bitchanarchy-blog · 5 years
Thug 'Culture'
African Americans get really pissed off when non-Blacks comment on their culture, such as it is, here in these United States. I can understand why those of us who don't engage in that behavior are insulted but the truth of the matter is, a great many Blacks do. The youth are so far gone, I often wonder if they can be saved. Drug dealing, misogyny, worship of guns, and wanton violence has caused the other races, generally non-Black and non-Hispanic, to be extremely wary of African Americans whether they are sagging, swagging, or appear so Oreo over the phone that you can only tell they are Black when you meet them in person.
I wholly believe that thug culture has ruined African American society because before that crap became the mainstay of airwaves & movies, Blacks in this country were much better off. You hardly heard of cops shooting us, Black neighborhoods were not as run down & ghettoized here in my hometown as they have become & more of us were interested in bettering ourselves via a good education/training. Now, all the youth glorify the thug life, regularly refer to women as 'bitches & hoes', believe in having guns even when they are convicted felons, and feel that only drug dealing can get you money when it gets you nowhere fast, or even dead.
If you don't want any other ethnicity referring to you as a nigger, then why the hell do you call each other 'niggas'? The N word is the N word, no matter who says it. I don't want anyone calling me that, nor do I want to be called the B word or the W word (whore, Ebonicized as 'hoe'). I have been in rows with guys and they would start to say the B word and I'd stop them right there. Go ahead and call me a Bitch, but I will call you a Prick right back and I just might slap the taste out of your mouth.
How African American women can listen to the drivel known as hip hop and still have any self respect is beyond my ken. I used to listen to hip hop around the millennium but lost interest after a year or two...and I got used to hearing it because of my baby sister, who was a young teenager at the time - and yes, she was allowed to listen to that stuff on the radio! Black men today who listen to gangsta rap and deal drugs have no respect for women at all, and even hold much hatred for them.  If you don't believe that is true, you must have your head stuck in a hole like some idiot liberal ostrich.
Women are pimped out and treated like objects to be held in scorn, and they seem to desire it. I have relatives who will date nothing bu drug dealing scum, simply because these guys give them money and drugs and hard sex, as if these things are the best life has to offer and one should try to obtain them at any cost, even to the destruction of one's morale and self esteem. Many non-Black men will not date Black women because they look upon them as 'ghetto skanks', thots, prostitutes and crackheads.
It's not just the thick bodies, weaves, fake nails, and big lips - traits I have seen listed as reasons most non African American men will not date us, because that is not true. The voluptuous figures and fuller lips are the very reasons many White men fantasize about Black women, and I know this because I once worked with an undercover guy, who was the brother of a guy I was then dating, and I got to speak with the johns who went out cruising for paid sex.
A lot of non-Black women find African American thugs sexy. They will give up their comfortable middle class lives just to have a relationship with a drug dealing, sagging, swagging street punk. This culture, if one can term it such, has become a widespread cancer that has made its way overseas to Europe, especially cities like London and Paris, and even Asia - yes, that continent of people who have traditionally held Blacks in contempt and worshiped the Caucasian! What is the world coming to? I don't know, but as long as our youth are allowed to worship gun culture, violence, drug dealers, and misogyny rather than valuing an education, hard work, sacrifice, and keeping one's morals right, there will be no hope for tomorrow.
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bitchanarchy-blog · 5 years
Religious Misogyny
It is a well-known fact that misogyny is rooted in religion - namely, the 3 major patriarchal, semitic religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Nearly every 'saint' or Christian writer was well versed in sexism, revealing a strong hatred for women simply because of the Adam and Eve Myth, which I find almost laughable (grown people thinking that such tales are true).
Notable woman-haters include St. Augustine, Tertullian, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Peter, Clement of Alexandria, St. Odo, John Scrotus Erigena, and apparently even that all-loving Son of God himself, Jesus Christ (Gospel according to The Egyptians). Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali is a prime example of a Muslim misogynist.
Here are several verses from the Big 3 that should get any fair-minded person's blood boiling:
But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a woman is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. Any man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, but any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled dishonors her head--it is the same as if her head were shaven. For if a woman will not veil herself, then she should cut off her hair; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her wear a veil. For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. (For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.) That is why a woman ought to have a veil on her head, because of the angels.
Also that women should adorn themselves modestly and sensibly in seemly apparel, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly attire but by good deeds, as befits women who profess religion. Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent.
Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them.
Women shall with justice have rights similar to those exercised against them, although men have a status above women.
And if ye are unclean, purify yourselves. And if ye are sick or on a journey, or one of you cometh from the closet, or ye have had contact with women, and ye find not water, then go to clean, high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it.
When Allah's Messenger was asked which woman was best he replied, 'The one who pleases (her husband) when he looks at her, obeys him when he gives a command, and does not go against his wishes regarding her person or property by doing anything of which he disapproves.'
If a man sleeps with a female slave who is promised to another man but who has not been ransomed or given her freedom, there must be due punishment. Yet they are not to be put to death, because she had not been freed.
If a priest's daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she disgraces her father, she must be burned in the fire.
You shall speak to the Children of Israel, saying, If a man dies and has no son, then you shall cause his inheritance to pass on to his daughter. If he has no daughter, then you shall give his inheritance to his brothers.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who has not made me a woman.  
The man who divorces is not in the same situation as a woman divorced.
A woman's shame is greater than a man's.
A good wife is a crown to her husband.
No one can tell me that the countless rapes, murders, denigration, and loathing of women in the world since these despicable belief systems came about isn't the result of religious misogyny. Without the ugly sexist teachings of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, women would not be in the lowly status we find ourselves in. This is still another reason for spreading atheism throughout the world - or at the very least, Wicca, Paganism, or some other truly peaceful religion that does not preach any hate.
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bitchanarchy-blog · 5 years
Canine Crazed Caucasians
What is it with White people and dogs? It seems to me that they care more about those damn canines than they do other people (especially minorities). I get sick and tired of all the time seeing those pathetic ASPCA commercials with the shivering, sad-eyed mutts gazing into the camera, and the White volunteers breaking out into tears over their abuse. What about starving children in 3rd world countries and America's hungry & homeless? What about abused cats, birds, horses, rabbits, pigs, etc? You don't see them on those ASPCA ads...and I feel that cats get abused more than dogs.
My boyfriend is White and his family is definitely dog crazy (rednecks tend to be more so than yuppies, they just don't donate to organizations such as PETA or become raving vegetarians & vegans out of a misguided sense of loyalty to our furry little friends). His stepdad went apeshit when his chihuahua of 12 years, Coco, expired after a lengthy illness. This dog was allowed to sleep in the bed with him and his wife...can you believe that? What a hot mess. They feed their dogs - 2 chihuahuas and a miniature Spitz - pricey food from the pet store, as if Alpo or Mighty Dog isn't good enough. My bf does the same with his extremely spoiled pitbull - he will only buy Rachael Ray dog food for this irritating mutt who wants to be petted all the damn time.
There are even racist Whites who train their dogs to not like certain minorities, namely Blacks and Hispanics. See the movie White Dog. My deceased aunt encountered a dog near her workplace back in the 80s that would not come to anyone of dark skin...he barked & growled at them. But he came to Whites. My bf has told me more than once that many of his dad's dogs did not like Black people (his dad was kind of prejudiced but I'm not sure if he raised the dogs this way or not). Is this just an extension of dogs being so close to the White race that they have picked up the inherent racism in White people?
Dogs have been used by the police against African Americans since the days of Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Movement. Many non-Whites do not have positive images of canines as a result. Besides, all of the Africans I have met (and even many Latins, particularly the kind who do not consider themselves White) just do not treat animals as part of the family - which they are not. Non-European cultures tend to view animals as farm workers, guard dogs or (for cats) mousers, as unclean, and even as meat.
White culture worships the dog. Go to France or Britain and you'll witness canines being put on a pedestal (take the Queen of England and her Corgis, for instance, whom she treats better than she ever did her own children). White people open up salons for their pampered pets, and coddle the canines as though they are human babies. Look at the greedy celebrity chef Rachel Ray - on the dog food bags, she's hugging a dog. Yet she's alone on the cat food bags. I would never purchase her shitty food for my cats as it is way over priced and I'm certain she gets some type of money from having her name & likeness on the bags.
I think Caucasians have screwed up priorities. They surely do not have the same thought processes and behavior as other races...especially where dogs are concerned. I don't hate canines but I am not about to baby them like they are children either.
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bitchanarchy-blog · 5 years
Paranormal Shows Are Bullshit
There are no such things as ghosts. That being said, I do find a few of those paranormal shows to be rather entertaining. That is all they are, folks. Entertainment. There is no truth to any of that stuff. Can I prove it? Hell, you can do that yourself! But most people are afraid of death because no one knows what happens once we die, and when you're scared of something, you want to believe that there is more to it than what appears. Who wants to believe that once we die, that's it? Hardly anyone. So people came up with religion to help explain what occurs once we give up the ghost, as the saying goes.
Have you actually seen any real proof offered up by the 'stars' of those paranormal shows? EVPs. Those recordings of so-called spirits and demons aren't proof of any existence of ghosts or life after death. Orbs. Easily explained - either dust or electrical interference (which is what most EVPs are, just what is reported here: EVPs explained), or a dirty camera screen. Those aren't spirits of the dead.
Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, The Dead Files, Ghost Asylum, Paranormal Lockdown, and even the hilarious Ghost Brothers were/are all shows put out by greedy 'paranormal investigators' and their equally greedy producers to fool the gullible public, though anyone who believes any of that stuff has got to have a screw loose somewhere and deserves to be fooled. Paranormal State was another highly entertaining show that was as fake, if not faker, than the rest. Remember the episode 'I Am Six'? Google it and you will discover that the entire possession story and exorcism was FAKED.
The reason why Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files did not last very long is because they debunked so much of the b.s. that some deluded idiots want to believe. I dare any of you paranormal ‘stars’ to come to a house I lived in with my fiance and prove to us that this house is actually haunted, as the owner claimed. I dare you to do it. But I am very certain that none of you will take me up on this, because you know you cannot prove that it's true...because it is not. But if you are sincere and wish to prove the existence of ghosts and ghouls and things that go bump in the night, feel free to contact me here.
I'd love for some ballsy producer to put out a show that strives to DEBUNK all of the crap these other shows claim proves the existence of the paranormal. C'mon, folks. Let's get those idiots off the air with our own show. Let's prove that there are no such things as goblins, demons, and banshees that wail in the night!
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bitchanarchy-blog · 5 years
Why are Black People so LOUD?
I've Googled this and read posts on various forums, and due to my own observations and experience, my opinion is that African Americans speak very loudly and will often use broad gestures while talking (same as the Italians and many other ethnic groups) more so than other races here in the US.
Sure, I have encountered Asian Indians, Hispanics, and Whites who were just as loud and obnoxious even, but you get the obnoxious types mainly when drunk. Blacks tend to be very noisy as a race, and this bothers me because I'm a quiet person. I do not like to draw attention to myself at all. Even educated Blacks can come across as loud and ignorant - believe me, I have been in the company of those with BA, BS, and even Master's degrees and they still behave just as childishly ignorant and speak just as stridently as those with a mere GED or no HS diploma at all.
I know the Politically Correct will come up with varying apologetic reasons for why Black people are boisterous in public. I've read that the vociferousness of African Americans is due to the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow, eras when Blacks were by law supposed to keep quiet and meek; they are noisy because in the African savannas, the clicking sounds made by many tribes had to be loud in order to be heard by others...
This has nothing to do with stereotypes - stereotypes exist because they are true! Yes, Mexicans eat a lot of beans (so do a great many other Latin peoples such as the El Salvadoreans, Cubans and Puerto Ricans), Asians consume a truckload of rice per family, a lot of White folks here in America hold racist beliefs, and most Jews, especially outside of Israel which is a relatively poor dustbowl, are well-to-do. I think people who are loud & silly acting publicly have an infantile need for attention and unfortunately, African Americans are this way. It is a definite racial character flaw that most of them share, whether they are from the projects, the upscale apartment complex, or the established middle class neighborhood.
Black people are just too damn loud. They cuss a lot, even the women, and I'm embarrassed to be around them or associate with them or be part of a group of them for these very reasons. I used to cringe when I had to take public transportation and put up with that low-class behavior. The bus drivers would have to tell them to tone it down, or not use that type of language, etc. Of course, they would have to make a smart remark, either loudly enough for the driver to hear or for the people around them. I would much rather be around people who are able to comport themselves in public and if this means staying away from a lot of low income Blacks, so be it.
My fellow Blacks, why? Why must you be so LOUD?
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bitchanarchy-blog · 5 years
Does Penis Size Truly Matter?
Personally, I do not understand why some women say that only a big penis can satisfy them. They either have large vaginas naturally or that have been stretched by having too many kids (because once a woman has a child, those muscles are never again the same).
I worked with a woman who admitted to me and a few of the other ladies, that she had worked as a call girl. She said that most of her fellow escorts hated getting a client (john) with a large penis because it made sex painful. Obviously, she was not built as large 'down there' as a lot of women, and in fact she had not yet had children (though by now she probably has).
I once dated a guy who had a large penis and sexual intercourse was no picnic. In fact, I avoided it as much as possible and I'm sure 'Garnet' wondered why. I liked kissing the guy, he was a really good kisser, but that other stuff...no. I simply could not stand having sex with him and it was a relief when the relationship finally ended. I went on to better things, even if they were mostly smaller.
How about the myth of the Big Black Dick? Is it honestly true? As a woman of color, I can assure you that it is sort of true, but also kind of not true. Of the 10 guys I have dated and slept with, 3 were African American and only one of them had a very large penis. I dated 2 Hispanics and they were both rather smaller than average, I would say. I think perhaps they had a lot of Amerindian blood and maybe that explains it.
Garnet had Indian blood - the Hindu type - and he was fairly large, the 2nd largest of the guys I have dated. Of the White guys (4), only one was pretty big. All of the guys with larger cocks were not fun in bed, because their size made intimacy more of a painful chore than an adventure in bed. The chart below is definitely not accurate in my opinion as it shows that Latinos have large penises when in fact, they do not. At least, not in my experience. I also know a few other women who have dated Hispanic men and they hold the same opinion.
To be brutally honest, I would say that more non-White men have larger cocks. I worked as a massage therapist once, and the lady with the spa had select clients whom she offered a little extra to, what is known in the sex trade as a 'happy ending'. It was not just a prostate massage but an actual handjob, but she also gave very special clients a blow, and if they offered more cash, actually had sex with them. There was a little Black guy she termed 'horse dick' because his penis was unusually large.
She did not enjoy sex with this guy, and he wanted it every time he came for a massage because he did not have a regular girlfriend (and who would want a man with a dick that damn big).
Now a very small penis is just not satisfying and I did date a man once whose penis was just so-so, but that might have been due to his age (he was more of a sugardaddy than a real boyfriend). I just do not like them too large, and I understand why the women I have known who worked as strippers or call girls confessed that large dicks made sex very uncomfortable. I think it's more the going power than the actual length, and the girth being thick doesn't hurt either. I'd much rather have wild, kinky sex with a man whose penis length is around seven inches, with a thick girth. Too small, and it slips out often during sex. Too large, and it won't even fit inside.
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