bitcoin-atm-pros · 3 years
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Now is your chance to get your hands on some of this amazing multi-utility cryptocurrency! Every $20 worth of BAP tokens you purchase from www.baptokenpresale.com is a ticket for the raffle where you could win up to $6000 USD worth of BAP tokens!!! Buy now and we will use your purchasing wallet address to send your prize(s) after the drawing on Friday the 13th! www.baptoken.com #bap #bitcoinatmpros #crypto #cryptoraffle #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #baptoken #Cryptoatms #cryptoatmservice
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bitcoin-atm-pros · 3 years
What is the real appeal of trading crypto?
An article by Peter Hengst
           On any given day, at any given time, there is an enormous amount of money that is traded in the digital currency market. Buyers are spending fiat currency to purchase more crypto and expand their portfolios. Sellers are making a profit or cutting their losses and dumping huge amounts of their portfolios in order to “cash out.” While the average individual goes about their day at work, crypto day traders are participating in a very volatile work space where millions of dollars can be made or lost within seconds. Who are these people who are willing to accept this demanding lifestyle and extremely high level of daily stress?
           Pioneers. These folks, who in some cases, put their entire livelihood on the line ever day are the REAL PIONEERS of a currency revolution. As long as there have been human beings on this planet, there have been pioneers. People who risk or sacrifice much more than anyone else in order to bring about a change or an advancement for mankind. If Christopher Columbus never traveled by ship across the Atlantic seeking the “new world” of North America, or if Lewis and Clark never journeyed through the rough terrain that they did in order to reach the Oregon coast then our world would be a lot different. We need these types of pioneers to propel us into the next way of the future.
           The importance of change in the way we as human beings view money cannot be overstated. The current monetary system is dated and due for an upgrade. This is what drives an industry like cryptocurrency even in the face of such a high level of volatility. The individuals involved in this industry do not feel that it is too risky to predict that the idea of money can be viewed entirely differently. Why should anyone be at the mercy of a bank or institution in order to get the access to the money that they have earned or saved? Why can’t an individual send all or some or fractions of their own money to anyone in the world instantly with their smartphone that is already connected to most of the globe via the internet? These questions are at the very core of human curiosity. Every time a major change has come throughout history, it started with a question of why.
           Does all of this mean that the people who search the web for get rich quick schemes and wait for free airdrops from up-and-coming token companies are as important to history as explorers of new worlds and trail blazers? No. It means that collectively, every single person involved in the evolution of money including folks in the crypto space are paving the way for a better future. Taking risks and making sacrifices are simply a stepping stone toward the eventual goal of a one-world-currency. Traders might make a trade that doesn’t pan-out and they lose their initial investment. Buyers and sellers may choose to complete an order that immediately backfires several minutes later. Regardless of the possibility of these scenarios, those of us in this industry understand the importance of what we are trying to accomplish and there is nothing that will stop us. So yeah, the real appeal of crypto isn’t exactly to get-rich-quick. It is to get the idea of a more fair and just monetary system to be adopted by the rest of the world so that we can all live better and without financial oppression.
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bitcoin-atm-pros · 3 years
The REAL professionals in the crypto ATM game
An article by Peter Hengst
                There are several cryptocurrency ATM companies that have sprouted up in the past 5 years or so. People have the definite need for access to these types of teller services. Perhaps you are on vacation and spent all of your cash. Then you realize that you have exhausted your main bank account or there is a hold put on it since you are out of your normal area and an automatic security measure is enforced to avoid identity theft. Well how would you get the cash that you need to continue to enjoy your vacay? The answer is simple, find a BAP(Bitcoin ATM Pros) cryptocurrency ATM and sell your digital assets directly to the machine and it will dispense cash. Now we all know that the typical crypto ATMs allow the purchasing of cryptocurrencies with cash and then it usually goes straight into your digital wallet. However, there is ONLY ONE cryptocurrency ATM company in all of San Diego, CA that is even capable of buying your crypto from you and dispensing cash. That company is Bitcoin ATM Pros.
                Utilizing their MSB and FinCEN licensing, BAP is able to buy and sell at their ATMs and they even have an option to provide you with a paper wallet if you don’t yet have a digital wallet set up. A “paper wallet” you say?? Yes, a paper wallet which is a variation of a wallet that simply lists your public and private keys on it in order for its users to access their cryptocurrency through a digital wallet at a later time. This is a revolutionary setup for the currency industry. Anyone with a smart phone can use these ATMs.
              31% of people around the globe don’t have a bank account! This poses a major problem for these folks to send and receive money. Bitcoin ATM Pros aims to make financial wealth and prosperity more accessible for these people. In fact, some countries still don’t have a reputable banking industry or even a legitimate currency that holds real-world value. Access to crypto ATMs with a buy and sell option is a crucial step toward evening the playing field for those that are less fortunate. 48.33% of the global population have a smart phone which means they can easily use a BAP ATM.
The majority of the crypto ATM companies have only one true motivation for their existence. They want money. They want to charge customers up to 30% per transaction so that they can maximize fee accumulation and they don’t dispense cash because that would require servicing the ATMs physically. This is not the motive of Bitcoin ATM Pros. This company has dreams and ambitions to change the financial world in to a fair and honest wealth distribution system using digital assets as a one-world-currency. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and literally every single cryptocurrency that exists is the same value no matter where it is traded, purchased, or sold. This is the only way to ensure that when someone in Somalia works all day doing manual labor is going to be compensated fairly when compared to a construction worker in Boston, MA who works the same number of hours. For too long, have major corporations, big banking, and high-profile politicians controlled the flow of wealth and prosperity around the world. Technology has come far enough to put an end to the unfair distribution of global wealth. There is one company leading the effort in this currency revolution. There is one business that exists to convert the “old ways” into the “new age” of money. There is one group of professionals that are genuinely concerned with the unacceptable monetary system that currently exists. Those REAL professionals are Bitcoin ATM Pros.
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bitcoin-atm-pros · 3 years
“Cryptocurrency: A Frightening New World”
An article by Peter Hengst 07/09/2021
             There are so many changes occurring in the way we think about money. After the gold standard fell off in 1933, the actual idea of money has completely transformed. We now know that all money only holds value based on the belief of the people that it is worth something. As a consensus, we all agree that a single US dollar note is worth only one dollar and no more. We all know that there is no longer any silver in new quarters that are created, and even pennies are made with copper plated zinc to avoid the use of expensive minerals. This means we are at a major crossroad in the way we view currency. Why is it valuable, and why do we prefer to be able to see it with our own eyes? Cash, coins, checks, and credit cards have always been the preferred way to conduct commerce. This is an old way that worked well, before the digital age propelled us into a computer-based lifestyle. Now we order everything online. From groceries delivered by Wal-Mart, to pretty much anything else that exists delivered by Amazon. This preference to have items brought straight to your home by retail giants makes using paper and coin money less sensible. What if there was a way to pay for things anywhere in the world using a currency that remains the same relative price regardless of location, and can be securely transmitted within minutes using a smartphone? That is cryptocurrency.
           Cryptocurrency is a concept that many people have been avoiding because they truly do not understand it. The most common statement I have heard by folks who have yet to adopt the idea of crypto is “it’s not real money, it’s fake.” Well, I want to know what makes money REAL? The United States prints money with almost no regard for various reasons including keeping up with population growth and this causes inflation to occur. That means by design, the dollar becomes less valuable overtime and we must spend more to get the same products. This monetary system is failing miserably.
           It used to be that people could trust their money to a banking system and they would be obliged to use the conveniences of this industry so that they didn’t have to walk around carrying a fortune in cash. Perhaps before my time, banks were set up to be more trustworthy and less expensive. That is no longer the case. Now banks charge fees for every type of transaction, and when you walk into a bank with a plan to pull out all your money, it generally isn’t possible as they no longer have access to large sums of cash. This seems unfair to me. If I want my $20,000 in cash that I have in an account immediately, I am forced to wait multiple days because the bank doesn’t have that much money in it! The bank, where people go to deposit thousands of dollars everyday, doesn't have the money for me when I immediately need it. This will never happen with cryptocurrency.
           When dealing with cryptocurrency, an individual can access their funds in full or partially at any time, anywhere, for any reason. The control of your funds becomes completely decided upon by you, the owner of those funds. If you want to send $5 or $500,000 worth of Bitcoin from one wallet to another, it will occur within 10 minutes on average and the fee for either amount will remain the same. This is the ultimate form of financial freedom. A cryptographic algorithm is attached to every transaction that hits the blockchain so that miners must collectively agree that a transaction is correctly verified before finalizing it which keeps your funds as safe as possible. That is not the case with traditional banking. A central hub for each bank is easily hackable giving criminals access to your account funds and all of your personal information. They could hack into your bank’s central computer and steal your identity as well as all of your money leaving you with no available funds and a multitude of credit issues. This is impossible when dealing in cryptocurrency because it is completely anonymous.
           When we consider the differences between the current banking industry, and the newly available financial option of cryptocurrency, it seems like a no-brainer to me. Crypto is more secure, convenient, fast, and logical given the digital age we are in now. If you are still on the fence about changing the way you view money, then by all means continue to get used and taken advantage of by big banking until you become broke. Otherwise, join the revolution and get yourself set-up with a digital wallet and buy some crypto. It will be your first step toward true financial freedom.
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bitcoin-atm-pros · 3 years
The story behind Southern California’s “Bitcoin Exchange”
An article by Peter Hengst 07/05/2021
 If you drive down Garnet Avenue toward the coast in Pacific Beach, you will clearly see a brand-new establishment at 1552 that says “Bitcoin Exchange.” Could it be? Is there really a face-to-face cryptocurrency exchange available to the general public right in the heart of the most popular beach town in San Diego County? The answer is YES! Through the ambitious vision of owner Michael Cuillard, you now have the ability to get over-the-counter digital asset exchange service in a very welcoming environment. This establishment is the absolute first of its kind. A place where you can literally go speak with a representative about which cryptocurrency would work best for you based on your personal preferences. Whether you want to find a long-term investment or just became curious about the media “buzz” surrounding the digital asset community, Coin Pros and their Bitcoin Exchange have you covered.
The world has been changing very rapidly with the rise of digital communication technology. With every passing day, we are inching closer to being capable of buying virtually anything online without having to speak to another human being. The benefits of this include: instant purchasing with the click of a button, home delivery of goods, and 24/7 customer support. However, not everyone is comfortable forfeiting their personal information to a random online company in hopes that they receive whatever goods or service were pictured on the website. In fact, many people prefer to avoid online purchases altogether. This type of situation is more common than a lot us expect. There are still a ton of people who have yet to enter the crypto space due to the nature of its online only availability.
           The reasons above convey the necessity of an over-the-counter cryptocurrency exchange; therefore, Coin Pros has decided to open their very own Bitcoin Exchange in Pacific Beach, CA. This a highly populated area with many young and prosperous individuals. It also happens to be a tourist hotspot because of its many popular bars and restaurants so close to the ocean. A perfect location for a service that allows customers to walk in and purchase various cryptocurrencies or sell what they already have in order to receive cash. This provides customers who may be a bit skeptical about online identity verification an opportunity to speak to a Coin Pros representative and handle transactions in-person.
           I will be the first to admit that when I entered the world of cryptocurrencies, I was apprehensive. Here was a place where you can blindly send a string of characters that represent a digital wallet value into a blockchain and then hopefully miners verify the transaction quickly and it gets eventually completed to each party’s satisfaction. A worrisome scenario for anybody new to the space. It doesn’t help that most online exchanges require many seemingly absurd levels of know-your-customer identity verification. Some even ask users to submit a picture of them holding their passport in order to even withdraw their crypto. This does not promote trust for the user because it seems more likely that your identity could be compromised given that your identity documents(passport) are now uploaded to a random exchange that is probably from a different country.
           Wary and curious people, who are interested in crypto, will now have a brick-and-mortar location with Coin Pros employees to help them feel more comfortable with all of their future cryptocurrency transactions. The Bitcoin Exchange is that place, and they are changing the game to include this option in a world that seems to only cater to people online. If you are still not sure if a cryptocurrency investment is for you, then come see the professionals at the Bitcoin Exchange at 1552 Garnet Avenue Pacific Beach, CA 92109.
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bitcoin-atm-pros · 3 years
A cryptocurrency revolution is quietly taking place and most people are unaware of its future significance
An article by Peter Hengst
             The majority of people have heard the term Bitcoin at least one time in their life. Surprisingly, this is typically the extent in which the average individual’s knowledge of the cryptocurrency space is. The world of digital assets and blockchain technology is still in its infancy and has yet to even begin the ascent to its eventual reign. What Satoshi Nakamoto started with creating Bitcoin in 2010, has now produced a boom of alt coins that are being produced every day. To even begin to comprehend the level of growth in this industry we must take a look at the current number of alt coins available today. There are over 10,000 cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin. Many have their obvious reasons for existing: they provide open application blockchain availability like Ethereum, they connect smart contracts with external data sources like Chainlink, or they may even just be a payment network that is processed slightly faster than Bitcoin is like Litecoin. However, many of the alt coins available on the market today are utterly useless and are referred to as “meme coins.” These include Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Safemoon to name a few.
What constitutes a “meme coin?” Well for starters, meme coins have absolutely no utility behind the investment. This means that the company or project behind these meme coins have no reason to exist other than to gain popularity through social media sites and therefore gain money through purchasers of their cryptocurrencies. This can make it quite difficult for someone who is not educated in the digital asset community to make the right decision when buying their first coins. An average person will see what is trending online and assume that whatever they read on Elon Musk’s twitter page will someday help them become rich like him. I assure you that this is not the way to seek out the next best cryptocurrency for your investment.
             A utility backed digital asset is of the upmost importance when considering which to invest in. Would you buy Amazon or Tesla stock if they actually had no real companies to make the price grow? If Amazon wasn’t even a website to purchase things, but instead was just a few people trying to get your money by posting memes then I am positive that their stock price would not be so high. This is all leading up to the introduction of the world’s most meaningfully backed utility cryptocurrency token to ever be created: the BAP Token. The BAP token at www.baptoken.com is a way to invest directly in an already successful and established corporation Bitcoin ATM Pros. This company places digital asset automated teller service machines in locations that are underserved in this category. Communities who have a need for accessible money transmission with currencies that are accepted worldwide. Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and Ethereum are all sold and purchased on their ATMs. Individuals that receive any of these cryptocurrencies to their digital wallets can instantly pull out these funds in the form of fiat currency with a BAP ATM. If someone in Thailand sends $100 worth of BTC to their child going to college in California and they need to convert this to cash, then they can simply find a BAP ATM near them on coinatmradar.com and use it for this process. Or if an individual with cash wants to send their money to a relative almost instantly, they can buy BTC from a BAP ATM and then use their new BTC wallet to send that same Bitcoin to whomever needs the funds. These conveniences are not as widespread yet as they certainly will be within the coming years. This puts Bitcoin ATM Pros and their plan to rapidly expand, lightyears ahead of the game.
             With the idea to have up to 600 crypto ATMs placed within a year of their token launch, Bitcoin ATM Pros is leading the way in a currency revolution. The BAP token, which is currently in a pre-sale state and listed at only $0.05, has the potential to be more than 100X the current price as early as 1 year from now. The way this token is set up will perpetuate the growth of Bitcoin ATM Pros and in turn the price of the token. Every single BAP token that is purchased will impact the expansion of additional ATMs in to areas that desperately need it. Additionally, each and every BAP token holder will be rewarded quarterly with a dividend payout that comes from the fees generated by the ATMs. 10% of all profits made by BAP through their ATMs goes right back into the pockets of their investors. This is an unheard-of level of generosity and promise. Never before has there been anything even close to this type of arrangement in the cryptocurrency space. Given the nature of the BAP token, analysts believe that they have finally found a new token with the growth potential of Bitcoin itself. The next level of cryptocurrency revolution is currently taking place. Will you be on this train or watch is zoom past you as you are left at the station? BAP TOKEN www.baptoken.com
Core Team of Bitcoin ATM Pros and the BAP token-
Michael Cuillard- CEO and Owner
Peter Hengst- Executive Director of Marketing
Thomas Gray- Web Developer and Graphic Design
Links- www.baptoken.com
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bitcoin-atm-pros · 3 years
“How easy is it to give away free money? Actually, quite difficult!”
An article by Peter Hengst
In the crypto space there is a common term that involves expanding wallet holders and overall token transfers. It is called an “Airdrop.” An airdrop is a way for a new cryptocurrency company to give out their tokens to people in an attempt to gain traction in the industry and showcase their popularity and legitimacy on the blockchain. Imagine if the government wanted to try out a new form of money. In order to get as many people involved as possible, they would have to have a large quantity of people who owned some of this currency or it would always remain unknown. For that to happen, they would either have to pass a ton of it out for free to the general public or demand everyone to switch to the new currency with force. This is essentially what many new crypto firms are attempting as we speak. They are attempting to get a strong following for their digital currency in order for enough people to collectively agree that it has value. Since even the leaders of the crypto space have no authority to force a new currency onto the general population, the only alternative is a free airdrop.
          Airdrops are a great way to stimulate growth and also create a “buzz” about your new cryptocurrency. Alternatively, they can sound too good to be true for a lot of people and then they will label you as scam. Once enough individuals have decided that you are a scam, it can be very difficult to come back from. The problem is that with our current society we have a lack of trust in our fellow peers. How can someone be willing to give away something for free that they believe will be worth money? Why would they knowingly pass it out like Halloween candy if it holds value in their mind? The true reason a person would be willing to distribute some of their tokens to the masses for free is because they believe in their token and want to remain completely transparent about their project. If they have nothing to hide, then they are willing to spread around the wealth and knowledge of their company in order to get more people involved. If it were a scam, then it wouldn’t be free. Nobody in history has gained anything from a scam by literally giving people free stuff.
          The initial airdrop is a tough hump to get over. Since nobody knows anything about you or your token, then it seems unreasonable for them to trust a single word you say. After you are able to get a few people to accept your offer for free tokens, they will be able to prove to their peers that the airdrop is real. Once confirmed real, it will be a snowball affect and more and more people will be interested in receiving the airdrop. If you plan on conducting an airdrop for your token, it is wise to have an outlet for people to ask questions or get assistance with their wallet creation. Telegram, FB, IG, Discord, Medium, Twitter, and Reddit are great forums for this type of outlet. Trying to launch a token without a place for people to communicate with you directly will seem very suspicious to most people. Accountability is the key focus for managing a token launch and the best way to do that is remaining available to anyone in need of information.
          What does all this mean? Is a free airdrop the way to go for expanding the reach of token holders in the early stages of a token launch? Absolutely it is. The single fastest way to get more people involved in your project is to give them a piece of the project for free. Just be sure to include a link to your website with available information about the utility behind your token. List any available data publicly so that it is obvious that you are not trying to hide anything. Be sure to include, in detail, every aspect of your business with a road map to your goals that shows a timeline to reach each one. Additionally, have a meet the team web page so that everybody who has helped you create your business is accounted for and can be proven to be real people. The public prefers to see a face and a profile for the people involved in a project. This allows them to decide if the team is capable of making a real cryptocurrency successful based on their education backgrounds and work history.
          Given my own personal experience with conducting an airdrop, I was able to conclude that it is a fantastic opportunity for a new cryptocurrency project to expand their influence rapidly. This does not mean that there won’t be hurdles. The key will be to avoid getting discouraged by every obnoxious person claiming online that you are a scammer or rug-pull. Instead, keep your head up and be confident in your project’s legitimacy and potential growth. If you truly believe that you have a special and unique token, then nothing should stop you from achieving success.
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bitcoin-atm-pros · 3 years
The REAL professionals in the crypto ATM game
An article by Peter Hengst
                There are several cryptocurrency ATM companies that have sprouted up in the past 5 years or so. People have the definite need for access to these types of teller services. Perhaps you are on vacation and spent all of your cash. Then you realize that you have exhausted your main bank account or there is a hold put on it since you are out of your normal area and an automatic security measure is enforced to avoid identity theft. Well how would you get the cash that you need to continue to enjoy your vacay? The answer is simple, find a BAP(Bitcoin ATM Pros) cryptocurrency ATM and sell your digital assets directly to the machine and it will dispense cash. Now we all know that the typical crypto ATMs allow the purchasing of cryptocurrencies with cash and then it usually goes straight into your digital wallet. However, there is ONLY ONE cryptocurrency ATM company in all of San Diego, CA that is even capable of buying your crypto from you and dispensing cash. That company is Bitcoin ATM Pros.
                Utilizing their MSB and FinCEN licensing, BAP is able to buy and sell at their ATMs and they even have an option to provide you with a paper wallet if you don’t yet have a digital wallet set up. A “paper wallet” you say?? Yes, a paper wallet which is a variation of a wallet that simply lists your public and private keys on it in order for its users to access their cryptocurrency through a digital wallet at a later time. This is a revolutionary setup for the currency industry. Anyone with a smart phone can use these ATMs.
              31% of people around the globe don’t have a bank account! This poses a major problem for these folks to send and receive money. Bitcoin ATM Pros aims to make financial wealth and prosperity more accessible for these people. In fact, some countries still don’t have a reputable banking industry or even a legitimate currency that holds real-world value. Access to crypto ATMs with a buy and sell option is a crucial step toward evening the playing field for those that are less fortunate. 48.33% of the global population have a smart phone which means they can easily use a BAP ATM.
The majority of the crypto ATM companies have only one true motivation for their existence. They want money. They want to charge customers up to 30% per transaction so that they can maximize fee accumulation and they don’t dispense cash because that would require servicing the ATMs physically. This is not the motive of Bitcoin ATM Pros. This company has dreams and ambitions to change the financial world in to a fair and honest wealth distribution system using digital assets as a one-world-currency. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and literally every single cryptocurrency that exists is the same value no matter where it is traded, purchased, or sold. This is the only way to ensure that when someone in Somalia works all day doing manual labor is going to be compensated fairly when compared to a construction worker in Boston, MA who works the same number of hours. For too long, have major corporations, big banking, and high-profile politicians controlled the flow of wealth and prosperity around the world. Technology has come far enough to put an end to the unfair distribution of global wealth. There is one company leading the effort in this currency revolution. There is one business that exists to convert the “old ways” into the “new age” of money. There is one group of professionals that are genuinely concerned with the unacceptable monetary system that currently exists. Those REAL professionals are Bitcoin ATM Pros.
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bitcoin-atm-pros · 3 years
The story behind Southern California’s “Bitcoin Exchange”
An article by Peter Hengst 07/05/2021
 If you drive down Garnet Avenue toward the coast in Pacific Beach, you will clearly see a brand-new establishment at 1552 that says “Bitcoin Exchange.” Could it be? Is there really a face-to-face cryptocurrency exchange available to the general public right in the heart of the most popular beach town in San Diego County? The answer is YES! Through the ambitious vision of owner Michael Cuillard, you now have the ability to get over-the-counter digital asset exchange service in a very welcoming environment. This establishment is the absolute first of its kind. A place where you can literally go speak with a representative about which cryptocurrency would work best for you based on your personal preferences. Whether you want to find a long-term investment or just became curious about the media “buzz” surrounding the digital asset community, Coin Pros and their Bitcoin Exchange have you covered.
The world has been changing very rapidly with the rise of digital communication technology. With every passing day, we are inching closer to being capable of buying virtually anything online without having to speak to another human being. The benefits of this include: instant purchasing with the click of a button, home delivery of goods, and 24/7 customer support. However, not everyone is comfortable forfeiting their personal information to a random online company in hopes that they receive whatever goods or service were pictured on the website. In fact, many people prefer to avoid online purchases altogether. This type of situation is more common than a lot us expect. There are still a ton of people who have yet to enter the crypto space due to the nature of its online only availability.
           The reasons above convey the necessity of an over-the-counter cryptocurrency exchange; therefore, Coin Pros has decided to open their very own Bitcoin Exchange in Pacific Beach, CA. This a highly populated area with many young and prosperous individuals. It also happens to be a tourist hotspot because of its many popular bars and restaurants so close to the ocean. A perfect location for a service that allows customers to walk in and purchase various cryptocurrencies or sell what they already have in order to receive cash. This provides customers who may be a bit skeptical about online identity verification an opportunity to speak to a Coin Pros representative and handle transactions in-person.
           I will be the first to admit that when I entered the world of cryptocurrencies, I was apprehensive. Here was a place where you can blindly send a string of characters that represent a digital wallet value into a blockchain and then hopefully miners verify the transaction quickly and it gets eventually completed to each party’s satisfaction. A worrisome scenario for anybody new to the space. It doesn’t help that most online exchanges require many seemingly absurd levels of know-your-customer identity verification. Some even ask users to submit a picture of them holding their passport in order to even withdraw their crypto. This does not promote trust for the user because it seems more likely that your identity could be compromised given that your identity documents(passport) are now uploaded to a random exchange that is probably from a different country.
           Wary and curious people, who are interested in crypto, will now have a brick-and-mortar location with Coin Pros employees to help them feel more comfortable with all of their future cryptocurrency transactions. The Bitcoin Exchange is that place, and they are changing the game to include this option in a world that seems to only cater to people online. If you are still not sure if a cryptocurrency investment is for you, then come see the professionals at the Bitcoin Exchange at 1552 Garnet Avenue Pacific Beach, CA 92109.
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bitcoin-atm-pros · 3 years
BAP Token presale is on!!
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bitcoin-atm-pros · 3 years
A cryptocurrency revolution is quietly taking place and most people are unaware of its future significance
An article by Peter Hengst
             The majority of people have heard the term Bitcoin at least one time in their life. Surprisingly, this is typically the extent in which the average individual’s knowledge of the cryptocurrency space is. The world of digital assets and blockchain technology is still in its infancy and has yet to even begin the ascent to its eventual reign. What Satoshi Nakamoto started with creating Bitcoin in 2010, has now produced a boom of alt coins that are being produced every day. To even begin to comprehend the level of growth in this industry we must take a look at the current number of alt coins available today. There are over 10,000 cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin. Many have their obvious reasons for existing: they provide open application blockchain availability like Ethereum, they connect smart contracts with external data sources like Chainlink, or they may even just be a payment network that is processed slightly faster than Bitcoin is like Litecoin. However, many of the alt coins available on the market today are utterly useless and are referred to as “meme coins.” These include Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Safemoon to name a few.
What constitutes a “meme coin?” Well for starters, meme coins have absolutely no utility behind the investment. This means that the company or project behind these meme coins have no reason to exist other than to gain popularity through social media sites and therefore gain money through purchasers of their cryptocurrencies. This can make it quite difficult for someone who is not educated in the digital asset community to make the right decision when buying their first coins. An average person will see what is trending online and assume that whatever they read on Elon Musk’s twitter page will someday help them become rich like him. I assure you that this is not the way to seek out the next best cryptocurrency for your investment.
             A utility backed digital asset is of the upmost importance when considering which to invest in. Would you buy Amazon or Tesla stock if they actually had no real companies to make the price grow? If Amazon wasn’t even a website to purchase things, but instead was just a few people trying to get your money by posting memes then I am positive that their stock price would not be so high. This is all leading up to the introduction of the world’s most meaningfully backed utility cryptocurrency token to ever be created: the BAP Token. The BAP token at www.baptoken.com is a way to invest directly in an already successful and established corporation Bitcoin ATM Pros. This company places digital asset automated teller service machines in locations that are underserved in this category. Communities who have a need for accessible money transmission with currencies that are accepted worldwide. Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and Ethereum are all sold and purchased on their ATMs. Individuals that receive any of these cryptocurrencies to their digital wallets can instantly pull out these funds in the form of fiat currency with a BAP ATM. If someone in Thailand sends $100 worth of BTC to their child going to college in California and they need to convert this to cash, then they can simply find a BAP ATM near them on coinatmradar.com and use it for this process. Or if an individual with cash wants to send their money to a relative almost instantly, they can buy BTC from a BAP ATM and then use their new BTC wallet to send that same Bitcoin to whomever needs the funds. These conveniences are not as widespread yet as they certainly will be within the coming years. This puts Bitcoin ATM Pros and their plan to rapidly expand, lightyears ahead of the game.
             With the idea to have up to 600 crypto ATMs placed within a year of their token launch, Bitcoin ATM Pros is leading the way in a currency revolution. The BAP token, which is currently in a pre-sale state and listed at only $0.05, has the potential to be more than 100X the current price as early as 1 year from now. The way this token is set up will perpetuate the growth of Bitcoin ATM Pros and in turn the price of the token. Every single BAP token that is purchased will impact the expansion of additional ATMs in to areas that desperately need it. Additionally, each and every BAP token holder will be rewarded quarterly with a dividend payout that comes from the fees generated by the ATMs. 10% of all profits made by BAP through their ATMs goes right back into the pockets of their investors. This is an unheard-of level of generosity and promise. Never before has there been anything even close to this type of arrangement in the cryptocurrency space. Given the nature of the BAP token, analysts believe that they have finally found a new token with the growth potential of Bitcoin itself. The next level of cryptocurrency revolution is currently taking place. Will you be on this train or watch is zoom past you as you are left at the station? BAP TOKEN www.baptoken.com
Core Team of Bitcoin ATM Pros and the BAP token-
Michael Cuillard- CEO and Owner
Peter Hengst- Executive Director of Marketing
Thomas Gray- Web Developer and Graphic Design
Links- www.baptoken.com
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