birdonawiresara · 12 hours
I just wanted to apologize to everyone, and I am not singling anyone out as this is happening across-the-board with multiple accounts, and it’s completely my fault. I am not good at responding to one or two line replies (not including starters), as it’s really hard for me to build off of. However, that should’ve been in my rules, and for that I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I am updating my rules and I hope to continue writing with all of you moving forward. Sending you all love ❤️
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birdonawiresara · 2 days
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birdonawiresara · 2 days
“Why don’t you tell me what you saw?” Sara countered, her tone not aggressive but simple in asking him for answers. “You know my name. Most people - even detectives - wouldn’t, and I think you know why. Because when you initially searched the database, I was omitted from the search. It wasn’t until you dug deeper that you actually found me. So how did you find me? What was I listed as in the database?”
She was listed as dead.
And yet that didn’t seem to faze him in the least.
“Tell me what you saw then, help me understand.” Gordon’s voice was soft, as if not judging her at all.
He wanted to help. He knew she was hurt in more ways than one and his heart ached for her. Not in a romantic way, but in a respectful friend way.
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birdonawiresara · 2 days
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Amorak Huey, from "Light Pollution"
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birdonawiresara · 2 days
Sara had just started to eat a donut when a little girl appeared and simply stared at her. She looked around, trying to figure out who she belonged to, but she didn’t see anyone - at least, not yet. And even as she started in on her second donut, the girl continued to stand there and stare. So finally, she nudged the box in her direction. She’d see four donuts with a variety of frostings, with one thing consistent across them all: sprinkles.
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Muse: Nadia Orlova (The Great).
Verse: undetermined.
Open to: all mutuals.
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birdonawiresara · 2 days
Isolde’s chin tilted down, her eyes narrowing as she replied, “His what?” She shook her head as she continued, “Neither my family nor I were made aware of a mistress, or a son. The whole point of our union was not only for us to become husband and wife, but for a union between our two villages to occur as well. Do you honestly think my father would have agreed to such a union if mistresses were involved? If he knew that I was to be treated in such a manner?” Then Tristan was explaining that his father was likely going to see his cousin to say he was no longer needed as a soldier, or that was he was unable to fight for him - the latter implying that his life was just as much at risk as her own. The fact that the mistress’ son had already been legitimately recognized as the king’s heir - another very important piece of information her family wasn’t informed of - only served to support her suspicions. After that, he said it outright before urging her to leave, to go back to her village, and - yes, she was still angry with him, but she didn’t want him to die. And before she knew what she was doing, she was reaching for his hands, insisting, “Come with me. Once I tell my father what has happened, about the mistress and their heir, he will not turn you away. I will make sure of it. Please, Tristan.”
“What do you mean he’s gone?” Isolde replied. “And I thought your cousin was coming here to get you. Why would the king go to him instead? What is going on, Tristan?” He then reassured her that the baby was safe with his mother in her rooms, and that he told him they could stay, to which she responded, “I already told them the same, but I’m sure it didn’t hurt to hear it from multiple sources given that it’s an unusual circumstance.” But back to the bigger matter at hand, Tristan declared that they’d been replaced, and once again she pressed, “What does that mean? Your father is pushing you out and replacing you with your cousin? And he is pushing me out to replace me with - who? And does he not realize the repercussions of his actions? He made a deal with my family, a covenant when we were wed. It was to bring peace to both of our villages. If he chooses to align with your cousin, with another woman and proclaim her queen... It will mean war.” Not to mention, she was no longer safe here. Because the best way to replace the old queen with a new queen was to kill her.
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birdonawiresara · 4 days
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Sara Lance Legends of Tomorrow | 1x06 “Star City 2046”
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birdonawiresara · 4 days
“You’re a detective,” Sara replied, “And I could tell you that you knew what you were signing up for, but you didn’t. No one does. How can you? Every case is different, and some hit harder than others. But you keep going back, and that’s a choice. Just like I chose to jump into the fray tonight.” As for him saying that nothing was impossible, and they couldn’t save everyone, but you still tried, she agreed. It wasn’t until he told her that they’d been through similar things, and they were haunting her, and he could see it in her eyes that she laughed. She actually laughed. Not in a mean-spirited way, but in a way that... what she had been through was so ludicrous, he couldn’t possibly understand how wrong he was. “Trust me when I tell you that no one has been through what I’ve been through.”
“I’ve seen people clawing at their own eyes, their own throats as acid and other things have been thrown at them. I’ve seen people get glassed, shanked and everything you could ever think of. Nothing is impossible in this world and you can’t save them all. But you can save as many as you can.” Gordon sighed. “You’ve been through similar, and I know its haunting you. I can see it in your eyes.”
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birdonawiresara · 4 days
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Nina Maclaughlin, from "Wake, Siren," originally published in November 2019
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birdonawiresara · 4 days
“Oh, I get it,” Sara muttered, “Being a dick runs in the family.” After that she was grabbing her stuff, and part of her genuinely wasn’t sure if she was going to meet Elijah. Why should she? Despite her efforts to help him, she’d received nothing but rude comments, was kidnapped, and now she just had an entire window thrown at her in return. And yet, here she was waiting for him, if for no other reason than to end all of this so that she could be left alone to work in peace. He descended from the rooftops, receiving absolutely no response of any kind from her until he told her that they’d reached the point where they needed to be truthful with each other. She slowly nodded, “I came to New Orleans, helped you, and have been treated like shit ever since - oh, and now your brother just tried to kill me. Your turn.”
“Dramatic is keying someone’s car. This is insane,” Sara countered. She then told him to leave the owner alone, to not use his mind control abilities on him, but that she would take care of it. And instead of getting angry or annoyed or ignoring her and doing what he wanted, he just seemed... impressed. Obviously not the reaction she was expecting, and not one she was used to getting in situations like this, but she’d gladly accept not having one more battle to fight. That was until he told her she should’ve never helped him, which had her narrowing her eyes as she met his gaze, “You really have no idea how to say, ‘thank you,’ do you? And you may think you’re completely impervious to being hurt, you may think you can’t be killed, but if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that everyone and everything has a weakness. Everyone and everything can die. So, you know, you’re welcome.” She idly nodded her head at his instructions, quickly gathering up her belongings and leaving out the back entrance. After that, she called Felicity, asking her to erase any trace of what happened at the cafe, before taking a roundabout way to the alley where she and Elijah first met.
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birdonawiresara · 4 days
“Newly resurrected and reensouled,” Sara replied, smirking, “What can I say? I like to keep things interesting.” A beat passed before she added with a nod, “Ollie mentioned that you and Barry were coming here to discuss an issue in Central City. He didn’t go into details - no one’s really going into details right now, trying not to overload me with too much information at once. But all that’s doing is making me feel like I’m stumbling around in the dark. Are you guys finished already, or did you just need a burger break?” Which, in her opinion, was not only legitimate but totally relatable.
"You know us?" She asked, before it clicked in her head, "You're Sara, aren't you?"
Oliver had to her and Barry that she was back, but part of her didn't believe it. Someone coming back from the dead? Impossible. But then again, Charlotte was a speedster.
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birdonawiresara · 4 days
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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birdonawiresara · 6 days
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birdonawiresara · 6 days
Sara nodded her head, “Well, if we’re going with the element of surprise, you should enter through the main door to speak with them. Batman and Gotham are synonymous. Me, on the other hand? They’re not going to see me coming, they’re not going to expect me. So, if it’s okay with you, I’ll take the roof and come crashing in on your signal.” A beat passed before she asked, “You have a way of protecting your ears?”
"The plan is that someone must enter through the main entrance and someone will enter through the glass in the roof." "The person who will enter through the main door to talk to the perpetrators and then the other person will surprise the perpetrators."
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birdonawiresara · 6 days
I am creating a life i don’t want to run from i am creating a life i don’t want to run from i am creating a life i don’t want to run from
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birdonawiresara · 6 days
“You were obviously there - did you walk away from that fight feeling good about what happened? How it went down? The countless casualties?” Sara countered before a huff of annoyance escaped her lips, “I’m not pretending to be anything. Appreciate where you’re coming from, and what you’re trying to do, but you don’t have a clue about who I am or what I’ve been through. I am strong. I wasn’t given any other choice.” So her best option was to take what she’d learned from all of it, and put it to good use. To fight to do better, to be better. Tonight, she failed. A lot of lives were lost. Wouldn’t stop the next fight that was inevitably coming her way.
“What’s your story, then? What’s got you in a funk?” Gordon asked calmly. “You can stand there and pretend to be strong, but for how long will that work? How long until things start crumbling down, becoming the situations we - you, have seen?”
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birdonawiresara · 6 days
Sara briefly thought about what she ate on the island and during missions with the League, and still wholeheartedly replied, “Yes, it is. And I know - it’s a travesty.” The other woman then introduced herself, and Sara shook her hand, asking, “Charlotte - as in Barry’s sister?” She may have still been playing catch-up as to what was happening in Starling, let alone in Central City, but Oliver had mentioned that Barry and Charlotte were coming into town to discuss a big bad. Some things never changed.
"Oh, come on. Big Belly isn't that bad." Charlotte chuckled. "We don't have Patty Shake in Central City."
She was about to say something defending her favorite fast food place when she remembered she hadn't introduced herself yet.
"Oh, I'm Charlotte by the way." She said, holding her hand out.
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