bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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Good Morning All Divine Souls..😊💐 Being Introverted... In the world, they value extroversion. But to experience constant happiness and to experience God’s presence, you need introversion and the power of concentration. One who is introverted is constantly and always happy. When you are in the awareness of yourself as a soul, the poor ego runs away and disappears. We become detached from the ego and arrogance of the body and the distractions of the world. Then we can experience God’s presence. In introversion the soul is constantly happy.
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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Good Morning All Divine Souls.. Head, heart and vision... Even though we are far apart, I feel like I am having a personal heart-to-heart conversation with each one of you. Keep truth and love in your heart. Then your vibrations will work; they will reach others. Head, heart and vision – all three are connected to one another. Whatever you hold in your heart, enters your head – that is it enters your thinking. And in turn, whatever you are thinking becomes visible in your eyes. Move through the world in this awareness and you will be serving in every moment.
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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हम चेतन शक्ति आत्मा हैं और हमारा स्वरूप है ज्योति बिन्दु वैसे ही परमात्मा अर्थात भगवान भी ज्योती बिन्दु रूप ही है हम सब आत्माएं परमात्मा के संग चांद तारों के पार की दुनियाँ परमधाम के निवासी हैं वही हमारा वास्तविक घर है परमात्मा को वहीं याद करने से आत्मा के पाप नष्ट होते हैं अर्थात आत्मा charge होती है, charge होने का अर्थ है जब परमात्मा से पवित्र उर्जा हम आत्मा पर प्रवाहित होती है तो हमारे सात चक्र खुलने लगते हैं और हमें स्वयं पर नियंत्रण होने लगता है जिससे हमारी क्षमताएं बढ़ने लगती हैं और हम जीवन में वो सब कुछ पा सकते हैं जो हम पाना चाहते हैं और अंतत: हम ईश्वर के समान परोपकारी व श्रेष्ठ बन जाते हैं, हमारे द्वारा संसार की vibration raise होने लगती है और हमारा धरा पर आना सफल होने लगता है। ॐ शांति
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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Good Morning All Divine Souls..😊💐 Create powerful thoughts Learn how to create powerful thoughts, and don’t support the habit of waste thoughts. Waste thoughts are created when we remain in body consciousness. We have to think how to give peace, happiness and love to others. This is what it means to create powerful thoughts for others. Of course, we have to suffer the return of our past actions. If we are experiencing pain, then with powerful thoughts of patience and courage, the pain goes away. This is what it means to create powerful thoughts for the self.
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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Receive light and give light to others Many in the world have lost their sense of inner peace and their sense of direction. Your own practice of self-realization and the remembrance of God allows you to lead a different kind of life, one in which you don’t waste time, money or energy. Because of this, you can make your life an example for others. Consider it to be your duty to be an example to others. My life should be such that I receive light and give light to others. Others should get inspiration from what I do.
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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Good Morning All Divine Souls...😊💐 OUR BLESSINGS CAN CHANGE OUR WORLD Blessing is a high power, pure energy or vibration which we create as thoughts and also express in words. It is important to remember that whoever our blessing is directed towards – it could be an individual, a group of people, an entire country’s population or the whole planet itself – it certainly reaches them. Being energy, it can travel even to the farthest corner of the world. Today, our world needs blessings of peace, love, compassion and happiness. Each of us can make our contributions in our own small ways and still make a big difference. If we send focused energy of blessings, we can surely transform the vibration of the world. To send blessings, we can sit in silence for a few minutes every day. During these few minutes we need to create pure and powerful thoughts and visualise them as reality. Below are a few thoughts we can create to heal and transform the world – 1. God is the Ocean of Peace. I am a peaceful soul. I connect to Him and absorb His Peace. I emerge the globe in front of me and radiate peace to the planet, to everyone in the world. Each soul on the planet is receiving God’s vibrations of peace. Peace is the natural way of living of every person. I emerge all those places where there is violence and war ... Envelope them with God’s love and peace. The vibration of the world has shifted to Peace. 2. God is the Ocean of Purity. I am a pure soul. God’s purity radiates to all elements of nature. Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether are purified with God’s energy. Nature is in harmony with humanity. All souls respect nature. Nature gives comfort, happiness and health to everyone. 3. God is the Ocean of Powers. I am a powerful soul. God’s powers radiate to every being ... empower all souls. Each soul radiates pure and powerful vibrations to every cell of their body. Every physical body on the planet is healthy. Perfect physical and mental health is natural for all.
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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Build Self - Confidence Through Healthy Mind - Talk Self-confidence is all about being strong from inside. Are you strong enough? What comes to your mind when you think of strength? Being rich or physically strong? Real strength comes from within - the belief in the self, belief in our skills, qualities and powers. Confidence is that unique and palpable sense of absolute conviction that cannot be affected by external or internal fluctuations. It is being absolutely sure and fearless. Self-confidence is a very intrinsic quality of a person that comes from within. Using external methods like dressing smart or walking faster may help to some extent, but the real self-confidence comes from within and does not require any external attire for its boosting. It is not a real confidence that comes from fear, overwhelming arrogance, the puny ego, or ethnocentric pride. It is not a real confidence that comes from a desire for power and an aspiration to dominate. But, real confidence is being true to the self in the very middle of the life-processes, even in all its chaos and complexities. To know our inherent goodness is to know, understand and realise who we really are. When one knows, understands and realises the true self, there are no limits, no doubts, no fear and no expectations, but only love, stability, courage and perfection. The only way to tap into the wisdom of inner self is to meditate. This is the tool that opens up our heart and mind. Through practice of Rajyoga meditation, we understand life in true sense of the term and this helps us build our real self-confidence. To build self-confidence, the need is to have a simple thought or healthy mind-talk or self-talk, which will take you to great heights with a peaceful mind.
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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Good Morning All Divine Souls 😊💐 We are all born with talents We are born to succeed and win. Have confidence and faith on us. When we are not aware of inner potential, we can lift a small stone from the ground. Opportunity never strikes to the people when they have inferiority complex in their mind. Fear of failures never makes people not to move an inch in their any attempts. Confidence is the master secret of all our success. We all have great mental working power. Good thoughts are the best nourishment to strengthen to our subconscious mind . Believe on our own talents . Great singers ,scientists, super stars have/had a great faith on their talnts to shine in their carrier . Talents are little me and i we have in all our mind BE PROUD OF OUR TALENTS ; THEY ARE OUR INBORN VIRTUE .
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
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Good Morning All Divine Souls 😊💐 Happiness are our blessings we offer to ourselves ; Enjoy the happiness . Be a pleasant human. Get rid of unhappiness. When we are growing with happiness we receive what we need to make our life wonderful. Lack of self confidence yields to hold the low esteem about ourselves. When we are having emotional problems we immediately drive away peace from our life. Regular bout of depression, anger and negative thinking takes away our happiness. A bad root never makes a tree to grow in good condition. We cannot pretend to be happy when we are not really happy as we have our face to show the status of our mind. Happiness are self made and do not search for happiness anywhere. A simple smile on our face while we get up brings happiness for the entire day. HAPPINESS ARE BLESSINGS WE OFFER TO OURSELVES; ENJOY THE HAPPINESS.
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