bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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Girlsā€™ night done right, is about female bonding.
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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ultimate top ten ships meme ā†’ the good place ships (as voted by my followers) #3. eleanor/tahani ā€œWhatever progress I have made, itā€™s because you and I have become mates.ā€
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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19K notes Ā· View notes
bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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You seem like youā€™re really into him. Iā€™m not into him. Okay. What if I was? You know, what if I was? Why couldnā€™t I be? Hey, you be whatever you want, man. I just want you to be happy. I just didnā€™t know you were.. Iā€™m not into him. Okay? Why do we have to be so rigid? You know, why do we have to have all these rules and labels and things? Why do we have to put people in boxes? You know? Why even call a box a ā€œboxā€? I think itā€™s just easier to have words. Easier for who? Not the box. Maybe the box wants to do its own thing, you ever think of that?
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
When I was a kid I was confused.
I was so, so, confused.
At the age of ten, I developed a crush on a boy. That was normal, right? Girls were supposed to like boys, laugh at their jokes, whisper about them at sleepovers. At least, that is what I was told. The most I was ever informed about lgbtq+ was a few sentences in a strategically placed puberty book that said something along the lines of ā€œSometimes people get crushes on people of the same gender. This is normal and you will grow out of it. Some people never grow out of it. They are gay.ā€ Overall, not a discourse that I am entirely fond of.
The way my family acted the rare times the words ā€˜lesbianā€™ or ā€˜gayā€™ were mentioned led me to assume it was a bad thing. So, when I turned twelve and fell in love with a girl, I was entirely unprepared and very ashamed. She was pretty, funny and had beautiful handwriting. Basically everything twelve year old me wanted in a person. But she was a girl. And so was I. So I kept my feelings locked firmly away in my chest, silently promising to never tell anyone.
And then I heard the term ā€˜bisexualā€™. I still donā€™t remember where, but I believe it was from a tv show. Confused and scared and wanting to understand my feelings, I looked it up, read the definition, and something just clicked. I felt understood. I felt normal. There were other people out there, exactly the same as me. It was truly incredible.
Slowly, I began to settle in to my sexuality. Not long after, I semi-accidentally came out to a close friend who was always extremely supportive while still treating me exactly the same as she had done before. About a year after that, a group of close friends. While most of them were totally fine about it, there was one who drifted with me a lot after I told her. Weā€™re still acquaintances, but not really friends. Over time, I came out to a close friend, then another, then another. Most recently, a whole group of less close friends. Iā€™m still not out to my family. That will take time.
Iā€™ve got a long way to go, but Iā€™m really proud of how far Iā€™ve come from that scared little girl. I am bisexual. I know this. I plan to be fully out by the time my cityā€™s pride march rolls around this year, so I can go, draped in blue, purple, and pink, waving my flag and yelling at the top of my lungs. I will get there. I will.
So, donā€™t you ever dare tell me that media representation isnā€™t important. Donā€™t you ever say that diverse characters ā€˜just arenā€™t realisticā€™. Just because you personally cannot relate to that particular character doesnā€™t matter, it matters that there are so many people out there who will see them and realise that they are not alone, that someone else feels the same way. I was lucky. I discovered myself early. But not everyone has the luxury of accepting friends, of being comfortable with their sexuality. So if, just for one second, those people can look at a character and think ā€˜thatā€™s meā€™, then that is a huge, huge step.
I see parts of myself in Rosa Diaz, in Eleanor Shellstrop. Those characters and their storylines made me feel heard and helped me understand myself. Media representation is so, so important.
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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brooklyn 99: [2/8] quotes ā€¢ operation broken feather, 1x15
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
labelling Klaus as gay is pan erasure, and thatā€™s the tea šŸµ
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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Bi Eleanor Shellstrop for @mynameisntsara
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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the canon LGBT+ character of the day is
klaus hargreeves (AKA number four) from netflixs the umbrella academy, who is pansexual and nonbinary !
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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Tahani/Eleanor Moodboard
@calamity-jane-haught asked for a Teleanor moodmoard and here it is! Hope you like it!
Iā€™m kind of proud of this oneā€¦
Moodboard requests: Open. Donā€™t be shy! ā™”
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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Damn, Rosa! How did you do that?
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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bisexualbabesrepresent Ā· 5 years
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