bioartist · 2 years
Closing Ceremony
As is usual, watching ALL of the Olympics (excluding hockey) requires some catching up by the end. It took me three extra days to finish watching everything, so that’s why this blog post is late. I did stop knitting once the closing ceremony was happening in real time though. This is what I accomplished: I finished Land of Sweets including blocking. A striped long cowl in many colors with a few…
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bioartist · 2 years
Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony
Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony
I am once again challenging myself to knit as much as possible during the Olympics! This time the focus is on miniskein sets. The first project will be Land of Sweets by Helen Stewart using the majority of the Beatrix Potter minskein collection from Canon Hand Dyes, plus a set of pastel mystery minskeins also from Canon Hand Dyes. I have used Squirrel Nutkin from Beatrix Potter and the pale peach…
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bioartist · 2 years
FO: Cabled Tea Cozy
FO: Cabled Tea Cozy
I finished a thing! My first finish of the year! It’s the cabled tea cozy I’ve been working on. This one required a lot of sewing up, which is my least favorite thing to do. Each side was made separately and then sewn together. Then a large i-cord was knitted and sewn around the edges. Then you picked up and knit the lining. Then you make another i-cord and sew it along the bottom edge. Which you…
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bioartist · 2 years
2021 in Review
I’ve been looking back through my planners and notebooks to see what I’ve accomplished this year. I finished 12 knitting projects, which was exactly my goal! They are: Lotus Ring A gold-leafed Beethoven bust wearing a red lacy cowl Mackenzie Me wearing a lacy tee in variegated peaches and blues Less is More A triangular shawl on a bench with muted red, pink, and purple stripes Cozumel A…
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bioartist · 3 years
Planner Hell
I got consumed by planner things recently. See, I’m used to using Martina Behm’s Strickplaner – a knitting themed planner. It sells out quickly so about August I went to look for the 2022 planner to see if I could get it. That’s when I found out she’s not making it anymore! I’ve used it for three years and now it’s just gone. She’s making a knitting project notebook instead, with no calendar…
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bioartist · 3 years
All Caught Up
I finally caught up on the Cryptid SAL! It only took me a month, lol. Now I don’t know what to do with myself. Here is each cryptid up close. Mothman Enfield Horror Jersey Devil Fresno Nightcrawler Chupacabra Hopkinsville Goblin Loveland Frogman Jackalope I added a wand to the Frogman though it wasn’t in the pattern. It just seemed necessary due to the first sighting including a wand…
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bioartist · 3 years
Stitching Away
I’ve been neglecting the blog lately. There are several reasons. One being that the craft room is an unholy mess again and my computer keeps getting buried. Another being that I’m busy zooming during prime blogging time on Wednesdays so doing WIP Wednesdays is harder than it should be. Yet another reason being that I’ve just been too busy crafting to want to write about it. It’s a moving target,…
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bioartist · 3 years
Spooky Season
I have a new project coming up soon, and I thought I’d show you a preview. It’s a cross stitch project, part of a stitch-along. It’s a sampler full of cryptids! I’m joining late, but not super late (it goes through January), so the first three cryptids have already been released. They are: Mothman, Fresno Nightcrawler, and the Enfield Horror. I had never heard of the Enfield Horror, so I had to…
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bioartist · 3 years
Paralympic Knitting: Closing Ceremonies
Paralympic Knitting: Closing Ceremonies
I’m a bit late in writing this. I did knit during the Paralympic Games, though I didn’t really watch it. I tried, I really did, but the coverage was…weird. They didn’t show full games. They just showed the beginning or middle and then decided that was enough and would tell you how it turned out without actually showing it. It was frustrating and confusing. Also all the different classes of…
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bioartist · 3 years
Caturday: FIV in Kittens
Caturday: FIV in Kittens
WARNING: This post contains talk of kitten death.   The Kitten Lady posted a video today that prompted me to expand on it by writing this post. It’s all about FIV in kittens and why young kittens who test positive are most likely negative. Watch the video for a explanation as to why that might be. Unfortunately, not all rescues are up to date with this information. We were fostering a litter of 4…
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bioartist · 3 years
Knitting Olympics Take Two
Knitting Olympics Take Two
The Paralympics has begun and it’s time for another round of sock knitting! This time I’m starting with a self striping skein and knitting The Twisted Goth by Scott Dilley. Yarn is Canon Hand Dyes Charles in The Exorcist. There’s a texture pattern in the lighter stripes that is charted. Well, I inexplicably forgot how to read a knitting chart yesterday. I read it left to right, top to bottom…
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bioartist · 3 years
Knitting Olympics: Closing Ceremony
Knitting Olympics: Closing Ceremony
I did it! I knit 3 socks during the Olympics! That’s one and a half pairs!  A pair of finished pink speckled gradient socks, lightly textured. A single yellow speckled textured sock modeled on a foot. The other foot is bare. I’m sure I could have done much more if I wasn’t, you know, watching the Olympics. I watched 300 events. Not all unique events, as I did watch a few qualifiers and…
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bioartist · 3 years
FO Friday: Cozumel
(I wrote this a few weeks ago, but forgot to hit “Publish”, ha!) I actually finished a thing! It’s been a while since I’ve done that. For the Cozumel cowl I decided to block it flat before grafting the ends together. I took advantage of the heat wave and blocked it outside. I found that I didn’t need any pins, I just smooshed everything into place with my hands. Of course when I was setting up in…
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bioartist · 3 years
Knitting Olympics
(USOC can suck it, I’m keeping the title) It’s that time again! The Olympics kicks off tomorrow and I have set practically EVERYTHING to DVR! Which means I’ll be sitting in front of the TV a lot. Which means knitting is happening. This year I’m just gonna see how many socks I can crank out. Simple ones, so I can concentrate on the action. I have set aside four skeins + patterns to work on, but…
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bioartist · 3 years
WIP Wednesday: Spin-Along
I’m working diligently on my Woolery spin-along/Tour de Fleece. I’ve been spinning at least a little bit every day except one where I was really busy. I’ll consider that my “rest day” for the Tour. I made a sport weight single sample, a fingering weight single, and another sport weight single so far. The sample knitted up had lots of “character”. In other words it was inconsistent, lol. A…
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bioartist · 3 years
Tour de Fleece!
Tour de Fleece started on Saturday! If you’re not familiar, it’s a widespread spin-along that follows the schedule of Tour de France. This year I’m using the Tour de Fleece time to focus on a more specific spin-along with The Woolery. This spin-along is focusing on spinning more consistent yarns while aiming for a specific weight, which I have never done before. Because consistency is more…
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bioartist · 3 years
FO Friday: The Cursed Socks
FO Friday: The Cursed Socks
I finished these socks back in late April, but I just sort of tossed them on my dresser and ignored them after that. It took me this long to finally take pictures, probably because I sort of resent them. Despite all the pattern’s shortfalls, I DID finish them.  A pair of feet on sparse grass modelling green socks with a cable and lace pattern swooping across the tops of the feet in opposite…
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