biov8 · 1 year
Cognitive Enhancing "Smart Drugs" Peptides.
Cerebrolysin is a nootropic drug that may improve cognitive function and memory.
What Is Cerebrolysin? Cerebrolysin is purported to be a nootropic, a “smart drug” that can improve cognitive function. It is a mixture of amino acids and proteins derived from pig brains, including:
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor Nerve growth factor Ciliary neurotrophic factor These proteins are also found naturally in the human brain, where they play an important role in brain cell development and repair.
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How Does Cerebrolysin Work? According to research, Cerebrolysin may work by:
Protecting brain cells and preventing their death due to harmful conditions. Promoting the growth of new brain cells. Improving brain cell communication, which enhances learning capacity. Increasing brain energy by increasing glucose uptake in brain cells and protein production in cells. Decreasing brain levels of beta-amyloid deposits, which are linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Lowering inflammation in the brain. Uses of Cerebrolysin Cerebrolysin is not approved for medical treatment in the United States. Other countries sometimes use this drug for the treatment of several conditions, which are described below. Cerebrolysin should always be taken under the guidance of a doctor.
1) Stroke A number of clinical studies suggest that Cerebrolysin may help improve cognition, motor function, and recovery time in patients that have experienced an acute stroke
For example, one randomized placebo-controlled multicenter clinical trial of 208 patients examined the effects of taking Cerebrolysin within 72 hours of a stroke and for 21 days after. Researchers found that those on Cerebrolysin performed better on tests measuring cognition and motor function.
However, there is conflicting evidence as well. A systematic review of 6 clinical trials including 1,501 patients found that Cerebrolysin did not have any clinical benefit over placebo. In addition, this drug was associated with a higher number of side effects. Another meta-analysis of 7 studies also found no benefit with Cerebrolysin.
Buy Cerebrolysin here
2) Traumatic Brain Injury There is evidence that Cerebrolysin may improve recovery and reduce disability in those that have experienced a traumatic brain injury
A systematic review of 5 clinical trials including 5,685 patients suggests that Cerebrolysin may protect against cognitive and motor deficits associated with brain injury.
In a randomized placebo-controlled trial of 32 patients, Cerebrolysin also improved long-term memory.
Another randomized placebo-controlled trial of 158 infants found that Cerebrolysin may prevent speech deficits and improve social interaction in newborns with severe brain injury.
However, in many of these studies, Cerebrolysin did not reduce the risk of death associated with traumatic brain injury.
3) Dementia Several clinical trials have studied the potential benefits of Cerebrolysin on vascular dementia, a form of dementia caused by impaired blood flow to the brain. These studies suggest that Cerebrolysin may improve cognition, memory, and general function.
4) Alzheimer’s Disease A meta-analysis of 6 clinical trials found that Cerebrolysin may improve cognitive function in those with mild-to-moderate Alyzheimers.
Another review of 15 clinical trials including 2,446 subjects suggests that high doses of Cerebrolysin may reduce psychological symptoms and slow disease progression in patients with Alzheimer’s.
Cerebrolysin Research Clinical Research The following purported benefits of Cerebrolysin are only supported by limited, low-quality clinical studies. There is insufficient evidence to support the use of Cerebrolysin for any of the uses listed below.
Cerebrolysin should always be taken under the guidance of a doctor. It should never be used as a replacement for approved medical therapies.
Cognitive Function According to a study of 109 schizophrenic patients, Cerebrolysin (added to risperidone) may improve cognitive function and memory.
Another study of 54 older adults with memory loss found that a derivative of Cerebrolysin, N-PEP-12, improved memory.
In a small study of 6 healthy elderly subjects, a single dose of Cerebrolysin improved memory and attention.
Depression A study of 20 patients with treatment-resistant depression found that Cerebrolysin, in combination with conventional antidepressants, may be more effective for improving symptoms than antidepressants alone.
A different study of 40 patients with depression found that the addition of Cerebrolysin to venlafaxine (an antidepressant) may improve response to antidepressant therapy and reduce side effects.
Autism In a study of 19 children with childhood autism and 8 with Asperger’s syndrome, Cerebrolysin therapy improved cognitive function in all Asperger’s and in 89% of autistic patients [36].
In another study of 43 children with autism, 27 children (62.8%) showed signs of improvement after receiving the drug.
ADHD In a study of 60 children with ADHD, Cerebrolysin improved symptoms in 70 to 86% of subjects.
Cerebral Palsy According to a study of 50 children with cerebral palsy, Cerebrolysin may improve motor function when added to rehabilitation therapy.
Rett Syndrome Rett syndrome is a rare genetic brain disorder characterized by impaired speech, coordination, and movement.
A pilot study of 9 girls with RETT syndrome found that Cerebrolysin may improve behavior, attention, physical skills, and nonverbal social communication. It also may restore high-level brain functions, as measured by EEG.
Diabetic Neuropathy In a study of 20 patients with type 2 diabetes, Cerebrolysin relieved pain associated with diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage caused by diabetes). A 10-day therapy led to improvements that lasted at least 6 weeks.
Parkinson’s Disease Cerebrolysin nanospheres slowed disease progression in a mouse model of Parkinson’s.
A study of rats with Parkinson’s disease suggests that Cerebrolysin may promote the survival of brain cells and improve motor symptoms.
Another rat study found that Cerebrolysin may reduce oxidative stress, restore brain dopamine levels, and improve behavior in rats with Parkinson’s disease.
Anxiety A rat study found that Cerebrolysin may reduce anxiety, according to maze tests measuring anxiety.
Safety of Cerebrolysin Side Effects According to clinical trials, Cerebrolysin is generally safe and well-tolerated by patients
Side effects are usually mild and temporary. Below are some commonly reported side effects. Let your doctor know if you experience side effects that persist or worsen.
Headaches Dizziness Insomnia Agitation Burning sensation Sweating Weight loss Anxiety Confusion Fatigue Flu-like symptoms Diarrhoea Nausea Vomiting with heart palpitations (rarely) Injection site reactions (irritation, itchiness) Drug Interactions If you take Cerebrolysin, let your doctor know as there may be unexpected and potentially dangerous interactions with your other medications or health conditions. The drug interactions of Cerebrolysin are not well researched and there may be more potential interactions beyond the ones discussed here.
There is some evidence that Cerebrolysin may increase the accumulation of lithium in brain tissues. Those taking lithium therapy should be cautious when taking this drug.
Some studies show that Cerebrolysin may enhance the action of antidepressants. Let your doctor know if you are taking Cerebrolysin and antidepressants..
If you'd like to learn more, register your free account with BIOV8, Australia's leading peptide clinic and we'll organise a confidential Patient Care call to discuss your goals.
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/cerebrolysin
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biov8 · 1 year
Maximise Lean Muscle Mass
Your Protein intake is important to building lean muscle mass due to its strong correlation with energy & performance from its ability to synthesis new LEAN muscles & repair those damaged during your workouts. This in turn reduces your stored fat deposits creating a leaner muscle tone over the entire body. Win, win!
Protein also works to improve moods, regulates hormones, supports clear younger skin & healthier hair. Protein is found in lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, tofu & legumes.
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Protein is recommended in portioned serves Provides Amino Acids for muscles to repair Adequate protein allows growth (synthesis) of NEW proteins & energy production Only when your muscle synthesis exceeds breakdown will muscle mass increase For muscle mass to increase you must combine protein intake w carbohydrates Goals become fueled A LOT QUICKER due to optimizing training efforts & recovery Your training increases the synthesis & breakdown of protein for at least 24 hours after your workout! This means a big BUMP UP in the ability to gain leaner & tone up existing muscles at a quicker rate!
Protein is a crucial nutrient in your eating regime that allows you to optimize your performance & results. The amount of protein consumed is important, as it needs to stimulate the muscle recovery. The recommended amount is 40g of absorbed protein, which is a fist size. This can alter pending on your activity & goal.
Recovery from exercise is JUST as important as performing the exercise as it allows for the body to progress. The period following exercise, therefore, is an opportunity to replenish the body and allow it to recover and adapt with the replenishment of:
Water as rehydration Quality carbohydrate to refuel muscles High-quality protein to promote muscle recovery & regeneration The benefits:
Will replenish any stores depleted during exercise Promote muscle fibres to repair from the exercise performed Synthesis NEW proteins that are involved in energy production Allow you to progress in your health & fitness getting lean & toned! So, in short note, nail your protein intake & you’ll bounce into shape, quicker! Your body can progress because it’s able to recover. If you’re days aren’t packing any power, you’ll feel slow, tired & your moods heavy & dull then perhaps it’s time to rethink your protein!
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/maximise-lean-muscle-mass
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biov8 · 1 year
Your brain is the slowest thing to age. Is that perhaps because it’s protected by the skull? The body recognizes this system as supreme. It’s the most important thing in our body.
Let’s first understand this vital part of our anatomy.
The brain is also connected to your spinal cord and nerves that branch off that. This is also protected. It’s the bones of the spine (vertebrae) that are protecting the spinal cord. It’s an entire system that’s all connected.
Your brain is the master controller of every cell, tissue and organ in your body. It’s through your nervous system that you perceive the world, adapt to stress and coordinate all bodily functions.
Can taking nootropics really help? Absolutely! That’s why Yootropics Brain is designed to help you slow ageing through optimization of brain health or cognitive function.
When we previously thought of brain enhancement- we used drugs or nervous system stimulants like caffeine. However, coffee, and you can take a little break!
When you swap caffeine as a brain booster and mix it up with nootropics instead, you’re enhancing cognitive function without the anxiety or come down. There’s no crash. You’re just working better, the way you’re designed to.
Yootropics is an Australian company leading the way in the nootropics market to support you with brain health. Brain disease like Alzheimer’s is on the rise and we are aware of becoming educated in how we need to take care of our brain & nervous system.
I’m an advocate of chiropractic care because Doctors of Chiropractic are experts in removing nervous system interference to allow clearer communication from brain to body. The scientific and specific chiropractic adjustments restore optimal communication to cells via the pathways of the nervous system. This is where regeneration can start to occur.
It’s literally clear information to our DNA. But nutrition is also information to our DNA and cells. It’s not merely calories. This is why I studied superfood nutrition as an elective when obtaining my certification as a Food, Lifestyle & Wellness Coach. I’ve always been excited about what’s possible when it comes to slowing ageing.
At almost 49 years old, I’m excited to enter my fifties with the knowledge on what we can do to assist our bodies to heal, repair and renew through the workings of the nervous system. Our bodies are capable of absolute vitality when we give it the right environment.
We were taught that the two best diets for slowing ageing were the Mediterranean diet and Japanese diet.
Mediterranean diets are rich in olives and olive oil. Good fats from plants are crucial. I wrote about it in my first best seller called, Eat Fat, Be Lean. The nervous system and the hormones (particularly the sex hormones) are made up of fats and cholesterol and so we need to fuel our bodies with these EFA’s / essential fatty acids. Native to the Mediterranean region is the Pinus Pinister Stem Bark, another nootropic ingredient responsible for an increase in cerebral blood flow.
The Japanese diet has lower levels of protein and  is mostly plant based, with a healthy dose of good fats.
Plant based diets could mean a deficiency in B12 and B6 which may accelerate brain illness like dementia as well as other diseases.
That’s why Yootropics Brain has included these crucial B group nootropics as one of the 12 stacked nutrients, in your daily dose.
Dozens of studies have been known to show that exercise and even just walking can prevent our brains from ageing and that’s because there’s better blood flow.
Again, blood flow to the brain is what we desire for brain health and our team designed this supreme natural ‘smart drug’ to do just that!
Written by Andi lew. BIOV8 Spokesperson
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/ageing-your-brain
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biov8 · 1 year
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There is sufficient scientific evidence available now that proves that weight loss medication (and increasing peptide treatments), in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle will be extremely effective in helping to meet your weight management goals. If you would like to get in touch with our team of experts at BIOV8 to help you get started, go ahead and click here now!
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biov8 · 1 year
Is There a Link Between Smoking and Premature Ejaculation?
An important question that we’ve recently been asked is whether smoking is linked to premature ejaculation in any form. The simple answer to this is a resounding yes.
Premature Ejaculation may not be the most talked about subject, but it is a common sexual problem faced by Australian men. In fact, a study published in March 2006 found that almost 20 to 30 percent of the population face this “incompletely understood” dysfunction.
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So while premature ejaculation isn’t the stuff dinner table conversations are made up of (unless, of course, they are in your house, in which case, NOICE!), this is an important subject that needs to be addressed so that it may become of a less taboo topic.
This post talks about how smoking and premature ejaculation are linked and what could be possible solutions to the problem, besides the obvious where one stops smoking! But before that, here’s a quick explanation of what is premature ejaculation and why it is so common.
What is Premature Ejaculation Exactly?
It is easy to get confused between different subjects like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and low sex drive. To put it in the simplest of terms, premature ejaculation is when there is a lack of control over ejaculation, causing it to happen sooner than you may want it to.
However, premature ejaculation is much more complicated than simply “cuming too soon”. Premature ejaculation can be classified into two main types:
Primary: When one has faced premature ejaculation from almost their first sexual encounter, and it happens a majority of the time during sex, this may be primary premature ejaculation.
Acquired or Secondary:If one starts facing premature ejaculation after a certain time, with no indications of this previously, this may be acquired or secondary premature ejaculation.  
How Does Smoking Cause Premature Ejaculation?
Smoking is considered extremely harmful to the human body. This is nothing new in terms of information.
However, if we delve deeper into specifics of how smoking impacts the body, we will learn that the toxic chemicals present in cigarettes and cigarette smoke have the ability to damage the lining of your blood vessels, subsequently impacting how these blood vessels function. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this will have a corresponding impact on your penis since erections are pretty much dependent on blood flow.
To explain this better, here’s how an erection happens. In response to arousal signals from the brain, the nerves in the penis signal to the arteries in the penis to increase blood flow and expand.
Now, if your blood vessels are damaged from all the smoking or smoke inhalation, it’s going to be hard (see what I did there!) for your penis to become erect.
Studies have also found that smoking may cause a reduction of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is what helps the muscles in the penis to relax, allowing the arteries to fill with blood and help the penis become erect. Here’s an interesting study that talks about the levels of nitric oxide and how this may have an impact on premature ejaculation.  
In Conclusion
Based on scientific evidence, it is easy to conclude that smoking isn’t really doing any favours to your sex life. Treating premature ejaculation can be done through a mixture or combination of behavioural techniques, physical exercise, as well as medication. Of course, the first step to overcoming this problem would be to consult a doctor who will be able to give you a clear diagnosis.
Helping you take control of your sexual health is one of our primary goals and motivations, here at BIOV8. With the perfect balance of specialised knowledge and the training of qualified doctors, BIOV8 is here to help you smash those goals. Get in touch with our friendly team.
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/is-there-a-link-between-smoking-and-premature-ejaculation
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biov8 · 2 years
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Skin care doesn’t always have to involve a 29-step routine with exotic-sounding products. However, it is important to take care of your skin, irrespective of your age and gender. Just because you’re a man, it certainly does not mean that you put skincare at the bottom of your priority list (unless you want to resemble a wrinkly peach, that is). Men, here are a few simple starting points to help your skin become healthier.
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biov8 · 2 years
How Personalised Nutrition May Significantly Improve BMI?
Human bodies are simultaneously similar and unique. While we may be born with the same limbs and organs, everyone is different from each other in how our bodies process individual responses, such as emotions, thoughts, and even bodily functions like digestion. This was further proved by a recent study that researched the effects of personalised nutrition on a person’s BMI or Body Mass Index.
Before we delve into the finer details of this study, here’s what BMI is and why is it important for our readers who may not be completely familiar with the subject.
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BMI and its importance  
As mentioned earlier, BMI stands for Body Mass Index. Simply put, this is a way to measure the ratio of your height and weight and is an easily calculatable indicator of whether your weight is in proportion to your height.
BMI is calculated by dividing your weight (measured in kilograms) by your height (measured in metres squared). Here’s a quick calculator from The Heart Foundation to help you check your BMI.
Finding out where you lie on the BMI scale can help provide estimates as to whether you may be at risk for heart disease or other medical conditions that may be a result of being overweight or underweight.
The Study on Personalised Nutrition improving BMI in Overweight Adults
In June 2022, a study was published on how customised nutrition guidance helped obese or overweight Chinese adults improve their overall BMI. This was a randomized controlled trial, where over the course of 12 weeks, 400 adults were divided into two groups, CG and PN.
The CG group or the Control Group were given basic and conventional health advice, in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents and the Chinese DRIs Handbook.
On the other hand, the PN group received Personalised Nutrition advice that was customised to each adult in the group, after taking into account their physical measurements (such as height, weight body measurements), blood samples, buccal cells (genotype), dietary habits, and physical activity levels.
It was observed that by creating personalised health advice that considered the subject’s personal characteristics and circumstances, the individual was able to benefit considerably. An overall improvement in anthropometric (physical measurements, such as body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, waist circumference) and blood biomarkers.
Recommendations such as increasing fibre intake and adding multivitamins or mineral supplements, based on the individual were found to be more helpful instead of approaching the individual’s health with a “one size fits all” perspective.
In Conclusion
It is important to note that BMI is not a failsafe way of predicting health. In fact, it does not take into account factors like pregnancy, bone density, and muscle mass, amongst others. It also ignores ethnicity and how that may influence your overall health. Having said that, BMI is usually an easy first step to gauging your overall health.
Personalised health advice from a professional medical practitioner or nutrition expert will, in most cases, significantly help you in achieving your health-related goals as this advice will be created taking into your conditions, instead of being cookie-cutter information.
If you are interested in starting a wellness journey that will help you attain your full potential, visit us at BIOV8 to review our tailored medical weight-loss peptides, including Semaglutide a deeply trusted and researched GLP-1 agonist that has been approved by the TGA and has been generating excellent weight-loss results.
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/how-personalised-nutrition-may-significantly-improve-bmi
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biov8 · 2 years
3 Hacks To Help You Stay On Top Of Your Mental Health
No beating about the bush here… this post was created to be a guide to help you structure your life in a way that helps your mental health and wellbeing. Let’s jump right into it.
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A Routine
One of the easiest ways to lessen the chaos we create for ourselves is to create a routine. I’m not just referring to a morning routine, where you wake up, make your bed, meditate, etc. Although this is certainly a part of your overall routine, it isn’t the beginning and the end.
When I say create a routine for yourself, I’m referring to being able to almost automate simple decisions, in order to free up time to do things that actually spark joy in you. On a rough estimate, the human mind makes approximately 35,000 remotely conscious decisions every day, of which around 226 centre around food and drink.
If you can simplify even some of the major decisions you have to make every day, you get to focus on hobbies, interests, learning new skills, and so much more.
Simplifying things into a routine can take many forms. Can you eat the same breakfast for the entire week? Can you channel Steve Jobs and wear something similar to work every day? Can you automate your weekly or fortnightly grocery order?
A routine doesn’t always have to be a complicated series of steps. You can start with one or a couple of steps and see how much mental time that frees up for you.
Meditation and Mindfulness
One of my favourite words that I’ve discovered on the internet is “Sonder”. Invented by author John Koenig, sonder is the realisation that every random passer-by is living a life as deep and as complex as your own, while you are just an extra in the background.
The easiest way to remember that everyone has ups and downs in life, and that you’re not alone is to simply look around you. Everyone has their own story and everyone goes through tough times. C'est la vie!
Meditation will help you navigate these tough times better. It helps you have a deeper understanding of your emotions and how to be more present in the now. It is important to remember that meditation comes in different forms and you will need to try a few different things before you find the one that suits you the most.
Trying apps that offer guided meditations is a great way to start if you are a beginner. Headspace, Insight Timer (Australian-made and also free!!), and Calm are some great apps to try.
Honestly, if there’s one thing you take away from this post, it should be this one. I cannot stress how important sleep is to mental health. Your digestive system, nutrition, regenerative cycles, mindfulness – everything is affected by the quantity and quality of your sleep.
Sleep cycles differ from person to person, but most of us need about 7-9 hours to awaken refreshed and ready to step into a new day.
If you’re having trouble sleeping, there are a few things you can try before you go to a professional. Some things that may help are:
Darkening the room where you sleep No electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime No alcohol or sugary drinks at least 2-3 hours before bedtime Try apps like Calm, Headspace, Aura, or Slumber to calm your mind
If simple tricks like these don’t help, it may be time to see a doctor. There may be underlying causes of your insomnia that may be best resolved by a professional diagnosis.    
BIOV8 offers some great products Including peptides to enhance your mental health and even possibly improve the quality of sleep you get. Get in touch to see how our team can help you become the best version of yourself!
If you liked this post and want to read a part two, let us know through the website or even our social media accounts.
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biov8 · 2 years
Weight Loss With Semaglutide
Weight Loss Injections
A few months ago, an Australian TikToker went viral documenting her weight loss journey through the diabetic drug, Semaglutide, more popularly known by the trade name, Ozempic. While Ozempic is a prescription-only drug given to diabetic patients in injection form, its recent popularity on the internet as a weight loss drug has given rise to an unprecedented interest in weight loss injections.
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So what are weight loss injections and are they available in Australia? This post breaks it down and attempts to answer most, if not all, of your questions about weight loss injections.
How do Weight Loss Injections help?
To put it in extremely simplistic terms, a weight loss injection helps you lose weight by either making you feel full sooner or by preventing your body from absorbing fats from the food you eat.
However, weight loss injections are not miracle drugs and must be considered supplements to an active lifestyle and an appropriate diet.
What are the different types of Weight Loss Injections?
While there are multiple types of weight loss injections, the two most common are listed below:
GLP-1 agonist-based injections
Our bodies produce a hormone called GLP-1 (Glucagon-like Peptide 1) which helps regulate our appetite and blood sugar levels. GLP-1 agonist-based injections mimic this natural hormone and help us feel full sooner. It does this by slowing the rate at which food may exit the stomach, thereby making you feel full even with smaller portions.    
The most common GLP-1 agonist medications are Semaglutide, Liraglutide, and Dulaglutide.
While the FDA in the United States of America has approved a Semaglutide-based drug given as injections, sold under the name Wegovy, this drug has not yet been approved in Australia. However, another Semaglutide-based drug called Ozempic is approved for use in Australia and can be prescribed by a doctor to patients with diabetes.
Liraglutide is available in Australia and is sold under the brand name Saxenda. This is also given as injections. It differs from Semaglutide in the fact that Liraglutide in most cases, must be taken daily, while Semaglutide is a once-weekly injection.
Dulaglutide is also available in Australia and is sold under the name Trulicity, in the form of pre-filled injection pens. However, as with other GLP-1 agonists in Australia, Trulicity is not approved for weight loss and is mostly prescribed to diabetic patients.
Lipotropic injections
These injections are supplements and are usually combinations of different vitamins that support weight loss. The combinations usually include Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6, L-Carnitine, Choline, etc.
However, unlike GLP-1 agonist drugs, lipotropic injections merely increase and enhance the body’s metabolic processes. Exercise and a proper diet are, therefore, essential if one wants to lose weight through lipotropic injections.
Are you eligible for Weight Loss Injections?    
Semaglutide has not been approved by the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration, aka, the government agency that regulates the medical drugs available in Australia) for weight loss. however it is available under a private label prescription. This means it will not be covered by Medicare but is legally prescribed.
However, Saxenda (Liraglutide) has been approved by the TGA for use in weight management. It remains a prescription-only drug that may be given to patients who have a BMI above 30 or 27 with co-related medical issues.
While weight loss injections may sound like magic medicine that will help you lose excess weight, it must be noted that results often vary from patient to patient. It is also important to remember that without a supporting diet and exercise routine, it is very easy to regain the weight lost once you stop taking weight loss injections. Therefore, one must think of weight loss injections as a supplement and not necessarily the cure.
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/weight-loss-with-semaglutide
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biov8 · 2 years
Why our muscles are the most powerful anti-aging treatment we have
I want to build muscle and lose fat” is a common goal that BIOV8 customers tell us at the start of their Total Human Optimisation journey. This series of articles will discuss the physiology and practical aspects of this goal with reference to muscle, fat, metabolism and exercise – and how certain peptides may assist in achieving this goal.
Skeletal muscle makes up 40% of the total muscle mass in the average human. The rest is smooth muscle in the gut and blood vessels and cardiac muscle in the heart. There are obvious skeletal muscle groups that are easily visible and can be “bulked up” for example in the arms, back, chest and legs such as biceps, deltoid, pectoralis major etc. There are less obvious skeletal muscle groups such as muscles supporting the back and spine and between the ribs to assist with breathing.
Skeletal muscle is generally under voluntary control. It helps us stand upright, walk, run and move our limbs, breathe and generally lead active lives. It is essential to healthy ageing to have sufficient muscle mass to be able to get out of a chair and move independently – which is pretty important if you want to lead an active life!
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After age 40, skeletal muscle mass and strength decreases by about 3 % per year! This has profound implications not just for moving around and lifting things as we age, it is becoming well recognized that skeletal muscle is an endocrine organ in its own right (more on this later). This is an exciting new concept, and this is why:
Age related muscle loss leads to insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, abnormal blood lipids, hypertension and weight gain. This collection of diseases is collectively called “metabolic syndrome”. These “illnesses” are often seen as an accepted part of normal ageing.
And here’s the proof - Medications for blood pressure, diabetes, oesophageal reflux and high cholesterol make up the top ten most commonly prescribed drugs in Australia.  But they don’t have to be! The traditional teaching that muscle is a mechanical device to move the limbs and enable us to breathe is too simplistic. Muscle is an extremely complex piece of biology that actively helps maintain a healthy blood glucose level and is pivotal in maintaining our metabolism and weight. It is interesting that there are medical specialists for most other body systems, but none specialising purely in muscle. It is often overlooked by the traditional medical community.
Instead of simply being a mechanical winch to move our bones, skeletal muscle has been shown to secrete cytokines and over a hundred different small peptides termed “myokines”. These myokines may be used as a signalling process within the body. When our muscles are used for example in resistance / weight training at the gym, they release myokines into the bloodstream. Exercising muscle requires a lot of blood flow to provide energy to the muscle and also to take away byproducts from the energy consumed by the muscle. The myokines are thus transported around the body via the blood, and act at a distant site to the muscle that produced them. In this way muscle can be regarded as an endocrine organ. It is thought that release of these substances may be responsible for the beneficial effects of exercise on mood, hormone levels and general health.
Exercising muscle requires lots of energy to allow the individual muscle fibres to contract. Most of this energy comes from glucose. This energy is made inside the powerplants of the cells – the mitochondria. Mitochondria are a fascinating organelle (like a battery pack) located inside most human cells – they are worthy of a whole article themselves! They are the energy factories in our cells, converting glucose to energy in the form of ATP molecules. But they are also responsible for many other chemical processes within cells and contain many enzymes to assist in chemical reactions within the cell. When a meal is eaten, the complex carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and other simple sugars – most of this is used by skeletal muscle. This explains the other beneficial role of muscle – glucose regulation. As we age and lose muscle mass, we reduce our ability to use glucose in muscle. This results in glucose accumulation, fatty liver, insulin resistance and other symptoms of the “metabolic syndrome”. This means that maintaining a large mass of healthy skeletal muscle will regulate our metabolism as we age. It will also allow us to use more glucose and avoid storage as fat.
However if skeletal muscle is not maintained correctly, inflammation and damage to mitochondria can occur. Mitochondrial damage can occur from specific diseases or due to age or inflammation within the body (referred to as “inflammaging” by Francheschi in 2000). Inflammaging is a state of low grade, chronic inflammation characterized by the presence of increased levels of inflammatory proteins such as Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF) and Interleukins (IL-6 and IL-8). These molecules can reduce the number and size of skeletal muscle fibres and increase fat mass. This can create a vicious cycle of inflammation and muscle damage and loss. This may be part of the reason for age-related muscle loss. Ageing, inactivity or Diabetes (type 2) have similar negative effects on myokines.
The “frailty” associated with aging is partly due to the loss of muscle mass. This is termed “sarcopaenia”.  This impacts balance, walking, exercising and even getting out of a chair. A fall in an elderly person often results in an injury such as a hip fracture from which they may never recover their independence. The concept of “frailty” in a medical sense has become increasingly linked to poor outcomes in patients admitted for surgery or to Intensive Care. Frail people have reduced reserves, less resistance to stressors such as infections and a much higher incidence of disability and immobility and inability to perform their required Activities of Daily Living without assistance.
On a positive note, any form of exercise that uses muscle, either resistance training or running/cardio  improves mitochondrial function. Studies have shown that any form of exercise reduces the risk of Type 2 Diabetes and metabolic syndrome (hypertension/dyslipidaemia/obesity).
It is becoming increasingly obvious that it is important to maintain a good amount of healthy skeletal muscle as we get older. This not only helps us look good, be fully functional and healthy in the activities we can do – skeletal muscle uses a lot of our dietary glucose and reduces fat stores, avoiding the dreaded “metabolic syndrome”. The myokines secreted by exercising muscle also make us feel good, help mood and sleep and seem to have many other health benefits.
So back to the original goal of “build muscle and lose fat” – by following a healthy eating programme, undertaking resistance /weight training, the correct peptide protocol and supplements we can build our skeletal muscle mass – the fat loss will then follow! Keeping our Muscle healthy really is one of the most powerful anti-ageing treatments we have!
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/why-our-muscles-are-the-most-powerful-anti-aging-treatment-we-have-1
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biov8 · 2 years
The Ultimate Muscle Toner
Learn the secret to a healthier & leaner life. Feed your brain and get ready to perform at your next level.
Ever wonder why the Mediterranean diet still to this day, rated one of the best diets in the world for healthy living?
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Well, it’s because the oily fish such as salmon, also avocados, nuts & seeds contain EPA & DHA referred to as ‘Brain Food’, the ultimate anti-inflammatory compounds that work intrinsically in the body enabling you to:
Reduce fat mass Enhance muscle mass Increases muscle tone Think more clearly Improve your memory Better problem solve & multi task Reduce inflammation of the brain & joints The ability of EPA & DHA to improve muscle tone is fascinating. As some of us may know, our levels of acetylcholine naturally decline as we age, resulting in reduced muscle tone. Instead of staying short and tight, our muscles become elongated and relaxed, resulting in a sagging face and body.
One way to help improve this muscle tone is to increase acetylcholine levels, and good ways to do this is by introducing additional EPA & DHA into your system aka OILY FISH or take Flaxseed Oil in the form of a nutritional supplement. This is a smart way to promote keeping in shape feeling better for it later on! You just wait & see!
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/the-ultimate-muscle-toner
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biov8 · 2 years
The Ultimate Muscle Toner
Learn the secret to a healthier & leaner life. Feed your brain and get ready to perform at your next level.
Ever wonder why the Mediterranean diet still to this day, rated one of the best diets in the world for healthy living?
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Well, it’s because the oily fish such as salmon, also avocados, nuts & seeds contain EPA & DHA referred to as ‘Brain Food’, the ultimate anti-inflammatory compounds that work intrinsically in the body enabling you to:
Reduce fat mass Enhance muscle mass Increases muscle tone Think more clearly Improve your memory Better problem solve & multi task Reduce inflammation of the brain & joints The ability of EPA & DHA to improve muscle tone is fascinating. As some of us may know, our levels of acetylcholine naturally decline as we age, resulting in reduced muscle tone. Instead of staying short and tight, our muscles become elongated and relaxed, resulting in a sagging face and body.
One way to help improve this muscle tone is to increase acetylcholine levels, and good ways to do this is by introducing additional EPA & DHA into your system aka OILY FISH or take Flaxseed Oil in the form of a nutritional supplement. This is a smart way to promote keeping in shape feeling better for it later on! You just wait & see!
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/the-ultimate-muscle-toner
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biov8 · 2 years
CJC 1295 Ipamorelin: Everything You Need To Know
CJC 1295 Ipamorelin is one of the most popular peptide combinations in the pharmaceutical market, but why? Initially designed to treat deep fat deposits, CJC 1295 Ipamorelin has since come a long way in the world of peptides, now proven to aid with a number of health concerns.
What is CJC 1295 Ipamorelin?
CJC 1295 Ipamorelin is a formulated drug combining two separate peptides, CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin. It’s a pharmaceutical version of the naturally occurring process that encourages the release of our Growth Hormone from the pituitary gland.
The CJC 1295 stimulates growth hormone secretion, allowing for a steady increase in Human Growth Hormone within the body. Ipamorelin mimics the function of the ghrelin hormone, binding the ghrelin receptor of the pituitary gland in the brain. When combined, these two peptides provide a synergistic effect to increase the amount of Human Growth Hormone produced in the body.
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As we age, our growth hormone production naturally decreases. As such, the properties of CJC 1295 Ipamorelin make for an effective anti-aging solution in its function to increase the production of Human Growth Hormone.
Is CJC 1295 Ipamorelin Legal?
CJC 1295 Ipamorelin is legal inAustralia. It is listed by the TGA as a Schedule 4 medicine which means that in order to obtain CJC 1295 Ipamorelin a prescription from a registered medical doctor is required.
However, in the world of sport, CJC 1295 Ipamorelin is considered a method of doping, as such, the drug is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
How to take CJC 1295 Ipamorelin and what is thedosage?
CJC 1295 Ipamorelin is taken by subcutaneous methods, with an averagedosage of 300mcg per day. The peptide formula can be taken in one dose or in 1-2 smaller doses throughout the day at 250/100 mcg.
It’s typical to take CJC 1295 Ipamorelin on an empty stomach either an hour before eating an hour after eating. It is also recommended to take the hormone compound at night to maximise the body’s natural growth hormone cycle. For maximum results, it’s recommended to use CJC 1295 Ipamorelin consistently for 12-16 weeks.
What are the benefitsof CJC 1295 Ipamorelin?
The mainbenefit of combiningCJC 1295with Ipamorelin is its ability to stimulate muscle development and strengthen bone density. It does this by increasing the blood level of the hormones associated with growth, promoting an increase in muscle mass which in turn helps to decrease the levels of body fat.
Because the peptide combination has a strong focus on strengthening muscles and encouraging muscle growth, CJC 1295 Ipamorelin also aids in improving injury recovery time. And due to its ability to stimulategrowth hormone secretion,CJC 1295 Ipamorelin provides effective antiaging properties.
Other proven benefits included improved quality of sleep and cognitive functioning.
Where to buyCJC 1295 Ipamorelin?
CJC-1295/Ipamorelin is available for purchase in Australia via select pharmaceutical distributors with a medical prescription.
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/cjc-1295-ipamorelin-everything-you-need-to-know
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biov8 · 2 years
What is The Go With Cold Water Therapy?
Coldwater therapy is one of the biggest trends of 2021, and also the easiest to partake in — let’s learn how it can boost physical and mental health.
Cold water therapy (CWT) takes many forms. Wellness expert Antonia Harman suggests “cold showers, dips in unheatedlidos, ice baths or even cold chambers”. The easiest common example of cold water therapy in Australia is seeing footballers at the beach, running into the water after training.
Soaking in cold water is scientifically proven to lessen muscle soreness by causing blood vessels to constrict, which in turn restricts blood flow to the area, reducing swelling and inflammation. It’s particularly effective combined with active recovery techniques such as stretching, low-intensity cardio, yoga, and foam rolling myofascial release.
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Direct exposure to cold water triggers a release of the anti-inflammatory hormone and neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which has a raft of beneficial effects. It increases memory, focus and task-based performance, helps the body respond to oxidative stress, and influences the sleep-wake cycle.
For better sleep, a cold shower in the hour before bed will lower your core temperature, mimicking and enhancing the natural drop in body temperature that occurs as bedtime approaches.
Other reported benefits of cold water therapy include decreased anxious and depressive symptoms, improved circulation, boosted metabolism, and, most interestingly, increased willpower  — it takes willpower to turn the shower taps to Cold or jump into an icy plunge pool, after all!
But how cold is, well, cold? Dr Michael Barnish, head of Nutrition for REVIV  reckons you’re good if you go for anything below 15 degrees Celsius, stating that “Many seasoned cold water users brave just a few degrees Celsius,”  but that users can see benefits up to as warm as 14 degrees Celsius.
So try finishing your morning wash with a 30 second blast of cold water, or winding down for the night with a cold shower.
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/whats-the-go-with-cold-water-therapy
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biov8 · 2 years
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The Ultimate 7 Day Meal Plan for Muscle Gain
What’s on your plate matters! It’s all about fuelling for results & in this case optimal lean muscle mass! It can be difficult to know what foods (& portions of), support your goals! The truth is, there is always a strategy in optimising your nutrition & it all starts with your 7-day program.
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biov8 · 2 years
Why Bioregulators Or Bioregulatory Medicine Are Leading Innovation In Holistic Healing?
Peptide Bioregulators And Bioregulatory Medicine – What’s The Crack?
The advancements in bioregulatory medicine over the past few years have surpassed expectations in its ability to facilitate above adequate functioning and healing of human bioregulatory systems and health overall. Their effects and results on human functioning and human optimisation have inherently introduced a new leading innovation to holistic medicine.
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What is Bioregulatory Medicine?
The Bioregulatory approach to health and medicine considers all aspects of the individual, the individual's life and the stressors placed on the individual. It is a wholly encompassing approach to health and human healing, both of the body and the mind.
The scope of bioregulatory medicine extends into disease prevention, chronic and degenerative illness treatment, and performance optimisation. The advanced medical approach is focused on tapping into our bioregulatory systems that facilitate our ongoing health. In combining an advanced synthesis of natural and scientifically evolved treatment equipment, bioregulatory medicine aims to facilitate and restore the natural biological processes within these human systems.
This is achieved through what we know as peptide bioregulators. Bioregulators are potentised substances that enhance the body’s ability to defend against any disease or illness, eliminate toxic substances from cells and tissues, relieve disease symptoms, and support the restoration of metabolic regulation.
How do Peptide Bioregulators work?
Peptides play an important role in the normal and regular functioning of the human body and its systems. They occur naturally in our cells to aid in the regulation of many systematic behaviours; a common example being insulin and its function to aid in the monitoring of glucose levels.
Peptide bioregulators are fractions of proteins that communicate with their scientific specific area of the DNA. These peptides are able to epigenetically regulate gene expression, regulate protein synthesis and promote the regular functions of major organs. As a result of their bioregulatory properties, peptide bioregulators have defined a new innovative approach to holistic healing and the longevity of human life.
Among the evolving science in bioregulatory medicine, such peptides have offered an advanced solution to metabolic regulation, weight-related illnesses through the facilitation of weight-loss peptides, and mortality as a result of anti-aging peptides that effectively decrease the rate of aging.
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/bioregulators-and-bioregulatory-medicine-why-they-are-leading-innovation-in-holistic-healing
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biov8 · 2 years
7 Promising Little-known Peptides To Watch Out For In The Future
As science in the pharmaceutical field continues to advance, peptides have become the new cutting edge solution to anti-aging and regenerative medicine. They’re the modern solution to longevity in biotechnology, proving more effective, and more precise than any other solution on the market.
With peptides quickly rising in popularity among modern pharmaceuticals, These little gems have gained considerable traction from positive clinical outcomes and should be carefully considered.
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Here’s our list of the top emerging peptides making waves in biotechnology.
1. Tesofensine Peptide Technically a serotonin-noradrenaline-dopamine reuptake inhibitor,Tesofensine peptide is one of thebest peptides for weight loss. Tesofensine works with the brain to suppress appetite and increase resting energy expenditure (basal metabolic rate).
Some say that when combined with an effective, healthy diet, the use of Tesofensine is comparable to the results of certain gastric surgeries. Proven to be a safe and effective long-term treatment for weight management,Tesofensine peptide can help individuals struggling with weight-related issues to minimise their body fat.
2. SS-31 SS-31 comes from the synthetic tetrapeptides family that work with theinner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) to promote electron transfer and ATP production. The SS-31 peptide helps bind the IMM and promote electron flux in the Electron Transport Chain (ETC).
In this process, SS-31 increases oxygen consumption and can aid the recovery of traumatic brain injuries, improve cognitive functioning, aid pulmonary hypertension, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases including heart failure.
3. ARA 290 ARA 290 is an 11-amino acid nonhematopoietic peptide that is designed to interact selectively with the innate repair receptor that mediates tissue protection. With proven efficacy in metabolic control, neuropathy, and blood sugar and cholesterol management, ARA 290 presents as a potential new treatment for type 2 diabetes.
Proven benefits of this peptide have shown to aid diet-induced insulin resistance, diabetic autonomic neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy, chronic heart failure, shock-induced multi-organ failure and more. In addition, the results of many studies show that ARA 290 acts as amuscle repair peptide, helping to prevent tissue injury, reduce inflammation and activate muscle healing.
4. Larazotide Acetate (LA) Larazotide acetate (LA) is a single-chain peptide made of eight amino acids that facilitates tight junction regulation to restore intestinal barrier and prevent a leaky gut. In people with Celiac disease, the consumption of gluten causes these tight junctions to break down, allowing gliadin (a component of gluten) to enter the space between and underneath the intestinal cells. Larazotide acetate acts to secure these junctions and keep out the gliadin.
Larazotide acetate is the first potential Celiac disease treatment to proceed to phase 3 of clinical trials where its effectiveness in large study groups will be tested. For people suffering Celiac disease, Larazotide is proving to be an effective treatment to help reduce the symptoms of gluten consumption and reverse any gut dysfunction.
5. PTD-DBM PTD-DBM is one of manypeptides for hair loss, specifically formulated to target factors that are fast-tracked in balding individuals.PTD-DBM is a topical hair product that helps activate the Wnt-β-catenin pathway via inhibition of zinc finger protein 5 (CXXC5).
In targeting this particular pathway, PTD-DBM acts to rescue hair follicle miniaturisation. Studies have shown that PTD-DBM has more effective results at promoting hair neogenesis when it is combined with valproic acid. Thepeptide for hair loss also stimulates long term hair growth.
6. TCAP-1 TCAP-1 is anothermuscle repair peptide that focuses on the metabolism of skeletal muscle. The muscle-focused peptide works to improve glucose uptake, increase aerobic metabolism, and increase enhanced muscle function. Clinical analysis on the function of TCAP-1 shows that it can increase oxidative capacity and modulate calcium cycling to increase mitochondrial depolarisation, increase mitochondrial activation, and thus increasemuscle energy for better performance.
7.ALRN-5281 ALRN-5281 is the newest addition togrowth hormone releasing peptides, a 29-amino acid analog of human growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) that is proven to be clinically beneficial for patients with growth hormone deficiency syndromes.
ALRN-5281 is a proprietary, long-acting agonist for treating orphan endocrine disorders and HIV lipodystrophy, as well as a variety of metabolic/endocrine disorders."
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/9-promising-little-known-peptides-to-watch-out-for-in-the-future
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