biquoi-archive · 4 years
these two vines take place in the same universe
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biquoi-archive · 4 years
yo bitches hows it hanging
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
lifehack: when you see a Take One candy bowl in a restaurant, wait until noones looking and shovel candy into your pockets. god may judge you but his sins outnumber your own
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
there’s a unique feeling that can only be accessed by listening to the first wtnv episode again after a period of time long enough that you can’t recite it verbatim but not so long that it doesn’t all come flooding back in an achingly familiar rush as soon as cecil starts speaking. i don’t know how to express it but it sort of feels like coming home after a long day.
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
do i just want dick or do i want love
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
once animal crossing adds a cooking minigame it’s truly over for us hoes
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
An artist : Aw man! I saw my arts were reposted on Instagram. I’ve asked them to take my arts down but they ignored me.
Me : Say no more! Click this link, then click ‘fill out this form’. Fill the form and wait for about 1-2 days, the staffs will remove the image you were reporting from the reposter’s account :^)
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
it’s almost pride month and I don’t want to see a single post saying that bisexual people are privileged. not a single one. want me to explain? fine. 
having extremely poor mental health rates, very high rates of suicide and very high rates of ED is not a privilege. 
having very high rates of substance abuse is not a privilege. 
being the most closeted group in the entire LGBT community is not a privilege
having extremely high rates for sexual abuse and intimate partner violence is not a privilege
receiving the least amount of LGBT specific funding (despite being the largest group) is not a privilege
having extremely high rates of economic insecurity and homelessness (often involving an unsafe home situation) is not a privilege
having very high rates of experiencing exclusion and harassment and not daring to go to LGBT pride events of support groups because of this is not a privilege
bisexual people aren’t fucking privileged. get over yourself and actually start supporting bisexuals for a change, you could actually start to make a difference.
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
u know what. im done *turns into this*
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
used to follow someone who was kin w the sun. not a sun deity but the literal sun. sometimes i wonder how theyre doing
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
Countless studies: hot showers are bad for you!! They dry out and damage your skin!
Me: I Will Boil Myself Like A Lobster If I So Choose
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
trust your mother’s opinion on people
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
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Photographer ELSA BLEDA
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
*dances at the club like an animal crossing character*
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
Anyone else constantly on edge because we are in the final stages of late capitalism and these next couple of decades are gonna be make or break for the western world, and this just happens to coincide with the part of my life where I’m supposed to make something of myself :/
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
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biquoi-archive · 5 years
Your mom finding her friend at a store is like unskippable cutscenes
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