I was always meant to meet you because a world where I didn't is too painful to imagine. Therefore, the only world I will accept: I was always meant to meet you.
You were always meant to leave me because a world where you don't is too perfect to imagine. Therefore, the only world I can accept: you were always meant to leave me.
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Our word is almost. Almost here, almost gone. Almost lovers, almost not.
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In The Village
In my heart, there is a village  Where my happiness rings past the countryside Tolling all the bells with soundwaves of my joy The fields of wheat rustling in the winds of my laughter
Where the clouds part to share the sun in my chest and spill gentle light into the houses at dawn, to wake the day The lazy cats bathing in its heat
Where my peace slows the restless rivers And calms the crying babes And gentles the rainstorm into rain
Where my memories can be seen in the sky every night Painting our stories in constellations like a tapestry of us That mothers read to the children as they rock them to sleep
Where my bliss is nectar in the water and wine And ambrosia served on tables of pine 
I wish you could walk through this village  That your ears could ring with my happiness Pass the tolling bells, and hear the harmonies of my joy Run through the wheatfields, the wind leaving you breathless with laughter 
I wish you could see the clouds part and share the sun shine on your face  Waking your days with morning gold spilling in through the windows The purrs of the contented cat filling the room
I wish you could walk barefoot in the stones of the slow river Sharing smiles with the wide eyed babies Feel the rivulets of rain run down your arms 
I wish that at night you could see my memories in sky And see the tapestry of our story I have painted into constellations And fall asleep to my favorite pieces being told
I wish you could taste my bliss from water and wine And savor it by ambrosia served on tables of pine
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the day before new year's eve
I dreamt of you last night. It is notable not because it was the first time this occurred (it was not) but because it was the first of its nature, and of the remarkable timing. The day before new year's eve you stabbed my heart and left me for dead. Two nights later, I was... Not cursed, for there was far too much happiness in the dream to be a curse. Not gifted, for there was far too much pain in the dream to be a gift. The details have lost themselves, taken with them their shine and substance. Only the hazy impression on my emotions remains, a shadow of ash marking out its silhouette, coupled with the agony of what clarity remains. We are on a bed, laughing, smiling. Although I do not know how, I am certain in the knowledge that we will give ourselves to each other tonight. I remember us touching, not how, or where, or who, merely the fact that we did. Your thigh presses in between my legs. You say you love me. I wake up.
Each flash of unadulterated happiness from the memories carries me higher.
They are then swiftly followed by waves of sickness and sadness that slam me in to the ocean floor, their great forces filling me with nausea.
I want to tell you my dream. I've thought of it most every waking second. The words constantly threaten to spill out of my mind and my hands. But the day before new year's eve you stabbed me in the heart and left me for dead. Now you will know nothing from my head.
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Incomplete (i give in)
It was a symbol, I knew that much. But of what, I was lost. There were many things it could be, and yet nothing fit. For love, for hope, for reminder. Each answer half right and two thirds wrong. For love, but a string could not be love. For hope, but a string could not offer hope. For reminder, but a string was not needed to remember. At an end, I accepted that it was an unknowable meaning, and all that mattered was that it continued to carry it.
And then
in a sudden burst of epiphany
and an oh of familiarity
I knew.
For defiance.
For you can not me stop me from loving you. For you can not steal away my hope. For you can not take my memories.
For no matter your conviction of choices, I will exist in quiet rebellion of every one of them.
For I will love you, even when you do not love me. For I will have hope, even when you give me no cause. For I will remember, even when you pretend there is nothing to.
For I will hide my love, I will silence my hopes, I will act as though you never kissed me and told me I was beautiful, and I will tie a string of crimson red to my wrist to flaunt my love and scream my hopes and s-
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paper wishes
I have a paper wish made soft with touch, the edges frayed with prayer, the writing weathered and the ink smeared, blue blurring across the bottom. A velveteen love letter, became Real. A message out of a bottle, never sent.
You have a paper wish still stiff with protection, the edges cut with care, the writing clean and the ink sharp, bound inside a barrier of blue. A treasured love letter, still Real. A message in a bottle, never seen.
A wish can cross the three-hundred mile distance in less time than a clock ticks a minute. But count out every second I'll still do until my wish finally comes true.
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promise me tomorrow
(a poem for a mechanical engineer who doesn’t understand metaphors)
I don't need flowers or a gold ring. I don't need chocolates or gifts wrapped in string. I don't need to be your one-and-only, your everything.
I know the path forward is unclear and you can't guarantee me a year. I know I don't much look forward to grabbing lunch at the end of this very long month. I know I can't really see myself still having you in a week.
I only ask you to stay for one more day. It's okay if you can't promise you'll never go if you'll promise me tomorrow.
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As I try to sleep and fail, I find myself in a rare opportunity to think, of how the world would let me, would it be kinder.
Would the world be kinder it would let me press my palm into the center of your chest and let my fingers stretch and spread and hold.
To feel past skin, rib, and muscle and push into the solid comfort of the fact of your existence. Would the world be kinder it would let me lay my arm across your stomach and watch it rise. Up and down, up and down. Like the tide of a quiet lake, tugging my restless thoughts into rest.
it would let us lay in such a way that I could not tell the difference between your body and mine. We would tangle together in a knot of inequivelant exchange, comfort and warmth and peace increasing with every pass.
But still I am blessed, I suppose. Blessed to see the blue of your shirts and the floof of your hair. Blessed to hear your voice following me into dreams and your thoughts accompanying my days. Blessed to remember your touch branding my skin and soothing my burns.
Would the world be kinder it would not let me know you much at all. We would talk, I am sure, perhaps even often. I would be happy, I am sure, with the life I would live. But I can not find it in my self to believe that I would be blessed to see the blue of your shirts and the floof your hair and hear your voice following me into dreams and your thoughts accompanying my days and remember your touch branding my skin and soothing my burns.
If this world is an unkind world, let it be one I choose to live in.
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The Limit Does Not Exist
I know what it's like to falter at the possibility of failure. I know what it's like to shy away from struggles. I know what it's like to run from any and all risk. My life has been spent calculating the exact equation to avoid the most pain; a guess and check with my heart at stake. It's evolved from a choice to a reflex; I never knew any other way to live.
And yet.
These days, I find myself wanting to fight, to face raging fires head on and step forward. You don't give me bravery, you don't make me stronger. You give me a reason. A reason to have bravery, a reason to be stronger. Because the fear of missing out on you, that fear could move mountains. I will climb my Everest of insecurity a thousand and one times if you were waiting at the peak.
And let me tell you, this, this terrifies me. This foolhardy heart, rushing in to danger. I am throwing myself in the sky to touch the stars, knowing the higher I reach the faster I will fall. There is no end in sight for me, no boundary the suffering cannot cross. The upper limit of my almost-pain is undefinable, but with it my almost-happiness.
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Dragon Age: Origins Gang AU
The Theirins (aka Cailan) are basically the reigning mafia and they are known as the Royalty and have ultimate control over all of the gang territory in Ferelden. All of the races are gangs that don’t want to piss off the Royalty. So there is a gang of savages called the Darkspawn, and they decide to have a territory war with the Royalty for like, the fifth time. So the Royalty calls upon the gang that they have a contract with, the Grey Wardens. Basically the Grey Wardens protect the Royalty and they mostly do protection services. They're a first defense kinda thing. And in return, the Royalty allows members of the Grey Wardens to pass through and conduct business in all Royalty territory.
The Grey Wardens of old were said to use manual tanks called Griffins, that would blow up when activated by someone. Then the amount of people willing to die for the cause went down, forcing them to stop using them. To remember them, their official graffiti tag is an image of a Griffin (as in the animal).
The Grey Wardens have the Royalty-given right to go around conscripting others from other gangs. So the Darkspawn gang has a territory war with the Royalty over Ostagar, because they have no territory and they want more. The Grey Wardens are called upon, and Loghain, who is the strategist for the Royalty, does his betrayal thing. The remaining Wardens (Alistair and the Warden) go around dealing with the members of the Darkspawn gang, and conscripting the other gangs to help them in the final battle.
The basic gangs correlate with the races. The dwarves are part of a mysterious gang simply known as "Orzammar" who mostly deal with the black market using 'underground' trading routes called "the Deep Roads." And the Circle is a drug trafficking ring, you know, magic and all that, and they pay off the Templars in drugs. The Templars are the police, and they are mostly focused on shutting down the Circle. The Chantry is a prostitution ring, mostly because Leliana comes from it. The Dalish gang is known as the Dalish, and they deal in human trafficking, and lend out slaves to the Royalty. The Qunari are known as the Qunari, and they deal in loan sharking.
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My Hero Academy Fantasy/Royalty AU
The leader of Bakugo's nation is decided by competition or combat of some kind, and bakugou is the underdog bc he's young, way young. Like younger by at least 5 to 10 years than the other youngest, younger by decades to the oldest competitor
And bakugo comes out of nowhere and is doubted and made fun of and looked down on and laughed at but he absolutely fucking crushes it. And he stays at the top each year, youngest ruler in history of the nation. Because Bakugo needs doubt to thrive.
Throughout the series time and time again, at least 80 percent of his motivation for trying to win various battles is to prove deku or whoever is doubting him (usually deku) wrong
That's what pushes him to strive for the best, to go that one step further. That's why he fought so hard against todoroki in the sports festival arc, because todo, by not fighting his best, was basically insulting bakugo and doubting him
And why he didn't count it as a victory because his opponent wasn't taking him seriously. So imagine, bakugo comes from a nation like that, fights that hard to earn his leadership, and when he meets puny anxious deku for the first time, he instantly hates him, because not only did not earn his station, but he is also colossally failing to live up to all might. So bakugo has no respect for him. And when bakugou meets todo, he feels similarly about not earning his station, but he also can tell there's a fighting spirit inside of todo, and can tell there's a strength burning inside him, that he is choosing not to show, which is the greatest possible insult in bakugou nation, so he insults him and ribs him and eggs him onto try and make him crack and make the fight in him show thru vs deku who also has strength but a) doesn't even see his own strength and b) is ruled by his fear, so his weakness is much more prominent
But bakugo can tell Todoroki is aware of and actively suppressing his fighting spirit
So for kirishima l'm gonna pull a bit from harry potter and say that like wizards can have "seconds" for duels, in bakugo's nation, you can pick a "constant second." Which is like a godfather and power of attorney all at once
If you die it's their job to manage your "estate", to help your significant other(s) with help around the house, to help take care of children, and the like. If you are challenged to an honor fight and are critically injured/in a coma/need to go see your son's ball game, your second can fight in your stead. And kirishima is bakugo's second and vice versa
I think it's generally not a thing to make your spouse your second, because half the point of the second is to help the spouse with stuff when you can't do it anymore. If the second is the spouse, spouse doesn't get extra help. But seconds are basically equivalent to spouses in terms of importance, they're like blood brothers/sisters
So the rest of the bakusquad is what, sero Mina and kaminari?
So since it's a semi-barbarian Nation, I don't think their leader system it too complicated
It's most likely officially just the leader plus their second and spouse
There' s no official court or advIsers or whatever
If they wanted a leader could just do whatever they wanted with no contact with anyone else
So Mina sero and kaminari are just the besties since babies/self assigned bakugo hype squad (along with kirishima)
Asui is in dekus kingdom, maybe she helps in the kitchens, I know she mentioned cooking for her siblings in the ova? She works in the castle to help support her younger siblings
Momo is in todo's kingdom, she's a childhood friend and the daughter of an important noble
Hatsume is in deku's kingdom, obviously as the apprentice to the court hero support person (who is the hero support dude for ua)
Shinsou will probably be in deku squad. He'll be aizawa's apprentice. Aizawa is on the king's (All might's) personal guard
bet Shinsou's parents work in the castle, and he has known aizawa since he was a baby, and basically latched onto him (He got aizawa as a teacher the same way Ed and al got Izumi lol)
In the show, dekus anxiety has a very simple equation: pressure - chance to prove self at that exact moment = anxiety. The more pressure there is the worse it gets, all the way up until the the pressure point happens, which is when his strength shows through. He gets better withstanding the pressure as the show goes on, but he doesn't start improving until he's built confidence from proving himself. Royalty au deku had lived his whole life with the pressure of a gigantic legacy, but has never had a chance to prove himself worthy of the legacy (because all might is still alive therefore king, meaning deku can't prove himself a good king, which is what he's worried about). He's also never had the chance to build confidence he has in the show, because of the aforementioned lack of chances to prove himself. So he has all of the anxiety he has in the beginning of the show, multiplied by a billion.
All might had also been shown time and time again to be a giant softie emotionally, when it comes to deku. He pushed him past his physical limits in the training, but he has never trained him to show a front past "always smiling". All might in Canon is the no 1 hero, with the expectations from an entire country that he will always be perfect all the time and will always make the right call, and he is training deku to bear those same expectations. Despite all this, he is kinda shitty at teaching deku. This is equatable to a king training his son to take his place someday, so it's fair to assume that the same will apply, and king yagi would be shitty at preparing his son to be a king.
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Megamind My Hero Academy AU
Metroman kinda has a Todoroki backstory but not exactly the same
Where his parents have these crazy high expectations of him being a hero, but not nearly as overtly abusive as Todoroki's are
His dad is more or less uncaring, doesn't really give a shit
But his mom is always pushing him to rise to exceed expectations
And both his parents have pretty tame quriks
So metroman's was like this out of nowhere crazy happenstance of powerful quirks
And it's such a rarity that the whole world is watching him from the day he was born
So he grows up with the pressure of the world on his shoulders, never really getting to pick his own path, everything is predestined
Gets into UA and all that
And then you have Roxanne, who maybe has a quirk for truth telling (in a sense, people trust her easioy/tend to let things slip) or maybe she has a knack of being able to feel when something big is about to go down and the general direction it will happen
Which means from an early age she becomes accustomed to tracking down these events
By her high school years she's been running a wildly popular YouTube channel and blog of the ongoing of hero vs villain stuff
And since she has a "spider sense" for danger she regularly goes out to battles and records it while making commentary
Which leaves us to the most important character
Maybe Megamind had two parents who loved him very very much, but who lost their lives due to 'heroical malpractice' (I. E. It was the heros fault and not the villains)
Leaving poor megs to be thrown into the system, being bounced from foster home to foster home
(side note, metromans parents are also dead, from the same fight as megamind parents, but as a result of the villains actions)
So mega, although he may be a sweet baby, his quirk of hyper intelligence and the resulting curiosity means he gets tends to get himself into trouble easily. And while this may be considered cute when he's 6 months old, the older he gets the worse it gets and the more people start to hate him for it
He grows up deeply distrustful of heros and the system and the lack of checks against heroic malpractice
And of course he knows about metroman, who is in the public eye from the word go
And he actually shares metroman's birthday
And so by the time mega is 18 he's landed himself in juvie so many times it feels more like home than any forster him he's ever been in
Usually due to designing wacky inventions that somehow cause lots of property damage to wherever he's staying
Minion is an AI his parents created hosted in a stuffed fish plush
That's kinda like what Jarvis is to tony, but with minions personality
So we have 18 yo metroman, with the most powerful quirk the world has ever seen (which is basically just ofa, but like, early early days ofa when it wasn't reaching quirk singularity yet). He's spent his whole life with the eyes of the world watching his every move, never getting to choose what he wants to do in life, people always just assuming he'd become a hero. He has no one who really knows the true him. The closest thing to a friend he has is Roxanne Ritchi, wonder reporter, who's been following his progress like everyone else, except she doesn't ever report on his love life or his backstory, she's always interested in the real truth. But even then he hasn't really truly opened up to her
Then you have Roxanne Ritchi, wonder reporter, who's got ever single hero news agency in the world fighting over the chance to hire her. While she has millions of followers on YouTube alone, not even counting Facebook Twitter or Instagram, and is gaining attention around the world for her truthful and factual, yet empathetic and humanizing hero profiles, as well as her A+ field reporting, never missing a second of the action, going out to cover the fight even when all others wouldnt be within a 10 mile radius of the fight, and not least of all her interviews that manage to engage even the most restrained heros, and always bring out the best in whoever she's talking to
(and of course, the whole planet plus the next one over all assume she is in a secret love affair with metroman. There's never any proof of course, but isn't it obvious that two such clearly talented individuals would be together, especially since metroman seems to be one of miss Ritchi's favorite heros to work with? It's only natural /s)
But despite all that fame, Roxanne doesn't really have anyone she's every truly connected with off the camera. Sure, she's always happy to catch a meal with metroman, but surely he can't really consider her a friend, not when he must know so many amazing heros of his caliber
And finally, that leaves us with megamind, the up and coming villain that everyone seems to think they have all worked out, but not a single human actually knows. While he hasn't achieved anywhere near the renown roxanne and metroman have, he's determined to become known as the world's greatest supervillain. Sadly he doesn't quite have all the kinks worked out, because no matter how many times he tries his plans always turn into a flaming dumpster of failure. But he swears that one day he'll go up against that stupid metroman and win. He's obsessively watched every fight, read every article, seen every interview, all in the name of gaining the knowledge to find his weakness
This also means that, by proxy, he's become quite well acquainted with miss Ritchis work, and has made it a point to leave a multiple paragraph comment on all of her work regarding metroman, filled with "creative" insults towards the hero, and yets still somehow managing to give heaps of praise to miss Ritchi. He's also watched and read every single video or article she's ever published.
Including the one and only video she made about megamind himself, back when he was first stepping into real villainy. He may have watched that more than once. Maybe a lot more than once. possible at least once a day, more if it was one of his failed plans days
((oh yeah all his comments are made under a fake name. 1 guess what that name is. Spoiler, it's Bernard))
He leaves a veritable essay on that video, critiquing and examining every line she says, except the ones that hit too close to home, of course
Anyways, that's the stage set for years of battles and hijinks to come, with a seasoned reporter documenting every second
Even though she seems to get kidnapped more than literally any other civilian out there
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