Yeah, no, I get it. I couldn't even get out of bed, so you don't have to worry about that spreading, either. If there's one person I'll ever complain about, it's him, so I'm pretty sure it was me who told you. It's never going well, unfortunately. We're both pretty light sleepers, so we can't really ever mess with each other, and the less time i spend worrying about him the better.
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A week of the flu is a week spent resenting life,
Oh well that’s good. Cause like I said, I really can’t afford to get sick. Actually it’s not like I get sick all that often anyway, so it’s not really thaaaaaaat much of an issue. But I don’t want to get into the habit of it now. It’d be really unfortunate, don’t you think? Oh wait, I’ve heard that name before. From you, actually. You wanted me to prank him. Still going badly, then? It must suck to room with someone you hate. Do you ever get paranoid about sleeping in the same room as him?
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Isn't it? Especially on the week I've got a big math lesson. I am, thanks.
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A week of the flu is a week spent resenting life,
Oh the flu is horrible, are you feeling better?
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No, I'm fine now. I still have to take the meds for a few more days, but, other than that, I'm fine. Hans Isles, and yes, I hate him that much.
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A week of the flu is a week spent resenting life,
Ew, the flu. You don’t still have it, do you? I really can’t afford to get sick, it’s going to be sports seasons coming up. Who’s your roommate? Do you really hate it him that much that you’d want him to get the flu? That’s harsh bro. That’s kinda harsh.
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I don't have your number, and I wouldn't have made you come over and get yourself sick. I just made whatever there was around the room. You don't have to make me anything.
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A week of the flu is a week spent resenting life,
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I had the flu, and no.
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A week of the flu is a week spent resenting life,
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A week of the flu is a week spent resenting life,
and praying your roommate catches it from you.
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Yep. Yeah, it's no walk in the park. Oh, that big bruise. Yeah, I know about that. I didn't know he was that embarrassed about it.
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You’re his roommate? Oh, that’s not fun if he makes fun of your family. No one should make fun of someone’s family. I need to show him a better way to use cover up, because he had a big bruise on his face. I thought I should help him cover it so no one laughed when he told them how he got it. 
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Yeah, he does that to people. I get the worst of it, since I have to live with him, but I haven't heard completely nice things from everyone here. It's okay, really. [Kristoff's brows furrowed.] He what? I wasn't around for that. And honestly, the cover up doesn't surprise me.
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I guess I didn’t really know that much about him. I don’t get how someone could seem so nice but say such mean things! Oh… This is so confusing. I wish I could remember everything. [Dory ran her fingers through her hair, stopping and letting her hand just rest on her head as she thought.] I mean, I read my notes but all I had written was that we got some ice cream, I need to teach him more about cover up, and it was a secret that he tripped and hit his dresser. Oh! Oh, shoot. That was a secret. Ignore that.
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I'm with you. We need some sun in here, stat.
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I am so tired of the cold! I don’t think I remember what sunlight looks like, everything is always so grey.
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Kristoff raised an eyebrow at the boy's reaction. Something was definitely bothering the other student, but there wasn't exactly the time to ask. The clicks of high-heels were becoming louder by the second, signaling a quick approach of the short-tempered dean. "Or stay there. But when that one bitchy dean yells at you simply for being in her field of vision and gives you an earful and detention, don't say I didn't warn you." There was nothing more Kristoff believed he could do to aid the stranger, since he knew nothing about the brunet before him. So, the junior began to slowly walk away, his steps beginning to pick up as the clicks got louder and louder.
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First Carl frowned in confusion, his thick brown eyebrows almost touching each other, but then his face softened and the same sad look showed again. He didn’t know if this was a joke or very important, but the boy wasn’t in the mood to play guessing games. So he looked at the other boy with a questionable face, but stayed put. He crossed him arms over his chest and stared at the ground, waiting for an explanation. This was a bad day already, if the blond wouldn’t understand his silent questions he could just walk away, and Carl would wait for whatever would come next.
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Really? I saw my parents every weekend, and we were pretty well-off. But that's different than being so busy with just part-time jobs. Yeah, for the first time in how long?
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Of course I do- I mean, if I can find her. You know her, she's all over the place. But lately she's apparently been around some guy she calls "the one." You know who that could be?
Completely normal. Anna and I hardly saw our parents, apart from the rare weekend, because they were too busy working. And I do see you and Anna. I’m speaking to you right now, after all. 
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You – look out for her, right? When I can’t.
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Day in and day out. I think there's only one Hans in this school. That's because he puts on that face around pretty girls. [Kristoff nodded.] Yep. Called my mother some things I'd rather not repeat, then went on to talk shit about my brother.
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[Dory let out a loud laugh at Kristoff’s comment about their names.] Oh, that’s so silly. He bullies you? And your brother? Are we sure this is the same Hans? From what I wrote down, he didn’t seem like he would bully anyone. Oh, I really don’t like bullies. Especially when they make fun of someone’s family ….He really did that?
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Well, aside from the fact that he bullies me, I can name a ton of guys who he's fucked with. I was even gonna help some freshman, Jack, get revenge on him. Unless you've got something to offer him, he's gonna show you just how big of an asshole he can be.
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As it so happens, I have. Any reason why he’s an asshole who needs to be taught a lesson? Gotta ask for logistic reasons, course.
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So it's normal for me or Anna to not see or hear from you for weeks?
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I do not. I work a necessary, and normal, amount.
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That's what I was thinking, but somehow, he thought it was possible. [Kristoff's expression was slightly annoyed, not at Dory, but at Hans.] Because he bullies me and my brother to no end. He insults my family left and right and blamed me when I lashed out. He may be nice around you, but behind closed doors, he's not a likable guy. But, you might forget that anyways.
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Brothers with the same name? How silly is that! The same first name, anyway. It’d be pretty normal to have the same last name. [Dory furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when Kristoff frowned.] Sure I am! Why wouldn’t I be? I can hardly remember the specifics, but he took me to get ice cream. He even suggested the whole picture thing to me when he found out I couldn’t remember things very easily. I wrote those down on some post-its. 
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No, I believe you. It's fine, really. I mean, Olaf thought my brother and I had the same name for the longest time. [He looked at the pictures she flipped through, frowning at the sight of his roommate.] Hans? You're friends with him? [Maybe she didn't remember how much of an asshole he was, thought Kristoff.] That's a really good idea.
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Oh, no! I didn’t mean that I didn’t want to remember you or that you’re not easily remembered. I can’t remember anyone. Honest! Well, except for my family and people that I’ve known since I was little. Anyone here though? Poof, gone in an instant! That’s why I’ve been keeping pictures of everyone. [Dory opens her photo album, flipping through the faces for Kristoff with a smile.] There’s you, with your little name typed in under there, and Carl and Olaf and Hans. They’re the only photos I’ve managed to get so far. All of my friends are going in here, eventually. 
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Kristoff was trying to get out of the building as soon as possible, having no excuse to duck into a classroom. One of the deans was on one of her angry rampages, in which no student was safe from her wrath. Upon walking out, he noticed someone sitting right in her path. "Hey," he greeted, noticing the boy's expression soon after. That emotion would only worsen if the dean's rage reached him. "You might wanna get out of the building as soon as possible," he warned, looking over his shoulder for the dean.
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Sad brown eyes quickly scanned his surrounding, with a sigh the boy finally sat down on a random chair. Right now there didn’t seem to be anyone or anything that could cheer him up. Though a voice caught his attention and he looked up slowly. Trying to put on a smile, but failing terribly at it.
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