birchandblooms · 1 year
Self Love
By D’Layne Carite 2023
In the realm of self-discovery, where I wander free,
Embracing the beauty of solitude's decree,
I find strength and solace in being self-partnered,
A journey of self-love, never to be tampered.
Oh, the joys of independence, a cherished embrace,
As I navigate life's tapestry at my own pace,
With every step I take, I am truly my own,
Self-partnered, empowered, a seed brightly sown.
In the depths of introspection, I uncover treasures untold,
A love affair with my being, an adventure bold,
No longer seeking completion in another's gaze,
I bask in self-acceptance, relishing in my own ways.
Through the winding paths of self-discovery,
I unravel the essence of my true identity,
With open arms, I welcome solitude's grace,
Nurturing my spirit, finding solace in this sacred space.
In the stillness of my thoughts, I find tranquility,
A deep connection to self, blooming with sincerity,
For in the realm of self-partnership, I am whole,
A radiant flame, embracing my own soul.
So I dance with joy, in harmonious self-love,
Elevating my spirit, soaring high above,
In the tapestry of life, I am beautifully self-aligned,
Self-partnered and thriving, my own eternal bind.
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birchandblooms · 1 year
These are simply some thoughts I'm musing over as I rest today. As I sip my coffee and watch the news, my mind races, processing the multitude of issues unfolding both in our country and abroad—hence, these ramblings. I'm not seeking a critique on grammar, so if that's your focus, feel free to scroll past.
Dear America:
The entire United States is currently experiencing widespread unrest, with every city grappling with skyrocketing homelessness rates. Just seven months into 2023, major cities have already witnessed over 200 mass shootings. Moreover, the rampant use of drugs, including Fentanyl, Heroin, TranQ, Meth, among others, is a pervasive issue in every city. It seems empathy is in decline, with an increasing prevalence of narcissistic behaviors observed today.
It's crucial to understand that the responsibility for the current state of the country doesn't solely lie with Democrats or Republicans, but rather with everyone collectively. Elected officials, teachers, parents—all have roles to play. Instead of laying blame, we need to start holding individuals accountable for their actions. Instead of fostering division, we should work to unite people. We must emphasize and teach values like responsibility, accountability, confidence, and honesty, to bring about meaningful change.
We should remember that all of these religions, whether it's Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, or Zoroastrianism, have teachings that promote peace, understanding, and unity. These values can serve as guiding principles in times of crisis and conflict.
Amid the unrest in places in the United States, France, and Ukraine, it's crucial for everyone, regardless of their location, to advocate for peace and non-violence. Reacting to violence with more violence simply perpetuates a destructive cycle. Instead, we must strive for dialogue, understanding, and cooperation, to de-escalate tension and create a space for resolution.
Regardless of your religious belief, be it Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, or Zoroastrianism, the recent riots and shootings highlight the need for prayers and support for places like Baltimore, France, and Ukraine. It's important to remember that violence only breeds more violence; responding to these actions with additional violence does not resolve anything, but instead escalates the situation further.
The weakening of our country is not a recent development; it has been a gradual process over several years. As a nation, we have become less robust and resilient. This decline is partly due to the common tendency to place blame on others, rather than taking personal responsibility for the issues at hand. Collectively, we've allowed a culture of emotional weakness to take root. As a society, we've become prone to passing quick judgments and assigning blame hastily. It's essential that we introspect and recognize our own role in these circumstances.
So, let's take a moment to pray, according to our individual beliefs, for all nations, not just the United States.
#PrayForAmerica #PrayForBaltimore #prayfortheworld
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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Beautiful Amethyst druse lamps. Each one is incredibly unique with how the clusters form and spill the energy out into your environment. Amethyst is a very popular and powerful stone with ancient history of use and may assist you in happiness, calming fear, emotional storms, courage, love, peace, addiction, dreams, helps with insomnia and nightmares. Just plug in this "stone of peace" and enjoy the beauty and power. Ranging from 5" - 7" tall with a 5" base. Sizes, shapes, coloring and inclusions will vary from lamp to lamp.
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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For all your meditation needs visit www.birchandblooms.com
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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www.birchandblooms.com over 300 decks
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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www.birchandblooms.com over 300 different decks
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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Salem’s Spell; Witch Stones at www.birchandblooms.com
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birchandblooms · 1 year
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