blackbrrn · 11 months
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[2/?] Favorite Tyler’s Instagram pictures
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blackbrrn · 1 year
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Hello, handsome 😍
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blackbrrn · 2 years
There was something special knowing that wild traditions such as body shots were reserved for Ashley’s presence in his life. The same could be said when it came to him. Ashley had a wild streak to begin with, but when Tyler was around it was amplified…as were her other senses. Ashley’s eyes lovingly gazed up towards Tyler as she laid still on the bar. Every small brush of Tyler’s fingers lingered and sent sparks through her body. Her neck craning to the side as his lips gently pressed to her skin. Electricity coursed through her body from the one simple swipe of his tongue on her neck. She held still enough for him to sprinkle a few shakes of salt onto the designated spot. Before she knew it, his tongue was on her neck once more, with his lips brushing against her own as he took the lime as a chaser. She selfishly hated that the lime was the buffer between their lips, as she craved to kiss him again. She sat up with her legs dangling over the end of the bar, reaching out to pull Tyler right in between them. “Get on up here, handsome,” she grinned as she leaned in to steal a quick kiss before jumping down from the bar. As Tyler got comfortable, she ordered another shot from the bartender. In an attempt to have easier access, the blonde climbed onto the bar with Tyler, positioning herself straddling right over him. “It’s much easier this way,” she assured with a flirtatious giggle. She mimicked his earlier movements, sliding her tongue across one small spot of his neck before sprinkling a dab of salt on top. “You ready, babe?” the blonde asked, readying the filled shot glass in her hand.
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he didn’t miss a beat, hands curling around the edges of the bar as he pulled himself up onto the bar next to her. her grin was infectious, hard to wrangle off of his own lips or tamper down into something calm and collected. he laid down, the bar cool against his bare back with his hands folded over his stomach as he waited on the bartender. “i’m in your capable hands,” he said, chin doubling down to look her way for a moment. “don’t let me down.” the bartender arrived with their shot and tyler laid back down fully, allowing ashley to sprinkle salt along his neck and prepare for the shot. he tried not to think too hard about the feeling of her tongue against the side of his neck, the heat radiating off of her body in such close proximity to him. he tried not to think about what it would be like to tangle a hand in her blonde hair, pulling her back down into his orbit and kissing her again — not just a quick, fleeting thing that had seemed to sprinkle throughout their friendship as nothing more than a polite gesture, but a real kiss. he closed his eyes, smile inching across his lips. “use me however you want, gorgeous.” 
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blackbrrn · 2 years
keegan: he should get another hamster and name the next one jump. or something else to fit the verb theme.
keegan: that's a lot of s-words there. is there another 3 letter s-word you're leaving out? 👀
keegan: i wouldn't exactly call it a date. considering she JUST split with patrick. it was more like old friends catching up and enjoying dinner and a movie in the presence of children. as much as i'd love to shoot my shot with her, i also don't want to rush her into anything. especially given how long they were together.
tyler: don't encourage him. the last thing that man needs is a pet that lives, breathes, and relies on him
tyler: maybe, maybe not. that's for me to know and you to figure out.
tyler: yeaaah, we definitely don't want you to be the rebound, since everyone know how that goes. but i'm glad you guys were able to get together, even if it was just strictly platonic. i still think you should shoot your shot, though 👀
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blackbrrn · 2 years
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blackbrrn · 2 years
keegan: no idea why this is the first we're ever hearing of this hamster, but i guarantee he'll be on his swim bullshit for a long time. so you better get used to it 🤣
keegan: you booked a room for you and ash at the del mar? 👀 👀 👀
keegan: she invited me over for dinner with her and the girls, so of course i went. it was nice since rory kinda remembered me, but this was the first time meeting elliot who seemed to warm up pretty quickly. both girls are mini versions of troi, so you can imagine how gorgeous they are. we also made a pillow/blanket fort where we watched moana from.
keegan: your turn 👀
tyler: the fact he named an animal after a goddamn verb... i don't know why we keep him around.
tyler: i might have 👀 we just had a nice weekend to ourselves. sun, surf, snuggles, shots. all the s-word things
tyler: MY GUY. so basically, she invited you over to not only meet her kids, but you essentially had a family date? i'm... hella impressed, honestly, when you planning to put a ring on it?
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blackbrrn · 2 years
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tylerjblackburn: This is a game changer.
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blackbrrn · 2 years
“As if I could ever forget the way to your heart, Ty.” While her words came off teasing and playful, there was some truth held within them. Even after all these years, they still knew each other so well. It was as if no time had passed between them, they were still living in their own little world consisting of each other. “Even a month sounds too long. I say at least once every two weeks…as long as our schedules allow.” She knew at some point in time the alien show would haul him back off to set and far away from her. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t take advantage of every moment with him until that inevitably happened. Ashley couldn’t help but bite her lip as she watched the way Tyler effortlessly threw back his tequila shot. It was no surprise to anyone that she was attracted to him. But it was also growing harder to ignore the warm and fluffy feelings that blossomed inside her when she imagined potentially taking the leap into being something more than whatever it was they were. As quickly as it came, the thought left her mind as she heard the words ‘body shots’. “It’s been a long time, but you were probably there when it happened.” She flagged down the bartender and ordered another round of tequila shots for them. As he poured out two more shot glasses, Ashley slid up onto the bar and laid down right in front of where Tyler was sitting, giving him perfect access to whatever part of her body he wanted to take the shot from. The bartender slid the drinks, a salt shaker, and a few pieces of limes their way. “Ready when you are,” Ashley spoke as she placed the lime in between her lips, ready for Tyler to use as a chaser when needed. 
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“two weeks, then,” he conceded with a smile. even then, two weeks felt like a kind of eternity — he didn’t want a moment away from her, because he knew what long stretches of life without her felt like. he knew the emptiness that he carried around whenever she wasn’t, the way that everything felt slightly off-kilter and out of place as it tried to adjust to the gaping space she left every time that they were separated. 
he laughed softly, the noise rumbling in the back of his throat. “i’m sure you were. i only ever save this kind of trouble for you.” with a sparkling wink, he aided in guiding her up onto the bar as the bartender brought over the required tools for whatever recipe of disaster awaited them. for a moment, he allowed himself to look at her: laid out across the bar top, legs stretching out miles beyond the golden halo of blonde hair spilled out around her head, piece of lime the invitation between her teeth. she was ashley, always his gateway to trouble, always his reprieve from the rest of the world — she was ashley and there was no one to fill her shoes, no one to compare or even compete. the gravity of the moment (and the need to lay the groundwork for a body shot) pulled him down towards her, fingers brushing her hair to the side as lips pressed against her neck. his tongue darted out, licking a stripe down the side of her neck for the salt. his fingers curled around the salt shaker and shook out salt before he reached for the shot glass, filled to the brim with tequila. “hold still,” he mused. he was rusty in the practice but there was no going wrong when it came to her — he leaned back down to gather the salt on his tongue, head resting right near hers as he tossed the shot back before chasing with the lime. his lips brushed against hers as his teeth jutted into the flesh of the fruit; cliche as it was, she was a much better chaser than the actual lime itself, but he withheld those thoughts to himself. he grinned, placing the rind back down on the bar. “well, that was wonderful,” he commented with a small laugh. “you want me up there next, sweetheart?”
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blackbrrn · 2 years
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blackbrrn · 2 years
“Of course I like it!” Truth be told, she would be happy absolutely anywhere as long as Tyler was by her side. They could have booked the trashiest motel room and still could have turned it into a great time. “Your snoring is kind of cute, actually.” But then again everything that Tyler did was somehow cute in her eyes. “I’ll try to do my best to keep the karate kicking to a minimum,” she teased, even though he was adamant about the fact that she actually didn’t kick in the middle of the night. Once in the bathroom, she quickly changed and threw her hair up into a messy ponytail. She took one last glance in the mirror before opening the door and returning to where Tyler was waiting for her. Her eyes couldn’t help but catch sight of his toned muscles and just how gorgeous he looked perched on the edge of the bed. “Ready,” she said as she grabbed onto his hands and pulled him up from his spot at the edge of the bed. “You look super hot by the way,” she flirtatiously teased as she tugged on his hand and led him out of their hotel room and in the direction of the nearby bar. 
Upon their arrival at the bar, Ashley ordered a round of tequila shots for each of them. After all, this was technically a celebration of sorts since it was the first time they had been reunited in what felt like an eternity. They might as well start their night off with a bang. The bartender slid two shot glasses filled to the brim, as well as salt and a lime slice for each of them. The blonde licked the side of her hand, before applying a dab of salt to cut the alcohol with. “Cheers to our long anticipated reunion. And we’re making a promise to never go that long without seeing each other again,” she held her shot glass up as she spoke, clinking it with Tyler’s. She licked the dab of salt from her hand before downing the contents and cutting the taste with the lime slice. “It’s also been awhile since I’ve done shots.”
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the door opened, tyler’s chin touching his shoulder as he glanced over his shoulder at her — of course she was as gorgeous as ever, the oval shape of her face defined further with her hair up, expanses of skin exposed in her bathing suit that required a great deal of willpower to tear his eyes away from because he knew nothing good could ever come at staring at her for an extended amount of time. he smiled up at her, allowing her to pull him onto his feet as he wrapped his fingers around her palm. “lead the way then, gorgeous.”
it was a beautiful day outside, the two of them sidled up against the oceanfront bar with sand between their toes and the sun baking against their backs. “ah, you still know the way to my heart, benzo,” tyler said with a small laugh, eagerly reaching for the shot slid across the bar top. he mirrored her actions, a tiny bit of alcohol sloshing over the edge of his shot glass onto his thumb as he raised it in the air to clink against her own. “i’ll cheers to that. most time we’ll ever do away from each other is a month, and that’s only if one of us is on their death bed.” his tongue flicked against his hand to swipe up the salt, tossing back the shot and hardly allowing the tequila to settle in his stomach before sinking his teeth into the flesh of his lime slice. “seems like you’re still a pro to me,” he commented, eyebrows elevated behind the rims of his sunglasses. “the real question is, when’s the last time you did a body shot?”
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blackbrrn · 2 years
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M Y  H E A R T  🥰😍
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blackbrrn · 2 years
keegan: i have no idea why he's still grieving this hamster from his childhood. hamster's have a lifespan of like two years. he's been grieving longer than the thing was even alive.
keegan: but i may have had dinner with troian and her girls and watched moana with them. but what about you? did i see you pop up on ashley's insta? what's going on there? 👀
tyler: okay, but this is ian we're talking about. are we shocked by this news? confused? surprised? i'm not. if anything, i'm surprised it hasn't come up in conversation sooner
tyler: 👀 you did, did ya?? spill the deets, allen. 'specially if i'm gonna be telling you about how i booked a room at the del mar for me and ash this past week
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blackbrrn · 2 years
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blackbrrn · 2 years
keegan: does this little birdie also happened to have a bird obsession by chance?
keegan: hey, i'd never pass you up for anyone! how about we schedule a bro date sometime soon?
tyler: if you're referring to the guy asking for time to grieve his missing hamster from like, two decades ago, then yeah. that'd be the one. is he right???
tyler: yes, please. bro date is NECESSARY. i need you to fill me in on everything that's been going on with you, been too goddamn long
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blackbrrn · 2 years
It was a comforting feeling having Tyler’s hand intertwined with her own. It was like her missing puzzle piece had finally snapped back into place, right where it always belonged. She never let go of her hold on him until the door to their room swung open and she took everything in. She took a moment to take in the surroundings of the room, but her eyes immediately darted towards the window. She pulled the curtains back only to see the most perfect view of the beach right below them. They were in their own little version of paradise. “I think it’s gorgeous and absolutely perfect,” she replied as she made her way back towards where Tyler was standing. “Hey, I don’t kick at all in my sleep you jerk! Besides, you’re the one who snores in my ear and wakes me up!” She playfully smacked his arm as she let out a loud giggle. Even though he did have a tendency to snore occasionally, it was still something that comforted her. After all it meant that the person she loved the most in the world was right there with her, nestled by her side. Ashley reached into her suitcase and pulled out her favorite pink swimsuit and a pair of denim cutoffs. “Get changed and let’s go find that bar.” She softly pressed her lips to Tyler’s, leaving him with a soft peck before she slid into the bathroom to change.
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the slightest bit of relief fell over him, shoulders relaxing the slightest bit. he’d be content anywhere with ashley: a parking lot space, a five star hotel, the fuckin’ moon even, but it never stopped him from constantly wanting to pull out all of the stops that he wanted to give her because of her deserving them, deserving the very best that the world could possibly offer. “i’m glad you like it,” he said, only half-deflecting the hit that came his way as she called him out, smile adorning his face as a small laugh reverberated in his throat. “hey, i never claimed not to snore. besides, you’ve had years to get used to it and years worth of a break from it. if i can take you karate-kicking me in the middle of the night, i’m sure you can handle my snoring.” as she came back into orbit once again, lips against his, he allowed one of his hands to graze against her cheek, the side of his index finger tracing her jawline and lingering in the air after she backed away towards the bathroom. once she had the door closed, he began rummaging through his own duffel bag for his swim trunks. it didn’t take long to locate them, slipping out of his clothes and tossing them onto the top of his bag after he’d finished changing. he perched down on the edge of the bed, content to wait on her as long as he needed. time ran differently whenever ashley was around — there was no rush to make it from point a to b, no worries about the destination of their journey or a building anticipation in his chest to only deflate soon after. he was present in every moment he got with her, unaware of where they began and ended and hardly aware of their surroundings that didn’t consist of each other. it was how he liked life best, a way of life he’d missed so much he’d barely realized it until being back with her had struck in full force. 
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blackbrrn · 2 years
tyler: little birdie tells me you and troi are hanging out together again?
tyler: i would be happy for you if i weren't deeply hurt over you passing me up
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blackbrrn · 2 years
It was hard to ignore the cartwheels her heart was doing in the pit of her chest. Tyler’s arms around her felt like coming back home, familiar and comforting. The years they spent apart felt like centuries, yet the moment they were reunited and wrapped around one another, it felt as if no time had passed at all. His kiss still had the power to light a spark deep in her soul. They had stolen so many kisses both on and off camera in the years they had known one another. Yet each time his lips met hers, she felt the fiery passion between them. He was her best friend. Her person. Her soulmate. She fully believed that with every fiber of her being because no one on this planet compared to the man wrapped around her. She slightly leaned in to the soft touch of him sweeping her hair behind her ear. Every touch from Tyler sent electricity through her body, just like he always had. She didn’t even bother arguing with him since she was too caught up in just being in his presence once again. Her heart sped up and her smile spread as he leaned forward for another kiss. “As much as I’d love to stand here and kiss you all day, I want to go see our room and drop my stuff off. Then we can change into our swimsuits and explore that oceanside bar.” She picked up her bag with one hand and laced her other hand with Tyler’s as he guided them back towards their room. 
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smiling at her was like second nature, impossible for his muscles to not fall back on their memory when he saw the softness across her face, sparkling in her eyes. the little looks like these were the ones he selfishly hoped she shared with no one else, the ones he liked to say were reserved for him and the ones he knew he kept reserved solely for ashley alone. “c’mon, then.” he grabbed her other bag and, with his free hand, interlaced their fingers together to guide her towards the elevator. it was a quiet ride, the assuring pressure of her hand locked in his a welcome return to the comfort that was being with ashley. they made it off the elevator on their floor, tyler directing her towards their room. “got an oceanfront view, just for you,” he teased as he slipped his keycard into the slot, pushing down on the handle once the light flickered green. “after you, doll.” he let her walk inside the room first, depositing her bag next to his own luggage as he followed behind. both hands slipped into the pockets of his shorts, content to watch her take everything in. “well, whatcha think?” tyler asked quietly. “i tried getting a room with the two queens instead of the king but this one had the better view... and, well, kinda figured it was pointless. i know you don’t kick that hard in your sleep — i can take it.”
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