bizzeebeebossb · 4 years
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Today I went to my twentieth session of physical therapy and was astounded that my PT asked me to put my knee on the ground. This is not something I had done in over a year and while it shouldn’t be a big deal, there is a small part of my brain that really fought against this. I slowly sat my knee on the carpet and as I carefully got used to adjusting my weight, it was a revelation that this would no longer hurt me. Sure, I must ease myself into this position and ease my way out, but my body is slowly coming back to me.
I was never a Yogi or someone who liked to stretch much (and it’s quite possible that my tight tendons and muscles increased the severity of my injury), but attempting to do a “Bird Dog” pose where you start off on your knees and slowly extend one arm and then extend the opposite leg challenged me as much as any workout would have in the past. My hips are sore, my hamstrings and glutes haven’t been activated in months and my quadricep has atrophied so much it hurts to take a walk longer than one mile. While this may sound like I’m complaining or talking myself out of these exercises, it’s imperative that I continue to strengthen my body on both sides and use caution to do so. Jane Fonda leg lifts, hip bridges and walking parallel with a loop band can do wonders.
The best exercise for overcoming my knee injury (prescribed only after I could bend the knee to 120 degrees) has bicycling or rather, using a stationary bike and this is something I plan to continue long after physical therapy is no longer needed. While cardio can be boring, the knee is a hinge joint and the pedaling motion is what the knee does best. It really feels good and helps loosen scar tissue and I even notice a loosening feeling in my incisions after a twenty-minute ride.
 *Note: This is not intended to be used as medical advice. Please consult your physician or surgeon before attempting any exercises while injured.
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bizzeebeebossb · 4 years
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October 17, 2020: Roughly 9 weeks post surgery. Scars are less tender and mobility is coming back. I can walk with ease and I have abandoned the clunky brace provided by the surgery center for something smaller. 
Note: Please consult your doctor or physician, if you think you have a knee injury. This blog is not intended to be used as medical advice. 
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bizzeebeebossb · 4 years
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August 17, 2020 : One week post surgery. It’s ugly but it also makes me feel like a pirate. 
Note: I am not a doctor! Please consult with a physician or orthopedic surgeon before attempting knee rehabilitation or surgery. Yeah, don’t perform surgery on yourself. 
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bizzeebeebossb · 4 years
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August 11, 2020 : A few hours post ACL Reconstruction. My life is now centered around an uncomfortable brace, pain meds and wondering how I’m going to shower, change clothes and sh** on my own. 
Note: Please consult a physican or doctor or a nurse and/or physical therapist regarding your own knee injury/health. This blog is in no way intended to substitute the advice of a medical professional. 
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bizzeebeebossb · 4 years
Please consult a physician, orthopedic surgeon and/or a physical therapist before attempting your own rehab!
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bizzeebeebossb · 4 years
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In 2019, I tore my ACL, LCL, MCL and Mensicus in a workout class - I had only one working ligament left and went from being extremely active to extremely sedentary in a matter of seconds.
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