bishler · 8 years
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bishler · 8 years
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Its almost V-Day BUT
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bishler · 8 years
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The Knight: August Falke
August comes from a poor-to-average income family, and worked hard to earn a good place in a good troop as a knight. When he was accepted into the royal knights, his family saw him off with a strong cloth headband, on which his younger sisters carefully handstitched his initials. It’s his keepsake. August is the sole survivor of a huge battle, the rest of his troop perishing in the fight. Lord Reiner then recruited August to serve at his side when he returned.
Love & Legends, coming soon!
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bishler · 8 years
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The Elf: Iseul Idreis
An elven prince, Iseul comes from a long line of Royal Elves. He joins Reiner’s group out of obligation. His mother served by the previous lord’s side, as did his grandfather, and ancestors as far back as their history goes. Sometimes he thinks about running away from it all, but never does. Iseul doesn’t really know what he wants out of life yet, and is happy to float along for now.
Love & Legends, coming soon!
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bishler · 8 years
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modern disney aesthetic ↳ alice in wonderland
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bishler · 8 years
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When worlds collide, do hearts follow?
Downtown Chicago has suddenly turned into the dirt streets of – wait, is that a castle?! A case of mistaken identity has you brought before the lord of this strange place, and now you must choose to tie your fate to one of 5 sexy strangers straight out of a fairy tale. Soon enough, it’s not just your life on the line - it’s your heart.
Love & Legends: Coming Soon!
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bishler · 8 years
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Loved meeting the mc’s mom in Medusa’s special story: Old Book, New Cover 📚 This was my favorite part, though.
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bishler · 8 years
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✧ ✧ Astoria: Fate’s Kiss ✧ ✧
❣ Medusa Prequel POV Out Now! ❣
Learn about Medusa’s past before she met you! Medusa is on top of the world. She has power, she has money, and she is the queen of New York City. When everything is snatched away, she must figure out how to start anew. And check the Campaigns page for special new images!
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bishler · 8 years
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bishler · 8 years
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May...with a trace of Aphrodite's blood. 🤔 Let me get my tinfoil hat!
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bishler · 8 years
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That thought didn't occur to any of ya'll until AFTER THEY LEFT?!
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bishler · 8 years
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Well look at how well that turned out, Hydra!
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bishler · 8 years
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It’s gettin’ hot and heavy in the newest sub-story “Spoiled by Choice.“💋😏🔥
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bishler · 8 years
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Hot mama!! From Hydra’s special.
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bishler · 8 years
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Ayyye!!! 💕
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bishler · 8 years
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Something to cheer me up today.
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bishler · 8 years
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Thank you reddit, I appreciate you.
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