birdumbrcllas · 5 years
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“Please be on your best behavior when in my club.” Oswald couldn’t help but look an ‘old’ friend up and down. The owner of the club slowly took a sip on his drink as he watched one of his children from across the room. 
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birdumbrcllas · 5 years
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we really are meant for each other
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birdumbrcllas · 5 years
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he heard the voice and his lips pursed into a thin line. “Of course it’s open for you...” He whispered before he turned in the stool to face his husband. He looked him up and down, taking in his appearance. This was Edward. “You look like shit.” The Crimelord told him before he finished off his drink and slamming it down on the bar counter. Even the quiet of the bar was driving him insane. His eyes closed tightly as a pained hiss left him. His leg was hurting more these days. Perhaps it was the cold of the club, it certainly did not help. Fingers tripped the head of his cane tightly as another wave of pain shot through his ankle and up to his knee. He was getting to old for this. “What are you doing here, Eddie?”
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birdumbrcllas · 5 years
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He should have been happy. The club was doing very well in this new city. Perhaps even better than Gotham... the kids seemed to blossom in the crime underworld. But of course, Oswald had his worries about Martin in his own. The boy was still mute... naive. He couldn’t lose him again. And it didn’t help that he had been spending his time in his office, sleeping in there; barely eating ( which was very odd for Oswald ). True that he had lost some weight since the marriage but he had lost so much more. He was back to his weight when he was still Fish’s umbrella boy. A heavy sigh left him as he looked at his wine glass. Perhaps it was the emptiness of the Cobblepot manor. Even before he was married with their kids, he always had his goons around. He had to admit, he wasn’t spending him with his husband like he should have been. He was neglecting him in his depression. After all the years of pinning, wanting him. And finally winning him and here he was; having not really spoken to him in almost a month. he heard the doors to the club open before an exhausted sigh left Oswald. “Can’t you read? We’re closed until later.”
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birdumbrcllas · 5 years
“Okay, okay -” Dick insists, closing the file on his tablet and finally setting it down. He’s practically drowning under files and work and reports and he’s working on a huge case against an underground anti-mutant group doing some… very unpleasant things. But even Dick’s learned when he needs to take a break, and apparently this is one of those times. “Work over. Sorry, I get my head stuck in reports sometimes, but you have my fullest attention.” He smiles and pushes away from the table, holding his hands behind his head as he leans back in his chair. “Okay, hit me - what do you need?”
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“Hit you? Do not tempt me!” A small chuckle came from the crimelord before he straightened out his suit. “I need you to keep your boys from snooping around my mansion. It’s unsettling to my family.” And he was tired of hearing Edward bitch about all the cops. Besides, nothing went on in his manor. It was all in the Iceberg Lounge. Now that he had children, he didn’t like to bring work home. 
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birdumbrcllas · 5 years
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          ❝ It - It broke on its own , I’m really sorry about the mess. ❞ It refers to a glass of water that was previously sitting comfortable on the table by Charlotte ; however , maybe a conversation with another student went south. Maybe , when they left , Charlotte let her thoughts grow a tad angry - and then the glass simply SHATTERED  on its own. Already grabbing paper towels and focusing on sopping up the water before it dripped down the table , she only briefly had a chance to spare a glance upwards. ❝ If it isn’t too much , do you think you can grab me a broom and a dustpan ?? My laptop’s here - I don’t want to stop for a few seconds and risk it getting FRIED. ❞
He had come around this way to visit his son, Martin. He was worried about the boy. His son sometimes had the trouble of making friends. It wasn’t until a glass shattered by him as he walked by a table, that Oswald Cobblepot stood there in shock. Did it just break by itself? And all over his suit! A long groan came from him before he looked over at the woman speaking. “Do I look like the janitor? Just move your laptop!”
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birdumbrcllas · 5 years
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