he said back gesturing to you. 
“That’s a woman, what is she doing here?” he snapped back.
“Look, all I know is this is where I'm supposed to bring her,” he said, grabbing a folder from the bus and handing it over to the pissed guard.
The guard took the folder checking it over before huffing “there has been a mistake but until we can transfer her she will have to stay here” he said rubbing the bridge of his nose. 
“A mistake?” the officer asked 
“This is an all men's prison not meant for woman she’s gonna be eaten alive in here” pissed guard said before giving you a good look over “especially a mousy thing like her won’t make it an hour in here i can tell you that” 
Hearing that made you shake even more in fear, more tears falling from your eyes. looking to the officer who brought you here, for him to do something but stood in shock when all he did was shrug and get back on the transport bus saying how he did his job and it wasn’t his problem. Before the doors closed and the bus drove away leaving you to where you were now sure would be your death if not surely to wish for it. 
“Alright let's get you settled in girly,” the pissed guard said. Putting his hand on your back and leading you into the prison. Passing by other guards who all looked confused as to why you were there, you were brought to a barred door. Taking out the key from your folder he unlocked your cuffs “so what are you in here for?” he asked. 
Rubbing your wrists you looked to him before sighing “my twin brother committed mass murder, got cut or shot or something left blood DNA everywhere and because we have just about the exact same DNA the police took me and said i did it, jury believed it and now i'm going to live the rest of my life in jail” you told him as he handed you a blanket and pillow. 
He nodded before sending the signal to open the door to take you into the ward you assumed you would be staying in. “Sorry to hear that, you seem like a good kid that wouldn't do that. I hope things get fixed for you” he told you. “The name is Namjoon. I'm the warden here, call for me if you need anything I'll let my staff know to get me right away” Namjoon told you as you walked up a flight of stairs. 
Turning to the left and walking down a bit you stop in front of an open cell. “Felix, you have a new roommate. Behave.” he said before turning and walking away leaving you to your new roommate. 
From the top bunk a man with Silver hair rolls over and does a quick glance at you before doing a double take, and sitting up to get a better look at you. “Uh you're a girl” he says with a slight australian accent, jumping down from the bunk. You just give him a nod to scared to say anything. “How the hell are you here?” he asked. 
“Long story, i'm still trying to process it myself” you told him not wanting to repeat it again after just telling the warden. Moving to the bottom bunk and placing the blanket and pillow there before taking a seat and moving back to curl into yourself. 
“Now I got to know,” he said, climbing onto your bunk and staring at you with curious eyes. 
Retelling your story again you pulled your knees to your chest and hid your face as more tears that you didn’t think you had left in you came to the surface to fall down your face. 
“So you are innocent, haven’t ever done anything wrong in your life?” he asked. You just nodded to him. 
“Man that’s fucked” he said looking out to the main space before looking back to you “don’t worry stick by my side and i’ll keep you safe here, most guys here haven’t seen a girl in a long time and hell you look like a virgin, so they will be jumping at the chance to fuck you whether you like it or not” he told you. 
With even more fear of what was outside the doors to your room you could feel the panic building for a third time today. Felix hushed you and pulled you into his arms promising that he would protect you and that he won’t let anyone ever touch you.
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binchansbiceps · 1 year
Can't Fight The Moonlight Master List
While your older twin brother commits mass murder he left DNA everywhere. Police tracked it to you and at your trial you are proclaimed guilty. Upon reaching your new prison home you find a lovely surprise and your new roommate starts to get a little too close to you. Even claiming you as his.
pairing Felix x reader
Chapter 1 - I Wonder
Chapter 2 - Goodbye
Chapter 3 - Missing
Chapter 4 - Our Solemn Hour
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binchansbiceps · 1 year
I Have Been Playing With A Superstar Chapter 6
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Sitting around with the boys and enjoying the chinese food they ordered, everyone seemed to be getting really close. Han and Felix were glued to your sides as the three of you sat on the floor. Mini sat on the couch with Lee Know, the two seemed to really get along together looking to becoming fast best friends. And Hyunjin on her other side which you knew was heaven for her as he was her bias, something you and Felix looked at each other and giggled about when Hyunjin first sat next to Mini. 
Of course you told him her bias when you told him how she got you into their group, sending you gifs of each member with a small one line description for the first three which happened to be Hyunjin, Felix and Chan, before just sending a gif and a name for the other boys and then told you to pick a bias. Not even getting you to listen to the music first or anything just photos and a name. 
Seungmin and I.N were on the arms of the couch, Chan and Changbin had pulled up chairs and completed the circle. 
Changbin was telling a story from earlier in this trip where Seungmin and Han were getting into some crazy shenanigans or something you weren't sure, not completely paying attention at the moment. Instead having most of your attention on trying to use the chopsticks to eat, as never having really learned how to do that properly and usually having some kind of a struggle while trying to eat with them. 
Unlike Mini who from the times you’ve ever had sushi or gone to a raman restaurant never seemed to have a struggle. 
So utterly focused on trying to grab the piece of chicken you were trying to eat you didn’t notice how slowly one by one everyone had turned to focus on you and watching you struggle. Han, Seungmin, I.N, Mini and Changbin all start to quietly giggle as you continue to struggle, Felix wants to help but isn’t sure if you would want and accept help especially since everyone is watching you now and about half are laughing at you. 
“Ahha!” you cheer, finally keeping a hold on the chicken and quickly popping it into your mouth before it would fall from the chopsticks. The proud smile on your face slowly falls as you finally notice that everyone is staring at you and about half are laughing. Swallowing you give a pout “what?” you ask looking at each one “yes I’m not very versatile in the art of chopsticks, i’m used to using forks as i do live in a North American country” you cross your arms as you say to everyone. Felix gives you a pat on the back “it’s okay and here i’ll show you how to hold them to grab food” he said, and proceeded to show you how to hold on to the chopsticks to grab and hold onto your food. “Ahh why you gotta do that Felix it was cute the way she struggled” Changbin said which brought a blush to your face in both embarrassment and that fact that the fastest rapper in all of k-pop just called you cute. 
“Yeah and it was hilarious to watch” added in I.N, to which you just stuck your tongue out at him like a petulant child. “Would you like a fork instead?” asked Chan, understanding the predicament of your honest response to all of them watching you struggle to eat with utensils you are not used to using very often. “I’m okay thank you Chan. I'll try it for a little longer with the way Felix is showing me before I really give up” you told him with a smile. He just nodded and pulled out a fork from the takeout bag and sat it in front of you for if you wanted it. 
Finished eating everyone counted to tell stories about each other till the door opened and the boys manager stepped in “it’s almost time to let the fans in, the girls need to go back to the main area so there are no stories about them” he told the group. Han let out a loud whine, grabbing on to you and pulling you into his lap in a tight hold “do they have to can’t they stay back here till we have to go” he pleaded “Han the girls will want to see the show from their seats we will see them again later” Chan told Han. Han refused to let go, even tightening his grip on you. You were a blushing laughing mess and Mini was laughing at you as well. It wasn’t until Lee Know got up and walked behind Han that Changbin also got up and stood in front of you and Han, when all of a sudden Han let out a loud screech and released his grip on you as he also jumped and tried to twist around to behind him where Lee know was jabbing into his sides. 
As Han tossed you forward when he jumped and turned to face Lee Know, Changbin caught you and pulled you to his chest as he backed the two of you away from the other two as Han was now trying to get his revenge on Lee Know. Once Changbin seemed to deem that you two were a safe distance from the other two did he set you on your feet. You looked up at him for a minute before Mini grabbed you by the arm and started to walk you to the door “thanks Changbin and Lee Know for the save and Felix message later and it was nice to meet you all” you call out as mini also calls out her goodbye as you both follow their manager out and to the lobby to go find your seats to watch the concert. 
As the concert ended you and Mini screamed goodbye with the rest of the crowd and your sure mini also can taste blood in her throat from tearing your throats raw from screaming at the top of both your lungs the whole time. The two of you waited for things to clear up a bit knowing the fight to get out of here was going to be a long one since you have front row seats. You hear mini’s phone go off and look at her questioningly as to who is texting her and she shows you it’s Lee Know asking her how she liked the concert and for feedback. You laugh not even sure when they traded numbers and then heard and felt your own phone go off rapid fire with multiple notifications. Pulling out your own phone you see both Felix and Han have sent you messages asking the same thing. Laughing and showing Mini she laughs too and you both settle into telling the boys what you thought of the show. 
Finally walking out of the concert hall and into the lobby the two of you were so excited for the next time you got to hang out with the guys before they left.
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binchansbiceps · 1 year
I Have Been Playing With A Superstar Chapter 5
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Going through both of yours and Mini closets looking for outfits for the concerts even going to the mall and going from store to store looking for the perfect items. You two had a sleepover and the next day spent the whole day listening to Stray Kids and getting dressed and makeup done. Filling both the clear side purses you both bought with everything you thought you two would need for the day. Finally it came time to head to the concert hall for the sound check with a happy giddiness. You both got in Mini’s car and of course had to stop at starbucks beforehand. 
Getting to the building and parking, you both got out of the car and headed into the building. After showing the tickets and making your way to the seating area, you both found your seats and waited for the boys to come out. It was then your phone vibrated with multiple notifications pulling your phone out. You saw Felix had made a small group chat with you, him and one other. 
Hey i’m Han Jisung it’s nice to finally be able to talk to you Y/N
Uh hi Han nice to talk with you to
Are you here yet with your friend?
Yeah we are standing near our spots, Mini’s all excited and taking pictures for her followers
That’s great we are all soo excited to meet you me especially since i’ve finally convinced Felix to let me talk with you
Aww thank you and i had no idea you were so excited to meet me
Yeah anytime i saw you guys were playing like mario kart i always joined in to 
You just seem like your soo cool and fun
Awww thank you Han i have to say you seem like soo much fun in the videos you guys post .
to youtube
And wait did you say you always played with us in mario Kart??
Yeah i loved playing with you guys i would grab my switch and joined him in his room and joined the room you two were in to play too
Aww Han thats soo sweet
And id love to play with you more later when you've got the time
That sounds awesome id love too
Sorry Y/N Han stole my phone and made this chat i was just getting my makeup done 
It’s okay Felix he was really nice and fun to talk to Han 
Cant wait to see you in a few minutes when you get on stage
Speaking of we have to go do that now ill see you after if not during 
Putting your phone away you sat up a little straighter and looked to the stage knowing they were about to come out. When the boys came out you and Mini both screamed and cheered along. One thing you noticed that during the performance Felix looked to be distracted. “Felix looks distracted any idea why?” Mini asked you, noticing it too “you don’t think he’s looking for me do you?” you asked her back. She looked like she was mulling it over thinking about how likely it might be before going back to cheering and dancing to the performance. 
When the performance was over you and Mini sat in your chairs still and once everyone else had left a man had come over to the two of you asking why you were still there. The two of you then pulled out the backstage passes Felix had given you and the man smiled “you must be Y/N and her friend” he stated “i’m their manager please come with me” he said and started to walk towards the stage. As the two of you followed him into the wings of the stage and into the back rooms he led the two of you to an office meeting room space. “Please have a seat and we can go over the NDA” he said gesturing to the chairs on your side of the table. Going over the do’s and don’ts to talking about and sharing things about the boys with others and online the two of you signed the papers. And the manager looked them over then placed them in a briefcase and closed it back up. “Alright now that that is done let me go inform the boys and see what they say” he said and got up and left the room. You looked at Mini and smiled in excitement and she smiled back. It was a few minutes later when he came back “follow me” he said and the two of you followed along. 
When he stopped in front of a door and smiled to the two of you as he opened the door and immediately Felix was right there with Han right behind him looking over his right shoulder. Felix smiled and pulled you into a hug “Y/N!! You're here!!” he cheered, you laughed and hugged him back “it’s so cool to be here thank you again so much Felix” you told him. As the two of you pulled away Han nudged Felix out of the way and hugged you next “Y/N it’s so nice to meet you” Han had said and you could hear Felix introducing himself to Mini and vice versa. As Han pulled away he led you into the room and there you saw the other boys, Chan was the first of the others to come say hi and introduce himself. Next were the four on the couch Changbin, Hyunjin, Seungmin and I.N then Lee Know said hi from across the room seeming to be stand off ish and watching over all. 
Mini and you had been introduced to them and they had been introduced to the two of you. With that everyone had gotten comfortable and had sat around, the boys had ordered food for everyone as they had planned to just stay there till show time and had invited the two of you to stay with them. Joking, laughing and talking, the ten of you got along perfectly. While Lee Know seemed to take the longest to warm up to you and Mini but you didn’t hold it against him he just wanted to protect the members and their career from anything that might harm them.
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binchansbiceps · 1 year
I Have Been Playing With A Superstar Chapter 4
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Putting the key card into the lock and taking it out and opening the door when the green light came on Felix walked into the hotel room he was sharing with the others. Minho was in the kitchen making dinner with Jeongin helping. Seungmin, Han, Hyunjin and Changbin were on the couch playing Mairo party. And Chris was walking towards him with not the happiest expression on his face. 
“You're late and none of us had heard from you for hours Felix” Chris said as he looked him over making sure he wasn’t hurt. “I’m sorry Chris she was great and i was having such a great time, both of us just lost track of time, she got yelled at by her friend too. Mini was threatening to come hunt me down cause she thought i had kidnapped her” Felix explained. “So she is as cool as she seems?” asked Changbin from the couch, having paused his turn to listen to Felix about what happened. 
Looking around Felix could see that they had all stopped to hear what Felix had to say about his time meeting his online friend. “Yeah she really is and you guys will all get to meet her after sound check cause i got her and her friend tickets to both shows and i may or may not have gotten them backstage passes”  Felix explained as he moved to a chair in the living room by the couch. “FELIX YOU DID WHAT!?” Minho called over from the kitchen “Felix what if she’s not what she portrays herself as, you could get really hurt” Hyunjin tells him worriedly. Jeongin and Seungmin just look at him worried and Changbin looks at Chris with a questioning look, probably silently asking if he knew about this. 
Han was just watching everything unfold, knowing now was not the time to stir things up with how he thought that was a really nice thing for Felix to do and he was excited to meet Felix’s online friend, since he always seemed to find Felix when he was talking to them and had heard the most about them from Felix.
Chris let out a long sigh running a hand down his face before looking at Felix “I'm assuming you gave them these already so no matter what we say it’s already set in stone” he said factually. Felix just nodded “then you and I have to tell the manager and get a NDA ready for them to sign before they can meet all of us” Chris stated leaving no room to argue. “Felix, you should have talked to me about this first so we could be prepared for this. And not having to run around last minute trying to get these things we will need now” Chris told him.
Felix nodded and looked to the side “i just want her in my life she’s like another sister to me Chris i didn’t want to have to fight with you or anyone else about it. Especially now that i’ve met her and I can say she is exactly who she says she is and wouldn’t hurt me, she was so surprised i told her Mini could meet us, she was ready to keep this a secret from her if i hadn’t said anything about it. I completely trust her Chris” Felix ranted how he was feeling. “You met her once and you completely trust her? Felix you might not be using the best judgement here” Minho exasperated. “What’s done is done Minho we will just have to see for ourselves when we get there” Chris said as he stood up and started to walk to the bedrooms. Minho and Jeongin went back to the kitchen to finish dinner and the others all continued to sit in silence trying to figure out if they should disturb it. 
“I'm really happy for you Felix, she seems like a really nice person and I'm glad you finally got to meet her and I'm super excited to meet her too” Han told Felix. Felix just smiled at him with a small nod knowing Han has been wanting to meet you the most out of the others, practically begging Felix to make a small group chat of just the 3 of you so he could get to know you too. “I have to admit I'm cautious of them still but I'm also excited for you Felix and about meeting them too” Changbin added. Hyunjin just nodded after Changbin, Felix knowing he was saying me too. Felix gave them both a nod back “thanks guys”. Seungmin just got up and gave Felix a hug “always here for you” he whispered, Felix hugged back and the four returned to playing their game with Felix now Seungmin’s chair. 
The next morning as they got to the stadium Chan pulled Felix to the side. “I already told the manager. After sound check he will go looking for them and bring them to the back to sign the NDA, then find a room where we can all meet okay” he told him. Felix smiled and nodded “thank you Chris” Felix hugged him, Chris smiled and hugged him back “your welcome Lix”. Both then go to the dressing room for final costume check and Felix sent a message to Y/N to let her know of the NDA the two will have to sign before they get to meet up again. Y/N said she and Mini understood and were happy to sign the paperwork as they didn’t want to get the boys in trouble. Felix was smiling and very giddy and the others could see it and were happy but some were still worried as they didn’t want to see him get hurt if anything went wrong. 
Felix was getting his makeup done so he didn’t notice how Han had taken his phone and had made a group chat of the three like he had wanted. Messaging her as he now sat on the couch waiting for the others to be done. After Felix was done he went to pick up his phone but it was not where he had left it. Getting up and looking for it he found it in infront of Han on the little coffee table. When he picked up his phone he had tons of notifications of texts between Y/N and Han in a group chat he had made apparently. Felix looked up at Han to see him already looking at him “you were talking too long so i just did it myself and you can’t be mad cause she’s gonna meet us tonight right” Han explained his thought process. Felix just shook his head and apologised and explained to Y/N for what Han had done. 
Not long after Felix had explained and Han complained that Felix was rude to not share your time, their manager told them it was time for the sound check performance. The boys went out on stage and Felix was taking any paused time to look for Y/N in the small crowd of people that were there. But all the bright lights and his running and spinning left him unable to find her. Being tapped by the others to focus on the practice and not getting distracted throughout the practice Felix knew he was gonna get a talking to from them later when it’s just them. 
As they said goodbye for now and that they would see Stay later tonight the boy’s went backstage. Minho turned to Felix and crossed his arms over his chest “what was that Felix?” “sorry i promise it won’t happen during the show tonight” Felix jumped right into where he knew the conversation was going. “You were looking for them right Y/N and her friend?” Hyunjin asked, Felix just nodded “he’s just excited guys leave him be” Han jumped to Felix’s defence. Chris just shook his head and started to lead them to the green room to eat and prepare for the show. When the boys had all changed and wiped all the sweat off, their manager walked in “the girls have signed the papers and if you're ready i’ll bring them in” he said. Chris looked to each member and as they each gave him their own show of readiness Chris looked to their manager “we’re ready” he said. Han started to jump up and down in excitement and Felix joined him, Minho was standing the furthest aways in a spot where he could watch the whole room at once, Hyunjin sat on the couch with Changbin, Seungmin and Jeongin and Chris stood by the couch looking to the door. Felix stopped jumping and walked to the door Han right behind him and smiled wide as the door opened.
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binchansbiceps · 1 year
I Have Been Playing With A Superstar Chapter 3
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You could hardly believe that Lee Felix was standing in front of you asking if you were your username in discord meaning this had to be … “ALYFT?” you asked. Felix smiled and nodded “yep that’s me it’s great to finally meet you!” he says as he pulls you up and into a hug. You are more than sure he has seen the shocked disbelieving look on your face at who he is considering everything you ever told him on what you think about him and his group. Which may have gotten a little simp talking over some members if not all at least once. “Big surprise huh?” he asked, finally releasing you from the hug all you could do was nod. “Have you ordered anything to drink yet?” he asked you shook your head “i'll grab us some teas” he said and went to go order them. 
As you sat down in your chair you did everything you could to pull yourself together. You now realised his work meetings are the concerts, and that his project was all the practices for his blocking and singing. And that in fact the man you had been friends with for over a year has been LEE FELIX! The deep voiced Australian, and sixth oldest member of Stray Kids. 
“Peach tea lemonade right?” he asked as he set the drink in front of you and took his own seat across from you. “Yes thank you Felix and my name is Y/N” you told him finally having the words to speak to him. “Your welcome Y/N” “so how bad were you laughing at me as i said everything i did about you and the others?” you had to ask as it was the only thing on your mind. “I did a little giggling but you are a stay so i was not as surprised as you think”  he told you “get a lot of that on bubble huh?” you laughed out. He nodded as he took a sip of his drink “I can't believe you're you and I've been playing games with you … wait! That means the other friends you brought into some of our games were the others?!” you realised, that yes sometimes instead of just you two playing with randos in the world on some games mostly mario kart and smash bros A. or Felix would ask you if some of his other friends could played with you two, which you always said yes too, never having a problem with it as you wanted to maybe be their friend to one day, if meeting him ever happened, and hangout in real life happened often after words. “Yeah it was the others, they really like playing with you, they also snuck in on more games then you are probably thinking too” he laughed at your shocked face that kept getting more shocked as more things keep dawning on you about him and who he is with most of the time. 
After your many little freak outs you settle into how you would usually talk to him in discord. Finding it not that different talking to him in person, he really was the bright sunshine boy you and many other stays called him, as he just kept smiling and laughing talking to you and it was all completely honest. Of course being an empath this made you the same way and you absolutely loved every second of it. Nobody else in the world was like Felix and you were glad to have been his friend. 
Teas finished and the sun having moved pretty far to the other side of the sky but neither of you noticed the time flying by, having too much fun finally hanging out in person. Till Felix’s phone rang and he immediately answered after reading the caller id. Not understanding a thing as he spoke in Korean you looked at your own phone to see Mini having texted you and just sent a message saying if you did not answer her right now she was coming to hunt down the bastard who thought he could kidnap you. Telling her you were okay and that she didn’t need to hunt anyone down, you weren't kidnaped and you would try to explain everything to her later. Felix hung up and sighed as he put his phone in his pocket. “That was Chan he’s worried where i am and how long i’ve been out since i was supposed to be practising with everyone else today but he gave me the time off secretly to meet up.” he explained “it’s okay Mini just said she was about to hunt you down for kidnaping me too” you laughed out
 “Oh speaking of Mini, did you two get tickets for the concert?” he asked. You shook your head “i didn’t and Mini was just a little short before they sold out in the section” you explained. He looked a little happy at hearing this “good now i really don’t feel bad about getting you these” he said as he passed you an envelope. You gave him a look before taking it “what?” you asked as you looked inside and pulled out 2 front row at the damn barrier standing tickets for both performances and sound check tickets and backstage passes.
Your mouth dropped open and slowly you looked up at Felix “wha? how? when? where? why? wha?” you so intelligently asked, unable to form words. “I wanted you to come and have really good seats and to be able to hang out after the show too and i know you wouldn’t want to come alone and would have felt bad if you left Mini behind and i should meet your best friend and you should meet mine” he explained. You continued to just stare at him, unable to say anything to this god sent sunshine boy. You stood up and walked to his side of the table and hugged him “Felix this is so sweet of you thank you so much” you tell him and pull away to look at him then asking “it’s okay to tell Mini who you are? i thought i would have had to keep you a secret even from her" "if the two of you can keep this to yourselves that would be great but Chan said it’s okay to tell her and for her to meet the group too” he told you. “Well now i need a concert outfit 2 actually” you laughed out as Felix got up and grabbed his things “i can’t wait to see them” he said as he gave you another hug and started to head for the door “so i’ll see you at the concert then” he waved as he left the cafe and ran to his driver
You called Mini and told her you had to come over right now cause you had to tell her everything that just happened. Walking right into her place you yelled out that you were here, and she called out that she was in her gamer room. Upon entering the room you saw her sitting at her computer playing a game of Valorant. Waiting for her to finish her game you sat bouncing on the couch she had in there.
When she finished she turned around and looked at you expectantly. “Okay so for starters I'm not lying to you” you tell her “you never lie Y/N so what he a serial killer or something?” she asked “no he’s Felix” you tell her. She just sits there looking at you for a few minutes. “What?” she asks “he’s Lee Felix, i know, i was shocked when he asked if i was me and then when he pulled me up to hug me” you explained but she cut you off “WHAT?” “yeah and he is exactly like he seems and he even gave us these” you told her handing her the envelope. When she opened it and took out the tickets and passes she froze. “He wants to meet you and he wants us to meet the others too after the concert” you tell her. She looks up at you “how the hell did you manage to find and befriend Felix of Stray Kids?” “I have absolutely no idea” you tell her. “Wait so we get to meet the others? Like all of them?” she asked, seeming to just now absorb all your words. “Yes they want to meet me and Felix wants to meet you and so you get to meet them too” you explained. ”the only thing is i don’t think we can tell anyone else so it has to stay between us” you let her know “okay i can keep this a secret it’s SKZ i will do anything just to meet them” she tells you. You both laugh at the situation and the random luck you seemed to have for this to happen and figure out what to wear and how the make up Mini was going to do on the two of you would go.
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binchansbiceps · 1 year
Master List
hello and welcome to my master list I mostly write Stray Kids fanfics and my content is 18+
I mostly write fluff and angst but I might try some smut down the line idk yet
I Have Been Playing With A Superstar - Master list
Can't Fight The Moonlight - Master List
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binchansbiceps · 1 year
I Have Been Playing With A Superstar Master List
Playing online games with your online friend has been fun, but with him being a privet person you never exchange photos or have never even heard his voice. What happens when he has to come by your city for a work thing and he wants to meet up. How will your life change and what about meeting his seven best friends. Never expecting to them to become your best friends and maybe something more with one of them. And not just for you but you own friends too.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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binchansbiceps · 1 year
I Have Been Playing With A Superstar Chapter 2
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The months had seemed to fly by and drag on at the same time. A. didn’t play with you much anymore as he said he had to work on this project for the meetings he had to travel for. But at least he did message you when he could. Mini was now super excited cause Stray kids just announced that they would be going on tour. She was trying to convince you to save and go with her and you were trying to do your best but life was never easy for that. You had always made just enough to pay rent, buy groceries, and every once in a while get something for yourself. Paying for really expensive concert tickets was sadly not in the realm of possibility. Especially with the short time frame that's been given for when the concert is.
It’s not that you didn’t want to go, cause you really did. Stray Kids was the first group you really got into. Hell you had gotten two tattoos for Stray Kids one for the first album you had ever heard and the second for your favourite song. And you hadn’t been listening to them for very long. You had actually gotten them done only three to four months in. So it was safe to say that you were a Stay. 
Not overly crazy, you watched the lives and their posts on youtube, you thought about getting Bubble but the cost was a little too much. And anytime you heard about the fans stalking them and trying to get close to them by force just made you mad and disgusted. Though you do have to admit, to simping a bit yourself even reading some fanfics and maybe writing one or two as well.
 It’s kinda one thing you and A. bonded over, though not just Stray kids but Ateez, NCT, Twice, Black Pink and a few others he had actually gotten you into. You were a bit surprised he liked K-pop as most people you met didn’t seem to really understand the whole you can enjoy music in other languages that you don’t understand cause you don’t speak them… thing. 
So happy to say you had met someone who did, and all on your own made you very happy. Most of your K-pop friends came from Mini when she had dragged you into liking the music. For the second time as the first you had only listened to for a few weeks before losing interest and forgetting all about it.
Enjoying your day off laying in bed and listening to a random shuffle of all your music on your phone.  A. sent you a message.
Hey!! - A.
Hey hows the project going?? - Y/U/N
Its going pretty well! Super excited to present it - A.
Thats good - Y/U/N So what day are you getting here do you know yet?? - Y/U/N
Yeah we just got a confirmed date for arrival - A. It’s in 2 weeks on tuesday - A.
Ohh thats soo awesome i can’t wait!! - Y/U/N When is best for you to meet up i know this coffee shop nearby or we can find one in between if your a little further away - Y/U/N
We are staying in a hotel near the city but i will have a driver so i can disappear for a few and we should all be good so close by you works well and tuesday afternoon should work for me - A.
Sounds great ill send you the address and ill meet you there!! - Y/U/N
Ok im super excited!! - A. I need to go back to work now but ill see you in a few weeks!! - A.
Okay have fun! - Y/U/N
With the new knowledge you were even now more excited and hoping to be able to meet up more than once before he would have to go home. But since you didn’t know his full schedule and how long he was staying, the one time with him was good enough. 
Besides now that he was ready to meet up you could call and facetime now so that’s even more exciting. 
You immediately tell Mini you knew she would want to know when and where you were meeting him. You know it was to keep you safe. She wasn’t going to come with you but she wanted to know when and where you were at all times. And you couldn’t fault her for that, you would do the same for her if the roles were reversed, and it was she who’s meeting up with some ‘rando’ she had been talking to for just over a year and had never even seen a photo of. 
The day finally came, it was time to go and meet A. at the cafe. You picked a nice T-shirt and some leggings and some nice flats to go with. Adding some mascara, leaving the rest of your face blank as you never like the feel of wearing makeup, it’s too heavy and makes your face feel itchy. 
You grab the mini backpack you use as a purse and make your way out the door. Leaving a little too early, as always the fear of being late is what powers you into always being about an hour early to things.
Taking the short bus ride and getting off at your stop you head to the little cafe and find a place to sit for the two of you and set your things down. Pulling out your phone you let Mini know you are now at the cafe and wait for him to get there. She told you to keep her posted and to tell her if you go anywhere else and when you get home. Agreeing to her terms you let out a nervous yet excited breath and went up to the cash to grab something to nibble on while you waited.
 Playing cats&soup while nibbling every once in a while, you didn’t pay attention to the ring of the bell when the door opens or how the person who just walked in took a quick look around before walking in your direction. You didn’t see how they stopped beside the table and removed their face mask. What did catch your attention though was when they said in a very familiar voice “hello your Y/U/N right?” when you looked up you couldn’t believe who stood in front of you and all you could muster to say was “ALYFT?”
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binchansbiceps · 1 year
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I Have Been Playing With A Superstar
Chapter 1
You huffed as your character died again ignoring the comments of how bad of a player you were from your team in the bottom left corner, Instead looking through the store and buying new items to upgrade your weapons. One comment did manage to catch your eye though, a guy you had been paying with for over a year now had tried telling the others to leave you alone as you were a much lower level than everyone else. ALYFT was his user. 
You for the most part just called him A.. You had met in a game of TFT, and the two of you had ended up being the final two before he won. You ended up playing a few more rounds together before he sent you a friend request. And started to invite you to play more with him in all modes. It was after a few weeks that you sent a message saying hi that you finally started talking, then another few weeks before the two of you started messaging on discord and playing other games. You each got the other into new games and more than just on pc, after you mentioned you were playing mario kart with your family he wanted to exchange friend codes and ended up playing games there. Over a year of friendship and you still had yet to voice chat or even send photos of yourselves to the other, not that you hadn't asked but A had said he was a private person and maybe one day after you'll have known each other for longer and were both comfortable he would. One thing you two had in common was that both of your friends knew that you were friends and both groups agreed that you had no idea who could be on the other end of the screen, and that you could be crazy killers and or stalkers. Which you both laughed at and questioned if you had the same friends.
You told him it was fine and you weren't really listening to the useless comments. After some more deaths on your part your team finally won. A, sent you the friendly team bonus and you sent him the mvp one. You got up and went to grab a snack and some water and when you came back A had sent you a message on discord asking if you wanted to play something else. you knew he was upset because the other people we were playing with were treating you but that's what you get for playing on his level which is well above yours. You sent him back a reply asking him what game, while at the same time one of your friends just asked you if you wanted to go out. You were about to say not right now but A came back with an apology saying he just got called into work and had to go. Telling him to have fun you said yes to your friend and went to get ready to go out. 
Closing the car door and giving a quick hi to Mini you buckle your seat belt. After giving you a hi back Mini turns the music up blaring Cheese by stray kids and you both start to sing and car dance to the song. Driving down the highway blaring kpop mostly stray kids as you head into the city. Mini turned down the music “so NCT just released a new album” she said 
“And now we have to go to the store so you can buy all the versions of it?” you laugh. Instead of responding she just turns the music back up and you both go back to jamming out. 
After going to the k-pop store and Mini Getting the new albums she wanted and you grabbed a stray kids album you were missing, the two of you went to the big city mall for food and window shopping. It was when you were in EB Games looking at the new Mario party that Mini brought up her thoughts on A “so any idea on when you're gonna like facetime the guy?”
 “not yet no” you replied 
“ you really should know more about this guy especially when you are getting as close as you are to a rando on the internet” she said a little annoyed 
“i get it i do but you know i have my gut feelings and my gut tells me he’s trustworthy and good for his word”
 “you and your gut feeling and empathic tendency thoughts are not always going to be right you know! One day it’s going to be wrong and I don't want you to get hurt when it does” Mini stated her concern. 
You know how she was hesitant to believe in your gift. You had a hard time explaining them to yourself let alone to others but it’s something you trusted and so far it has yet to let you down. You just nod knowing now is not the time to try to argue your point of view. Continuing the day you guys had fun and walked around, by the time it was late and back home you let A know you were back if he wanted to talk before you went to bed. It was about an hour later that you got a message back from him, “hey Y/U/N im still at work but some news just dropped on us here we have to travel around for some business, and i think i'm coming to Y/C/N for a few days, and i was wondering if maybe we could meet up in person while i'm there?” he had sent. You reread the message about 10 times before replying back “omg thats sooo cool i can’t wait, i am sooo excited to meet you, i can’t believe your business trip is coming out here that’s sooo cool!”. Sending back and forth more texts of excitement to finally be meeting your best online friend in person in a few months, and wanting to see if you could make some kind of a plan for where and when to meet up and what you will do, A had to go back to work and you had to get some sleep for your shift tomorrow especially now that you had to book off a few days to meet up A. with a bright smile on your face and a good feeling in your gut that this was only going to lead to good things in your future, you hit play on your sleep playlist and closed you eye’s for sleep.
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