bitteralmondbutter · 35 minutes
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young couple wearing surgical masks leaning in to kiss (1990s)
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bitteralmondbutter · 35 minutes
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Ecofascism and American Christianity have a lot in common.
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bitteralmondbutter · 37 minutes
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San Francisco. Julio 2024
Minolta Freedom Fuji Superia 200
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bitteralmondbutter · 37 minutes
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VIVETTA Spring/Summer RTW 2025 if you want to support this blog consider donating to:ko-fi.com/fashionrunways
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bitteralmondbutter · 38 minutes
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i would give anything to live inside her mind for a day
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bitteralmondbutter · 39 minutes
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Luis Xertu (Mexican, 1985) - Laying Body (2019)
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bitteralmondbutter · 40 minutes
watching all these crybaby libdems piss their pants and flip on chappell roan bc she asked them to use their own critical thinking skills and come to their own conclusion rather than blindly and uncritically endorsing a genocidal warmongerer is actually insane
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bitteralmondbutter · 40 minutes
all ur gross n unethical fantasies are safe with me
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bitteralmondbutter · 41 minutes
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bitteralmondbutter · 1 hour
💗multifandom-shipping-and-my-trash 🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣follow
Honestly, I don’t get why everyone’s so obsessed with “walkable cities” and this whole “car brain” concept. People need cars. They’re not just a convenience—they’re a necessity. What, am I supposed to walk two miles to the grocery store with bags cutting into my hands? If anything, pedestrians make things harder by clogging up intersections and slowing down traffic. If we really cared about safety, we’d focus on driver safety, not pedestrians who refuse to look both ways. 🤷‍♂️
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bitteralmondbutter · 2 hours
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bitteralmondbutter · 2 hours
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Psych 5x08
>> Bonus
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bitteralmondbutter · 8 hours
Okay no I need to talk about the book version of Howl's Moving Castle. I love the movie but the book has such a different vibe and you, yes you, should read it.
Movie Howl is a soulful and quiet. Book Howl is a drama queen and Causing Problems and has a long string of jilted exes and couldn't shut up if you paid him.
Sophie and Howl drive each other up the wall at the beginning and it's really funny. Sophie and Howl are (despite themselves) very much in love by the end and they still drive each other up the wall and it's even funnier.
In the movie, Howl has been ordered by the king to participate in The War, and Howl is avoiding it because he is a brave conscientious objector. In the book, Howl has been ordered by the king to rescue his lost brother from the Witch of the Wastes, and Howl is avoiding it by any means necessary because he is a cowardly weasel who wants to stay as far from the Witch as possible.
In the movie, the Witch cursed Sophie because she was jealous about Howl speaking to Sophie for five minutes. In the book, the Witch cursed Sophie because Sophie had been doing surprisingly powerful magic for years without knowing it and it was actually starting to cut into the Witch's plans. (Sophie does not discover any of this until nearly the end of the book, but the reader can start to pick it up much earlier and the way Sophie's magic works is pretty darn cool.)
In the movie, there's a rumor that Howl eats the hearts of maidens, but this is implied to be nothing but nasty fearmongering. In the book, there's a rumor that Howl eats the hearts of maidens because Howl started the rumor so people would stop asking him to do wizard junk all the time.
The book lightly parodies a couple of tropes from Western fairy tales. In particular Sophie has internalized that, as the eldest of three sisters, her "destiny" is to fail so that her younger sisters will look cooler when they succeed, which is why she's so resigned to the hat shop at the beginning. (Sidebar: Sophie's sisters come up much more in the book and they're great.) There's also a really funny bit where Sophie attempts to operate a pair of seven-league boots.
In the movie, the fourth and final location that the magic door connects to is some sort of black void / mindscape / time portal dealy. In the book the fourth location is Wales, in the UK, on Earth, so that Howl can visit his family, because from Howl's perspective this is an isekai story.
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bitteralmondbutter · 8 hours
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he is enjoying the rain while dressed as a frog with his friend mint who is a frog
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bitteralmondbutter · 8 hours
not that either is a good thing but there is a small cosmic sort of irony to appreciate in the way that the russian invasion of ukraine and the most recent nakba happened so close together and how they through comparison made it undeniably clear how much the definition of war crime and genocide and atrocity &etc depends on the geopolitical interests of the imperial core
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bitteralmondbutter · 8 hours
(bad) Idea: Pronoun selections for multiple pronoun users where you have the ability to set relative rates of each pronoun. Like maybe like:
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See you could set relative frequencies of each pronoun, and order them.
And yes I did mock this up using Visual Basic 6. That's just how my brain works.
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bitteralmondbutter · 8 hours
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