bisiji3 · 2 years
Master Chin Kung :
“It is good that we now see these little black men in Africa. We have great respect for him. These little blacks.
I see them. These are all orphans. They're learning Chinese now. They're learning it very well, reading ancient Chinese books. Memorizing San Tzu Ching, memorizing Qian Zi Wen.
Memorizing these traditional Chinese books for children. Memorizing, and doing it for real. So I see hope now.
Chinese traditional culture. African children are learning seriously. They will inherit Chinese traditional culture in the future. We can also believe that
Chinese traditional culture will be revived in the future. Starting from them. You look very cute. In the future, Chinese traditional culture will rule the world. Little black people will rule the world. Here are a few pictures of them. There are over 3,000 of them in this little group. They are all orphans. One of the masters had the heart to adopt. Adopting these little blacks. Chinese traditional culture has a new generation. So we rejoice.”
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
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bisiji3 · 2 years
Venerable Master Chin Kung predicted that black people in America would become leaders. This video was uploaded 13 years ago. The actual sermon may be earlier.
“Nowadays society is increasing because of the population. So many countries and regions are talking about family planning and birth control. And that's true in the United States. So the phenomenon in America right now. The white population has almost stopped. There's not much growth. The black population is growing in large numbers. Blacks are not on birth control. Four or five children per family. Five or six children. It's normal. So the future of America will be black. They are elected by a democratic system. There are more black people. Of course they will elect black people as president. Karma. Blacks used to be the slaves in Africa.
In the future, the slaves will become masters. White masters will become slaves. Karma, karma, karma. China has a large population. That's why birth control. Only one child is allowed. Indians don't care about birth control. It is possible that soon the population of India will exceed that of China. Then the Chinese people, who have valued sons over daughters since ancient times. Even if there is a boy in the family. They are spoiled and spoiled. Do you know if he is here to repay the favor or the grievance? Will he come to collect or pay his debts? So today's social problems cannot be solved without a deep understanding of Buddhism. We are relying on our own concepts, ideas, and opinions. We only see the immediate and do not see the consequences. In the present, we think this is not a bad practice. What is the result later? I don't know. It may cause endless consequences. The average person tends to think only about the immediate. This is an era far less than the ancient times.
In ancient China, especially those who managed the country and the government. What they thought about was very long-term. In ancient times, the emperor was thinking about the millennium and the eternity. They hoped that their regime would be consolidated forever. They wanted the regime to last forever, and their children and grandchildren to last forever. A chancellor should think about the impact after 50 years and 100 years.
A person who reads books and understands reason, even if he does not become an official. He is a commoner. He will also think about his future generations. He will also think about the mission of history. So think far ahead. Buddhists speak of good and evil in a perfect way. The present is good, but the future is not good. This is not true goodness. Although it is not good in the present, it is very good in the future. This is worth doing. Nowadays, people rarely have this kind of wisdom. Therefore, we are not able to distinguish between good and evil. There are many things that seem to be right and wrong in front of us. Often, they do the wrong thing. They have no wisdom, no vision. What is the reason for this? The fault of not reading sage books. Sage books help us to grow in wisdom. We do not read history books, especially Chinese history. What do the history books of China record? It is the record of good and evil retribution. The twenty-five histories are about karma and retribution. It increases our insight and knowledge. It gives us the ability to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil. That's why the ancient people focused on the teaching of reading. The study of scripture and history. One is wisdom and learning. The other is insight. History is a mirror. To people, to things, to things. If you read the scriptures, you can avoid many faults.
Basic knowledge for Muslim Leader 2. [2012/ 08/4] • Taipei Grand Masjid ❮YouTube - Hadziq 哈明飛❯ It was presented by Omar Ayesh and translated subsequently by Hanan Lu.
【佛经《地藏经》英文双语对照】Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra (中英对译版《地藏菩萨本愿经》) - 佛陀正法网 - The Authentic Buddha Dharma
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
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⭐This Text is in the public domain and has no copyright.
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bisiji3 · 2 years
Hell - Islam and Buddhism
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Why the hell is angry? Because Allah say in Quran:
“Everything I create is worshipping on me. But you don’t understand this worshipping.”
The hell is worshipping Allah. The hell is angry for those who is not worshipping Allah. As the same time, the paradise is waiting for those people who are worshipping Allah.
Chapter 50
On the day of judgment, Allah asked hell: Are you full?
Hell said: Are there any others?
Chapter 2
With what do you feed hell? Humans and stones (idols, statues) The fuel of hell is humans and stones, and stones themselves do not suffer.
Chapter 16-125
It takes wisdom (knowledge, determination, FAITH, constant persistence, sincerity) to invite others to the path of Allah.
Spread Islam in wisdom :
1. knowledge - not necessarily mastered by oneself.
2. clean - can be mastered by oneself, Muhammad had a scent on his body, his hair was parted in the middle and he wore perfume in the middle - great importance was given to dress and appearance.
3. behavior
If the angel of death wants to take your soul, you can't say slow down.
Sin will be written on the left shoulder.
Beware: Do not say that non-Muslims will go to hell. I tell you only according to the Qur'an, and the decision is in Allah.
Allah buys our bodies and money from us and then pays us for eternal paradise.
No one will forgive anyone on the Day of Judgment.
Hell is at hand.
On the Day of Judgment, everyone will not be able to forgive six relatives.
The only people who will have to seek justice from anyone are those who still owe it to them.
The place of judgment (the square) is surrounded by layers of angels going up, and Allah is there.
The angels will pull hell over.
Hell is pulled over with seventy thousand ropes.
One rope has 70,000 angels pulling it.
There are hooks on the rope to hook sinners down to hell.
1. The hooks are the hooks of worship - have you worshiped well in your life?
2. The hook is the hook of zakat - it is not good, it is not bad, but it can pick up a piece of your flesh.
Humans, spirits, and animals are all in it, no escape, all will be judged, and no one cares about anyone else.
On that day, everyone will be resurrected and naked, like they were just born.
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ):
“On this day, everyone doesn't care about anyone else, everyone will be hungry, thirsty, and tired like never before.”
After Judgment Square is Hell, and after that is Paradise.
Chapter 19
Everyone will pass over hell and walk a rope.
Some will fall right away.
Some will fall later. [...]
Related information:
As Chinese leader President Xi Jinping said:
“There is a god three feet above your head. There must be a sense of reverence.”
The above is a reference to hell in Islam. If you want to know more information about hell as mentioned in Buddhism, I suggest you read the Earth Store Sutra.
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More information:
Master Chin Kung:
“There are only two kinds of people who can see hell. One kind of person has the karma to suffer. If you don't have karma, you can't see hell. If you don't have karma, you can't see hell in front of you.
The second type is Bodhisattvas. A Bodhisattva has to go to hell to help sentient beings. He can see hell. An ordinary person can't see it.”
Master Chin Kung told me a story that was something seen by the Senior Lay Buddhist Zhu. An official in the end of Qing Dynasty was sent by the Emperor to bring money to relieve people in some stricken areas. He kept the money for himself, and a lot of people in the stricken areas died because there was no support for clothes and food.
In the early years of Republic of China, some of these officials became landlord at foreign concessions in China and was very wealthy.
Some corrupt officials in the end of Qing Dynasty were still with a conscience. Realizing that they have done something wrong, they started to burn incense and worship the gods in the late years of their life.
They built bridges and repaired roads as well as did good turns. They were called great charitable people in the society.
However, the money they donated was from the money for relieving people in stricken areas that they kept for themselves. He died many years later. His family were so sad after that.
He had many concubines. The fourth concubine missed him very much. She met a Frenchman in Shanghai who was familiar with mediumship, and he could talk to the soul of the relative who died.
The charge was very high. The fourth concubine paid a visit to the Frenchman who knew mediumship. After paying for the charge, it took a lot time but still failed to find the person who died.
The Frenchman said,
“I absolutely did not cheat on you, but I really cannot find him. If any of your relatives and friends who died recently, I will find him/ her out and only charge you half price.”
She was half-believe and half-doubt when hearing it. However, the oldest son of the husband died. She went over to fetch the first concubine and asked the Frenchman to find him.
He was found not long after that and was possessed on another person’s body. The voice was exactly the same as the oldest son. They asked him the situation after death. The oldest son told them everything.
Then, they asked,
“Why can we not be able to find your father?”
The oldest son said,
“I heard that Father was sent to hell.”
The psychic said,
“I cannot find the person in hell.”
The fourth concubine said,
“He was a man with good deeds and did all good turns in his life. He worshiped Gods and chanted scriptures every day. How could he be sent to hell?”
The oldest son mentioned about the matter of keeping the money for the relief in stricken areas to himself. He pointed out that one or two of his old friends in Shanghai know about it, and she could go and ask for more information.
The fourth concubine visited the old friend of his husband’s, who was kind and never did anything bad. After the family located the friend, the senior said that there was something like that. However, he had no idea the amount of money he kept.
This tells us the psychics are not able to find anyone in Avici.
Once you did something bad, it will still be no help even if you worship and chant scriptures every day as compensation. You will still suffer from the consequences. When you committed the sin, you have no idea how terrifying it is to suffer from consequences. After being sent to hell, it is too late to regret. The whole story really freaks us out. We all know that we will suffer from the consequences for our sins, and there is no way out. With sincere confession, if we can move towards the Pure Land after death by sadhana, we will be able to make it up someday in the future. I am going to pray and chant scriptures sincerely! Amitābha!
Related info.
[Naked] The less you wear, the closer you get to the hell.
‌地獄只有兩種人能去 - 貪官墮地獄的故事
Basic knowledge for Muslim Leader 2. [2012/ 08/4] • Taipei Grand Masjid ❮YouTube - Hadziq 哈明飛❯ It was presented by Omar Ayesh and translated subsequently by Hanan Lu.
2016-12-24 万佛城英译版 https://freewechat.com/a/MzAwODA0NDMyMA==/2651272072/1
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
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bisiji3 · 2 years
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Buddhism is communist, democratic.
Master Chin Kung:
“ Therefore, all of you should observe carefully. Then you will truly understand that “Buddhism is communist, democratic.” You see, he is not dictating anything to any one person. He has to do ordination. Ordination is a meeting. To ask for everyone's consent. “A white ordination” for small things. Announce it to everyone. Everyone agrees to it. Consent means not talking. Agree when you don't object. You disagree when you speak. Then it passed. You can do what you want. The major thing that “White four ordination”. You have to say it four times. Let you think about it carefully. After the four ordinations, everyone has nothing to say. It is passed, democracy.”
Summary of Remarks by Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour
December 16, 2002
On December 16, 2002, Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour gave a public presentation at the National Endowment for Democracy on the "The Roots of Democracy in Islam." Speaking before an American audience for the first time, Dr. Mansour traced the sources of democratic thought in Islamic theology and discussed his ideas of how Islam's democratic potential may be realized in the modern Muslim world.
According to Dr. Mansour, peaceful interaction with other human beings lies at the heart of Islam. The values of peace, human rights, freedom of speech and belief, justice, equality, and democracy are all laid down in the Quran and should thus provide the foundations for any society that claims to be Islamic. The Quran invokes five rights to which everyone is entitled: the right to justice, the right to freedom of belief and speech; the right to wealth; the right to security, and the right to power. It is this right to power, which relates to modern conceptions of democracy.
According to Islam, it is the community as a whole, not one person, that owns and exercises power. In a chapter on "Al-Shura," the Quran describes Muslim society as one in which individuals manage their affairs through consultation. Shura represents the kind of direct democracy in which all people participate in meetings held to discuss community affairs. So long as they are peaceful in their dealings with others, members of the opposition have complete freedom to say and do as they please. Direct democracy takes place when members of a group, each representing himself or herself, come together to exchange views and arrive at decisions reached by the majority and applied by all.
In Islam, democracy is considered a ritual commandment. Like every ritual commandment, shura is a personal duty, which no one can perform on behalf of another. Muslims are urged to practice shura in their daily work and family lives, much as they are exhorted to pray five times a day. Dr. Mansour pointed out that Islamic democracy also entails accountability. A true Islamic society rules itself through executives who are accountable before their society. The Quran refers to these executives as "Olo Al Amr," meaning "those of the affairs."
The tradition of attending open meetings with Prophet Mohammed to discuss matters of common concern was a new one for the inhabitants of Al-Madina, Dr. Mansour said, but it soon took root. Despite the initial difficulties, democratic consultation became a way of life for the inhabitants of Al-Madina, even in times of war. Prophet Muhammed encouraged his people to govern themselves, which is why he did not appoint a successor. After his death, his legacy was altered, Dr. Mansour noted, by successive generations of rulers who failed to realize the democratic potential of Islam.
Returning to the modern era, Dr. Mansour lamented the conditions under which much of the Muslim world finds itself today-under the grip of dictators on the one hand and religious fanatics on the other. Between the dictators and their religious foes lies a weak, secular opposition that calls for democratic change. Dr. Mansour felt that it was incumbent on the international community, led by the United Nations and the United States, to help facilitate such change. He suggested that the United Nations reconsider its policy of nonintervention in order to combat authoritarian regimes. He concluded that the United States needs to negotiate with its allies in the Arab world to guarantee peace and direct its foreign assistance in support of groups working to promote human rights, democracy, and civil society.
“Raise your hand if you disagree.”
Xi Jinping - General Secretary of the CCP, President of the PRC
Xi Jinping on capitalist democracy
"If the people are awakened only at the time of voting and become dormant afterward; if the people only listen to big slogans during election campaigns but have no say afterward; if the people are only favored during canvassing but are left out after the election, such a democracy is not a true democracy."
14 October 2021
Xi Jinping - General Secretary of the CCP, President of the PRC
Related info.
[Naked] The less you wear, the closer you get to the hell.
‌地獄只有兩種人能去 - 貪官墮地獄的故事
Basic knowledge for Muslim Leader 2. [2012/ 08/4] • Taipei Grand Masjid ❮YouTube - Hadziq 哈明飛❯ It was presented by Omar Ayesh and translated subsequently by Hanan Lu.
【佛经《地藏经》英文双语对照】Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra (中英对译版《地藏菩萨本愿经》) - 佛陀正法网 - The Authentic Buddha Dharma
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
Copyright ©
⭐This Text is in the public domain and has no copyright.
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bisiji3 · 2 years
Reader's feedback
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Ghost possession is something that is often heard in Singapore and Malaysia.
Some are true and some are not. I remember witnessing other students being possessed when I was in high school.
But something like this,
In the 21st century, a spirit from 2,000 years ago told an unknown story in ancient Roman language. Julius Caesar sent his third prince, Julius Caesar's third prince, to lead a 100,000-strong army to the east to conquer China, and ended up being totally defeated.
They became a legion of 100,000 ghosts. They are very righteous.
They did not leave the organization. The history of the Bodhisattva Libin's enlightenment.
Bodhisattva Libin said, "China is not your place, what are you doing here?”
If you have read UNIVERSAL GATEWAY, you can probably guess that Bodhisattva Libin is one of the incarnations of Avalokiteshvara, right? It is also revealed that Caesar was not stabbed to death as recorded in history. In fact, he died of old age during his meditation in Yongchang, China. Narrated by a 2,000 year old spirit of a third prince who is invisible to our eyes. The author's audio recordings and handwritten notes have been compiled into a book of 380 pages, which is really rare. More than 100 questions and answers between human and ghosts are appended to this book. Conversation with the Third Prince and the military advisor who has sat on the lotus platform. The contents are wonderful and meaningful. It also mentions that when the third prince of Caesar was on an expedition to China, he met one of the benevolent generals of the Chinese Han Dynasty, General Luo Fengqing. The Roman general and General Luo Fengqing were sworn brothers. After his death, he was reincarnated as one of the most famous generals in history,
those who have studied in Chinese schools in Malaysia will understand.
I will keep my mouth shut here. After reading this book, you will know.
… […] It's a pity that there is only a Chinese version available. Otherwise I would like to send a few copies to my friends who do not know Chinese. After reading the author's blog, I also know that the memorial hall of the ancient Roman generals seems to be almost finished now. The Third Prince and his 100,000-strong army have also become the protectors of Buddha. They fall under the control of Bodhisattva Skanda. I suggest that you visit the author's blog. In it, the author posted the audio interview and other records that were not included in the book the year before. Such as the dialogue between "the ghost of the Third Prince of Caesar" and "Master Yo, who is both a Chinese medicine practitioner specializing in leukemia and a Taoist master".
Related info.
Q & A Session (more than 100 questions) between author and Caesar’s third prince and military adviser (Refer to book’s appendix)
《人鬼对话》1 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_570c792c0100i3qo.html
《人鬼对话》21-37 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_570c792c0100i3qo.html
-40问 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/newblog/mblog/controllers/exception.php?sign=B00309&uid=1259295385
《人鬼对话》41-70 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_570c792c0100i616.html
《人鬼对话》—100 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_570c792c0100i6r4.html
《人鬼对话》-120 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_570c792c0100i7r6.html
《人鬼对话》—121-完 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/newblog/mblog/controllers/exception.php?sign=B00309&uid=1259295385
Q & A Session between two language specialists and Caesar’s third prince (Refer to book’s appendix) Julius Caesar came and talked a short while!
西安验证古罗马语纪行 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_570c792c0100i2pc.html
西安验证古罗马语纪行续 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_570c792c0100i2pf.html
Discussion regarding the book between Author and Caesar’s third prince
2008年11月作者和三王子对话 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/newblog/mblog/controllers/exception.php?sign=B00309&uid=1259295385
作者採訪凱撒三王子錄音Interview sound records of Caesar’s third prince
2018年12月17日冊除由大師部份在东天目山上,又考验了—次三王子(1) http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/newblog/mblog/controllers/exception.php?sign=B00309&uid=1259295385
在东天目山上,又考验了—次三王子(2) http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_570c792c0100kegl.html
2010年10月03日 致朋友:以后可能无暇写博客 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_570c792c0100m1vz.html
关于三王子的几个新话题 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_570c792c0100p35n.html
关于三王子的新话题 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_570c792c0100m1vz.html
关于三王子的问题 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_570c792c0100p4zc.html
Interview sound records of Caesar’s third prince
[Translated by 原力翻譯]
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#Caesaropapism #bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
Copyright ©
⭐This Text is in the public domain and has no copyright.
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bisiji3 · 2 years
Master Chin Kung:
“The Mystery of Caesar’s Legion Conquest of China" is a vivid lesson about karma.
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I was recently given a copy of this book by a fellow Buddhist,
“The Mystery of Caesar’s Legion Conquest of China”.
Julius Caesar of Rome. This man is known to everyone. A very famous person in history. He was too ambitious. He wanted to annex China. He sent an army of 100,000. A total of more than 100,000 people. The commander was his third son. The third son. This army was divided into ten legions. Ten generals. At that time, they had to walk to China to conquer the East. It was all on foot. Half of them were cavalry. About two-thirds of them were cavalry. One-third was infantry. Walking from Rome to Xiyu, about a quarter of the soldiers and horses were lost along the way. Taking away the losses, there are still three quarters left. When they passed through the great desert in Xinjiang. Probably a lot of people died again. So by the time they reached China. There are really not many troops left.
Their morale was completely sapped.
They all complained.
The soldiers were complaining,
“Why should we conquer China? What is so good about China? The Roman Empire is so powerful and rich, why don't we enjoy the blessings at home? Why should we come here to suffer such hardships?”
They fought several battles with Chinese on the Chinese border. There were victories and defeats. The wins were few. The losses were more frequent. Only then did they realize that Chinese are not easy to bully. This was during the Han Dynasty. In one big battle, more than 9,000 soldiers died in one battle. There were no more reinforcements after it. There were no more. The more they died, the fewer there were left. When they reached the Loess Plateau in Gansu, there are less than 10,000 people left. More than 8,000 soldiers.
Following several battles.
There were only 200 left in the last retreat.
All of them committed suicide.
What is the point to do so?
In history, Caesar the Great is recorded as having been assassinated, murdered. In fact, it was not him who was murdered. He had a very loyal guard standing next to him. The guard changed his clothes and was killed for Caesar the Great. He escaped. And he escaped to China. He lived in China for eleven years. He got sick and died. These ghosts are still alive after 2,000 years. This legion is still stationed in the wilderness. This is the latest. The commander, the Third Prince. This man is a good man. He didn't want to fight either. He didn't want to invade China either. But he couldn't disobey the Emperor's order. He died in China. The prince was attached to a person. This person is called Li Jinlan. Li told us this secret. This story is not recorded in history.
They were disguised as merchants.
It was such a large group of merchants, 100,000 people, and they walked separately.
In fact, they came to occupy China.
They ended up suffering for so many years! They met a Bodhisattva.
So now they are all Buddhists. The bodhisattva helped him.
He told them,
"China is not your place, what are you doing here?"
This is a very important statement, what does it mean? It means that the place you take in war is in your destiny. When you don't have it in your destiny, you can't get it by war. So it makes us think of the following, China is not a place that belongs to the Japanese.
The Japanese started the war against China.
Finally they surrendered.
He didn't get a single piece of land in China either.
As the proverb goes,
「"If you have it in your destiny, you will have it; if you don't have it in your destiny, don't force it". If you don’t have it in your life, and you force yourself to have it, you will get ruined. This is what cause and effect education is all about.
The author of this book is named Gao. Mr. Gao. He was from the local county. He probably worked as a propagandist in the United Front Work Department of the county. He couldn't believe or accept this at all. However, after getting in touch with them, he felt that it was not a lie. Li Jinlan, a woman and her daughter had little knowledge of culture. How could they make up such a story? It's impossible to make it up. And the Third Prince spoke in an ancient Roman accent. He found a group of teachers who taught Italian and Roman in the university. When they came, they couldn't understand it. The tongue has changed drastically. He had to find someone from ancient Rome. Only then could he understand him. Luckily, he had a military advisor. He knew Chinese. He learned it in China. It was all premeditated. The military adviser attached himself to Li Jinlan's daughter as a translator. That' s how he could tell this story. It is a great inspiration to us. So this is a vivid lesson of karma. The education of karma tells us.
We have to pay for our lives by killing others.
We must pay our debts.
There is no escape.
So those who understand what karma is about
is willing to abide by his duty.
He won't do anything rashly.
It is more effective than morality and ethics.
0 notes
bisiji3 · 2 years
President Xi Jinping is the return of the Bodhisattva and there is hope for the future of the world.
Venerable Master Chin Kung commented on Chinese President and Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping, “ The whole world has become a world of prosperity.
In the past, Chinese civilization flourished in one region. Today, the prosperity of Chinese civilization is global.
We have met a good leader, President Xi, who is taking the lead, which is a great achievement. What he said during his visit to India and several countries. They found them and gave them to me.
I read it. I was so happy. This is a bodhisattva coming back, a person coming back again. Bodhisattva in disguise. He gave his all for the country, for the nation, for the suffering beings of the world. Not thinking of himself. So there is hope for the future of this world. “
[Translated by 原力翻譯]
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#Caesaropapism #bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
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bisiji3 · 3 years
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Not long after I began to study Buddhism. At that time I had already become a monk. When I was at home, I studied Buddhism in Taichung with my teacher Li, and I had a very good friend in Taichung. I had became a monk, I think for two or three years, he lived in Taichung, I lived in Taipei. His surname is Jiao, I don't know if he is still here, his name is Jiao Guobao, we often got together. He wrote a letter to me, telling me he wanted to get married and was asking for my opinion. I wrote a word on a postcard and sent it to him. I wrote the word “marriage 婚" on it. I heard that after he received it, he didn't want to get married. What is 婚? A woman on one side and a stupor on the other. When one sees a woman, one becomes stupor. That's what marriage means. How can he get married if he doesn't become such? If he is in a state of stupor, he will get married. So this is the meaning.
But did he see my meaning? No, he didn't. He only understood half of it. The other half is to get married and not to enter a state of stupor. Always remind youself not to enter such a state and that’s how its done. Your ancestors didn't teach you not to get married. If you don't get married, how can you carry on the family line? But you shouldn’t enter such a state when you get together as a couple. Once you do, it's over. The meaning of this word is so deep! Such features are not found in foreign writing. So it is a symbol of wisdom. It cannot be changed. Once it is changed, the meaning is completely lost.
Master Chin Kung
[Translated by 華頓數位資訊有限公司]
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
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bisiji3 · 3 years
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Written language is an essential instrument for cultural transmission.
The Chinese script has its own identity in the world.
There is no other script like the Chinese script in the world.
Chinese characters are a symbol of wisdom.
When the Chinese script was created, there were very careful and strict rules, called the Six Methods.
Six major principles.
They are not created randomly. While the symbols are drawn. Although you don't know what it means, you don't know what sound it makes, but you can see what it means.
That is a symbol with wisdom.
This is not found in foreign characters.
In seal scripts.
In seal script, there is a mountain.
Look at it, it looks just like a mountain.
You can see it and understand its meaning.
It uses the word water.
That's the shape of flowing water.
It looks like water flowing.
When you see this shape, you can think of what it is and what it means
You know what it means.
You can't see this in foreign characters.
After you have the foundation.
Especially “Huiyi”, comprehension of the characters.
It, with its deep meaning, can be shown by a simple symbol.
[Translated by 華頓數位資訊有限公司]
Resource: Master Chin Kung
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
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bisiji3 · 3 years
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Wisdom and courage. What follows is "freedom by dharmic energy”, which comes through wisdom. The word “dharmic" means "unhindered" and "free".
The word dharmic. In the Six Books, it represent the meaning of its character. If you write it in seal script you will understand very clearly. On the side is the character 示. The left side of the character 示 as in demonstration with a short horizontal at the top and a long one at the bottom. This character, 上, if written in ancient seal script.
If there is a long horizontal at the top and a short one at the bottom, that is 下.
In ancient Chinese seal script, the 上 and 下 characters are written like this.
This is 上, there are three lines hanging down from the top and bottom. What does this mean? It means that the heavens are draped.
In the present day, it means this symbol represents the material, natural and spiritual phenomena. It represents this. And here is 申, written in seal script. It is very obvious that it means passage. This 田 is an obstacle. Three obstacles but it can go through all the way down. It means access to the heavenly phenomena.
In modern terms, it means to be able to pass through natural, spiritual and material phenomena, to be able to pass through, this is called 申.
So 申 and 通 mean the same thing
It's a complete passage. How can complete passage be fully realized?When you see your nature, you can fully realize it.
If you don't see your nature, you can have partial passage.
When you see your nature, you can achieve full passage.
Self-transference, freedom by dharmic energy, is full passage.
One' s own nature is present and nothing in this world is inaccessible to the other.
[Translated by 華頓數位資訊有限公司]
Resource: Master Chin Kung ➡️ https://youtu.be/G_yzS8IVqsc
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
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bisiji3 · 3 years
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We make offerings to Buddha. What does it mean to offer a glass of water as we often say? We make offerings to the Buddha, and offerings to the Buddha are a form of dharma. What is the most important thing in offering?
All of you will now understand, a glass of water. Water represents my mind. My mind is as pure and uncontaminated as water. Like water, it is calm and free from fluctuations.
This cup of water is representation, it represents the Dharma, represents the purity and immovability of my heart. This is what the sutra says "pure and equal". Equality is immovability. Purity is the absence of contamination. This is the real offering to Buddha. I am not just offering a glass of water to Buddha and Bodhisattva in the morning and evening. That would be wrong. Buddha and Bodhisattva don't need this. It's for you. To be always aware of the purity of your mind. If I have thoughts, I'm not pure. No matter whether your thoughts are good or bad, if they are not pure, they have not equality. Cultivation, to cultivate your sincerity and you will be successful, you can become a Buddha [...]
[Translated by 華頓數位資訊有限公司]
Resource: Master Chin Kung
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
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⭐This Text is in the public domain and has no copyright.
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bisiji3 · 3 years
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[…] Take a look at these Chinese people, these ancient people. One cannot help but admire them. They created the words "thought 思" and " think 想".
What is thought? Thought is individuality. A field above and a heart at the bottom. What is a field? A checkered grid. There are boundaries. That's called "thought".
What about thinking? Thinking is a duality with 相. There is bidirectionality. If you think of a person, you think of a duality, and a face. If you think of Buddha, you think of duality, and see Buddha's face. Thinking about something in your mind, and you see a duality and a face.
When you see a duality, and a face, that’s thinking. You see confinement and distinction, that’s thought.
Thoughts and thinkings are not readily available items. They are not real, they’re non-concrete items. Thoughts are illusions. There is no real truth.
Dreams are imaginary. How long do dreams last? How long does the phenomenon of dreams exist? It is what Maitreya-natha had said
2,240 trillionths of a second. The unit is trillion. In other words, in one second, this fluctuating phenomenon.
Thought, is given birth and extinguished 2,240 trillion times. Right in front of us. Never interrupted.
From Life to Death. With life, you bring it with you; with death, you also take it with you. This is the cycle of reincarnation. This is what we refer to as the Ten Dharma Realms.
Except if you let go of all thoughts, separations and attachments. No more. Congratulations! You have now enter the realm of all Buddhas. It's precisely as this passage in the sutra.
You have attained fruition.
[Translated by 華頓數位資訊有限公司]
Resource: Master Chin Kung
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
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⭐This Text is in the public domain and has no copyright.
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bisiji3 · 3 years
Calamities of Warfare
Jiexian Yuanyun (1610 - 1672, Qing Dynasty)
English translation: Miao Guang
What becomes of the soup in the bowl across a thousand years,
Carry incurable grievances deep as the ocean;
If you wish to understand the cruelty of war,
Just listen to the midnight wailings from those slaughterhouses.
── from Lianxiu Qi Xinlu (Awakening of Faith by Pure Land Practices)
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Discrimination and Racial superiority
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bisiji3 · 3 years
Question: The fifth question below:
When the country is invaded by enemies
and the people are oppressed and harmed,
should they endure and just let the enemies do whatever they want?
Master Chin Kung: That would be against the Dharma. We should resolve the conflicts by peaceful negotiation. If negotiation will not do, you have but one choice: resistance.
In the past, when Japan waged war to China,
Chinese people fought back. They resisted.
That’s not invasion. It’s a war for protecting themselves rather than invading others. That was permitted and was deserved. Why do you kill the enemies? It’s to protect the good and friendly people in our country. In this case, the Buddhists put down their arms and give up resisting. So we can think: Why past emperors decided to abolish Buddhism. There’s a reason! The Dharma was not allowed to operate here How so? The Buddhists brought harms to the people. The Buddhists did not aim to save people. […]
Now you see how lively that the Buddhism has become. The bodhisattva can incarnate as every position. If they should become generals, they become generals. If they should become kings, they become kings. If they should become premiers, they become premiers. They can even be present in premises for entertainment, all walks of life. The bodhisattva can incarnate as everyone. All souls and businesses can return to the Dharma. In doing so, the country shall be peaceful and prosperous!
In later times, wars are not so easily ignited. The two wars that the U.S. has been involved in the Middle East have inspired many people in this world. Why? People don’t wish to have wars. In every country, in every people, you can try to see who likes war. Everyone hates wars.
In today’s world, countries are mostly democratic. If you try to wage war upon others,
They won’t choose you as the leader. It’s not like WWII, when the communication was not so advanced. At the time, people still followed the government’s orders. Now, they can’t do that.
Information can be everywhere. You can get at lot of information on TV or the internet. People will now consider whether the orders of the government are rational or justified. People are different now.
If you want to wage wars, no one will agree with you, no one will sponsor you. If you want to fight, go by yourself. Do not take everyone with you. That’s why it’s become more difficult to declare wars.
I once mentioned the U.S. has brought good consequences by fighting these two wars. How? It makes many who wish to have a war give up. Wars can be easily ignited but difficult to end. You see how the U.S. suffers. Everyone saw the situation and became scared. When encountering any problem, you must face it with true heart. While you think of benefitting yourself, you must think of benefitting others as well. That’s how you solve the problem. If you do not do that and think only of yourself,
The conflicts appear. I try to bring myself good
And bring you good, then we’ll all be fine. Isn’t that a happy life? Just take a look at the U.S.
The war itself cost lesser money, but the costs after war can be so high. I’ve heard they spent 100 million every day in the Middle East. That’s incredible! If you can take that much money to help those developing countries, I believe the people in those countries would definitely be thankful.
That’s how things should be done. They can’t be the enemy in that way! So you must understand the lesson. You cannot solve the problems by wars. The times have changed.
[Translated by 華頓數位資訊有限公司]
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
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bisiji3 · 3 years
The Battle of Badr was the first war that the Muslim ever encountered. There were only 300 Muslims, and they had no real weapons; the riders were only three, and others simply walked on foot.
The army of the disbelievers was strong. They had 1,000 true warriors, among which there were recreation groups that were for entertaining and singing. They were affirmed that the battle was already won.
Jihad,Holy war, there is no holy war. Allah didn’t create me and create other, and ask me to kill other. It’s not kill someone who doesn’t want to believe.
Chapter 2, No force in religion. The right way is clear and the wrong way is clear. The one who choose the right way is the winner.
Then why do I attack you if you don’t want to believe in Allah? It’s not my business. My business is to introduce Allah to you in the right way, as a good representer.
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) start to spread Islam in Makkah. Then he moved from Makkah, he immigrate from Makkah to Medina. This immigration was because all the Muslims in Makkah, they were hurt by those disbelievers.
For ten years, the Prophet Muhammad endured the oppression from the disbelievers in Mecca before he migrated to Medina. When he was there, he still didn’t obtain the permission from Allah to fight the disbelievers back.
Disbelievers in Mecca continued to oppress the Muslim. They plundered the Muslim, leaving no properties for them when they left.
In fact, many Muslims were strong enough, but they didn’t obtain the permission to fight back.
When you start a war, you must ensure that you can win.
Allah is not only supporting, Allah is also a teacher. Just as parents won’t do the math for their son. Allah wants no more Muslims, but firmer faith.
How contradictions come to be in the Quran? It says that a believer can stand against ten warriors in a battle, but it then says that a Muslim can only fight two.
In the first case, the Muslim is a true believer in Allah. In the second case, that one is weak in his faith.
If there are two times of men on the enemy’s side, you have to fight them **with the precondition where they make the first move. If there are three times of men on their side, you must consider whether you stand a chance, or better to discuss with them.
(The Quran says not all Muslims are allowed to go to war; some of them must stay and learn.)
Chapter 22: In the second year of Muslim’s migration to Medina, the angel Gabriel gave this verse of scriptures:
“If today they are harmed, I shall allow them to fight back.”
Muhammad tell him, I know you are angry for the sake of Allah.But we need to obey the rules.
Muhammad said: “When your brothers and sisters did something wrong, you shall find 70 excuses for them. If you find none, think of something I know not.”
(You must avoid doing something that forces you to apologize. You must avoid errors.)
Chapter 8: Allah promises you that you will win, and you have two choices.
1. Defeat the Sophian camel caravans and take your properties back.
2. Engage in the war with the true army in Mecca.
Allah said: “You Muslims tend to choose easier ones, but I want you to choose the greater.”
Let Allah decide.
Allah, I have no wisdoms. Please make the decision for me.
Allah asked those who believe in Islam in Mecca.
Muhammad was waiting for the answers from the Muslims in Medina.
The leader of Medina responded to Muhammad: “Wherever you are, we shall follow. If you go into the sea, we shall go into it as well. We are good fighters. We have unbending belief. We shall not escape.”
The war began.
Discussion is over everytime. So you must be polite.
Plan: Putting sand in the well water.
Prophet Muhammad Encourage Muslims. He asked Allah before others: “Allah, I now ask You for what You have promised to me...”
Prophet Muhammad: Those who died in the battle and did not turn back to escape shall be in the Heaven!
Prophet Muhammad throw a handful of sand to the enemies. When every foe has a grain of sand in their eyes, they can only rub their own eyes. This enhanced the confidence of the Muslim.
It is also mentioned that Muhammad would not hide himself in the back.
He was the one that was closest to the enemies.
Omar always hid behind Muhammad.
The disbeliever asked Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ): “If I join you now, become a Muslim, and die fighting for you, will I go to the Heaven?”
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ): “Yes!”
Disbeliever turned his horse immediately, and died in an instance.
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ):(Laughing)
“He did a small thing but earned a great prize, because death in this life cannot match what it is in the Heaven.”
(We must know that whatever the struggle, everyone dies eventually. Throw this life away.) (A day in the Hell equals to five thousand years in the mortal world.)
The Muslim won.
After this war, there were 70 men got killed among the enemies, and another 70 fell captive, waiting for their random be paid. For those who remained captive, each man shall teach ten Muslims to read, and 90% of them later became Muslims as well.)
14 Muslims became martyrs.
We all in charge and responsible for Islam.
The Islam has the perfect community.
Education by an Islamic mother
1. A mother gave all her money to the mosque, and let her son be lectured in the mosque. Now her son has become a successful imam.
2. A Muslim woman had four children, among whom the oldest was only at the age of 17. All of them went to war, and all of them fell, just like her brothers.
They were all true warriors.
Others told her the fact, but she responded: “Praise Allah, for I have the fortune to be the mother of four martyrs. We shall meet again in the Heaven.”
3. Asma was a blind. Her youngest son was going to a war. Before leaving, she hugged her son, feeling him wearing the armor. She asked him to take it off. She said: “Take it off. It will be easier for you in the battle. It may save your life, but without it, you can die more easily.”
Insha Allah we meet in paradise.
Allah: “Go and spread Islam. I will protect you.” That’s the voice from the Heaven in the war.
Prophet Muhammad was in the tent. Two men were willing to protect him. But Muhammad asked them leave.
For the sake of Allah. Who protect you? Allah. Nobody will hurt you. Allah is the defender for believers. Be a believer. You fight those who fight the Islam.
Chapter 2. Allah will protect you from them.
Allah will fascinate you.
How would you love Allah if you have perfect life here?
How would you love Death if you have enjoy your life?
You put a brick here, and Allah will take it away for you.
Money is not yours. It's Allah's. Allah give you and generously say: “It's yours.”
Related info.
Be Careful with Military Actions
A good leader deploys military forces to save and not to harm, to salvage and not to create crisis. …Thus it is said:
“Warmongers will be annihilated, but he who fails to prepare for war will face danger.”
The art of war is a matter of life and death. No amount of effort can restore life to men killed in action. Thus, the deployment of war as an option is never an easy decision.
1. Weapons are instruments of evil omen; they are not the instruments of a superior person. A superior person uses them only out of necessity. Calmness and repose are what he prizes; victory by force of arms is, to him,
2. To consider the latter desirable would be to delight in the slaughter of men. He who delights in the slaughter of men cannot instil his will in the world.
3. On occasions of festivity, seats on the left are more prestigious.
4. On occasions of mourning, seats on the right are more prestigious. In the army, the commander - in-chief has his place on the right, and the second in command has his place on the left. This signifies that the army adopts the same principle as that of the funeral rites when they go to war.
5. He who has killed multitudes of men should weep for them with the bitterest grief. The victor in battle has his place according to the funeral rites.
Barren land with thorn bushes and people living in privation are remnants of an army’s presence.
After a war, bad years will follow.
Maneuvering an army of a hundred thousand
soldiers will cost millions of dollars per day. Winning all battles is not necessarily the best strategy. Winning without waging a battle is the best strategy of all.
1. An army raised to rescue people from tyranny is a righteous army. It will win the support of the people.
2. An army raised to defend the territory against invasion is a counteracting army. It will win in the end.
3. An army raised to fight bitterly at the slightest provocation is a wrathful army. It will lose the war.
4. An army raised without discipline will steal and rob people’s belongings. It is a greedy army that will be dislodged.
5. An army raised to believe that it is an army of a superpower state is an arrogant army. It will be annihilated.
6. These five principles are not the doing of any human. They are the way of natural law.
The deployment of military forces is of vital importance to a state as it is a matter that will decide life or death.
The fate of a state lies in the hands of the generals, and so kings in the past placed utmost importance on the selection of generals and commanders.
Generals and Soldiers
Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.[14]
[14] Lionel Giles. transl.
The First Battle in Islam Ramadan [2012/08/05] • Taipei Grand Masjid ❮YouTube - Hadziq 哈明飛❯ Ramadan course in Taipei Grand Masjid. It was presented by Omar Ayesh and translated subsequently by Hanan Lu.
Master Chin Kung
老子的智慧 林語堂
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874
This Text is in the public domain and has no copyright
As the author of this text, it is my express intent that the entirety of this text be
released into the Public Domain. I reserve no rights to this work. If the laws of a
particular jurisdiction should make it impossible to reserve no rights, then I
hereby grant permission to anyone who seeks to use and reproduce this work
for any purpose.
Jhan, hang- cheng
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bisiji3 · 3 years
King Yama's Five Letters
From Suramgama Sutra, Book 4
There was a man who died and went to see King Yama. When he saw King Yama, he protested to the king about his unfairness.
He said: "You (the King) are so unreasonable, you don't understand about reasonableness at all. You simply called to see me. But you should have sent me a letter first. You could gradually tell me and make me realize it, then you would call upon me and let me have a chance to prepare myself. You didn't send me a telegram, a letter, or even a phone call, you just snatched me here. You are just too unreasonable."
King Yama said to the guy: "I have sent you several letters already, you just didn't realize that."
The guy said: "I never received any of your letters."
The King said: "My first letter to you was about your neighbor's child, the child died right after birth. That was my first letter to you. You are quite senior, but that child was dead right after birth, you should have ! You should have realized! You should have cultivated! You should have practiced the Way!"
The guy said: "Oh! That was the first letter?! Then what about the second letter?"
King Yama said: "The second letter? About your eyes, wasn't there a time when your eyes got a little blurrier and you couldn't see very well?"
The guy said: "Yeah!"
The King said: "Right. That was the second letter."
The guy asked: "What about the third letter?"
The king answered: "Wasn't there a time when your ears got a little deafer?"
The guys said: "That's right." That was the third letter.
The guy asked: "What about the fourth letter then?"
The king answered: "About the fourth letter, didn't all your teeth fall out?"
The guy said: "Yeah. Oh, that was the fourth letter to me?! I, ow, I couldn't read a word, I didn't know this was what you meant letters."
Then King Yama said: "Do you have anything more to say this time?"
The guy thought about it for a while: It was true that the child died right after his birth. It was meant to make me realize. It was also true that the my teeth fell out, the eyes got blurrier and the ears had gone deafer. All of these were the letters to me.
Then the guy asked again: "What about the last letter?"
The King said: "In the last letter, I told you to see if your hair was gray."
The guy said: "I saw it! Oh, that was the last letter?" Then the guy had nothing else to say.
King Yama said: "Since you have eaten so much meat, well then, go reincarnate as a pig!"
This time, the guy was reincarnated as a pig. When will he ever be reincarnated back as a human again? Nobody knows.
Resource, 佛教导航
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bisiji3 · 3 years
If a person who upholds the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva enters a great fire, the fire will not burn him, all because of this Bodhisattva's awesome spiritual power.
If a person being tossed about in the great sea calls out the Bodhisattva's name, he will find a shallow place.
The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra
Chapter Twenty-five, "The Universal Door of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva
(The Bodhisattva Who Contemplates the Sounds of All the World)"
The great fire
The decision to have Abraham burned at the stake was affirmed by the temple priests and the king of Babylon, Nimrod. The news spread like fire in the kingdom and people were coming from all places to watch the execution. A huge pit was dug up and a large quantity of wood was piled up. Then the biggest fire people ever witnessed was lit. The flames were so high up in the sky that even the birds could not fly over it for fear of being burnt themselves. Ibrahim's hands and feet were chained, and he was put in a catapult, ready to be thrown in.
During this time, Angel Jibril came to him and said: "O Ibrahim! Is there anything you wish for?"
Ibrahim could have asked to be saved from the fire or to be taken away, but Ibrahim replied, "Allah is sufficient for me, He is the best disposer of my affairs."
The catapult was released and Ibrahim was thrown into the fire. Allah then gave an order to the fire, "O fire! Be coolness and safety for Ibrahim." A miracle occurred, the fire obeyed and burned only his chains. Ibrahim came out from it as if he was coming out from a garden, peaceful, his face illuminated, and not a trace of smoke on his clothes. People watched in shock and exclaimed: "Amazing! Ibrahim's God has saved him from the fire!"
Resource, Wikipedia
Related info.
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