Every stitch counts
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Could you imagine owning only one article of clothing? For almost your entire life that piece of cloth will shelter you, it will be the only thing to protect from the harsh weather, travel with everywhere, and be one of the only things worth cherishing. It is an unfathomable idea to think, in such a materialistic world, that only one or two pieces clothing will be all we own. For some people that is an actual reality. Our lives have choices: we wake up and wonder what to wear, what will match, what’s actually in fashion, or which shirt is clean. We also have choices about how we spend our lives--do we want to give to others and try to better the world, or separate ourselves from harsh realities? Girls fill their closets with dresses, not of all them understanding that girls, their same age, might not have a single clean dress, or simply own one.
In a quest to help fight poverty growing in countries, students at Bishop Montgomery High School got involved with the Dress A Girl Around the World organization. This group makes it their job to create dresses for girls in need of them, since they believe that every girl needs to own at least one dress. These beautiful pieces of art, however, do more than simply provide them with something to wear, but it also gives these girls protection from predators, because they’re now protected by an organization. Best of all, these dresses are hand delivered to the girls, so they know that they’re genuinely loved and cared for.
Dress A Girl Around the World was brought to BIshop Montgomery by one of our Spanish teachers, Mrs. Galdamez. Her sister, who passed away in June of last year, enjoyed volunteering her time and discovered this group, which called to her “life of service." Some of her family members, including Mrs. Galdamez, who always supported her, began to make 100 dresses to give to the girls. She passed away right before they reached their 100 mark, so in honor of her sister, Mrs. Galdamez brought the dress-making process to Bishop, and Concordia, one of the most popular service clubs, started to help with a goal of 100 dresses to make.
Mrs. Fabbri, the club moderator, whole-heartedly has devoted much of her time to making these dresses, where she “puts lots of details into making and personalizing them.” To her it becomes an honor and she hopes that “a girl on the other end can see that someone cares about them and inspire them to do something beautiful with their life." She and her group of girls after school have spent hours upon hours matching, cutting, sewing, and packaging these clothes. The dresses have not only made an impact on the members of the club themselves, but also to those outside the club: Jonas Bretana feels like “it’s the perfect embodiment of the school’s effort to act in charity around the world, and make it a more suitable place for others.” The popularity of the dress making process at the school brought the attention of the southern California representative, Janice Cooper, who paid the students and teachers a visit to thank them for their generosity.
Although everyone loves the mixing and matching of the fabric or the meditative sewing, the most unique part of the entire process is the beautiful blessing that goes out with the dresses and received by those young girls.  
--Emily Blair
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BMHS Winter Spirit Week 2015
-Emily Blair and Christine Petersen
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BMHS Winter Spirit Week 2015
-Emily Blair and Christine Petersen
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Varsity girls' soccer vs. St. Joseph's
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As the junior varsity team finishes their game and 5PM rolls around, the nerves of the girls’ varsity team began to grow. Cleats laced and shin guards strapped as the Knights took on the CIF-winning-team, St. Joseph’s, on the January 13.  
Although losing a close game of 2-1 into ten minute overtime, the girls dominated the first half of the game. Tessa Allen ‘15 scored the leading goal with an assist from Natalie Di’Angelo ‘15 that sent the game into overtime. Defense became a crucial aspect to the game as their star goalie, Gillian Miles ’16, and key defense players like Kira Iwai ’15, saved many goals.
The game, however, was frustrating. It tested the girls in new ways that will push them to work harder, in hoping, to eventually overcome the mental toughness of defeating “people [who] are winners [and] know how to win,” according to coach Martin Hayes. Megan Martis ‘16 and Krystine Bernas ’16 both recall the intense atmosphere both on the field and off with the opposing crowd screaming in the stands. Being an extremely physical and competitive game, there was a yellow card and an unfortunate concussion.
Despite the harsh cold air of the night, and the frantic feelings among the players, there were triumphs. In comparison to the harsh victory last year of St. Joseph’s against the Knights, the girls showed remarkable improvement by keeping the score close, outplaying them, and pushing into overtime. Learning from this game, they prepare to get back into their rhythm and connect their passes to improve the team chemistry. 
-Emily Blair
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Varsity girls' soccer pre-season kick off
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“Practice makes perfect.”
A familiar saying amongst all athletes, but Bishop Montgomery’s Varsity Girls’ Soccer takes those few precious words to heart. They have trained endlessly in these last few days of their pre-season with a passionate goal to win CIF this year, which is earning the beloved banner held with high-regard in the gymnasium. During this time, captains Tessa Allen ’15 and Natalie Di’Angelo ’15, both with scholarships to play soccer in college, have structured the team. Coach Martin Haynes believes “senior leadership makes the difference [to a good year].”
Although the players are new to each other, Allen knows her teammates will still work well together with “good on the field chemistry." However, on-field chemistry is not their only necessity, the chemistry found off the field and comradery of the team, allows for strong games. This was seen with the Pirate Cup Tournament, where the Knights took home the first place prize. As a responsibility bestowed upon the seniors, they act as role models to nurture young players who are eager to learn.
The tournament played during the winter break gave the team a chance to practice their skills with each other before the serious games of the season begin. The girls had no goals scored against them, thanks to their goalie, Gillian Miles ’16, giving them the confidence they need to strongly start the season.
The Lady Knights now prepare to defeat their competitors in the Del Rey League starting on January 13 against St. Joseph’s High School. The girls hope to work their way up and take home the name of CIF Champions. 
-Emily Blair (photographed by Libby Hadnett)
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Lady Knights’ triple threat: All-league announcements, championship celebrations, and the end of an era
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On Dec. 9, Bishop Montgomery’s Girls’ Volleyball announced their all-league teams at the Lady Knights’ fall banquet. Senior Tessa Allen, junior Jessica Seto, and sophomore Sydney Hall were named members of the First Team, while junior Tiffany Phillips and sophomore Madison Reynolds were named members of the Second Team. Senior Taylor Rudeen, the team captain, was named MVP that night as well.
“I really enjoyed being captain and being able to lead such a great group of girls both on and off the court!” she raves. “Being named MVP was honestly the most surprising and amazing accolade I could’ve received. It was so unexpected and I am still so amazed and grateful that I was voted on it. I guess it really shows that hard work pays off!”
Although Tuesday night’s banquet served primarily as a formal culmination of the fall season, it also gave the Lady Knights another chance to celebrate their Del Rey League Champions title, and to reflect upon the feat that secured it: beating La Salle on Oct. 28.  “When we beat La Salle the second time at their gym, it basically sealed the deal on us becoming league champs!” recalls Rudeen. “That was one of our goals this season, so to be able to say that our hard work paid off is really rewarding.”
Although Rudeen will graduate this May and leave her beloved Lady Knights behind, it’s evident that she has given them the proper tools they need to achieve similar success in the future.
--Aimee Myers
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Bishop Montgomery athletic history
Location: Torrance
Team Name: Knights
Colors: Black and gold
Notable alumni
Noelle Quinn, member of the Sparks
Stanley Wilson, NFL cornerback
Athletic history
3-A Champion, 1967, 1975
Boys' Basketball
2-A Champion, 1968
III-AA Runner-up, 1996, 1998, 1999
III-AA Champion, 2000, 2001, 2002
IIAA Champion, 2008
Girls’ Basketball
II-A Runner-up, 1991, 1992
III-AA Runner-up, 1995, 2001
III-AA Champion, 1996, 2000
III-A Champion, 1997, 2002, 2003
III-A Runner-up, 2005
4AA Runner-up, 2010, 2011
4AA Champion, 2014
Boys' Soccer
2-A Champion, 1983
Div. IV Runner-up, 2000
Girls' Soccer
Div. II Champion, 1994
Div. IV Champion, 1999
Div. IV Runner-up, 2000, 2007
Div. IV Runner-up, 2007
Girls' Tennis
4-A Champion, 1977
Boys' Volleyball
Div. III Runner-up, 1996
Div. 4 Runner-up, 2013, 2014
Girls' Volleyball
Runner-up, 1972, 1973
Div. II Champion, 1992, 1994
Div. II Runner-up, 1995
Div. IIIAA Champion, 1996, 1998, 1999
IIIAA Runner-up, 2000
IIIA Runner-up, 1997, 2001
IIIA Champion, 2002, 2003
IIAA Runner-up, 2007
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