birbdoge117 · 5 years
Gremlins. You're describing Gremlins.
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
Let's hear it for the reverse furry! #LoveIsLove
Every time I go downstairs to the laundry room, this pigeon tries to seduce me.
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
Oh... there's a second part to this question. How'd I miss that?
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
Now THIS is backstory!
it must be really weird for anyone who was taught by dumbledore and mcgonagall and the rest to become teachers and have to, like, treat them as colleagues
like, snape and lupin have one (1) thing in common and it’s a pathological inability to call dumbledore by his first name
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
"If I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor just because I had a string of failed businesses, a bad hairdoo, and a cameo in Home Alone 2, they'd put me away!"
economists really took the divine right of kings and turned it into billionaire CEOs
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
There's something to this.
I can remember once reading an article about blind folk gaining the ability to "see". They were then being shown a series of simple objects and, on sight alone, being asked which one is the cube. They couldn't do it. Their brains didn't understand what "cube" looks like, and it makes perfect sense if you take a moment to think about it.
It's a new stream of information that their brain hadn't learned to process yet. The same thing happens whenever any of us encounters something unknown, whether its processing an entirely new sense, learning a language, trying to figure out what that strange smell is, meeting someone new, or interpreting "Yo. Dis hype, tweeked, fort streamer got his builds on FLEEEEEK!!! *Vanilla Ice Posture(tm)*" (It hurt my brain to write that. Fortnight's still a thing, right?) Your brain will figure it out in time, but until it recognizes the patterns, it's all just so much background noise. And if you don't believe me, treat any major city's properly engineered, organized, and frequently utilized subway system like the well trod paths in your home; you'll end up dizzy, mugged, or on Ka-za-ga-wii(?) street in Chinatown with no cell reception or access to Google and then you'll be truly buggered! (Ask me how I know.)
The second point deals with the concept of treating people in this situation as "normal now". Dear God. Don't do this! They are not now "normal". They will never be "normal". And neither will YOU! (Put DOWN the Haterade! I'll explain!) What this previously, in this case anyway, "deaf" person now has is an augmentation. To whit, they are a perfectly fine, delightful individual who can now see that rabbit that is really far away because they have binoculars now. To a hawk however, that rabbit was perfectly visible the entire time from even further away, and yet you wouldn't consider yourself abnormal.
The same mindset be applied to any other handicap. I, for example, have an involuntary stammer when I think too hard and it is frustrating as hell! Do you think I enjoy being around smooth speaking, poised, and collected individuals when I suddenly have too much thought coming down the pipe and "wuh ba dee ah bah do badammit sorry" and now I'm "that awkward guy"? It sucks! The fun part is, there's not a heck of a lot I can do about it. I can "git gud" at speaking, and usually I'm alright, but trying to focus on "don't garglemesh!" just causes it to happen more frequently. I'm awkward. I accept it. And that's ok. It still sucks, but its ok.
To bring this rambling diatribe back to where I started, I have a very dear friend who has a cochlear implant as in this article and she's had it as long as I've known her (almost 25 years now). She also has the same general speech impediment as me but for a different reason; when you're trying to hear yourself speak, noise cancellation technology is a pain in the ass! But the thing is, she does the same "aww dammit" eye roll she's been doing since she was 8 and I think its adorable. When it happens, in the back of my mind, I think "Aww, I know how that feels. Keep goin! You can do it!" and I would never ask her to see herself as anything other than the wonderful, beautiful, intelligent person she is.
In the immortal words of Pauley Shore "Normal is boring!" And when it comes to people, we should really learn to abandon the concept of a "normal" person. After all, sunsets are a normal event that constantly happens somewhere in the world all the time, and has for billions of years and I still think of them as beautiful.
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
Oh, snow.
Oh, snow.
Oh, snow!
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
@shesegwin Tis the season!
It’s that time of the year again :)
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
I kinda want that to be Mando's hidden shame.
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first off this video is hilarious, and second: it's canon now that the Mandalorian would listen to Africa by Toto
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
And the browser has about a 40 tabs open, twelve of which are dedicated to random streams of consciousness, one is nothing but links to warez sites, one of them is paused porn you forgot you had open, two of them are the same Myspace page you're totally gonna update at some point, and because you forgot to lock the screen once, some jerk installed a malignant toolbar that randomly plays either Leekspin, HamsterDance, or just the bridge from Tubthumping by Chumbawamba whenever the time is a prime number and YOU CAN NEVER UNINSTALL THE BASTARD!
If brains are biological computers, why don’t we lag?
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
I think I just found the best animal companion!
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My all time favorite animal. The red-bearded vulture.
The bearded vulture, or lammergeier, lives on a steady diet of bones (more specifically the marrow) and dyes its own feathers blood red.
Bearded vultures come in various shades, from pure white to orange-red. Soils stained with iron oxide give the birds their fiery appearance. Lammergeiers apply the dirt with their claws and then preen for about an hour to ensure a bright orange/red glow. They are also attracted to other red things, like leaves and red wood. Captive birds also partake in this behavior, which suggests the activity is instinctual, not learned.
The soil doesn’t have any practical purposes; it certainly doesn’t make for good camouflage (though the birds have no natural predators anyway). Scientists have noticed that the birds’ age and size are directly correlated to the intensity of color. It is theorized that the hue is a status symbol. More soiled feathers indicates that the lammergeier had the time and resources to find an adequate place to bathe; the brightest-colored vultures should have the most territory and knowledge of their surroundings. Interestingly, these baths are done in secret, so most of the information gathered has been through spying on captive birds.
Bearded Vultures are most commonly monogamous, and breed once a year. Sometimes, especially in certain areas of Spain and France, bachelor lammergeiers will join a pre-existing couple to create a polyandrous trio. Females accept secondary mates because it increases the chances of producing offspring and doubles her protection. The birds usually don’t lay more than three eggs, so they can use all the help they can get.
These giant birds can grow up to 4 feet tall. They have a wingspan between 7 and 9 feet and usually weigh around 10 to 15 pounds.
In other words, this bird is awesome and I love it forever.
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
Ender's Game
Follow My Leader
The Dog Who Wouldn't Be
The Wing Commander Series
Yeah, this tracks.
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
Feeling like the undervalued little guy, starting to appreciate subtleties in the world around you, "If I pull my hair like this, maybe it'll make the puberty make sense.", you feel your family doesn't understand you, that one unsatisfiable critic sees something in you that reminds them of their youth and then unexpectedly start supporting your work even though you're a walking biohazard. There's something there.
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
And that's how I started my day! 😊
“This cat saying “well hi!” in a southern accent”
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
Its Caturday my dudes!
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Wholesome Cat Posts That Will Hopefully Make Your Day.
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
My first thought: "CLEAN YOUR WINDOW!"
My second thought: "That's high atmospheric space gunk baked in during launch. How would you clean it?"
My third thought:
Ext. Gemini 7: a silver suited astronaut performs a brief spacewalk, squeegee and spritzer bottle in hand.
*spritz spritz* *Space Windex IMMEDIATELY boils off.*
Astronaut, looking at the nozzle tip in confusion, when suddenly, "Oh. Right. Vacuum. Jim, you're a dick!"
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birbdoge117 · 5 years
And then you discover... left hand thread.
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