bitch-ass-feelings · 5 years
Don’t make plans with me if you’re just gonna cancel them 5 minutes later. Especially after mentioning you’re not gonna do whatever you just canceled for
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bitch-ass-feelings · 5 years
I feel sick. I want to throw up and cry. I feel sick and shaky and sad
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bitch-ass-feelings · 5 years
Why do y’all still let me listen to songs that are wayyyyy to personal and hit wayyyyyyyyyyy to close to home and make me cry
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bitch-ass-feelings · 5 years
We fucking made it. I’m stuck doing a job I hate and a sport I hate. But I need this job to do things with the friends I don’t have. Why not just get a new job? This is the only one that won’t clash with the sport. Why do the sport? If I don’t everyone will be disappointed in me. The team. The coaches. My family. I’m stuck
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bitch-ass-feelings · 5 years
Life’s just continuously twisting the knife already stuck in my heart
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bitch-ass-feelings · 5 years
My worst fucking fear came true and I don’t know how to cope
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bitch-ass-feelings · 5 years
I’ve run out of tears to cry. This is the worst fucking night of my life
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bitch-ass-feelings · 5 years
“It’s been a week since we’ve hung out”
Lmao bitch I haven’t hung out with a n y o n e in a week cause get this: IVE BEEN FUCKING SAD. UR NOT SPECIAL
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bitch-ass-feelings · 6 years
But on a lighter note I ordered a love in future times hoodie and I’m really excited for it to arrive
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bitch-ass-feelings · 6 years
Let’s start this shit off strong with the fact I’m tryna get fucked up and killed.
I feel like fucking shit today and it’s almost definitely my fault but I don’t care rn. I just feel hollow. There’s nothing else to it. I just feel empty and I want something to turn to but there’s fucking nothing and genuinely at this post I’m fine getting hooked on drugs or alcohol if it fucking fixes whatever the fuck this is
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