bird-of-fyre · 3 years
Empires SMP x Wynncraft AU
Been playing a bunch of Wynncraft (an MMO in MC co-owned and I think also created by Grian) and the two BIG plot devices in it are Corruption (Wyyn Province) and Decay (Gavel Province). Both are similar and have ties to the same catalyst.
What’s going on in Empires right now? Corruption. So my brain went brrr and we have this. Feel free to write for, make fanart, etc. with this AU just tag me so that I can see it!
There are 2 realms in Wynncraft that are constantly at odds with each other. The Realm of Darkness (Dern) and the Realm of Light. When the two forces meet, corruption is formed and the battlefield of their war took place within the Nether. In Wynn, Human miners unearthed a Nether portal and entered, the magic within corrupting and changing them; they returned leading armies of undead that still terrorize the province today. In Gavel, a parasitic entity emerged from a Dern portal and began to infect the magic-enriched land with the Decay.
Corruption spreads like a weed through roots spanning under the entirety of Wynn; the only known force to stall it is Ice Magic. Decay spreads like an infection and slowly consumes the land, it is weak to Light Magic.
The land Empires SMP takes place on is going to be known as Empiria because I feel it deserves a name for this AU. A strange magic protects this land that is believed to be a result of the banishment of Corruption by the Gods before they fell into slumber. Empirians call it "Respawn Magic” as upon dying one is revived at perfect health (though scars may remain depending on the cause of death). Death to age is still a thing, however lifespans of most inhabitants are extended two decades with the exception of elves who live even longer.
Several Empires already existed  before the present day crew, these being the following: Rivendell, Mythland, The Overgrown, The Ocean Empire, The Lost Empire, and Smallhold. The rest only came to rise in the past decade
Fwhip: A human that hails from the Wynn province. Him and his sister Gem lived in Detlas together as their parents died in a battle against the endless armies of undead. Fwhip was fascinated by the corruption in their land and sought to study it, perhaps maybe even find out a cure. Gem stopped him from this obsession, reminding him that those that went down that path all ended up becoming harbingers of the corruption. They moved to the land of Empiria shortly around the present day where Fwhip found the Grimlands and the crystalized redstone that tainted it drew his attention. Gem wasn’t fond of the idea but it was a different kind of corruption than that back home so she let him study it. Somehow manages to come off as unhinged yet still in complete control.
Gem: Hailing from Wynn, Gem and Fwhip left for new lands to escape the corruption and undead armies. She settled in a mountainous biome full of amethyst crystals so that she could keep an eye on her brother as his fascination with volatile crystalized redstone worries her. She knew basic fire magic pre-Emperia but now is a bit more adept in her powers and has also learned many more spells. She joined the Wither Rose Alliance with Fwhip and Sausage simply to keep the two chaotic gremlins in line.
Jimmy: A Cod-Hybrid from the Ocean Empire and the adopted brother of Lizzie. He left home to found his own empire in the nearby swamp with his sister’s well wishes. His kingdom is small, but he is a kind and generous ruler that doesn’t see himself above his subjects. While working on paths he found a human washed up on the shore in poor condition; this individual was Joel, a nobody from a far away land who really had just given up on any form of future. Jimmy tends to be the person that generally gets picked on by other rulers for having the smallest empire and because he’s very gullible. Close friends with Pix, who he eagerly loves hearing stories of Corkus from.
Joel: Originally from the port town of Nemract in Wynn, Joel tried to start a religion called Jeremyism in memorium of a donkey he lost to the corruption that never took off due to the Bovemists and their own religion. He cheated some pirates in gambling so they took him hostage and forced him to be part of their crew, not that he was complaining, it was way better than the life he had before. Unfortunately, this didn’t last very long as a battle against some rival pirates during a horrible storm ended with him getting tossed overboard. He awoke on the shore of a swamp where he encountered a cod-hybrid who, with their sister, helped him get back on his feet. After experiencing the Cod and Ocean Empires he decided to start his own in the mesa across the ocean so that he can remain close allies with the duo that saved his life. Him and Lizzie marry a few years later.
Joey: A parrot-hybrid that rules over the Lost Empire as its emperor. He is extremely flirtatious and has questionable morals, but despite this he does care for his people. Fascinated by supernatural forces such as immortality and corruption and also always is looking to grow more powerful in any way he can. He has wind magic but doesn’t tend to use it very much.
Kathrine: A fae whose ancestors were originally from the Realm of Light in a time before the Decay took root in Gavel and Dernic forces made their way into the said realm. When she learns of the origins of several new rulers she is surprised as she had only ever been told of Gavel and Dern. Her and Scott are close, given both their ancestral homes were in Gavel.
Lizzie: An axolotl hybrid who rules over the Ocean Empire. She is a generous and humble ruler who takes pride in he empire and her people. She found a young cod-hybrid caught in a fishermans net when she was still a princess and saved him, declaring him her new brother (which he was happy about). When she was asked to help with a human that had washed onto the shores of Jimmy’s empire she had not been expecting to fall in love with the stranger and is now married to Joel. Wields powerful water magic and takes nonsense from nobody (including her husband).
Pearl: The carefree ruler of Smallhold, an Empire that originally started out as a poor farming village that was struggling on hard times. Pearl is a nymph who took pity on the town and used her magic to help the village through hard times, eventually having them elect her as their queen. Despite her title, she prefers to see herself on equal terms as her people.
Pix: A human from the province of Corkus with great enthusiasm, ambition, and taste for the occasional mischief. He left the island province for new beginnings after accidentally breaking several Corkian laws that would have ended him in prison. His dedication to The Vigil is something he learned from interaction and time spent with the Avos; a race of bird humanoids that were the only inhabitants of Corkus before humans settled there. Pix is fantastic when it comes to metallurgy and uses this knowledge to his advantage when it comes to the copper and other metals he uses in his Empire.
Sausage: Born in the province of Fruma to a poor family Sausage always desired more and often had dreams about becoming a royal and learning magic as only they were allowed the luxury of such. He acted as the robin hood of Fruma for a time before he was eventually caught by the Fruman army and shipped off to Wynn as a soldier to aid the said province in their eternal war against the undead. Unlike most Fruman humans entering Wynn, Sausage did not loose his memories and took the first chance he got to stow away on a ship to new lands. Unfortunately, the ship in question was destroyed in a storm and he washed up onto the shores of Mythland (a smaller town without leadership at the time) and was made its king a year or so thereafter. Given he has no magical abilities of his own due to his origins, he turned to Blood Magic as it’s the closest he’ll ever get.
Scott: The elves of Rivendell originally hailed from Aldorei in Gavel, leaving to escape the Decay. Scott was young when they left for the new lands and, unfortunately, several of the fleeting group were lost to creatures of Dern and Decay; including his older brother, Xornoth. There had been no time to retrieve the bodies of the fallen so those that were left behind were assumed dead or infected. While cold and normally detached from the affairs of others, he does care about his fellow empires. He has light magic but struggles to wield it properly.
Shelby: Gone from her village Shelby returned to find it overun by the Decay and the monsters that come with it. Unable to do anything for her people, she left for new lands. Gavel’s best and brightest couldn’t find a cure for the Decay in their homeland so she hopes that maybe, in this new one, that she might find something to save her people.
Xornoth: Once an elf, now a twisted demonic entity with a lust for destruction. Wounded and separated from his family in an attack while attempting to leave Gavel, he was captured by an acolyte of Dern named Bak’al who brought him back to the realm of darkness. It is here that Xornoth was slowly and painfully corrupted in both mind and body, becoming yet another agent of the beast that governs the dark realm.
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bird-of-fyre · 3 years
Empires SMP: Mythical AU
Inspired by the Hermitcraft Magical Misfits AU! Basically, all the members of Empires SMP live in a world full of magic and magic-inclined mythical creatures and races (on top of your usual MC mobs).
Though the world isn’t called that, the setting is still in Minecraft so things like enchanting and all the potions (including luck & decay) apply here. Respawning is also a thing that happens; though it’s called reincarnation in-universe.
Feel free to pitch in any ideas (through ask) and whatnot and feel free to write or draw things based in this AU~
Character Bios
Fwhip: Fwhip is a Drow that lives in a plains corrupted by redstone crystals in his empire, The Grimlands. He is an alchemist and tinkerer by trade and a very enigmatic individual known to have a taste for chaos. Count Fwhip mostly tries to remain on good terms with other empires but has managed to make enemies with the Cod Empire and Pixandria due to setting up deadly traps to kill them for laughs. He’s also on shaky (but not enemy) terms with Mezalea. Sausage is his closest ally as the two of them share the same two enemies. He has the most firepower of all the other empires with explosives at his disposal.
Gem: The cervine Faun of Crystal Cliffs. She is a wizard that specializes in enchantments and geode-based magic. Despite being allies with Fwhip and Sausage (and getting roped into their schemes simply to keep them from doing anything stupid), she mostly avoids conflict and desires to keep peace. She is very uneasy around Joel due to his tendency to slay horses (since they are hooved animals like her) and their two empires are on neutral terms.
Jimmy: Jimmy is a Kipling that lives within the swamplands of the Cod Empire. He has a habit of getting himself into trouble, normally of the dangerous environmental variety but also unintentionally with other empires. He wanted to be friends with everyone but petty mistakes have led to him being enemies with Fwhip & Sausage (though they still come in 2nd to salmon). Winning the friendship of Rivendell’s Elven royal is important to him, though Scott doesn’t seem to share the sentiment. His empire is seen as the weakest of the twelve but he has strong allies in Pixandria, Mezalea, and the Ocean Empire. Kathrine’s alliance to him, however, is questionable at best.
Joel: Joel is entirely Human. He lives in the empire of Mezalea and after countless interactions of various results, is now married to Lizzie of the Ocean Empire. He is one of Jimmy’s closest allies as the Kipling lives on the other side of the ocean from him. For unknown reasons, Joel seems to be the most bloodthirsty of the rulers, finding enjoyment in slaughtering things and becoming very feral in combat (some even claim his eyes flash red in the heat of battle). Willingly admits that he is very egotistical.
Joey: A parrot Avian that lives within the jungle. He is very magically inclined and his proximity to Scott and Fwhip led to them becoming allies early on. Joey is also allied with Gem, and while he’s interacted with Joel, did not offer up the proposal of an alliance. Seems to mostly keep to himself within his empire but has found himself roped into various schemes.
Kathrine: Kathrine is a Faerie that lives in an empire she calls The Overgrown. She wants to be friends with everyone but worries that having allies would also mean having enemies. Despite this, she has managed to succeed in her goal, with only a few empires not yet allied with her.
Lizzie: Lizzie is a Siren but with more axolotl-based features rather than fish ones. She rules the Ocean Empire and, for a time, was enemies with the Mezalean king; Joel. After several interactions with the Human, Lizzie found herself grown fond of him and they eventually married. She can use magic to take a more human form, thus allowing her to walk on land and visit the other empires. Much like her husband, she is prone to brutality should the situation arise and is not above giving threats and warnings; very few have seen this side of her, however, as its hidden under her friendly nature.
Pearl: Pearl is a Nymph whose empire resides within an oak forest. She lives a humble life and mostly avoids conflict despite not only being allied with Sausage and Fwhip (the two empires that have found themselves at odds with another one), but also with one of their sworn enemies; Pix. She is also allied with Gem.
Pix: A phoenix Avian that lives within the desert empire of Pixandria. Pix is an oracle of sorts and is able to see the future through his magic. He has a monument within his empire called The Vigil, in which he lights candles for every time one of the individuals in the world dies. He is a prankster by trade and is known for his elaborate schemes (he once swapped out all of Sausage’s librarian villagers for witches simply because he could). His closest ally is Jimmy of the Cod Empire as the two of them share common enemies in Sausage and Fwhip.
Sausage: Sausage is a Kitsune that lives within the dark forest empire of Mythland. He does not like being taken advantage of, a trait quickly learned by Jimmy and Pixl when he retaliated against their heists and declared their empires his enemies. Fwhip is his closest ally as their empires share a common enemy in the Cod Empire but he is also close with Gem and ropes her into his schemes and mischief. He made an alliance with Kathrine simply so that Jimmy would be short one ally should actual war ever break out.
Scott: The Elven ruler of Rivendell. Scott tends to stay out of conflict, preferring to focus on his empire more than wars and disputes. Still, he has alliances with Fwhip, Kathrine, and Joey’s empires. He is stubborn and seemingly harsh, but nice once you break down his walls. Scott has no idea why Jimmy tries so hard to become friends with him and finds the Kipling’s attempts annoying...but also endearing in a way.
Shubble: A Gnome that came to the realm to find a cure for her homeland. So far she’s stayed out of trouble within her empire, the Undergrove. She is allied with Pearl and neighbors with Fwhip, whose own corrupted land is concerning to her. She is unfortunately naive and believes that the Drow and his two accomplices are the most peaceful empires in the land.
World Mechanics
Since this AU is still in the Minecraft setting despite the world not being called as such, certain mechanics & terms from it apply but in a more realistic sense. -----------------------------
Respawn/Reincarnation: Upon death, those in the world are reborn no worse for wear. Why this happens is unknown, but many chalk it up to the vast amounts of magic in the world. The individual’s body will burst into magic particles and their items will be left behind. They’ll subsequently wake up in the place they last slept. Unfortunately, this seems to only hold true for the human and humanoid creatures, monsters and animals are not effected; their bodies simply disappearing into raw magic and leaving materials behind shortly after death. Enchanted nametags will prevent the mob or animal’s body from disappearing and it will decay normally so long as the tag remains on them.
Mining/Crafting: Because its done in a more realistic sense, cutting down a tree means the whole tree and breaking stone means there is a possibility of having a whole wall crumble down. Gathered resources can be crafted into something and most have designated areas in their empires to do as such. If you could make it in the wilderness realistically (planks, wood/stone tools, torches, etc.) then it applies here; if not, then one generally would need to go through multiple steps (so if you want a furnace that means actually building one). Crafting with metals and diamond cannot be done in the wilderness (with the exception of flint & steel) so one must use an actual forge.
Enchanting: Works in the same way as it does in MC with a enchanting table & bookshelves. One can also use an anvil and and a magic book to enchant their items by placing the book on top of the item and reciting a phrase. Upon the book being hit with a smithing hammer, it dissolves into magic and infuses the item it is on top of.
Inventory: Basically everyone has a bag of holding; a small pack of some sort that fits far more than it looks and is generally used to hold gathered materials/items and tools they aren’t using. Swords and bows are carried in the way you’d expect (scabbards, strapped/slung over the back, etc.) and potions/totems generally are carried on a belt or something similar. The design of the bag varies depending on the individual. While the bags themselves are soulbound to their owner, items within them are not.
Nether/End: Dimensions reached via constructed portal.
Player/Mob Heads: When one of the human or humanoid races is slain by another, rebirth magic leaves behind a mask of the indivdual’s face. For mobs/animals its usually actual decapitation but those not fond of such barbaric methods craft mask versions.
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