bio-fluorescence · 2 hours
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The United Nations General Assembly adopts a Palestinian resolution calling on Israel to end its occupation by an overwhelming majority:
124 states voted in favour, 43 abstained, 14 voted against.
Israel is finished. The world recognises its apartheid and genocidal regime.
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bio-fluorescence · 6 hours
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bio-fluorescence · 11 hours
Weeks of Sept. 21 - Oct. 5th Priority list rotation!
These are fundraisers that my vetter @moayesh has told me are high priority either due to the low amount of funds or due to the situation the person is in. If you donate to any of these, please leave a screenshot below to encourage others to donate too!
Saleh Abu Sardana: "I am creating this campaign so that I can secure my children’s future and get my life back again. I am working to achieve this with your help. The money will go to provide a decent life for my children and my wife. I hope that you will help me with this dream that did not exist before October 7 and has become a dream today. Thank you" <- Only has 65€.
Ragheb's family: "We are living in unimaginably harsh conditions. After losing home, 5 members of my family and jobs. We lost everything: our home, jobs, security. Even the devices we used to work with, due to the devastating war in Gaza. We are now living in dreadful conditions, without a stable shelter or a source of income." <- 738€.
Saadiya Masoud: Her husband and one of her children have suffered SEVERE injuries. Her husband had shrapnel lodged in his chest and her son has a spinal injury from a building collapsing on him from an air strike. Please help this family as they recover from their injuried and trauma. <- 1039 AUD.
Tawfiq Al Tatri: "Every day we move from one place to another. My house was destroyed on my family. Fortunately, we came out alive after losing many of my relatives and neighbors after the destruction of the neighborhood in which I live. Now I am trying to save my children’s lives from death and save their future." <- 1740€.
Maha Madhoun: "Eman's elderly mother enduring chronic illnesses without access to vital medication. Their escape from the relentless bombardment of warplanes, dodging bullets and navigating through a sea of injured and deceased, is a haunting ordeal etched into their memory." <- 4550$
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bio-fluorescence · 1 day
fundraisers for palestine (9/20/24)
@alihelles2 | likely legitimate | €1,476 of €100,000
@shaahdgaza | vetted by association | $832 of $20,000
@hamudachif0 | likely legitimate | £5,235 of £10,000
@ahmadresh2 | vetted by 90-ghost | $14,992 of $31,000
@abedalhdihesham | vetted by gazavetters | $5,657 CAD of $65,000
@khaledhamdan | likely legitimate | €70 of €50,000
@amnyaburas | vetted by gazavetters | $1,384 CAD of $68,000
@mahmoud66262 | vetted by northgazaupdates | €20,674 of €52,000
@gehadfamily | likely legitimate | €315 of €30,000
@mohammeddawood | likely legitimate | €65 of €30,000
@yazan-joud2 | vetted (#174) | €14,733 of €50,000
@save-mohamed-family | vetted (#192) | $14,200 of $50,000
@mohameddsaker | likely legitimate | €182 of €30,000
@ahmad-syam-blog | vetted by association | $4,830 CAD of $40,000
@aseelo680 | vetted by 90-ghost | $29,023 of $50,000
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bio-fluorescence · 1 day
(feverishly) benj snufmin au????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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bio-fluorescence · 1 day
Lebanon’s national news agency NNA has said five children are among the victims of a strike on a building in the area of Jamous Street, in southern Beirut.
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bio-fluorescence · 1 day
Hi <3 I have a job interview tomorrow and I really need money for carfare. Please share this around <3 Cash venmo kofi ppal:[email protected]
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bio-fluorescence · 1 day
Hello everyone. Remaking this to be a little less personally revealing. We are raising funds to afford a custody lawyer. This is very time sensitive. Here’s how you can help:
Shop with us on Mercari:
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bio-fluorescence · 2 days
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this should make you angry. children in gaza have been out of school for a whole year and will be out of school as long as the israeli invasion continues. palestinian children live in flimsy tents which do not offer them any protection from the heat/cold. they travel long distances to search for water. they are threatened by water-borne diseases and skin infections that are running rampant in gaza.
no aid has been allowed in gaza since may. there is a shortage of everything from food to medicine to blankets to tents. this means that prices for everything have gone up.
it has become very expensive to survive in gaza. heavy rains followed by the winter are fast approaching. a tent does not offer much protection against the elements.
help alaa [ @alaakh998 ] buy supplies for the winter and medicine for her son who is suffering from a skin infection. she has two children aged six and four. she needs to ensure their safety and welfare and it cannot be done without your help.
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bio-fluorescence · 2 days
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Help Niya & Charley get out of Georgia (country)
queer people are getting the short end of the stick again so we'd appreciate some help in our move 🙏
Hi! we're Niya and Charley, a bisexual Russian woman and lesbian American enby living in Batumi, Georgia, for the past two years. We've been in a loving relationship for 8 year now.
Our original plan was for Niya to get a fiancée Visa to move to the US, but that was placed on hold indefinitely due to the pandemic and a certain Russian territorial conflict making it difficult for Russians to obtain a visa through embassies. At the time, Georgia seemed like the best alternative, and, as charming as our stay has been for the most part, it is increasingly becoming unsafe for LGBT couples. A new bill was passed trying to make "LGBT propaganda" illegal, which in Niya's experience as a Russian, means "anything they don't like, they can claim is illegal". While Georgia's president does plan to veto this bill, it has been stirring up anger and unnecessary attention to queer people regardless and led to a spike in discriminatory violence already. Even before things got this bad, Charley has had rocks thrown at them, screamed at, and been refused entry to public places for wearing normal feminine clothes.
We are currently looking into moving to Mexico, as that is another place both of us have easy access to a half year visa. Moving countries has never been an easy decision, but we've done it before, and with your help, we can do it again, for the sake of our safety.
Thank you!
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bio-fluorescence · 3 days
I talk frequently about how ignorant most Global North citizens are about the immigration policies of their own and other countries. When my husband and I (Global North citizens of different countries) got married, we had conversation after conversation with people who assumed that by producing our marriage certificate we could simply become residents of each other’s countries— and that we could not be refused residence in each other’s countries, as separating a husband and wife could surely not be allowed. 
More interestingly, a lot of people seem to refuse knowledge about immigration, perhaps because it can’t be integrated into some deep and important picture of the world that they have. My parents can’t make themselves believe that my British husband would get in trouble if he overstayed his visa “just a couple of days” in the US, or that I (an American) would ever get deported from the UK, no matter what the circumstances. This is not only because they believe that British and American citizens, as Global North citizens, are specially exempt from the systems that are “meant” to regulate other kinds of people, but also because fundamentally they believe that government and its processes are rational and just. They must believe that government and its processes are rational and just, because otherwise their whole picture of the world— the means by which they understand it— would collapse.
This is all fairly simple and obvious. What is not so simple and obvious is the way that their privileged ignorance, the hothouse resilience of their fantasy world, is part of a mechanism through which the “work of knowing” in our society is outsourced to the underprivileged. (The privileged do not have to know in a way that disrupts their fantasy, because not-knowing has no consequences for them.) This is an interesting dynamic, because many postcolonial theorists (Sara Ahmed, Dipesh Chakrabarty, etc) have explored how the Global South is typically portrayed as that-which-is-known-by-the-Global-North, and therefore as not capable of knowing. So what does it mean that the tools of regulation remain in the hands of the Global North, but that the knowledge of regulation is a burden borne by the Global South? There is an element here of knowing as knowing-your-place, for sure— learning to be interpellated as the illegal and the undesirable. The knowing that is happening also constitutes the production of the illusive “just and rational” world that sustains the Global North. I’m interested in the way that the dehumanization of the Global South therefore serves to sustain the rational and just Human and humaneness of the Global North. There’s an abjectification that is necessary for this— as anyone who has experienced universal healthcare knows, more just and equitable care/distribution of resources often means that more privileged people get less-nice things than they have been led to expect, so if they want to continue to enjoy the same standard of living allowed them by unjust and non-equitable care, they must rationalize this somehow. And how does one rationalize having been, by chance, born in the right geographic area? One can’t. One must, instead, believe that this is not how privilege is allotted, which required not-knowing that this is how privilege is allotted. 
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bio-fluorescence · 3 days
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About Gaza Funds
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bio-fluorescence · 3 days
I know you have all probably seen the esims for gaza posts circulating. Some of you have probably looked at them and thought maybe you should help out, but have weighed up the daunting process of signing up for something you're unfamiliar with vs. the gut-wrenching scale of the things people are going through on the ground right now, and you've put it off or questioned whether it will make enough of a difference vs. some other future kind of activism you could put that $6+ towards. I'm not calling you out or scolding you, it is natural to feel conflicted and ambivalent about the multiple calls for aid that you are seeing on social media.
but consider this: what would you do if you suddenly had to leave your home? how would you cope? how would you begin to plan where to go next, or figure out what to do to take care of yourself? most likely you would reach reflexively for your phone.
telecoms access is not a petty luxury in 2024. a loaded esim means the ability to call family members and find out where they are and whether they're safe, and whether they need anything you can provide for them. it means access to maps and regular updates on the situation unfolding around you. it means you can look up whether it's safe to drink rain water, or how to tie a type of knot you've never had to think about before, or how to treat an injury without medical supplies. it means the ability to tell people outside the situation what you are seeing, what you are feeling, what you are thinking. it is an absolutely crucial resource. and it starts at $6 for 7 days.
many many people have observed that internet access is changing the way the world understands genocide. internet access is life or death, and it is shaping modern history in front of you. and it starts at $6 for 7 days.
please, please visit gazaesims.com and spend 5 minutes and $6 to change the way this plays out for everyone.
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bio-fluorescence · 4 days
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shake it this way, shake it that way, stir it all around...
todays pokemon warmup is spinda!
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bio-fluorescence · 4 days
incredibly terrifying that iof defense minister released a statement just a few minutes ago saying that the iof is going to switch strategies and turn their "resources and forces" up north. a second wave of pager explosions happened just a few hours ago, with at least 3 dead.
within Palestine, North Gaza has always been the area affected most by iof's siege that blocked access to food, clean water, and medical supplies (such as fuel, electricity, and operating equipment). there has been an airstrike at least once every 3 days for the past 11 months. iof in recent months have taken to targeting densely populated refugee camps and family homes that are still standing, specifically targeting civilians.
I dread to think what will happen to North Gaza now that iof made clear they will be redirecting most of their forces into the region. The road to relocate to central parts of Gaza or even the southern parts are extremely dangerous and transportation has become extremely expensive.
now more than ever North Gazan families need your support. I ask you all to donate what you can spare for Hazem's family (vetted), who's only received €200 in the past 12 hours. Please help, there are 5 young children in this family who still haven't received the polio vaccine and at high risk of infection.
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bio-fluorescence · 4 days
almost an entire year of reading the phrase 'airstrikes on refugee camps' every single day.
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bio-fluorescence · 4 days
It has been 11 months of genocide. 334 days of airstrikes and ground invasions. 481,801 minutes of innocent lives martyred one after another.
I don’t know how the world can still keep spinning as this happens right in front of our faces, or why we are letting this go on for so long, but with every passing day, it seems people become used to it, even when the victims come to us themselves asking for help.
Many of us don’t know how to handle such a huge responsibility. We may feel we are not equipped to do so. That is why you get overwhelmed when you are confronted with the victims and our complicity in it and make a decision to ignore. You become defeatist.
But you can’t do that. You have to resist because this is exactly what the settler colony wants you to feel. They do want to look away. They want you to carry on with your life (your normal) while they commit the most atrocities on the most vulnerable.
Deutschland (Germany) is a country that shows no shame in their support of the settler colony. It is up to the point where they would discriminate against the Palestinians. Even to those who stand up for them. Ava Moayeri, a German-Iranian activist, has been sent to court for chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” last month!
If she goes through this, imagine the Palestinians who want nothing more but to build a better future for themselves. My friend, Bilal Salah (@bilal-salah0), is no exception. He is 22 years old and lives in Deutschland for work, but he has faced so many difficulties. He has been on the verge of deportation, making him lose access to his job and housing. His former employer has extorted €4,800 and he is still unemployed, so he can not financially support his family back in Ghazzah. This fundraiser is all he has.
So please help him achieve €110,000 by September 20th! We are supposed to raise it today (Sept 15th), but we have failed to do so. Let's make sure this doesn't happen again! We can't let him down!
As of writing this, €105,980 has been raised! There is only €4,020 left to go! If we do the math, we need at least 804 people to contribute a minimum of €5 to succeed!
Please donate and share. Bilal’s family has narrowly survived the airstrike at the al-Masawi Camp. This fundraiser will help them purchase basic necessities until Rafah Crossing reopens and they can evacuate!
Verification: #132 in the Spreadsheet.
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