bizzamayvillanueva · 1 year
Media Manipulation on Nestle's Milo Advertisement
This commercial is an advertisement that promotes Nestle's Milo, which is a powdered chocolate malt drink that contains significant vitamins and minerals curated to fit the nutritious needs of its consumers. In this advertisement, Milo is promoted through a specific campaign that is continuously shown throughout the commercial. The campaign tagline is "Beat energy gap," which entails that drinking Milo, especially for those who are in younger age groups, would increase their energy and help them function all throughout the day. There are a lot of factors that can be considered in making this advertisement successful when it comes to persuading its viewers to purchase the energy drink product. One of the factors here is the way the product is advertised; It does not state the specific nutritious content of Milo, and instead, it only showcases the general benefits of what an energy drink should contain. Another important factor that contributed to this commercial is the involvement of famous personalities, which made the whole commercial more persuasive in convincing the consumers to buy the product. It is oblivious that the intended audience for this commercial is consumers from within the age groups of young kids to adolescents. The creators simply chose this specific age group to be their target audience for the short clip since their product is specifically made to cater to the nutritious needs of consumers at this stage.
Hypothetically, this advertisement is good since it promotes a product that can help improve the health of young people, and at the same time, it helps in promoting the benefits of exercise, which is another sub-theme that the advertisement correlates itself to. Even though this advertisement has a positive outlook, it still fits the category of media manipulation, which is celebrity endorsements. It manipulates media in a way that convinces consumers to purchase the product because a certain celebrity, such as James Reid, is promoting it. Since this actor is known for his commendable fitness goals, more people would be susceptible to believing that he is probably healthy because he also intakes this product. His addition to the advertisement provides a great marketing strategy since he is famous, and people who support him would definitely purchase Milo, knowing that he is their primary endorser. This type of marketing strategy is proven to be effective, as stated in the study of Freire et al. (2018), which says that celebrity endorsements are effective in improving brand name and overall exposure of a product because these people are famous, it attracts consumers also to get influenced by their lifestyle.
Freire, O., Quevedo-Silva, F., Scrivano, P. (2018). The effectiveness of celebrity endorsement in aspiring new celebrities: Examining the effects of brand, congruence, charisma and overexposure | Emerald Insight. RAUSP Management Journal, 53(3), 289–303. https://doi.org/10.1108//RAUSP
Nestlé Philippines. (2016). Watch James Reid’s MILO Champ Moves to #BeatEnergyGap | Nestlé PH [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QbYvIsaTWw
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