black-kaitou · 2 years
Captain Foxy
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My version of Foxy for Security Breach. He is head of Kids Cove and the one that handles any problems in the Superstar Daycare. He is the senior animatronic there and Sun and Moon act as his crew.
Unlike the Glamrocks' he works more hands on with the kids, almost always available unless specially requested for a party.
Also like the Daycare Attendent he has five fingers opposed to everyone else.
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black-kaitou · 2 years
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black-kaitou · 2 years
So been drawn into watching Gameplay of FNaF: Security Breach. And so I have been doing redraws and attempting my own drawing.
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Bonnie is still a work in progress. Freddy I drew while watching MatPat and Monty when I was watching Markiplier.
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black-kaitou · 3 years
You know something. I love Lego but this has to be the funniest thing I have discovered. I am still laughing.
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We got Clones and Mandos
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The Mando's don't have faces!
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black-kaitou · 3 years
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Best place to sleep.
(Frita the ferret)
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black-kaitou · 3 years
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So my Wife drew these and wanted me to post them. They are her first attempt at drawing Din and Boba. I think she did pretty good, she was cackling when I came home and wanted to share these two with me and with you guys.
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black-kaitou · 3 years
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Got Copic markers for Christmas and my birthday and finally started figuring out how to draw with them. Also think I found the paper I like. Chanson Marker paper. Its thin but hasn't bled through. Joe is from a screenshot that I find very cute. Will properly finish Odin from Paperinik or Duck Avenger later.
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black-kaitou · 3 years
Takes place when Donald helps Everett stop his daughters on Corona. Uno has an android body even if its not outwardly mentioned. This was written in the last ten minutes of my lunch.
So I'm a dummy and just realized that I forgot to say something. This is actually in a diffrent timeline. The boys are currently one instead of their ages in the comics.
Donald pulls the screen containing Solomon closer, the artificial intelligence flickers on the screen registering the raise in blood pressure and heart rate.
"DA?" Uno asks, watching in concern as the duck practically climbs onto the screen as if he wants to wring the AI's neck.
Everett and Raider watch in confusion as the Duck Avenger growls at the minutes.
"Where are my boys." The Avenger hisses bill against the screen.
Solomon draws the moniter back picking the duck up, "they are safe." He assures fearing the duck.
Donald hisses grasping the arm of the monitor, "where?"
Solomon looks to his brother and creator who watch in varying states of confusion and concern.
Looking back at the angered duck Solomon shakenling answers.
"They are with your brother."
Donald's rage disappears and he drops off the monitor, Uno frowns.
"Brother? What brother?" Uno asks, knowing for a fact the Avenger did not have a brother.
Donald looks at his friend and partner, "We have some catching up to do when we get home."
"I think so." Uno agrees, wondering what his dear friend has been up to for the last three years. Children and a brother that came out of nowhere. As always the duck always finds a way to surprise the superior AI.
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black-kaitou · 3 years
Been working on a fic for some time now but have hit some snags. So instead of posting the story I am putting up a short based before the main story takes place. Basically takes elements from The Legend of the Three Caballeros, The Three Caballeros, both Ducktales, and the comics. Let me know what y'all think and I might post more. I have five chapters written for the main fic with the Triplets.
Donald pauses mending the thatched roof. Raising slightly to look eastward his gaze hazy As his head tilts as if listening to something far away. 
"Donald? Donald? Donald!" Panchito yells, jolting the duck out of his trance. 
"Huh?" Donald blinks looking at his friend who is staring at him startled.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah." Donald spins around, carefully sliding down off the roof.
"Donald?" José asks, setting the thatching aside.
Donald walks a few feet away from the cabana staring eastward once again.
"I have to go." The duck says as Panchito drops to the ground.
"Go? Where?" José asks as he and Panchito join their friends' side.
In almost a trance like state Donald answers, a tension in his body as if restraining himself.
"Home." Moving forward he approaches the water, his form morphing until only a dragon remains on the beach mighty claws clawing at the sand. Fin like wings flared as the thin head raised up to the sky.
Looking up José and Panchito see two more dragons circle above, their feathers fluffing as their skin prickles a low rumble like thunder rattling through their bones.
Donald raises on his hind legs wings out balancing him. Della dives towards him, a rumble coming from her as she flies pass. Higher Scrooge roars, redirecting his path heading eastward. Della follows glancing back at her brother. As they fly back over the city Donald falls back to his feet, wings sagging as he lowers his head. 
Running across the sand José and Panchito place their hands on their friends' faces.
Touching his throat Panchito draws his fingers upwards, in a continuing gesture he returns the hand to Donald's cheek.
"Donald?" Panchito asks.
Donald tips his head looking at his friend, "Do you want to follow?" Panchito asks.
José watches as his friend growls at his shifted friend, his fingers running along part of the spinny frill.
The lithe body shivers at the question, a cry of longing coming from the dragon, "yes." Donald answers.
"Then we will help." Panchito promises and looks over to José.
"We need to follow Mr. Scrooge and Della."
"I'll make the gateway. You just need to pick the location my friend." José steps away to stand in front of the water lapping at his feet. As he takes a deep breath Panchito swings a leg over Donald's back one wing raising to allow him access.
Bringing his hands to his chest José thrusts them forward, darkness forming in front of him a few yards away, its gaping mouth large enough for Donald to easily slip through.
A rumble is José's only warning before he is tumbled through the air, twisting his umbrella materializes using the hook he grabs Panchito by the back of the jacket and pulls himself onto Donald's back just as darkness blacks out their vision.
A splash and the popping of the ears José and Panchito soon realize they are underwater. Underneath them, Donald serpentines body coiling and uncoiling as he swims, the darkness fades just as they break the surface of the chicken and parrot gasp lungfuls of misty air, droplets of water telling them they are no longer in the ocean.
Looking around Panchito realizes they are no longer in the Americas.
Leaning forward he taps Donald's neck, "where are we?"
Donald glances back at them, "Loch Rannoch."
Panchito blinks and turns his head to José, "We're in Scotland. Loch Rannoch."
"Why are we in Scotland? Where are we heading?" José asks as Donald turns to start going up a river.
"Don't know. I'll ask." Panchito answers just as Donald plunges his head under the water leaving only them and part of his wings above water.
Tapping his friend's neck Donald half resurfaces part of his head just above the water line.
"Where are we going?" Panchito asks.
A rumble quakes through his body, making both birds shiver.
"What did he say, my friend?" 
Panchito looks back, "we are heading for Dismal Downs, the ancestral territory of Clan McDuck."
"Oh." José says surprised.
Donald continues swimming before pausing at the river bank, a hum coming from him. Nodding Panchito stands up looking around the area.
"It starts to get really foggy about a thousand yards from here. But there are no people."
A rumble of acknowledgement is his only warning as Donald serges out of the water. Panchito falling into José. Running across the track Donald quickly heads for the fog bank. Twisting José glances back at the deep tracks his friend is leaving with a worried frown.
"My friend you are leaving quite a mark of passage." José points out turning back around to wrap an arm around Panchito's thin waist.
Donald rumbles just as he dives into the fog, their vision whitening out. Rubbing their eyes of the moisture they feel the cold damp weather sinking into their very bones chilling them. Shivering José squintes closer to Panchito, the cool skin of Donald under them giving little heat.
"Just a little further." Donald barks, his voice like an echo.
"What?" José looks over Panchito's shoulder.
"He said not much further."
"I know I understood him."
"What?" Panchito yells in surprise, Donald laughs.
"It is the fog. A deep magic dwells here, shielding this place from the outside world. Here you can understand us and live time as we do."
"That's amazing my friend." José relaxes into Panchito's back.
"I guess. But be warned you are meeting my grandparents."
"Are they both dragons?" Panchito asks.
Donald nods slowing in his pace, "they are the same type as my Uncle."
"So scaley." Panchito says.
"Yes. They also have membrane wings and can breath fire."
"So warmth." José says longingly.
"Just a little further Joe. Grandma will make sure you two are comfortable."
José sighs burying his beak into Panchito's jacket.
"Who else will be here?"
"Mmh." Donald thinks as he navigates the marsh. "Aunt Matilda, possibly her husband. Uncle Catfish will be here." Donald jumps a ditch making both birds jostle.
"We won't be trouble for being here will we?" José asks as he reoriants himself.
"No. Matilda's husband is allowed as was my father. You two are fine, you're with me." Donald reassures.
"That's a relief. So why the strangeness before coming here?" Panchito asks.
"Yeah." José adds, "you seemed… out of body."
Donald hesitates stopping at the top of a knoll. 
"I guess you can say it's instinct. Every Mcduck can feel it. Every ten years we have the urge to return home. This place… it's in our blood." Donald turns his head to look at them. "We can't help it, we have to come."
"So no matter what you have to do it?" Panchito asks carefully.
Donald sighs and keeps walking, "usually yes. The only time we can ignore it is if we have a reason why we can't travel."
"Like being injured?" José asks.
"That. Or caring for young. Aunt Matilda and my mother skipped some reunions when we or our cousins were small."
"Guess it would be hard to drag young ones halfway across the world." Panchito smiles.
"Even more so if you have a chick that can't fly." Donald gestures with a wing to indicate.
"But you are here." José points out.
"Thanks to you guys." Donald hums happily a bit more pep in his step.
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black-kaitou · 4 years
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One of the projects I am currently working on. Still working on a style for the background before I move to colour. But I like how my shadows are coming out.
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black-kaitou · 4 years
Its really frustrating when you have a fic idea, you write the fic out and you have nine chapters written. Only problem being... You are supposed to have ten chapters and the missing chapter is the second one!!!!
So instead of posting the fic that you really want to share and have been working on it for sixth month!!! You just stare at a blank page titles Chapter 2!!! Or you actually write something and its garbage and contradicts chapter 3!!!!
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black-kaitou · 4 years
A short story that I can't really bring myself to publish on AO3. (Like fifty others that are cluttering up my computer) Might continue eventually but going to post it now so I don't get second thoughts.
"Hello Mr. McDuck." A duck walks into the office carrying a briefcase.
"Your Anymore?" Scrooge asks.
"I am." The duck sits across from the Scottish duck. 
"Ye said ye hud something tae talk about."
"I do. For the last year we have been trying to get in contact with your nephew Mr. Duck."
"Donald? Whit does he hae tae dae wi' Ducklair Industries."
"Quite a bit actually." Anymore opens his briefcase and takes out some paperwork. "A few years ago we discovered that the last CEO who disappeared about six years ago left his shares of the company with your nephew to manage over."
"What?" Scrooge takes the paperwork and looks it over, "this says they were in a partnership."
Anymore nods, "it looks like it. And according to the document three pages back Donald is to manage the the Ducklair estate until Mr. Ducklair, the younger of course, returns."
Scrooge flips through the paperwork skim reading the documents before setting them down.
"Ah will ca' man nephew."
Anymore nods sorting through the paperwork in his case as he waits.
Thirty minutes later Donald enters the office, Louie tailing behind him on his phone. Scrooge stands up, "lad."
Donald stops crossing his arms, "You wanted me?" Donald asks as Louie wonders over to a wall and slides down to sit on the floor still playing on his phone.
"Aye lad." Scrooge picks up the paperwork offering them to Donald. Stepping forward he notices Anymore, taking the papers he asks.
"Anymore why are you here?"
"You know me Mr. Duck?"
"Ah… Uno told me about you." Donald coughs looking through the paper work.
"Is this true?" Donald asks looking at Anymore.
Louie looks up from his phone hearing his Uncle's voice crack.
"Yes. As Mr. Ducklair's partner you are second in name of the estate. He gave you equal rights to all of the Ducklair accounts and property."
"I…" Donald looks down at the papers shuffling through them, "why now?"
"We have been trying to get in contact with you for five years."
Donald grimaces, "sorry."
Anymore stands taking out a few more papers, "I have some paperwork that needs your signature to transfer things to your name."
Donald frowns, "Why? It all should still be going to Uno's account."
"It is. But there are somethings that require attention and need your input." 
"Fine." Donald steps to his Uncle's desk and swipes a pen off, "lets go over it."
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black-kaitou · 4 years
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Did another redraw from an still. This one is from a cartoon. I think it was Donald and Golf or something like that. I changed the shirt from his usual Sailor jacket and changed the pattern of the cap.
Anyone recognize the pattern? :)
Also lately I have been putting claws on the birds. I have a duel drawing of Joe and Panchito with claws as well. I might put up the current version of them.
Edit the cartoon was Donald's Golf Game
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black-kaitou · 4 years
Might be a bit random but am I the only one to think that teenage Scrooge (from the Fountain of Youth episode) looks similar to the fandom droid version of Uno?
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black-kaitou · 4 years
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black-kaitou · 4 years
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Started drawing classic Drake Mallard. And some how ended up with an headless duck while waiting for the ink to dry.
His bill is hard!!!!
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black-kaitou · 4 years
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Cute eraser
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Terrible erasing abilities.
Why does it not erase!!! I tried 2H and F and it just smears!!! I just want to do the jacket. Can I do the jacket please? Stupid cute eraser. And my door just ate me pencil. :/
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