biohackersassemble · 4 years
Cheapest Biohacks in Today’s Era!
Sunlight – Sunlight is a very important aspect of biohacking. Absorbing sunlight can turn out very advantageous for you as it nourishes our skin with vitamin-D. Vitamin-D feeds protein to our body and improves the quality of our hair. One should get at least 15 minutes of sunlight every day. Sun also triggers your dopamine and endorphins levels in your body.
Take a cold shower – It may sound harsh, but a cold shower is better than a hot one as hot showers make us lazy. Whereas cold showers keep you alert and boosts up your immunity. It hikes up our blood circulation and helps you burn fat easily. A cold shower also improves the skin quality of your face and delays ageing.
Vipashna – Vipashna is a form of biohack dedicated to meditation in which one gets out of their daily day life to sort their mind and soul. It is a very important practice that everyone should adopt. The world Vipashna refers to insight as it helps us look deep into our mind and soul to extract all the answers we are looking for. People of every age group should make Vipashna a regular practice to maintain a happy and peaceful life.
Gratitude journal – Everyone these days is so busy and involved in their own lives that they never have the time to appreciate the things around them. Every single thing or person around us has played an important role in our lives that we should be thankful for. Therefore we should maintain a gratitude journal in which one should write every day about the one thing they are thankful for. It can be anything. You can appreciate and show your gratitude to anything and everything. This is a habit that will make you as well as the people around you happy.
Intermittent fasting – This is one of the most convenient biohacks. All you have to do is eat food, less frequently. When you eat less, it gives enough time for your body to digest your food, balance your sugar levels, and repair your cells. You don’t have to eat less. You just have to eat after long spans. Eat healthy and filling food that keeps you full for a long.
SOURCE: https://www.biohackersassemble.com/budgeted-bio-hacks-in-todays-era/
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biohackersassemble · 4 years
Entrepreneurs Are In Love With Biohacking: Here’s Why!
Biohacking is a trend that is a concept I’m sure many people are aloof with and here’s why Entrepreneurs are loving it!
 It is a term whose definition may differ, depending on whom you ask. It can be defined as a way to optimize your body and brain for improved functioning. It is basically related to DNA injections, microchip implants, and other stuff, you probably have seen in different sci-fi movies. People have been unknowingly practicing biohacking in the form of vipassana and intermittent fasting. Unlike movies, biohacking is all about finding various ways and solutions to improve the functioning of humans and their health. Some very common forms of biohacking are sleep remedies and cold treatments. Even exercising and meditation are well-accomplished forms of biohacking.
Biohacking is all about prevention is better than cure. It focuses on preventing diseases from attacking our body. For instance, there is a biohacking startup Gululu, which uses technology and games to reward children. This is basically done to track their water intake. Coffee is also a form of biohacking as it has the ability to hike up our energy every morning and also considered as a very important ingredient in keto diet plans as well as intermittent fasting. Supplements are also a popular tool in a biohacker’s kit. They are also known as smart drugs which help people to prevent various diseases which they never knew, existed in their bodies. These smart pills help in anti-aging and also have nutritious qualities to keep us healthy and fit.
Biohacking is making its place rapidly in the market. Even an entrepreneur like Elon Musk has paid attention to it through his very own startup company, Neuralink. He also expressed that smartphones can be linked to human brains as computers will be smarter than us in the near future. Therefore, it is better to connect them with human brains to avoid any technical damages. 
In the world of science and fiction, biohacking is a tool that is transforming fiction into reality. It has also become a Techie’s way to help people becoming healthy and enabling them to live longer.  The advancement of bio hacks is up to such a level that there is actually an entire movement that targets on revolutionizing human beings into cyborgs which will make them live forever.
Credits: Biohackers Assemble
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biohackersassemble · 4 years
Biohackers assemble in the largest virtual conference on biohacking being held in November 2020 for biohacking enthusiasts across the globe
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biohackersassemble · 4 years
Welcome to  Biohacker's Assemble! This is an introductory video by Biohackers Assemble that sums up what biohacking stands for.   In the next few weeks we will be coming up with more of such videos which will bring you closer to the world of biohacking. If you're a biohacker or you have an interest in Biohacking, you can attend Biohackers Assemble (https://www.biohackersassemble.com/) which is the largest Biohacking Virtual Event of 2020. Our tickets are live and you can get them at ( www.biohackersassemble.com/product/vip-pass)
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biohackersassemble · 4 years
Is Transhumanism The Future Of Evolution?
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A scientist and futurist believes that all of us are approaching the stage of “Singularity” wherein it is said that computers will become independent means smart enough to learn and work for themselves after which they will turn out to be even smarter than they already were (Source: BBC News).
For many of us, the end of the human race is like the holocaust. Whereas on the other hand for many it is the most awaited day. Well a piece of good news for the ones who are wondering it to be the end, there is a social and philosophical movement that is said to be devoted to foster research and development of robust human-based technology. These enhanced human technologies would focus on an increase in the sensory reception of human, there cognitive capacity, the emotive ability they possess, fundamentally improvise the health and extended life spans. The technologies will be integrated into the human body resulting in a permanent modification physically or biologically. This movement is known as Transhumanism.
Everyone is making an effort to expand human life and revolve the world around artificial intelligence. Even though the thought of adapting the artificial intelligence sounds and feels absurd as everyone is not convinced with this idea of going out of line and some find it unethical and against their morals as well, it is yet suggested not to bound ourselves and encircle our unsettling thoughts within that arena. Transhumanists put forth their views wherein they claim that it would be incorrect to jeremiad the end of humanity, instead if we accept the replacement of it the artificial intelligence probably will take an upper hand and provide us with a better life ahead. The future is said to replace humanism with cyborgs and transhumanists believe it to be the end of the humanism era. Since there is no such confirmed result to depict and prove that humans will live forever, this term remains imprecise and is not yet provided with a clear definition. Even though this idea is not very new, as for a long time humans have been working collectively to collaborate the humans and technology and enhance the capability thoroughly to combine the two, it is consistently being tested and transhumanists are looking for prominent success of it.
Julian Huxley a renowned biologist, eugenicist, natively from London, United Kingdom was the one who coined the term “Transhumanism” in 1957 when he wrote that “the human species can if it wishes, transcend itself”. He went on to add that “we need a name for this new belief. Perhaps transhumanism will service: man remaining man, but transcending himself by realizing new possibilities”(Source: Wikipedia). He was an avid and effective influencer of modern development especially when it came down to embryology, systematics, and the study of behavior and evolution.
Let an ultra-intelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultra-intelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an ‘intelligence explosion,’ and the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus the first ultra-intelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make, provided that the machine is docile enough to tell us how to keep it under control.
Credits: Biohackers Assemble
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