bj-cb · 6 years
CAS reflections
The activities, which were included in my CAS experience have made an impact on me. Taking part in Stock competition allowed me to learn the basic principles of investing at the financial market, as well as gaining the practical skill of using financial instruments. My CAS project (which contained both creativity and service elements) also was connected to this competition. As leading the stock group I had an opportunity to show other members how in general the market works and by what factors the fluctuations in the value of a particular company is affected. It also improved my self-confidence and my abilities of giving speeches in public.  Thanks to the Amnesty International meetings I have become more sensitive to the problem of violating humans right. I always thought that such problems are only present in the developing countries; thanks to these meetings I learned that violating humans rights is still an on-going problem also in the developed countries. By taking part in “write for rights” event I could make my contribution to improve the quality of human rights. By going to the museums I learned to enjoy art. I hope that in the near future I will have more opportunities to discover the history of different cultures by art. Thanks to my action hours I improved my physical condition as coordination. What’s more by playing basketball with friends I understood how important teamwork is in order to achieve a particular goal. Although CAS was time absorbing and required determination, I think that all in all, it helped me to extend my fields of interests.    
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bj-cb · 6 years
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CAS learning outcomes
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bj-cb · 6 years
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My service signature
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bj-cb · 6 years
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As we have been obtaining some good results in the stock competition we have decided to continue investing in the Stock competition. Although we started much later than other teams, we have some good results being in the firs 80 in Poland earning 40% of the invested money.
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bj-cb · 6 years
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CAS PROJECT During last meeting some membership complained about bad stock conditions. In order to see what is happening my friend and I invested on the virtual stock in order to see what is happening. As it can be seen on the photo we earned more than 700 zlotych in one day, what would suggest a big movement in the financial sector.
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bj-cb · 6 years
Amnesty international
On our today meeting we were talking about the possible outcomes of the "Write for rights" event. We talked about the case of Phyoe Phyoe Aung, a Myanmar citizen, who was jailed because of being a human rights activist. Last year she was one the main themes of "Write for rights".
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bj-cb · 6 years
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Today was my mom's birthday so I wanted to make a surprise and I baked for her some muffins. Telling the truth I am a beginner in cooking and it was the first time that I baked something on my own. Unfortunately the result wasn't as supposed. The muffins ended up being dry and tasteless, I think that some time will pass until I try myself in backing again.
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bj-cb · 6 years
Amnesty international
Today was the first Amnesty international meeting since the "write for rights" event that I attended to. We continued to talk about people, whose rights were violated. The leader of the group recalled the story of Hanan. Her husband "disappeared" after a manifestation against the Egyptian government. When Hanan started looking for him, she was arrested by the local police. Hanan was accused of being a part of a "banned group". Personally I think that all the charges against her should be dropped.
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bj-cb · 6 years
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Second week of my winter holidays I spent in Polish mountains, where for 6 days I have been practically only skiing. I love this form of recreation, but unfortunately due to massive amount of work that I am supposed to do for school I could not found more time for this activity, maybe next year I will be able to spend more time skiing.
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bj-cb · 6 years
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The winter brake arrived as the first week I am staying in the home city, I used this opportunity to go with my friend to the National Museum in Warsaw, where a special collection dedicated to the Polish gentility was presented.
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bj-cb · 6 years
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It is high time to come back to running! This time I said to myself that I have to run 100% of my potential for 30 minutes in order to see, what is my actual form and telling the truth I was quite happy with the results.
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bj-cb · 6 years
Amnesty International
Today the "Write for right" event occurred in our school. We were supposed to read about the recipients of this year action. I found information about Mahadine and I decided to write letters in order to protect his health and life. Mahadine is a father of seven and activist, who decided to criticize the Chadian authoritarian government on Facebook. As a punishment he was strongly beaten and has been starved for days. Now he is in prison and living in hard conditions. I wrote 11 letters hoping that in this way I could help him to escape from such tragic situation.
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bj-cb · 6 years
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Today during our amnesty meeting we were talking about the preparation to the Write for Rights event, which will occur in two weeks time.
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bj-cb · 6 years
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CAS PROJECT This week our stock group meeting was especially targeted to new group members mainly from pre-IB. We were explaining them the basics of how does the stock markets function etc.
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bj-cb · 6 years
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This week I have found a little time to escape from the routine and I went to the gym. This time I was improving my biceps and triceps muscles.
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bj-cb · 6 years
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Today with my brother we spend some hours in order to build a small army of Tau Empire. Now we only have to paint them and they will be ready for the battle.
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bj-cb · 6 years
Amnesty International
Today at our Amnesty meeting we had a discussion about the themes that we will be talking about during next meetings. We have decided that we should focus on freedom of speech and its violation by the authorities.
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