This blog is now permanently offline. It's become associated with a time in my life that I'd rather forget and some people that I'd also rather forget, so that's it for this blog.
I might make a new one in the near future? If I do, most likely I'll be adding a few of the people I knew from this blog to it, but I'm still not sure if I'm going to actually make a new blog.
I'll queue this post so it runs maybe two more times today so people have a greater chance of seeing it, but other than that this blog is finished.
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This blog is now permanently offline. It's become associated with a time in my life that I'd rather forget and some people that I'd also rather forget, so that's it for this blog.
I might make a new one in the near future? If I do, most likely I'll be adding a few of the people I knew from this blog to it, but I'm still not sure if I'm going to actually make a new blog.
I'll queue this post so it runs maybe two more times today so people have a greater chance of seeing it, but other than that this blog is finished.
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This blog is now permanently offline. It's become associated with a time in my life that I'd rather forget and some people that I'd also rather forget, so that's it for this blog.
I might make a new one in the near future? If I do, most likely I'll be adding a few of the people I knew from this blog to it, but I'm still not sure if I'm going to actually make a new blog.
I'll queue this post so it runs maybe two more times today so people have a greater chance of seeing it, but other than that this blog is finished.
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ok I think I'm done with tumblr for a while
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I can't fucking do this, I just fucking can't
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I'm supposed to be job hunting but I just don't care about anything
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there's nothing quite like knowing that you're not all that important anymore
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I don’t think you people have realized just what you’ve done, what you’ve brought back, what you’ve woken up. This “Luigi Death Stare”. Yes, funny, very funny. But, I’m afraid it’s been around for a while, far longer than anyone may know. Yes, it has. This has all happened once before, in the distant past. A time of simpler memes, and “Youtube Poops”. It may seem very ancient to you, as it does me. But it is all too familiar. And the sad thing is? We weren’t even aware, and now it is much too late to stop it. I always knew he’d come back one day, I just didn’t know it would be this soon.
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Lara didn’t manage to steal the thing first this time
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haha feeling like shit, this is going to be my new baseline for the next two weeks, I can tell
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All the Eggman artwork from the Sonic LINE Sticker Collection.
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Sailor Moon S Laser Disk Covers
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Macaws are one of the most intelligent bird species. When in captivity, they are able to mimic words and sounds and learn tricks. They are said to have the intelligence of a 4-8 year old child with the emotional intelligence of a 2 year old. This means that they can be demanding and cranky and even throw temper tantrums if not given proper attention.
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what did the average furry fetishist spend on commissions in 2006?
well, adjusting for inflation,
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