black-poppies · 9 years
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pastel nightmare
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black-poppies · 9 years
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I thought the most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow, the million moving shapes and cul-de-sacs of shadow. There was shadow in bureau drawers and closets and suitcases, and shadow under houses and trees and stones, and shadow at the back of people’s eyes and smiles, and shadow, miles and miles and miles of it, on the night side of the earth.
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
Image:  Mecuro B Cotto
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black-poppies · 9 years
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Taxi Driver (dir. Martin Scorsese, 1976)
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black-poppies · 9 years
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black-poppies · 9 years
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i would trust captain ron with my life
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black-poppies · 9 years
What the fuck are people doing when they’re in the shower for 30 minutes
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black-poppies · 9 years
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Reasons Why Being A Nature Photographer Is The Best Job In The World.
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black-poppies · 9 years
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black-poppies · 9 years
when someone goes through your room and touches your stuff
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black-poppies · 9 years
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black-poppies · 9 years
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black-poppies · 9 years
Them: What do you remember about Middle School?
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black-poppies · 9 years
I think it’s important to realize you can miss something, but not want it back
Paulo Coelho - via itcuddles (via perfect)
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black-poppies · 9 years
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black-poppies · 9 years
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807K notes · View notes
black-poppies · 9 years
trends girls hate:
not being able to walk alone at night
not being able to walk alone at any time really
being cat called
dress codes
“not all men”
literally being murdered for turning men down
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black-poppies · 9 years
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