bj-50 · 3 years
Short story
Hello, my name is Fred Phillips. I also go by Freddy, Fredrick, or Junior. I live in New York. I moved here with my mom a few years back. We moved from Tennessee; my dad had died there in a freak accident in his lab. You are wondering why you are here right now, but I am about to tell you the story of how I turned into a superhero in one day. It was a regular day; I woke up and got ready for school. My mom made me breakfast, waffles, eggs, and sausage the usual. After I finished my food told my mom bye and got on my walk to the subway. It was a wonderful day outside with little clouds. While I was walking, I just had the feeling that someone was watching me. Then, a black truck with some type of red logo on the side sped past me. But I just kept going. I stopped at this store to get myself a fidget spinner because of my ADHD, and I had lost my other one. Sorry, I forgot to mention that I have ADHD, so whenever I walk, I need something to fidget with or I will start biting my nails. But let’s get back to the story. While checking out, I noticed the cashier had a tattoo that was the same red symbol I had seen on the truck. But I ignored it, after I had chosen my fidget spinner, the cashier gave me an exciting look and said, “that’s the magical one.” I really didn’t think much about it, but I should have. When I got to the subway, I dropped my fidget spinner. As soon as I bent down to pick it up bright yellow and green light came out of it. It started making a beeping sound, then it turned into a round flat piece of metal and the lights stopped. As soon as I thought this little circus show was over, a woman’s voice coming out of the disc said, “Step on to the red circle.” I was not going to at first, but then I thought about it you only live once, so I did it. As soon as I stepped on it thrusters came out the side of the Frisbee-looking piece of metal and took me straight up into the air. As we were going up, I felt the disc forming a metal suit around me, before I knew it has covered my face and we had stopped moving. It was pitch black and all I could hear was the wind. Then I heard that women’s voice again, “Hello Fred, I’m Mary, your computer companion, you have been chosen as the mortal to protect Earth.” I asked Mary. “Why me out of everyone in the World picked? “She responded, “You are not my choosing, you were chosen by a higher power.” “Higher power?” I asked. “Yes, the Gods,” She responded.  Then she proceeded to tell me about the powers and the responsibilities of the suit. I told her that I needed to get to the subway for school and she let me fly the suit to school. When I got the school my suit came off and turned back into a fidget spinner. I was so ready to tell my best friend Rod. Rod plays football for our school, and he is incredibly good. But I remembered when Mary was telling me about the responsibilities of the suit. She told me I cannot tell anyone, even my closest friends. So, I went to school and kept my mouth shut. When I got out of school, I went to the back and put on my suit. When I got ready to take off to be on the way home, Mary told me I have a mission to complete.  She gave me the coordinates and directions to the mission. I asked her what the mission is, and she responded,” We have to get these supplies to upgrade your suit so you can have more weapons and powers. “I really didn’t want to do it because I was nervous and didn’t know if I was going to be able to use my suit correctly.  But I got some guts and went.  When I got there, I just saw a big warehouse and made sure I hovered out of their vision. I asked Mary how many guards there were. She responded,” It is 2 covering the front entrance and 6 in the inside. You can take out the 2 in the front quietly with your tranquilizer bullets.” I did not even know I had those, so I put up my hand and aimed and hit both guards with the tranquilizer.  Then I proceeded to go to the front door. I really didn’t know how I would take out the 6 people, but I decided to just wing it. I bust the door open, and no one was in there, and I saw a note that said, “Gone on Lunch Break.” Thought to myself, well that made my job a lot easier. So, I got the crate and attached it to the back of my suit so I could fly it to my house. When I got the crate secured, Mary said, “My radar is showing we have 6 Incoming enemies.” When I went out the front door, they all were waiting for me. I also noticed that all the guys had the same marking on their shirts as the black truck I saw earlier and the store clerk. But I really couldn’t figure out how those things could be connected. Mary said,” I have been installing your pulsar blasters, so when you are ready to use them, you can.” All six of the guys were unarmed, so I knew I could get them with my blasters. I shot three with my blasters, then Mary said,” Your suit needs more power to make any more blast. I asked Mary how many tranquilizers I have left she responded and said I only have one. So I knew I could take out one more, and I had to fight the other two. So, I shot the biggest guy with the tranquilizer, then I rushed the other two guys. I hit the first guy with an uppercut, and he flew into the sky. I was so confused because I did not know that the suit also gave me super strength. Then I hit the other guy with a hook and flew home. When I got home, I had to sneak into my window because it was way past when I was supposed to be home after school. I got in my room and started getting situated. As soon as I was about to shower, my mother barged into my room very angry. This was literally the angriest I’ve ever seen my mother. She told me that some men came to the door looking for me. They asked if I had been by the house and told them I was at school. She said they asked to come in because it is profoundly serious and she let them in. They sat down at the kitchen table and one of the men told her my dad is alive. They told her what happened in the lab wasn’t an accident, a group called the red eyes were the cause. The men told her that my father had found the cure for cancer and AIDS. Him finding that cure would mess up their money revenue because the patients would just have to pay for the cure instead of consistently paying for antibiotics. The Red eyes work for the people that make the antibiotics. They also told her that they stole all of my father’s technology when they caused the accident at the lab and burnt all his research. After they told my mother that, she asked the guys why should I believe you. One of them replied, “I was with him the night it all happened.” Then he pulled out a picture of him and my dad in the lab. As they were getting ready to leave, he said, “It is one last thing I have to tell you, your husband is not dead. He is still in critical condition. I know I should have told you earlier, but I really didn’t know how. But we can save him; we just need to get our tech back from the red eyes.” After my mother told me all of that, I almost had a heart attack. But I had no choice but to tell her about the suit at this point because we would need it to save my father’s life. I begin to tell my mother about everything that had happened today. At first, she didn’t even believe me, so I had to show her. I put on my suit and told her, “This is what we are going to use to save my dad’s life.”.......To Be Continued
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