bitchinrory · 3 years
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“You are giving me a lot of credit for someone who just met me. My floppy hair and chiseled jaw don’t get me nearly as far you think.” He smiled a crooked smile. A canine poked out from between his lips. “My smile is the one that does it, usually. That, plus I look tiny and harmless. I’m cute. Not scary. You could probably take me in a fight if you had to.” He rubbed a hand up and down his torso as an accent. He was slim and smooth. He had very little muscle tone to speak of. His collarbones stood out like shoulder pads, and if he stretched far enough Rory would be able to see his ribs. He was, in just about every way the word could be interpreted, a twink. Most girls aren’t scared of twinks.
“…But you think I have sweet eyes? That’s nice of you to say.” He rubbed his hands together greedily, stifling a chuckle which turned instead into a bite of his bottom lip and his tongue darting over them.
He decided not to sit, instead pacing the sauna a little bit in his towel. Already the feeling of sweat was starting to cling to his chest, although he wasn’t shiny with it yet. “We have the whole trust fund thing in common, too. Although mine is more of a brokerage account. I have a guy who makes investments for me. I’m not hurting for money, but it also means I don’t get out much.” This time Billy did chuckle, “But if your mother wants to set me up as a trophy wife, I’d happily participate in your place.” Was it shallow, that Billy would be perfectly okay leveraging his cuteness into some older woman’s bed and wallet? Yea. Did Billy care? Not really. He was okay being shallow sometimes.
At the mention of his nails, he stopped pacing and looked down at his hand and toes. Both painted black, of course. Billy was soft, but not very flamboyant. “Hands I could do myself,” he fanned his ten fingers, wiggling them so she could see the paint, “I often do. Feet are a different matter. I don’t like touching feet, it’s a whole thing. And uh, the position I’d have to be in to do my own toenails is really uncomfortable. So when the lady asked today I just said yes. I like it much better when someone else does ‘em.” Billy liked being a little soft here and there. A little femininity never hurt him. “The rest, I just…well I’m like you. It was relaxing to just let them do whatever they wanted while I just existed. So I just said yes to everything they suggested.” It was a little frightening how much he had in common with this stranger. Maybe everyone who enjoyed spas liked them for the same reason. Billy had never thought of himself as a “spa loving boy”…but he definitely could see it happening after today.
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“Yeah, well, I’m a people person. Can sniff out a persons essence in seconds flat.” She twisted her lips into a sort of ‘kissy’ face which meant she was thinking. “Even if you don’t think you’ve gotten far with your looks, I can promise you you have. People don’t always make it obvious. Doesn’t make you a bad person if they have. In fact, shows that you’re not a bad person because you speak humbly. Almost self deprecating... If I actually followed through with a psych degree I might dig deeper but I’m currently undeclared. So... no unsolicited advice will be given. Just observations.” Rory almost spoke in a clinical tone which just went to show how far she kept herself from other people. It could be hard to break into her bubble, nearly impossible, because why would she let others in when all they did was hurt her? She didn’t have time for it. “You’re right, I could take you in a fight but you still have power. Especially being charming. Power over emotions, power over situations, just being who you are provides you a type of power. Lets just hope you use it for good.”
He bit his lip and Rory caught herself staring. Dammit. Danger. The signals in her brain went off and she diverted her attention back to his chest which was another bad move. Danger. So she gazed at the ceiling for a moment. Safe. Rory breathed a little, happy that she didn’t blush as easily as some people in Dayton. It was one level of defense she’d learned very early on. When she was sure that she wouldn’t be a stumbling mess, Rory leveled her gaze at Billy again.
The dude was moving, though. His bare chest glared at her but Rory glared right back. If her natural instincts to drool over a particularly cute boy were going to try and take over her brain, then she could fight them right back. She was strong. Rory shook herself out of her thoughts and smiled a little bit. “You want me... to set you up with my mother?” She knew that wasn’t what he meant but it was hilarious to even tease him about. “I’m sorry to say she’s unhappily taken but incredibly loyal. Besides, if she’s dating anyone on the side it’s no doubt going to be her yoga instructor. Cliche, I know but he’s got incredible flexibility.” Rory sighed, “Besides, if I brought you around to her there’s no telling what she might do. She’d try and get us together right away. Which makes sense seeing as how I’ve never brought anyone of the opposite sex home in my entire life not even as a friend and that is how it will remain. Your quest for a trophy wife must be your own.”
At his confession, Rory felt a slight softening in her heart for this boy. He really was sweet and earnest. Danger. She looked at his feet. “I have a thing against feet too.” Rory said, smirking slightly. She couldn’t have anyone touching her feet, though. Which is why she remained bare toed and she was fine with that. “They look good.” The statement came out as more of a question because how did you compliment another persons toes when you just admitted to not liking feet? “Mmmm saying yes to everything. Not always a good idea but at the spa? Yeah... yeah its best to just do everything.” She raised her brows, “So.. Billy... trust fund baby? What are you doing in Dayton then? There are many other places you could go.. visit...”
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bitchinrory · 3 years
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bruno furrowed his brow and brought his hand up to his mustache - covering it with embarrassment. “there’s – there’s nothing wrong with my mustache.” he knew that she was just teasing, but the image of a baby with a fully grown mustache was rather horrifying. rory was quick to pull his attention away from facial hair with her wailing . he looked down at the cupcakes, she had put so much effort into these, he couldn’t just not eat one. “okay okay, i’ll try one,” he huffed like was annoyed, but the soft smile on his face said otherwise. bruno was lucky to have rory, she checked on him nearly everyday. “pick for me,” he said as he pulled out a roll of paper towels and ripped off a sheet. “work never ends, my dear.”
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rory scrunched her nose in response. she didn’t mean to make him self conscious about the mustache but it was a bold choice. he was handsome with it in the way a dad would be handsome in certain types of facial hair but she’d never say that out loud. he didn’t need a young girls compliments. especially not when that young girl was practically like a child to him. he was just lucky he had the voice to go with the mustache. if he’d had a voice that was pitched any way else, well, it may not have worked so well. hearing bruno give in to eating a cupcake, rory began bouncing a little which almost caused the mini cakes to topple over. “you won’t regret it. i think this is my best recipe yet!” she looked down at the cupcakes, her lips twisting. she had to choose the best one for bruno. the sort of cupcake that would make him proud of her and her efforts. because, although she was a badass bitch, she did appreciate making bruno proud. grabbing one with a light green frosting, she handed it over to him. “orange zested snickerdoodle. tell me what you think. and if you hate it, be kind because I’ll either cry or punch you and neither of us know which until it happens. no pressure.” rory smirked, “you do relax though, right? seriously... you need a girlfriend brun. someone to marry and settle down with and be a boring old man with on your back porch.”
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bitchinrory · 3 years
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her weapon of choice is her katana
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bitchinrory · 3 years
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bitchinrory · 3 years
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“Trust me, I have no interest in taking a cold shower, let alone cryotherapy. Warmth and comfort are kind of on the top of my personal priority list. I’m the guy that feels naked without a thick sweater or a blanket.” He glanced down at the towel around his waist. “Doubly so when I’m actually, uh, naked.” Billy approached closer when she asked his name. He extended a hand, musician fingers held outward to shake hers or kiss the back of it like a princess or some shit. Billy wasn’t picky.
“Billy. LeClerc. I don’t get out much. This is a large departure for me, but I had a coupon.” The way ‘coupon’ lilted at the end, it was clear Billy was making a slight joke. His chuckle deep in his throat cemented that notion. “Probably has to do with the whole ‘not gainfully employed’ bit. I don’t see many people I don’t have to. Honestly? The silence and general ability to zone out during this whole process has been the biggest upside. You understand, I’m sure.” Billy had noticed her in that catlike comfortable state before they’d started talking.
“I didn’t know there was so much stuff you could do to a body though. I moisturize and wash my face, sure. But they’ve taken hair off my body, and covered me in products, and steamed me enough to be part of a chinese takeout combo.” He plucked at his skin, as if to demonstrate how great of a doughy bun he’d be in his current state. “I don’t entirely dislike it. You let ‘em do this to you often?”
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Rory couldn’t help it, she smiled. He was charming. Most guys in Dayton were. It was as if there were a test to get into town and become an official resident here. ‘Must be charming, handsome, and good in bed. Preferably all three.’ It’s why she had her walls. If she let the charming ones in, then where would she be? It’d make her life a lot more difficult and complicated. And if there was one thing that Rory didn’t need anymore of: it was difficulty. “I was going to say. You’re definitely not in a sweater currently. Not that I’m complaining. I’m not in a sweater either.”
She scrutinized his hand and after a momentary hesitation, Rory slipped her own hand within it. A strong, firm grip just as her father had taught her. She was small but that didn’t mean she couldn’t show her strength. Still, her smooth skin was a clear contrast to the strength inside of her. An interested sparkle played in her eyes as she watched Billy speak. Yes. Charming. Which meant dangerous. 
“Expiration date thats clearly from a year ago but no doubt you smooth talked your way in here. That floppy hair, sweet chocolate eyes, oh yeah. You could talk these ladies into letting you in easy.” Rory was shocked that he had observed her and took notes but she didn’t let it show on her face. “I mean, I did think I was alone but, yes. I get it. I prefer the quiet myself.” It’s why she hated her mothers galas, hated being the show pony at her fathers events, and only let herself really speak out when she was going after some fucker who’d had it coming for some time. Otherwise, well, she was pretty anonymous herself. She knew people, sure, but did she have any real friends? Not necessarily. Only one. She lived a solitary life and up until this point she hadn’t really thought about it. “If you’re looking for employment, you’re shit out of luck talking to me. Trust fund baby whos no doubt going to become a trophy wife if my mother has anything to say about it.” Rory really shouldn’t be complaining about her life but it could be hard being her. She was only taken for her surface level. Thin enough? Pretty enough? Polite enough? No one gave a shit about who she was. She didn’t even know who she was. 
Rory smiled a little but then bit on her cheeks in order to hide it. Still, the smile reached her eyes. There was no hiding anything when it reached someones gaze. “One of the few guys I’ve met who actively boast about how soft and supple their skin is. Even got your nails painted, I see.” That didn’t mean shit, though. Charmers were harmers. She hated that she’d made that rhyme in her head. “Yeah. Every week. Sometimes twice a week. Its one of the only places I don’t have to be... well, I don’t have to be. I can just exist and no one gives a shit about me in the best way.”
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bitchinrory · 3 years
“And here’s the thing though technically we could do it.” Chandler was sitting on the same bar stool she did every time coming to this specific establishment. She had a theory that every time she sat there she could spend the least amount of money while getting black out and that it had nothing to do with her v-neck crop top. She normally chilled and bothered the bartenders and other patrons with various conspiracy theories or ideas of how she could take over some big corporation. Tonight she was talking about aliens and how the people could break down the gates of area 51 and find all the secrets. “If we get enough people we could build tanks out of buses dude. Just bust straight through the fence, man.” It was clear by the eye rolling that the bartender had grown tired of her rambling. She lightly tapped the shoulder of the person next to her, “hey, what do you think?”
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Rory didn’t drink. It was something that surprised most people. But how could she drink when she always needed to be on guard? Not to mention, a drunk Rory was a sure nightmare for her family and she did have an image to protect. Even wearing her black leather jacket, gray pleated skirt, fishnets and combat heels. She was still classy even when in her truest state. So, she sipped her Diet Coke and listened to Chandler ramble on before raising her brows when the question turned to her. “Seems like a waste of time, honestly. If I’m gonna storm a government facility it sure as hell isn’t going to be for aliens. It’ll be somewhere like a drone testing site or something else like that. Cool ass gadgets that are worth prison or dying for.” She took yet another sip, “You like aliens though? I mean if that’s your kind of shit, yeah, it’d be a good idea. Well, not good. Honestly still really dumb but worth it, I guess.”
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bitchinrory · 3 years
OPEN starter at Oasis Aqualounge and Love Hotel Give me friends doing spa moments together, or a Group Treatment session of some kind (whether they knew it or not, convenient or inconvenient). Or, give me “I thought you were a love hotel rent boy” action and other embarrassing mix ups. Missing/stolen clothes could be hilarious and on brand. Pick your poison!
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Billy. Relaxing. It was an odd combination, since the boy was usually too serious and intense to do something as freeing as a Spa Day. But someone had given him a gift certificate…coupon…thing. And it was about to expire. So he decided to go. He had to admit though, spas were a little boring. The dampness made reading a book wholly unthinkable, and his phone was off with the rest of his clothes…somewhere. He’d given them to an attendant when he checked in. So he just had a lot of time to think during his treatments.
The treatments had all been great. Someone had done something to his skin that made him feel all smooth and slick, and his nails had never looked better. Even his toes were painted now, although it was a sober black instead of anything colorful. You could see them poking through the spa sandals they gave him to wear.
“Some place, huh?” he asked to the other person in the room. It was steamy and had wooden benches all along the walls. “I’ve been here two years and never set foot in here. I think it’s because I don’t know what an ‘aqualounge’ is supposed to be. I kept picturing weird pods fully of water that you sealed into like a tanning bed. Or cryotherapy. Which I think they do have…” Billy let his voice trail off, realizing he was rambling into dead air. “…sorry,” he deflated, “I’m probably disturbing your zen or whatever.”
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It had been a killer of a week. Two benefit dinners and three new clients with three new targets for her to go after; it was almost too much for her. Almost. But she was Rory Shields. Nothing could ever be too much for her. It wasn’t allowed. Which is why she spent any free time she had at the spa. There had to be a release of tension somehow and she sure as hell wasn’t going to give some man the satisfaction of giving that release to her so the spa it was. 
She sat in the steam room for far too long this time around. She could tell her fingers were pruning and she was going to leave with her skin more sensitive than a baby’s ass but, again, it’s what she needed. She needed this. Rory sighed, leaning further into the wall behind her. It really was a testament to how well a steam room could work for her because the girl had no idea that anyone else was in there with her until the voice spoke. Thankfully, she wasn’t the jumpy sort. After doing the work that she did, you learned to keep your composure. Rory opened her eyes slowly, keeping her breath in check, and scrutinized the boy in front of her trying to make sure that he wasn’t a threat. He was in just as vulnerable a state as she was but that didn’t always mean she could let her guard down.
As he rambled, though, Rory sank further in her seat. He was fine. Cute and obviously a first timer. She’d go easy on him. “No. You’re good. I’m as zenned as I can be.” Rory ran a hand through her hair and straightened once more realizing that she should be prepared just in case. “The first time is definitely tricky. I mean, it’s a lot of trust being put into strangers. And no one really expects pain but most people do prepare for the worst just in case. I’d say stay away from the cryotherapy until at least your third or fourth time. Beneficial but also brutal.” She raised her eyebrows, “Two years huh? I don’t think we’ve met. Which is weird, Daytons small... what’s your name?”
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bitchinrory · 3 years
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bitchinrory · 3 years
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bitchinrory · 3 years
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“rooorrryy,” bruno said her name with so much concern, “you make me so glad that i don’t have kids.” he knew that she had many many good qualities, but he was struggling to remember what they were at the moment. “i told you this last time, i’m not eating anything you make unless you’re absolutely sure without a doubt in your mind, that you are not going to poison me.” this was probably all because he was denying her coffee, she had finally snapped. 
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rory couldn’t help it, a devilish giggle erupted from her small frame. it bubbled out of her lips and her eyes went wide. the cupcake she’d bitten into had left crumbs on the corner of her mouth but she couldn’t have cared less. “i make you glad you don’t have kids? that mustache is what should make you glad you don’t have kids! imagine a little baby bruno with a full mustache. you’ll have to invest in shaving cream and diapers. that’s quite a bill, you know?” she teased him with no malice behind her words at all. bruno was one of those people who made her feel rather comfortable and - thus - rory didn’t hide behind the polite and sweet little rich girl facade she normally carried around. “well, bruno!” the girl whined loudly, “i just ate a bite of it! so do you have poison control at the ready because now you’ve got me worried!” and then, just for emphasis, rory stuffed the rest of the cupcake into her mouth. after chewing enough that she could speak around the cake, she started mumbling “really, bruno. you think i’d try and take you out with a cupcake? i’m offended that you’d question my creativity.” she tilted her head and quirked a brow, “what are you doin’ out here at this time of day anyhow?”
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bitchinrory · 3 years
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“I think this is my best batch yet. And, yes, this time I did skip the rat poison.” Rory stated all too bluntly as she bit into one of the cupcakes she’d made. It was a new recipe and one she wasn’t too sure she was keen on. Most of the time she received a recipe and hated it until she’d made it her own and now was no different. As for the rat poison... well, that would just remain her little secret for now. There was a sick sort of pleasure in being dressed up as the sweet little rich girl and knowing she could full well kick someones ass if she needed to. She was like Hannah Montana but with more edge. A lot more edge. “You wanna try? I’ve got a dozen of them but there’s no way I’ll be able to eat them all. I’m just trying to work out the recipe. And you know they’re safe cuz I just ate one.” She smirked, “Unless I’ve worked up a tolerance to the death causing drug inside of it. That’s up to you to gamble.” 
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bitchinrory · 3 years
“The deal was I save your ass and you watch an episode of TZ with me. It’s time to pay up, lil shit.” Rory came into the guest room which had now become ‘Liams room’ with how often he’d crashed there carrying a tray full of their favorite goodies. Naturally she had all her own favorites (sour patch kids, reeses, cheddar popcorn, and a huge cup of diet coke) as this was one of the few times she allowed herself to splurge. She’d worry about the calories later. For now, it was bestie time. She set the tray down on an unnaturally large side table - really the room was big enough to fit two king beds, it was ridiculous - and hopped up onto the bed with a cheeky little pout. “I’m even wearing my best briefs.” She lay back so Liam could observe her outfit. When she was home and lounging, all bets were off. She had a handful of mens briefs that fit her ass just right and a sports bra on top. Tonight she’d chosen a particularly cute pair of briefs that featured dancing cacti on it and a simple sports bra that pushed her tits up just enough to prove she had some goods to her chest no matter how her mother wanted her to hide it. Rory had stopped caring long ago about the ‘appropriateness’ of wearing underwear around a friend. If she’d wanted to fuck him, they would have already fucked. She couldn’t say she’d never fuck Liam but, right now, it was out of the question. Rory didn’t have time for distractions. Friendships were all she was allowed to maintain. “Cute huh? How you feelin? I bet I can answer for you but you go ahead and whine a little. I’ll queue up what episode we left off on.” 
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bitchinrory · 3 years
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bitchinrory · 3 years
headcanons pt1;
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- growing up she was placed into a number of extracurricular activities but she particularly loved: kickboxing, cooking, swim team, and fencing
- she never has a clean room. ever.
- shes terrified of fish. like... terrified. particularly the really really big fish like tuna and grouper. she just thinks its weird that theyre so big for no good reason
- her favorite tv show is the twilight zone
- she has a secret obsession with ghost stories
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bitchinrory · 3 years
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Hey is that LANA CONDOR? No, that’s just AURORA "RORY" SHIELDS. They’re TWENTY-TWO, and have spent SIX YEARS in Dayton. I hear that they’re kind of SWEET but also can be INTIMIDATING. STRAWBERRY CHUNKS IN LEMONADE AND BLACK LEATHER GLOVES remind me of SHE/HER. Can’t wait to see them at the next party!
Growing up in a family that was considered ‘old money,’ Aurora has had her life planned out for her since before her conception. She would be a small business owner (a reputable business obviously), seen as a compassionate and inviting young lady, well dressed, sickeningly polite, and rather invisible unless asked to step out into the spotlight for just a brief moment. Shields children were seen and not heard. She had three siblings, all older, and each of them had played their part just fine but, at a very young age, Rory decided she would play the part even better because it was just that to her: a part. She could be sweet but also salty on the side. She could be well dressed but have a closet full of ‘night time options.’ She could definitely be a small business owner but the business may not be as tasteful as her family wished. 
Nothing about Rory is a lie. She likes summer dresses and vintage bellbottoms. She just also happens to like black leather jackets and studded boots as well. She is polite. She just also knows when certain people don’t deserve politeness. She is genuinely kind and compassionate but she also knows when to have a bite and stand her ground. She does want to be a small business owner - preferably a bakery - but life has led her down a slightly different path for the time being. In fact, Rory couldn’t even call what she did a business because, in the end, she didn’t get paid for her services. The satisfaction of a happy customer was enough. 
Rory has always wanted to defend those who need it the most and she’d found a way to do so back in high school. It started when a friend of hers was being stalked by someone who’d gone to their school. Rory, having taken many kickboxing lessons growing up, decided to put her years of training into good use. After all, no one would expect her coming. She found herself in business that night after kicking the living shit out of her friends stalker. The kid never peeped in a window again and so Rory decided maybe, just maybe, she could be of more use than she originally thought. That’s how Rory’s Round Up Service came to be. 
Rory is a world of contradictions in one tiny, tiny body but she easily wouldn’t want to be anyone else. 
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bitchinrory · 3 years
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#she could step on my face and i’d say thank you
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bitchinrory · 3 years
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Lana Condor Photographed by Brandon Hicks for Nasty Gal, August 2018
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