bizmolecules9dm · 2 months
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bizmolecules9dm · 3 months
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bizmolecules9dm · 3 months
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bizmolecules9dm · 3 months
5 Key Benefits Of Hiring a Recruitment Agency
Recruitment agencies also known as HR consultancies, employment agencies, and placement organizations, are in simple terms a bridge between the eligible candidate who is looking for the opportunity and the company who is looking for the talented workforce for their organization. In short recruitment agency is connecting the dots between the right people to the right opportunity. Businesses are experts in their respective fields, but recruiting, screening, shortlisting, interviewing, and background checks all to get the right person on the floor is a time-consuming, costly, and a not easy process, Recruiting and working on the process selection is done, is a very stressful and time taking process. 
Skill-based hiring- Every job has eligibility criteria and a list of skills that one must possess to get the job. Bizmolecules is the recruitment agency in Delhi that focuses on skill full hiring not just the degree & experience. At Bizmolecules we go out of the way to evaluate skills specific to the role evaluate behaviour based on situational questions that tells how candidate acts in real-world scenarios, we also encourage portfolio reflecting skill-based knowledge in action, this skill centric approach help companies can get talented employees and the candidate gets the chance to showcase their abilities beyond the resume.
Streamlined hiring- A vast talent pool turns into endless paperwork & time-consuming interviews; Businesses wants to select the right candidate at minimum cost with no extra time. At Bizmolecules we focus to provide recruitment services in shortest delivery time, with the strategy to  providing pre-qualified candidates who are fit for your companies’ need and you have to spend less time interviewing them, Thinking about background verification? Don’t worry about references, verification, or documentation, we handle all the complexities of the process, so that you can focus on what matters the most.
Industry knowledge and Competitive awareness- HR consultancy have in depth knowledge about specific industry, its unique trends and competitors. This in-depth knowledge helps making strategic decisions with company’s specific needs and challenges in the recruitment process. Analysing the competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and what they are offering helps in convincing the deserving candidates. Investing in an HR consultancy with deep industry understanding and competitive awareness is not only investment in recruitment but also an investment in company’s future because it helps in attracting and retaining the best talent for the company. 
Maintaining ethical employment standards- If you have hired a recruitment agency, it is their responsibility as well to do transparent communication with the candidate about their rights, responsibilities & duties of them in the organization and cross check all the documentation of the candidate before selection to avoid any legal risk in the future.
Specialist recruitment knowledge- Screening multiple candidates every day and raising red flag if there is any sign. This is what they do best! Employment agency go beyond to evaluate skills, culturally fit from your company and experience they hold according to industry standards.
Extended reach- HR consultancy has large and complex network all over the country from which they can connect businesses to their desired candidates from different regions/cities. Such employment agency has an upper hand as they have good terms with colleges and universities, professional organizations to get talent hunt, also use of advance technologies and online platforms for advertising job and attracting the candidate who matches the specific requirements of the organization. Because of this networking you get result faster, stay ahead of your competitor’s and save a lot of time.
Negotiate salaries- Organizations do not have to worry about the salary negotiation, HR consultancy is aware of the industry’s salary standards, what competitors are offering, what is your company’s budget and what are the expectation of the candidate. HR consultancy discusses salary proactively and can act as advocate of fair deal and negotiate with the candidate by guiding them about the benefits of the company and future prospers. This is a win-win situation for both parties because you will not spend time interviewing everyone and then in the end lose deserving candidates because of long time negotiating, also the candidate feels respectful and valued.
Businesses are expert in their respective domains and getting talented staff is their right and it’s our responsibility that they get what they deserve. With employment agency you get skilled workforce, industry insight, losing on time, effort, and cost.
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bizmolecules9dm · 3 months
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We Hire the Best for You!
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