blackcatspaws · 10 years
15 Years
“Where do you see yourself in fifteen years time?”
Taichi stared at the paper and let out a long sigh. What kind of question is that meant to be? And aren’t these things usually five or ten years? Quickly, he scribbled down ‘soccer star’ (because ‘drinking on the coach watching soccer’ would probably get him in trouble), before moving on to the next dull and useless question.
These things were meant to help teachers guide students into a fitting career. Like okay it was their job to administer these dumb things, but some of the things he wanted to be were ‘unrealistic’ (because how many soccer stars can there be in one small country?) and jobs his teachers wanted him to do just didn’t fit.
He’d saved the world. More than once! And it wasn’t exactly a secret either! Having some privileges at school would be nice, but hey, he’d settle for not constantly being told he should just enter some boring old 1 in 50 million 9-5 office job due to his academic mediocrity.
The class was mostly silent, apart from paper flicking, pencil tapping and aggravated sighs from his classmates. He wondered what they were writing down. He wondered what the gang was writing down. He was seventeen now, and everyone else was roughly the same (give or take a little). “The future” was a vague term that was being thrown around on a ten minute basis these days. There was no chance not to think about it - if it wasn’t teachers, it was friends, and if it wasn’t friends, it was parents, and if it wasn’t parents, it was the goddamn media! There was just no escape!
He wasn’t sure what he wanted to be. The future lasted until he died after all, and went on long after that. But there were some things Taichi was sure about. Whether they were sensible or realistic didn’t really matter. He wouldn’t write them on the stupid questionnaire because the teachers would tell him to grow up, but what use were these papers anyway? There was a good chunk of people they were irrelevant to, and arrogant or not, he’d like to think that applied for him. 
When he was at home that night, he wrote out the things he wanted for the future, to the Taichi of the future.
To the me in 15 years, I hope you make your dreams reality. I hope you get to play soccer a lot. I hope you pass high school the first time around and don’t do anything dumb at graduation.  I hope you get your rashness and stubborn nature under control a little. I hope you get to make lots of money so you don’t need to worry. I hope you can help mum and dad and Hikari out when they need it. I hope you still go to the Digital World a lot. That summer was amazing. It shaped me. It shaped our group. It shaped the world. We’ve made so many friends and memories there. Please just keep going. To be with everyone, even if we’re fighting, is really all we need. There is every good trait under the sun, such awesome people, so much care and support.  We owe everything to the Digital World and to that fateful summer. To protect the memories from then, the people from then, our dreams from them - I entrust you to do that. You’re me, and I’ll be you eventually, so I hope we don’t screw this up. And most of all, I hope you’re happy. Doing all of this will get you there, so I hope to be able to get to where you are and be having the time of my life. To the me in 15 years, This is Yagami Taichi, 17 years old. Let’s make sure that be it 5, 15, or 50 years, everyone is still smiling, still laughing, still together.
These letters were homework, to be returned to and sealed by the teacher. In 15 years time, they could be collected and read. Taichi signed the envelope and dated it (August 1st), wincing at the awful indescribable taste of envelope. Carefully placing it in his bag, he couldn’t help but smile slightly.
Even if everything were to change suddenly, Taichi was confident that his desire to keep everyone safe and sound, to keep their group strong and steady, would never fail. Some of the girls in his grade were whining, saying they’d be separated after high school and it’d be awful. Taichi, despite knowing some people were planning on moving (though Mimi was never counted since she was always on a plane to somewhere or another), didn’t have this problem. The Digital World allowed them to be a computer away from each other, 24/7. 
So here’s to 15 years. 15 years on top of the memories we have. It hasn’t always been good, and sometimes its been downright awful. But a lot can happen in 15 years. And as long as I’m with everyone, the bad can be pushed past, and the good? It can only be made a million times better. 
Crawling into bed, the leader smiled again. The last years were pretty good, really. Can what happens next ever beat that? Stretching, he yawned. The only way to find out is to rush straight at it with everything we’ve got! Bring it on!
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blackcatspaws · 10 years
Regarding Kibou ni Tsuite
Updates will be spardoric. I hope for at least 10k words a month, but no promises.
This is going to have a huge cast. Over 300 characters. I'm going to need a lot of names, so I'm going to ask for help. I'm mainly looking for non English and non Japanese names, all female, so if you have names (and meanings if possible), please send them in!
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blackcatspaws · 10 years
Dear Camp Nano Tags,
Thank you for not making insanely long posts about your writing. Thank you for using read mores when necessary.
Please keep up the great work for November NaNo.
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blackcatspaws · 10 years
Kibou ni Tsuite. Prologue (3): Earth - Yuuhi wo Miteiru ka?
Fandom: AKB0048 (Minor AKB48)
Summary: After the discovery of dualium in the early 21st century, world wide war breaks out. As a result, Earth ends up being uninhabitable. After human kind moves to space, a ban on entertainment is formed. Idol group AKB48 refuses to take this lying down and wages it’s own war against those who wish to dismiss entertainment as unnecessary and evil.
“Will you be going?” “To space?” “There’s so much room for people. Things are still being made, but-” “No.” Cutting off Kojiharu before she could speak, Yukirin added, “I’d like to, but I also hope Earth can be fixed. I hope it won’t come to the point where this planet is abandoned for good. I’ve been busy for so many years, never being able to spend huge amounts of time with my family. If this is the end, I’d like to spend my days with them.”
“I see…” “What about you? Akimoto-Sensei had reserved a seat for me, so I assume he did the same for you.” Nodding, Kojiharu confirmed the statement. “He did. I’ll be heading off in a week. I don’t really have a choice.” “Of course you do.” A sly smile. “Well, if the legendary idol Kashiwagi Yuki isn’t going to bless the new world with her presence, someone needs to speak of her legend!”
Yukirin rolled her eyes, smiling anyway. “It wouldn’t hurt to exaggerate the legend a little, would it?” Laughing, the girls enjoyed their last meeting together, trying not to think they would never see each other again.
“Have you seen Momoka?” “Not for a while. Is something wrong?” “Honestly, I heard Akimoto-Sensei sent her to the new world.”
A cry of shock went throughout the room, followed by laughter. Momoka was the anti-idol, never insanely popular, not the cutest or smartest, but definitely a huge pervert. “Why would Aki-P send her to space when there are other more popular girls?”
“I guess so…”
The chortles faded away as the other girls left, still giggling quietly about Momoka of all people supposedly getting a special pass to the new world. But not everyone was convinced it was rubbish. “Miyuki?”
“I don’t think I should go. To the new world, I mean.” “But why?! Akimoto-Sensei has already got tickets for you and your family-” “I’ll send them. I just think… civilians are more important the celebrities. We shouldn’t get special treatment because we’re cute or have better opportunities.”
Sayanee sighed. “It isn’t just that. The new world is still being built. The quality of life there isn’t what it is here yet. People are going to need to work really hard to get the new planets looking like this one. Not everyone can be a labourer. That’s where entertainers come in. We help people relax and-”
“I don’t have any particular talents. My space is better going to someone who can do a variety of things.”
“I’m going, Miyuki. People are going to struggle in the new world. I want to be with NMB and give the people a little bit of home. I want to make the transition easier for them. None of my talents will be useful for anything but that either. But I want to stay with as many of my friends as possible, my family. I want to help people and forge a new world. I need support, Miyuki. You’re NMB’s ace as well. I can’t do this alone.”
Frowning, Miyuki brushed Sayaka’s hand off her shoulder. She didn’t want to stay on an abandoned planet, but she still believed her spot could go to someone with more useful talents. “…I’ll think about it.”
“That’s all I ask. Now let’s catch up with everyone, alright?”
Two weeks later, Sayaka checked her phone eagerly. Miyuki hadn’t spoken to her since they were out last, and the silence was starting to worry her. Her heart pounded as she saw who the message was from.
From: Miyuki 12:32pm Subject: I’m off Apparently our phones aren’t going to work in the new world. I’ve been designated to go to Akibastar. Aki-P says you’re going there too. Kenji is already there. He’s going to be there when every ship with one of our members arrive. I’ll get him to pass my details to you. See you soon~
Smiling, Sayaka sighed, relieved beyond measure. A quick message as a response, Sayaka went back to her own packing, full of a renewed energy.
“Takamina… never change, okay?” Sniffling, Takamina rubbed her tear stained cheeks, making Tomochin smile even more. “What do you mean?” Shaking her head, the taller girl wiped some more tears away. She really is endearing, our captain. “Apparently, Kitagawa will be at the arrival station on Akibastar, at least until the last member has arrived. I’ll give him my details, so try to find him.” “Of course! Just stay safe, okay, Tomo? We don’t know what’s-” “Takamina, whether we stay or go, we’re going to be in some form of trouble. I’m as safe there as I am here.”
“I suppose so…”
Tomochin sighed, a bit dejected. Takamina was finding the move incredibly difficult. Being forced to move to a new place, an entirely new planet was one thing, but so many of their friends and co-workers weren’t coming, or hadn’t been able to be contacted. Yui, for example, had become Takamina’s successor, saying she’d continue to lead the 48 Groups from Earth, beaming with a bright smile, though her own worries were obvious. “Make sure you say goodbye to everyone for me, alright?”
Shocked, Takamina focused more. “You didn’t say goodbye to everyone?” Tomochin looked at her children, bouncing happily in the space craft, no worries in the world. “I didn’t have the time.”
“Your husband isn’t coming, is he?” Takamina didn’t need an answer. Tomochin’s husband was kind, good looking and smart, but there was something about him as well. There had been whispers of an affair, but Tomochin had been very adamant against that idea. Takamina wasn’t sure what type of thing would keep a man away from his family, and she tried to be understanding, but she couldn’t help but hate the man. He was abandoning his family for what was apparently no reason! Shaking her shoulders, she tried to brighten the mood. “Well, just wait for me alright? When I get to space, I’ll step up and be your boyfriend!”
Snorting, Tomochin bent down to hug her, as the warning siren went off. “I require my boyfriends to be over 150cm.”
Laughing through her tears, Takamina waved as Tomochin boarded the vessel. “We’ll meet again soon! I promise!” Another siren, and guards starting pushing people away from the space craft. A third siren and the engines started, roaring, causing an incredibly strong wind. Not long after that, the machine rumbled and took off, leaving Earth for good. Those still on the ground either walked away dejectedly, or fell to the ground, wailing. Takamina was one who walked away, tears still flowing. Back only a month ago, people would have stared, but losing family members, be it by war, natural disaster, or space travel was so common nowadays, if you hadn’t been effected by one of the three you were the odd one out. Stay safe, everyone. I’ll do my best to meet you again.
“Well, it looks like this is it!” Kitarie looked at the vessel in front of them. Myao muttered about it being as big as the titanic, but Kitarie personally thought it was bigger. It was bright, perhaps silver or white, she couldn’t quite tell with the sun shining on it. Large, massive really, state of the art, fancy. She could go on. “Let’s find our seats, shall we?”
Their luggage had already been taken, the girl’s left with nothing but large totes as they crammed into the seats. “This flight will take a while right? Do we sleep in our chairs?”
Akicha nodded. “We’ve been given regulated bathroom times as well, for showering, and the showers will automatically turn off once you’ve had your share of water, so be quick.” Akicha had it quite well. Her family was allowed to travel to the new world, though at a later date, and to a place far from Akibastar, but at least they’d be able to meet eventually. Akicha was also something of an up and coming dog expert, and the Japanese government had been kind enough to let her bring her dogs (which made sense - animals needed to be introduced to the new ecosystem too).
“Ohhh, what do we have here? AKB members! It’s been a while!” “Eh!? Meetan?!” “I can’t stay, I’m afraid, I’ve been on my feet all day, but I’ll be going to Akibastar. What about you girls?”
They all confirmed they were, making the former member smile. Before she left, Myao asked, “I thought you only had one child?” The smile fell from the older woman’s face. “This is Rinatin’s daughter. Rinatin… isn’t doing to well, you see, so she asked if I’d help out with looking after dear Rika-chan here.”
“Oh… I see…” What much was there to say? Meetan hadn’t said as much, but all Kitarie could think of was that the mother wouldn’t be around much longer. They mustn’t have been asked to come into space either… And weren’t rich enough to get there themselves. She could barely mutter goodbye as Meetan left, her heart in her throat. How many other families is this happening to? Do I have a right to be here?
“Are you sure?”
Nodding, Mayuyu’s eyes gleamed. Nobody could doubt her determination to become centre, and she saw this request as an extension of that. “Komiyama Haruka absolutely must be sent to space. She needs to be a part of this project. I’m too young to have a successor, I think, but if there were anybody to be it, it would be her. Her skills will be needed as a mentor.”
Akimoto sighed. He wondered if they still had the funds, or if he was going to have to remove another girl off the reserved list (he was hoping that someone would cancel so he wouldn’t have to make that decision, but he wasn’t going to hold his breath either). “Understood. She will be sent as soon as possible. You will still be sent tomorrow. This project needs to start sooner rather than later.”
With a small smile, Mayuyu bowed. “Thank you.”
A knock at the door made them both look up. Togasaki entered. Stepping forward, Mayuyu announced she would leave, and both men thanked her for her work. “Well?” The manager pulled out a file, starting to look at who could be removed.
“Shinobu and Kitagawa have set up on Akibastar. Kitagawa is helping everyone move in to the dorms, and helping their families find new homes. Shinobu is working on finishing the dorms and setting up our new offices.”
“When was that information sent?” “It’s dated a month ago.” Sighing, Akimoto put down his pen. Having such delayed information was never good. But there was nothing he could do about it. “Have you decided what you’ll be doing yet?”
“I’ll be staying here. Yui wants to keep AKB going. I would rather my spot goes to someone younger. Here I can help the new AKB.” “You could help the new AKB in space.”
“And what about DES? Don’t you think they’ll keep trying to stop entertainment? A few of their prominent members have already gone to space, mostly on Kasumigastar.” “The Defence Entertainment Soldiers? Of course they’ll keep trying. That’s why AKB is needed.” “With all due respect, do you actually think you can make a difference?”
Akimoto put his file away. If Togasaki wasn’t going, no girl needed to be booted from the new world. Standing, he made his way to the door. “I have no clue. We can only do what we can. Until then, I think we should have a final drink, hm?”
Togasaki nodded. A lot of things were being dubbed as “the last”. It was tragic, but it was what is was and he’d made his choice. There was no going back now.
“Mm, well, I spent a lot of time in Indonesia. I don’t regret it, but if the end does come, I’d like to be in Japan with my family and friends.” “I see…” Harugon looked at Umechan. “You’re going. You’re a respected senior, after all.”
Umechan nodded. “Yuttan isn’t coming. Aki-P could only afford a certain amount, and she doesn’t have the funds for herself.” “Do you think Aki-P could send more if he tried?”
Sasshi butted in. “I think so. But not many more. He’s helping us with housing and trying to continue the franchise, so… sacrifices have to be made…” “Do you know something you aren’t telling us, Miss Manger?”
Flashing them a look, Sasshi rolled her eyes. “Stop calling me that.” Shifting, she looked around before leaning in. “I may or may not have looked at the documents saying who was being funded to head to Akibastar. Some staff were included. Aki-P’s name wasn’t on the list.”
“Mocchi and Shiichan left yesterday.” “It’s really getting down to do or die, right?” “Mmm.” Miichan flicked through her phone, looking at social media, trying to figure out who had left, who had yet to go and who was staying. “It feels like sousenkyo, where some girls are waiting until the last minute to announce candidacy.”
“But if you don’t apply for sousenkyo, the worst that happens is maybe graduation. If you don’t go to the new world, you’re losing your loved ones and a huge percentage of our facilities.”
“Oh! N46’s Erika is gone!” “Maiyan forced her. Erika was bawling.” Miichan frowned. To her, that seemed like Maiyan was staying. “Maiyan’s a good figure icon.” “Not everyone can go.” “Mari-chan, are-” “I often baby sit Tomo’s kids, y’know? I haven’t seen them in months! I’m going through withdrawals!” “Mari-chan…”
Smiling, Mariko sipped her drink. Miichan had matured a lot in the last few years. It wasn’t as easy to slip things past her anymore. “I’m going. I’ve been with AKB since I worked at the cafe. I helped the group become known, famous. I’m going to help the group start from the beginning again. Hopefully I won’t have to wear an apron this time!”
Miichan chuckled, glad the older woman was actually going. “I’ve worked hard for this group, to rebuild myself, to help New Team Four. I’ve dealt with being a nobody, struggling into fame, being demoted because of my actions and all the antis that came with it. I graduated, but I’ve been given another chance to help the group. A journey into space won’t keep me away!”
Laughing, the two of them remembered the old days and speculated what the future would hold. Mariko smiled, happy that Miichan hadn’t been able to figure out her real reason for heading to the new world. There’s something that isn’t right. Aki-P isn’t going. Tomochin knows what it is. Sasshi might. Takamina too. I won’t be left out of knowing.
“You’re an ace. It’s your duty to lead and to touch, to be the face of the group.” Haruppi wrapped her arms tightly around herself. “I was never treated like an ace here. Not fully. And now I’m suddenly expected to believe that?”
Moe shrugged. She’d met the other girl in front of the bathroom. Their scheduled time was between 7:00pm and 7:20pm. “Believe what you want. You won’t get answers unless you fight the system. I’m great at dancing, I was chosen to be a senior for any new girls that join us. I have nothing to worry about. Are you going to worry about what you were told, and fight for a truth that may not exist, or will you just be happy with your reason, especially as it’s what you’ve always wanted?”
Haruppi stared after the other girl as she entered the bathroom. Aanya had messaged her the day she was leaving. The energetic girl was already out of Earth’s orbit, so never received her response. Haruppi wondered if that was on purpose. Aanya had said how scared she was but also said how lucky her family was. HKT was the first place she had been able to make friends, the same with the other groups. She wanted to be able to spread that joy and loyalty to other people. Knowing there was a familiar face waiting for her, an energetic one who would probably know the best snack places and have gifts ready on arrival made her feel more relaxed about travelling.
Chihiro had spoken to her before they were separated, saying she wanted to lead people through this time of struggles. Is that the duty of an ace? To be someone people can look up to and follow happily? Sighing, Haruppi entered the room once there was space. It is what it is. For now, I don’t have a choice but to let it go. I can find the truth after we’ve settled in.
“Will we get to Akibastar by Christmas?” “I think the journey only takes a week, so we should make it.” Sighing, Sumire flicked through her ticket manual. “A week doing nothing but sitting. I wonder if people fight a lot, being so nervous and cooped up?”
Karen was looking through her own manual. The booklets contained a number to get onto the ship, her seat number, bathroom times, meal tickets, ship map, details about the flight… It was all rather daunting. “Don’t you think the planet names are strange? Akibastar was taken from Akihabara, apparently.”
Sumire smiled. “Most of the planet names were chosen by votes. It wasn’t hugely promoted here, so the wotas went a bit wild, taking advantage of how nobody else knew. I’m sure people will love the open space. Japan’s a small country with a lot of people. Having a whole planet should make things easier.”
“Is the whole planet full of Japanese people?” “Mostly. Some countries managed to convince the new government, the D.G.T.O, to give them their own planets. We have Akibastar, and Russia has Tundrastar, but I’m not sure which other planets were handed out.”
“Hmmm…” Flicking through her booklet again, Karen found the Akibastar section. The main city was a lot like Tokyo, but larger and less crowded. It had average temperatures and a large lake was situated on the edge of the city. She nodded as Sumire mentioned Hirarii and Melody were already on the planet, helping to set things up.
“They went due to their multilingual skills, same as Aanya. I mean, Melody isn’t as fluent as Hirarii is, but being able to speak basic Japanese as well as another language is useful.”
She hummed again, only half listening. Sumire was asked to come along due to her being a well loved senior. But… I wasn’t given a reason. It wasn’t hard to figure out though. Karen was one of the girl’s known for struggling through adversity, to be a poster girl for never giving up and working through awful situations. It was something she hated, not because she didn’t want to help people, but because she didn’t feel she did the job well. To be a poster girl for a new era, a whole planet and nation, to convince them good can come from bad… That’s a tough ask. Sighing, she accepted the drink she was offered. I just hope that wasn’t the sole reason. I hope more is expected from me than cheering people up. At this stage, I’m not even sure if I can cheer myself up.
Shimazaki Haruka. The new ace. Sayo sat on the other side of the recreational room, peering at the brooding girl over the top of her magazine. Her daughter was still sleeping, sitting with her father back in their reserved spots. She looks less salty in person. She didn’t follow AKB, or their sister groups, and hadn’t for quite a few years, but it was hard not to notice the group’s aces, especially when people kept whispering and pointing at them. The night before, she’d seen Tomonaga Mio while getting her food. The girl was surrounded by her family and looked like a nervous wreck. She’d rolled her eyes.
Famous people were important to bring, to have instant industry on hands and familiar faces for people to relate to, but there was no point bringing weak people. This was like natural selection, though chosen through an incredible bias mixed with politics, money, fame and making sure people weren’t dumped for being common. The political systems of the new world weren’t fully set yet - a wrong move on Earth could cost politicians seats in the new world. There were whispers of Japan, Akibastar, she should say, becoming a monarchy, as the Emperor’s Family was remaining on Earth. Personally, she didn’t believe it, but at this point, almost anything was possible.
“That’s not a funny joke, Sayaka.” “It isn’t a joke.”
Slamming her fists down on the table, Sae snarled. This was her friend, her team mate, her captain. They were the Twin Towers! The thought they were going to be separated, for good, with no hope of seeing each other again-! She yelled, and if the bar wasn’t full of depressed drunkards, mothers who’d given up their children, people too poor to leave and bar tenders who just didn’t care anymore, she would have been kicked out. As it was, she was allowed to rant to her heart’s content. So she did.
Sayaka didn’t interupt. When Sae sat down, chest heaving, Sayaka pushed another drink her way, a drink that was finished far too quickly. “I’m not old, or past my prime. But the Earth still has hope. Yui is still here. So are other girls. Many people still live here. Perhaps, in reality, there isn’t any hope at all. But until hope completely fades, I’ll cultivate it. Those who are younger, those with more determination, skills and courage can cultivate it elsewhere. That’s all there is.” Laughing a little, she added, “Who else will look after Princess Tomo-mi?” “You're abandoning me.”
To that, there was nothing she could say. Akimoto-Sensei had given her the opportunity to travel. She’d denied it. Sae was right. Sayaka wasn’t going back on what she said, but the two, unfortunately, went hand in hand. Scooting closer to the other girl, throwing an arm around her shoulder, Sayaka finished off her own drink and waved the bar tended over. “We’re going to need a few more rounds.”
Nishishi sighed. Jurina was bawling. She felt awful. The other girl had been so insistent that Nishishi and Rena were travelling with her, when she found out they were staying on Earth… Holding Jurina as she heaved, she tried not to cry herself. She didn’t want to die, to be abandoned, but not everyone could go. She wasn’t going to abandon her family, her friends. The Earth wasn’t blowing up, so she’d probably live a good life for a while.
Jurina didn’t hear a word of it. Rena had finally arrived and found them. The first warning siren sounded. How many times had she done this already? Saying goodbye to those she’d never meet again? This is the last time. Jurina is the last to go. I’m glad I never have to see those stupid ships again, never see so many people cry again. She’d been gentle with Jurina, but Rena was not.
“You need to go. The sirens are sounding.” “I can’t leave you!” The words were almost incomprehensible, Jurina had almost lost her voice from crying so much.
“You can, you will, you are.” Rena hugged the young girl for a moment, and Nishishi could see her eyebrows crease, her arms tighten, the bags under her eyes. Then the moment was over, and the other ace nodded at her. Sighing, she grabbed Jurina’s bag, dropped the moment the truth was admitted. Rena held Jurina’s bicep and dragged her to the ship. The second alarm sounded and Jurina fought harder. Her bag was thrown in the door, most people were moving behind the yellow line as required.
“As far as I know, there isn’t anime yet on Akibastar! I can’t decide what to take from my collection, so I need to stay with it all! My collector’s items are ra-rare, y’know?” Rena’s voice stumbled over the awful attempt at humour and Nishishi looked away. She hated seeing so many people try to be strong. “Plus, with you out of the way, I’m SKE’s only ace! Think of it as a favour to me, okay?”
A kiss on the forehead, tears streaming down her own face, and the older Matsui shoved the younger one into the shuttle. The two who would remain made their way back behind the line, as Jurina struggled to get up, having stumbled over her bag. By the time she had, the final siren had sounded, the door had shut, and she was being forced to her seat, almost hysterical. Rena crouched on the ground, in much the same way, clinging to the older girl’s leg. They stayed long after the ship had gone, lond after the sun had set.
“Merry Christmas Rena.”
“Kyou ga donna ichinichi dattaka nante~ Kaerimichi kangaeru yo ne. Kanashii koto ya tsurai koto mo aru sa. Tanoshii koto ga kachikoseba ii.”
“I wondered if you’d be here.” “The theatre is our home, Acchan. I regret not being able to be here more.” Two aces stood in front of their home. AKB, while still having plenty of members, was going through a bit of a lull, that Togasaki and Yuihan were working on, and working on strongly.
“You aren’t going either then.” Yuuko shook her head. “You were asked?” A nod in response. Silence fell upon the two of them, sitting comfortable between them as they sat in the doorway. “Takamina left today. I’m surprised you weren’t there.”
Silence. When Acchan spoke, Yuuko could tell she was either on the verge of crying or had been trying to stifle it. “I couldn’t face her. I told her I’d be joining her soon, that we’d meet up again. I couldn’t tell her that I’m not going, that we’ll never see each other again.”
The words faded toward the end, and Yuuko watched the ace, her friend, clutch her knees and sob. This was Acchan’s battle, one she couldn’t help with. There was no going back from this. All sign ups to go to the new world had finished. Her time to see Takamina, or to be able to meet Takamina in the future was gone. Saying “It’s alright” or “She’d understand” would be lies. But sometimes, a bit of false hope is better than reality.
The day began to cool, and the sun began to set. Not long after Yuuko began singing again, Acchan fell in with her. She smiled, despite the mood of the day. This was something that felt right. Acchan was her rival, her friend and team mate. Singing the same song together, a song that was meant for close friends, in front of their theatre, felt so right. Like home.
“Yuuhi ga shizumu sora wo miteiruka? Ima wo ukeireru koto, susumu koto oshiete kureru. Ushinau koto wa nanika wo, itsuka kanarazu te ni ireraru koto. Atari wa sukoshi zutsu kuraku nari, yoru wo egaku tensen mitai na hoshitachi. Nee~ Chanto ashita ga kuru made, kimi wa kimi rashiku yume wo miyou.”
“I was wondering if I would find you here.” “Akimoto-Sensei! Why are you here?” “Were you looking for us? We already said we’re staying here.”
“And you’re happy with that decision?” Acchan looked away, fists clenched. Yuuko peered at the manager, interested. “Nobody can travel into space anymore. Whether we changed our minds is irrelevant.” “People can’t travel into space anymore, true.”
“What, you gonna turn us into androids or something?” Yuuko joked, but her eyes narrowed, more than slightly annoyed at her former boss’ words. She could tell Acchan wasn’t exactly impressed with the cryptic words either.
“Or something. Let’s get something to eat. I’ll explain everything. There is a way to get to space, but there’s also a large price to pay. Tomochin and Takamina know of the plan. They don’t know of your involvement.”
Acchan immediately perked up, hearing the name’s of her friends. Yuuko was still suspicious, especially as the other two didn’t know the full plan. Tomochin isn’t the type not to scrutinise though. “We’ll hear you out. Dinner is on you, right?” Chuckling, Akimoto agreed. “Naturally.”
But she wasn’t quite done yet. A sign hung out front of the theatre; a personal message from Yui, signed by all the members. Tearing it off, she rolled it up, stuffing it in her bag. Grabbing a pen from her pocket, she scrawled a letter of apology on the board. Looking to the other two, she shrugged.
"If I’m leaving, I’m taking something to remember this place by.” If this is really it, if we really are leaving… I’ll be happy. Truly happy. But… this isn’t going to be simple. If we leave with Akimoto-Sensei, we won’t be leaving as ourselves… The choice he gives us won’t be easy. My skills alone won’t get me through this. Please, gods, if you’re listening, help me out. Help us all out. We need you more than ever.
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blackcatspaws · 10 years
Kibou ni Tsuite. Prologue (2): Earth - Beginning of the End
Fandom: AKB0048 (Minor AKB48)
Summary: After the discovery of dualium in the early 21st century, world wide war breaks out. As a result, Earth ends up being uninhabitable. After human kind moves to space, a ban on entertainment is formed. Idol group AKB48 refuses to take this lying down and wages it’s own war against those who wish to dismiss entertainment as unnecessary and evil.
Mt Fuji held a special place in the hearts of the Japanese people, as well as nature lovers world wide. It was a place associated with purity, myths and religion. It was a World Heritage Site. Yet people were calling for mines to be made, for the mountain to be destroyed, all for sake of dualium. There were just as many calling for people to back off, and that such a sacred and important place was worth more than the crystals to be found beneath it. Criticism was also given to Zodiac, with people believing they shouldn’t have let their dualium finding technology be sold so quickly, to so many people, and at such a cheap price. Criticism of world authorities was also prominent, saying dualium mining should have had stronger laws around it, that yes, while the mineral was important, so was not destroying the environment. There was no point mining something that would help reduce pollution if pollution and destruction was going to be increased to find the crystals.
“What do you think about dualium?” Takahashi Minami, AKB48’s leader, was again on tv. Answering questions about society, she was now talking about dualium. “Well, it’s good, but there are many problems that need to be thought about. It’s a difficult situation.”
Many people had the same words, politicians and protesters alike. But a common 21st century trait was greed. More and more and more was wanted, even though it may not be needed instantly. So dualium mining was continued, while the discussion about whether it should or should not be mined went back and forth. Mt Fuji was unscathed, for the time being.
With the graduations of Kuramochi Asuka, Kojima Haruna and Minegishi Minami in 2015, the anti-entertainment movement claimed a victory. “With less of the original members, of front girls and respected seniors, soon AKB will fall.” Again, the public denounced them as naysayers and weirdos, turning their attention to new planets being found. A new planet being named and detailed isn’t common, but the discovery of a whole solar system, most of which were able to support human life, was something special. Zodiac Corporation was involved, though this was not made public information.
Zodiac, in secret, started helping plan space travel. The new found planets were examined, and teams were sent to see if life could be sustained, what materials the planets held, and, being the talk of the decade, if dualium was available. Information about these new planets started leaking towards the end of the year, with populations being sent to trial some of the planets.
The end of the year also brought an intense clash about Mt Fuji. Japan had decided to protect it’s heritage site, refusing for it to be touched unless under dire circumstances. Other countries did not agree with this method, saying the island nation was weak and selfish, wanting to keep the resource to itself. Japan struck back, saying other countries wanted nothing more than to steal Japan’s resources, having wasted their own. Tensions were high. Dualium, while not running out, was becoming harder to find, and the material was being used for everything, rather than sparingly.
The beginning of December brought more crowing from the anti-entertainment believers, with the graduation of Takahashi Minami. A veteran idol of ten years, and a solo artist with two singles under her belt, she was well known in the Japanese music industry. Former members came to her Tokyo Dome and theater graduation on AKB48’s tenth anniversary (though Itano Tomomi was unable to stay for the after parties, having three young daughters to look after). Being Takamina, there were plenty of tears, but also plenty of laughs. It was described as the perfect ending for her, though it left many people worried. With no more first generation girls left, and with few original generation members remaining from any of the 48 Groups, was the 48 franchise really coming to an end? Were those against entertainment right in believing the group had not only reached it’s peak, but was only heading down from there?
Close to a year later, AKB48 and it’s sister groups were still going strong, and had just announced their first world tour. The announcement was dampened, with an announcement from the Japanese government. Dualium had lead to war. The situation was not unique to Japan, with many countries with dualium stocks having to defend themselves. The anti-entertainment movement reached a peak, fervently preaching against entertainment almost everywhere. More and more were starting to agree with them. Entertainment was something that was loved, but war was falling upon them - the world at large had far more important things to worry about.
AKB48 was called selfish for continuing their tour. The anti-entertainment movement, naming themselves DES in the middle of 2016, was snarling at them, and their followers copied their example. Was singing more important than working to defend their country? Did the girl’s not care if they lived or died? Shouldn’t the funds they had, used frivolously in their opinion, be used towards protecting the people of Japan?
Akimoto Yasushi, the group’s manager, kept quiet on the issue, only speaking positive words for the group and making sure the tour continued. This tour allowed every single member to perform on stages around the world, including members from sister groups and their foreign relatives in Indonesia and China. Many people remarked that the group truly lived up to their tag line, “Japan’s Most Sophisticated Show”, with some going so far as to say that the tag line should be changed to “The World’s Most Sophisticated Show”. Former members returned for the closing date in early 2018, singing their debut single, Sakura no Hanabiratachi, as well as other milestone songs such as Aitakatta, Heavy Rotation, Koisuru Fortune Cookie, and the original three generations sung Yuuhi wo Miteriuka?.
By then, war was truly moving. Dualium was still being mined as the girl’s returned home, many graduating and staying out of the public eye, due in part to DES’ movements, but also because outside wasn’t always safe. Dualium was found well beneath the Earth’s surface, and the mass removal of the crystals had caused an imbalance. With the natural shifting of the Earth, earthquakes, landslides and sinkholes were becoming more common. After one too many of these incidents occurred, international organisations stated that these incidents could not be classed as coincidences any more and called for the cessation of mining dualium. Not all countries obeyed the command.
Zodiac’s funds had gone into establishing societies on the new planets found, accepting the criticism hurled at it and trying to help as many people as possible. They agreed they should have been more careful and understanding with mining dualium, as well as researching it’s effects on people and the environment. While they had predicted war, they had not predicted the day would come so soon. Societies richest were able to buy their spaces onto some transport vessels, allowing them to start new lives, away from Earth’s battle zones, in which the people and planet seemed to wage war. Many politicians were going to Kasumigastar, where a new international court was being created. Others went to Okutamastar, a planet full of wide open fields and fresh, pure air. Sagittariusstar was the home of Zodiac Corporations new base of operations - not surprisingly, many people were able to get jobs, thanks to the constant space vessel production and repair need.
“It wasn’t their fault though.” “They took the blame. When people realise it wasn’t their fault, Zodiac will look even more noble, accepting a guilt that wasn’t their own and taking the initiative to fix it.”
Shifting, she looked at the older man, very clearly aged by the world’s state. “That doesn’t have anything to do with me, so why’d you bring me out here? If we’re all going to die or be blasted into space, I’d rather enjoy my last days, rather than hang out with someone old.”
Akimoto Yasushi smiled. “You’ve never been one to mince your words, Momoka. Zodiac has nothing to do with you, nor does the world’s predicament. But the world is not in a good place. And that is something I think you can help with.” “There are too many people in the world. I can’t beat sense into all of them.”
Chuckling, the manager smiled. “Instead of beating people, I have something I need you to protect. A few things, actually. For the future of our groups, but I have a feeling one day, these things may prove precious to the world at large.” Turning fully to face the man, Kinoshita Momoka narrowed her eyes. “I’m listening, old man.”
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blackcatspaws · 10 years
Kibou ni Tsuite. Prologue (1): Earth - Change
Fandom: AKB0048 (minor AKB48)
Summary: After the discovery of dualium in the early 21st century, world wide war breaks out. As a result, Earth ends up being uninhabitable. After human kind moves to space, a ban on entertainment is formed. Idol group AKB48 refuses to take this lying down and wages it's own war against those who wish to dismiss entertainment as unnecessary and evil.
Note: AKB0048 is an anime set in the future where characters are based off and succeed members of real life girl group AKB48 and their sister groups. The anime has four manga spin offs, though there are discrepancies and plot holes between all of them as well as the anime. This fic is an ambitious project that attempts to fix those discrepancies and fix the holes. As such, it may deviate from canon slightly in order to patch things up.   
Earth wasn't always uninhabitable. In fact, for over 2,000 years, it was the only place where humans lived. It was an interesting time in the early 2000’s. People thought it was the height of humanity, how there were going to be bigger and better things to come. In a way, they were right, though they probably didn’t believe they need to lose everything they loved to achieve that.
At the beginning of the year 2014, a new substance, dualium, was found, using the technology of Zodiac Corporation. Dualium was truly wonderful. It was rare, but it could do the work of oil and coal, and was more than ten times effective than either of them. Beyond that, it was truly stunning, found mostly as large light blue crystals, though also found in green, and less commonly in orange and purple.
Dualium started to be mined frequently, and the dualium boom was similar to the gold rush of years past. In order to get more, humans need to travel deeper into the ground, further than they usually were able. Technology to help was made, again with Zodiac’s help. Unfortunately, while dualium helped reduce pollution and energised more objects for less resources, the technology needed to mine it was haphazardly made. There were rumours of people being effected by the substance. Research was not undertaken and dualium continued to be mined, despite the protests and concerns.
Around the same time, disregarding the possible implications of being too close to dualium, a small group was formed. Dualium, to them, was a blessing. “Less pollution would help the environment! Dualium can power far more while using far less, being so much more cost effective! We’re able to expand the limits of technology, and explore things we couldn’t have before!” Most people agreed with them. However, the group continued, leaving most people laughing at how idiotic they were. “But in order to continue mining dualium, in order to keep the flow of this new material fast and hassle free, we need more people. If people would stop being lazy and selfish, we could do this! If people stopped being entertained, stopped being so involved in their own pleasures, rather than looking at the greater good, this could be possible!”
People laughed, shaking their heads at those who preached anti-entertainment values. After all, how were you supposed to convince the rich to do their fair share? Why did people suddenly have to give up entertainment and mine rocks? Why couldn’t you do both? How could you convince the millions in the entertainment industries, from game makers and console producers, to singers and actors, movie directors and novelists, to suddenly all quit? The idea was ludicrous. “A world without entertainment would never happen!”
And yet, the small group shrugged the words off, slowly gaining more and more members, as well as some respect. After all, those in third world countries didn’t have the same levels of entertainment - wouldn’t the banning of entertainment bring world wide equality? To the majority, the group was just a joke, a strange cult with a ridiculous hatred of something that had brought so many people joy and created a huge revenue for decades.
Before the anti-entertainment movement started, in the middle of 2014, AKB48, arguably Japan’s most popular and famous girl group, waved goodbye to it’s ace, Oshima Yuko. The middle of the year was hot, and Tokyo was crowded. Yuko, a familiar face to much of the country, managed to stay inconspicuous in Shibuya’s famous crosswalk, people watching. To her, and everyone else, the sudden news bulletin ringing throughout the crossing, announcing a large amount of dualium had been found, was just same old, boring news.
Hearing that the dualium was found under Mt Fuji changed things considerably.
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blackcatspaws · 10 years
Camp NaNo, Day 21
It's actually Day 1 for me. Oops. University was awful for the first semester unfortunately. It's the first day of mid semester break so I hope to get caught up.
I did 7,653 today, which I'm happy with. It's been a while since I wrote something, and this is a new project, so it was a bit of floundering to get the cogs turning. It took a bit longer than expected, but it's better than nothing!
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blackcatspaws · 10 years
After Graduation
TomoTomo. Long drabble. Chiyuu POV (which is strange as I don't know much about her?). On friendship, graduation and romance.
“And you’re sure this is what you want to do?” Nodding, she bit her lip. “Absolutely.” “You can announce it after the main performance then. Do your best until then.” “Yes.” He left and she was left in the room, wondering if she had truly made the right decision.
“Actually, there is one more ‘no way!’ announcement I’d like to make.” Taking a deep breath, Tomomi bit the bullet. “I, Kasai Tomomi, am graduating from AKB48.” Shouts of “you’re kidding!” and “no way!” filled the hall, along with the typical ‘ehhhhhhh’ and chants of her name. Speaking faster, wanting this experience to be over with, Tomomi hurried on quickly. “I joined when I was 14. I’ve been here for a long time and I learnt a lot of things.” She felt her vision become blurry due to tears, so played with her hair to distract her. “I’ve received a chance for a solo debut! I would like to sing songs with my own ability from now on.”
With that, she bowed again before singing her debut single, Masaka. The first part is over. I’ve announced my graduation. My half will only be done when I stand on stage for the final time.
Not too long later, fans were again screaming Tomomi. But it wasn’t her. No, it was the other Tomomi. The popular one. It was wrong to feel bitter towards Tomochin – after all, the other girl had said it herself: “TomoTomo was my youth.” They were friends, best friends, and she liked to think they were something more.
But after the other night, and how they squabbled… Chiyuu didn’t think there was any coming back from that. Tomochin wasn’t always the easiest to get along with, being stubborn and proud and fiercely determined, but they’d managed to get by. As a pair. They’d been that way for ages, until Chiyuu had been slowly moved to the back of senbatsu, before being dropped entirely.
They hadn’t truly drifted. Just… stagnated. And that was honestly so much worse. There was an awkward type of limbo between them, somewhere between more than friendship and old friends who had drifted apart.
Who does she think she is, anyway? Getting pissy at me for suddenly announcing my graduation when she had already filmed her announcement! The nerve of her!
Huffing, Tomomi changed the channel, only to be greeted with a sobbing Paruru being consoled by a kindly smiling Tomochin. Turning the tv off, she stomped off to her room. Like she even needs me anyway! What a faker!
It was her day. Her final concert. AKB members only. It was strange, having so few members on a stage. But at least, for once, I don’t have to fight as many people. Songs passed and the fans cheered. Eventually, her and Tomochin were on the same stage. Yuuhi wo Miteiru ka. A song that’s not at all biased towards the first generation. She couldn’t help but snort. Shouldn’t the second generation be singing this? But still… with the trouble I’ve caused, I suppose I’m lucky to get even this much.
They stood apart at the end. To not be TomoTomo on her last day… somewhat made her bitter, more sad than her actually leaving... It felt like an age before she was singing her own songs, the entire stadium having eyes only for her. She felt like a princess, and for once, she didn’t mind. She’d often tried to soften herself, and at times, become more bossy, trying to find the perfect way to be herself and fish people.
But this was her night and she’d be the only princess that night.
And she truly felt it. The fan’s warm feelings. Her friends of the same generation. Meetan appearing! She couldn’t have asked for anything better, loving the older woman much more than she could ever say. Her theatre performance was held not long after. Sae, and her second generation friends, all made her feel so welcomed, so much at home, and at peace. She wore a crown, and left like a star. And so quickly, she was gone, her career over.
Most days, she was happy. Her freedom was refreshing. She had change rooms to herself, didn’t have to squeeze onto a bus with a million chattering girls, the spotlight was hers alone. Her career was doing relatively well, despite some hiccups.
But… every now and again, she’d see everyone, laughing and having fun with each other, constantly enthusing about each other in their blogs. While she sat alone, watching tv with an ever increasing furrowed brow. While she sat in a private car, being whisked along to work while listening to whatever 48 Group hit was charting. While her phone activity dropped dramatically, leaving her to attempt to find new friends and reconnect with old ones, missing the bonds that had seemed so strong only mere months ago.
So she became what people thought she was. A whiny princess who sulked and cried a lot. It used to bother her, because she was so much more than a cry baby, so much more than a high class girl, but now… Tomomi somehow felt that if she cried enough, was sad enough, perhaps, people may be able to feel her struggles and come to help her.
So much for being happy after graduation, huh?
Chiyuu was on the edge of her seat. Sayaka was graduating! She was so incredibly pleased that she was asked to return. So many of her friends would be there! The bond between the second generation… the first group to challenge the original members… there was something they had that other generations didn’t.
As they all sung together (and Yuuko sobbed without hesitance while Sae beamed on), Chiyuu couldn’t have been happier. She’d come to terms with what graduation was. She’d been able to participate in events with other members, and talk to them on occasion. Just because they weren’t there together, every day like they used to be, didn’t mean they’d suddenly stopped being friends. If anything, as she’d found out in the dressing room earlier, their bonds had gotten stronger. They’d been more curious to learn about each other, drinking in each other like sponges.
She walked with Sayaka back towards the main stage. Her eyes met Tomochin’s for a moment and she nodded, though the other girl was much too in the moment to respond. Happily, Chiyuu realised she wasn’t jealous. Not of Sayaka, Paruru, Takamina, or hell, even Tomochin for her own popularity. Wasn’t it nicer to enjoy the moment? To accept things as they come, and be happy for others, and fight when you can change things for the better?
Smiling at the thought, she decided to speak with Akimoto Sensei after her part was over.
From what she’d heard, the concert was amazing. Very glamorous, modern and cool. Apparently Tomochin had taken a huge chunk of time for herself, making it incredibly obvious whose night it was. Chiyuu chuckled. How very Tomo. She didn’t want to go herself. It would have been nice, but she was busy now, had other friends now. Plus, it was much more suspenseful to make the other girl wait that little bit longer.
When she came on stage, back at the theatre, Tomochin’s face was priceless. She was glad of her decision. The crowd called both their names and bloggers rejoiced about TomoTomo. But all she cared about was the snuffling fool in front of her, whispering sorry as they hugged.
Murmuring back agreement, Tomomi released the new graduate, beaming. From now, they were both soloists, standing alone. They could perform at events together! They would be both rivals and friends! To come see Tomochin, on her final night, dressed as a princess (the admittedly a far more bold one than she herself was), to rekindle their friendship with an almost too easy gesture, after such a long period of silence… Not much can top this.
L.A. Hawaii. Osaka. These days, she travelled a lot. Sometimes, Tomochin came with her. When she didn’t (or when Chiyuu didn’t accompany her), tonnes of messages were exchanged. TomoTomo was still strong, after all. Much stronger than before.
She got home from work one day, finding Tomochin lounging on the couch. The girl had a key to her apartment, so her being there wasn’t odd, but the waiting… Tomochin didn’t wait. “Tomo?”
“I’ve been bored. It’s rude to leave guests waiting.” Rolling her eyes, Chiyuu went to fix something to eat. “Then you should tell me you’re coming, so I actually know. I’m not a mind reader, y’know.” “It’s not exactly hard to guess why I’m here.” “Then enlighten me.” Oh! Cake~~ She heard a heavy sigh from the lounge and rolled her eyes again. And people think I’m a drama queen! “I want you, stupid.” Taking a moment to stop herself from choking, Chiyuu turned and glared. “That’s not funny, Tomo.” “I’m not trying to be funny!” Tomochin snapped back and stood, glaring at her.
She’s… she’s really serious! Her face felt warm. Narrowing her eyes, she tried to keep calm and determine how to answer. Huffing, she clenched her hand, ending up with cake everywhere. By the time she looked down at the mess with a disgusted glare and looked back up, Tomochin was beside her.
“I can clean that for you..?” Is Team K seriously where people go to become perverted?! Sure, she’d experienced ‘worse’ with Meetan but… Tomo didn’t do this! Not too cool for everyone Tomo!
Thankfully, her phone rang, giving her an excuse to dash. “S-sorry..” The phone call mostly went in one ear and out the other. She washed her hands and the other Tomo watched her like a hawk from the kitchen table. Well, if one thing hasn’t changed, it’s that intense stare of hers…
By the end of the night, Chiyuu was feeling less shocked (and perhaps intimidated) by the sudden confession (of sorts). But how to bring it up again? It was after midnight when Tomochin was leaving, and she still hadn’t found a way to admit she was feeling okay with their new direction.
“Next time, if you’re late, I might have to punish you…” The words had a playful tone, but those eyes! Chiyuu shivered. Well, here’s my chance, I guess.
“You mean… like in school? When, the longer you misbehave, the worse the punishment is~?”
Silence. Did I screw up? Then, a smirk, and she sighed a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “I like the way you think. The longer you make me wait, the… more interesting, the punishment.” She felt her heart race faster. This was it! They were officially more than friends! Perhaps they weren’t going to date or be cutesy (and she made a mental note to badger the other girl about her supposed boyfriend, because she did not need ‘homewrecker’ attached to her name!), but… TomoTomo. TomoTomo is official!!
“And Chiyuu?” Her head snapped up and she stopped her inner victory. “Make sure you’re in uniform.” As soon as the door shut, she squealed. She had some shopping to do~
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blackcatspaws · 10 years
White. Everything was white. The walls, the floors, the curtains. Her clothes, the roof, the nurses who came in here, acting so pure and right.
She hated it. She hated the colour, the lack of noise and life. She hated everything. Even Yuuko. Yuuko had left her, forcing her to stay. Gekikara hated Yuuko more than anything at this point.
But there was something that comforted her, something she took solace in. The black of her hair stood out like a sore thumb, and the light reflected brightly from it – she was healthy, living. She had bruises from needles, bandages from scrapes the nurses had so kindly placed on her – proof she’d survived, was recovering. And a fresh wound in her stomach, made by a blade ever so carefully hidden – it ached and caused her pain, was ugly to look at and made people fuss over her. She hated it, but it gave her satisfaction. She’d won. She was living. She was strong. And still, she had a purpose – to fight for Majisuka, to fight against Yabakune, to keep Rapapa safe and strong. Her purpose gave her life, a will to move forward.
Gekikara was still a Queen.
Speaking of which… she honestly hadn’t thought Shibuya would come to visit. Black had come, visiting quickly, speaking about her child, and left almost before anyone had realised she was there. Shaku had visited, but she’d been the one to find her, bleeding and spluttering all over the pristine floors, so her presence was a given. Even Torigoya had come, despite her soft nature. Sado had been working, but she sent her regards as well as helpful hints to bully the staff into getting things she needed.
But Shibuya… Shibuya was a strange one. They’d never been particularly close, though they hadn’t hated each other either. Gekikara may have gotten too personal with the gal a few times, leaving them both bleeding, with the raven haired girl laughing and Shibuya fuming, spitting curses. She should have graduated, but she was back in high school – hell, for a yankee, to graduate (without threats and intimidation) was phenomenal in the first place, but to go back? Was the girl taking something?
“You go to Yabakune now.” “I have things to achieve.” “That badge marks you as an enemy.”
Gekikara hated Shibuya’s smirk. So smug and self-righteous. With a quick pull and a click, the badge was off.
“And you?” Though sometimes, arrogance wasn’t bad. Smiling, she removed her own school badge. “We’re just two girls now.” “Former team mates.”
Shocked was probably the word for how she was feeling. Shibuya was proud, stubborn, independent. To hear she regarded them as team mates? Gekikara couldn’t help another smile, though she wished her heart wouldn’t flutter like that.
And so time passed. By the end of Shibuya’s time, they were laughing and smiling without awkwardness, as though this type of behaviour had always been natural between them. Though Shibuya’s reason for transferring Yabakune was still unknown to her. The gal’s purpose, if she had one, was a mystery. Just why does she continue living like this? Doesn’t she have more to go on to, rather than fighting with high schoolers?
When the nurse came in to mention visiting hours were over (for the third time, for the gal simply refused to leave the prior times), Shibuya sighed – “I’ll leave in a moment.” “Will you come again?” Gekikara couldn’t place why she was feeling so eager (liar, you just don’t want to put the feelings into words – you can’t take back words, after all). “I’ll take off my badge as soon I come in.” “Shibuya… When you take off your badge, will you take everything else off too?” Well, fuck. Perhaps she’ll think I’m just referring to the rest of her unfirom? Shibuya was half way across the room, but turned back to stare, an eyebrow raised, a hand on her hip. What a poser. Making her way back, the gal said cockily, “Badge or no badge, I’m a blank slate. I choose my colours when and where it suits me.”
Snorting, Gekikara pulled the shorter girl down. Whispering in her ear, she felt the other shiver. “Then next time, I’ll paint you the colour of bruises. You’ll learn to live again under my hands.” Pulling back roughly, Shibuya glared. “We’ll see. I wouldn’t go being so bold in the state you’re in.” Despite the haughty tone, the way she stomped out and slammed the door behind her, for a moment, Gekikara saw the perfectly lined eyes crinkle. “We’ll see, Shibuya. Yet I wouldn’t be so bold as to say you’ve won when you’ve always let your emotions guide you.”
Perhaps a war was brewing between Majisuka and Yabakune. Perhaps she would have to fight Shibuya’s forces, or get more injured along the way to that fight. But there was another fight coming, between the two Queens, one former, turned traitor, and the other, re-evaluating her entire attitude every day. She wasn’t entirely sure what type of war she’d started between the two of them, but it was certainly going to be much more intimate.
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blackcatspaws · 11 years
I will be entering in Camp NaNoWriMo in order to finish off a bunch of work. My username is MidoriHime if you'd like to be buddies.
I have been writing (and doing lots of it!!) but some is unable to be published at the moment and other bits are for fics I don't want to post here because, in all honesty, they're really awful... I just want to get them finished and posted so I can leave my ff.net account with a clean conscious. 
Always feel free to request drabbles (I've missed requests T.T) and give suggestions. Within the next two weeks, expect some Mune no Melody!
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blackcatspaws · 11 years
Its been a while!
New theme because the other one didn't have enough links and was putting text on top of each other. Also disabled right click thanks to people reposting my work as their own.
Fic rec page is updated too (I'm going to be adding 2-3 a week from the first week of March onwards).
Finally, queue will be starting at the end of next week!
Sorry for not being around for a while, I've been super busy, but I've dedicated plenty of time for this blog in my weekly schedule, so hopefully you'll find stuff you like in the coming weeks! Stay well!
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blackcatspaws · 11 years
Finally! I have a Fanfic Recommendations Page!
Currently its blank, but I have found my external hard drive with fanfictions on it and found where the fics are. I'll sift through a few each night and put them up as I go~
Silentshipping will be the first, but if you have any other requests (shows, characters, genre or ships) please send them in and I'll see if I have anything for you!
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blackcatspaws · 11 years
My BEST posts of 2013
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#7 - Mistletoe
Silentshipping, christmas fluff.
Christmas wasn’t particularly his favourit
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Drabbles will be 300-500 words
Please submit via submissions
Anything on my
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Tossing up what to write. I’ve written Digimon and Naruto fanfic for both of my NaNos. It’d be fanfic again this time, but I&
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Chance Meeting (#2)
Older!NeoBBA Head of R&D Kyouju meets Chairman of Hiwatari Enterprises Kai and they catch up
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Like A (Broken) Record, Hikari
Fandom: Digimon It was wrong, and he knew it. It would throw things out of balance but that made it all the more tempting. She knew i
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Royal Match
Yugioh, Crack. (I’m thinking about adding a sequel to this..??)
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Fandom: Beyblade Rating: T Themes: Angst, Guilt Characters: Hiwatari Kai Summary: Kai wonders what he could have done dif
Generated using the best of tumblr tool.
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blackcatspaws · 11 years
#7 - Mistletoe
Silentshipping, christmas fluff.
Christmas wasn’t particularly his favourite time of the year. He didn’t mind the cold, though the snow wasn’t exactly welcome (Mokuba, on the other hand, reveled in the stuff - it was fun to play in apparently, and it meant he was occasionally stuck home too). The repeated music, congested traffic, movie repeats and specials - he’d rather the regular mundane thank you very much, where his schedule wasn’t turned on its head for some stupid holiday. Thankfully Christmas in Japan wasn’t as overly commercialised as America, with the focus being more on romance and children. Christmas or not, he’d still give Mokuba presents when he felt it appropriate (and some just for the hell of it) but the romance part of the holiday left a bad taste in his mouth.
Reporters always heckled him over it, why he could never guess. Sure, he had money, was famous and was attractive enough according to the media hounds - surely that would be enough to snare a girl? Sometimes he wondered if reporters actually knew anything about him or had just been randomly assigned to a job - after all, not many girl’s would put up with his heavily scheduled life, dedication to work and less than open attitude. Add to the fact he didn’t associate with a huge amount of females and the field narrowed even further.
He smiled slightly - even if it were only just a small amount, luck had always been on his side. Shizuka, on one of her many visits to see Mokuba (which he was starting to doubt that was the full truth) had wondered about the lack of Christmas decorations. Slowly but surely, small decorations went up, before the manor was covered in mistletoe and tinsel. Not long after that, the kitchen was filled - cookies, cakes and other treats, mostly foreign of course. Still, the brunette girl chattered on, happily commenting on the how warm the place had become, how she really liked what they’d done with the place, being less and less subtle as the magical date of the 25th drew nearer. 
The 25th was a day he had a meeting. He was home in the morning, spent a brief amount of time with Mokuba, before heading out. Like he told reporters - any woman who would spend her life with me needs to accept the way the household works. Which meant that while family would still come first, unfortunately he’d have less time to spend with them. As he was leaving, just after lunch, Shizuka arrived, wearing a Santa hat. Smiling, she came up the stairs to greet him - “Merry-”
The height difference between them was noticeable, almost laughable even when he bent down and kissed her lightly. Blushing, he straightened back up almost just as quickly. Nodding above him, he muttered, “Mistletoe,” before heading to his car. Hearing a light laugh behind him, his lips twitched - perhaps Christmas wasn’t so bad after all.
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blackcatspaws · 11 years
Requests will be done tomorrow, so if you'd like to request anything, you still have time!
At the start of next year, I'll be giving this blog a make over. Theme, about, tags etc, will be tidied so it'll hopefully be easier for everyone to find stuff
Fic Recommendations will also be done then. Sorry, anon, I never got the time to do it this month T.T If you have any requests for what you'd like recommended, feel free to send those in too, and I'll have a look and see if I have any of what you're after in my collections
Between now and the end of February, I hope to complete 13 different works, so the queue will most definitely be up and running soon!
Have a wonderful holiday season and I hope to talk to you all soon!
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blackcatspaws · 11 years
Drabbles will be 300-500 words
Please submit via submissions or ask
Anything on my bias page is a-ok. Feel free to ask for something that isn’t on the page (no promises though)
All themes are a-ok. NSFW is ok, but I’ll probably be awful at it
Be as general or specific as you want
Requests are published at the end of the month and tagged with your username. If you don’t want your name tagged, please tell me
Previous requests here
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blackcatspaws · 11 years
YuuSado or Center/Nezumi/Otabe. Romantic drama involved if you can.
(This got really long oops. Hope its okay!)
She hated her. Not just her attitude, but her skills, her eyes, the stupid goddamn curve of her smile. Everything about Yuuko, she hated with a passion. It wasn’t enough that she’d been physically been beaten into the ground, but there was something inside her that had been smashed to tiny pieces along with it. It made her face heat up and her heart beat faster, faster than whenever she was fighting anyone else, and she wasn’t sure it was the fight alone that did it. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she knew for certain that she’d get revenge for whatever it was. Spitting blood out of her mouth, she made her way home slowly, the desire for revenge becoming stronger with each twinge of pain she felt.
. . 
Two weeks later, and she’d failed again. Another split lip and more bruises. But more than that, those lips were burned even more intensely into her mind. To make it worse, so was the laugh and the sparkle those eyes held. In her bid to find Yuuko’s weaknesses and put herself back on top, she’d followed the other girl, and found those eyes always sparkled. So she added that to the list of things she hated. Groaning as she stood, the last thought she allowed herself to think before cleaning herself up was how Yuuko felt against her. With fists, physical contact was a given, but Yuuko never stopped at just her fists. Their bodies had pressed together, she’d felt breath against her ear and knuckles against her pretty much everything. Something like that... There should have been no question, it should have gone onto the list of things she hated too, but she just couldn’t bring herself to admit she hated it, which made her hate Yuuko even more.
. . 
It had been a while since she’d thought of Yuuko, but today was different. A showdown at Majijo. The weather was shit, clouds covering the sky, but that made the turn out better, less likely for people to be around, less likely for someone to snitch. The war cry went out and the fight began. It stopped shortly after, though she didn’t look for the problem until she’d finished beating some poor girl to the ground. Standing, she narrowed her eyes. Damn it all! Yuuko, standing tall, with that stupid smile again. She wasn’t sure what happened, but all of a sudden, people were falling, and their own little war became a war on Yuuko, the girl with the infectious stupid smile and the always sparkling eyes. Standing back, she waited for everyone else to fall. At this point, the cute girl seemed like a monster; there was no doubt she’d fall too. 
When she did, unlike the last time, Yuuko stayed, holding out a hand to her. “You know, you’re a bit of a sadist! I’m gonna call you Sado from now on, okay?” Sado? That stupid smile was there again, and despite the blood Yuuko was covered in (some of it hers), thew newly named Sado didn’t mind grabbing the extended hand. Sado... Its nice enough.
. . 
Rappapa was re-created, new recruits gathered, stories of their fierceness told and reinforced. Harshly. The stairs became a gateway, a private haven of sorts. The back room was exclusive, for only her and Yuuko. A glare kept most people away, but Yuuko always said they were planning business, which made everyone suspicious as to what was really happening. Of course, if anyone had asked the truth, the idiot probably would have spat out the truth. She wasn’t good at keeping a secret.
Between kisses she’d told her of her upcoming absence. Sado had pulled back, “Why?” Yuuko had tried to coax her back into kissing, but Sado shoved her back. “Yuuko.”
With a pout, she answered. “Just gotta go to hospital for a bit. Nothing big. Just a huge pain, y’know?” Seeing how the taller girl’s eyes had narrowed, Yuuko grasped her face. “C’mon, do you really think I could lie to you? I’m fine, everything’ll be fine. You’ll see.”
Nodding, she stupidly believed her. Back to ‘work’ it was then.
. . 
“How could you! Torigoya is-”
“Maeda deserves it.” The words had hardly been spat out by the time Yuuko hit her. A tense silence ensured. Even after Toriygoya had been silenced, there was still a thickness between them. Slowly, business was business again, but not the type she enjoyed. 
Finally, when her chance came to take on Maeda herself, she felt a bit better. It wasn’t the same as fighting Yuuko, but at least it brought back some of her pride, some of her worth. Yet she didn’t have long to gloat. More and more machines were added to Yuuko’s room, and she skipped class completely, staying almost immobile by her side. Finally, when Yuuko woke, Sado cried. 
“I didn’t miss graduation, right? Gotta give up that scenery properly, y’know..”
Sado could do nothing but shake her head. The sparkle in her eyes was still there, but it was like a shitty old lightbulb in comparison to how they used to be. But still, she did her best, for her leader, lover and friend. 
“You know, Mariko... I really love you, you know?” She nodded, choking back tears, murmuring back the same. Yuuko always tended to know everything about her, so the name thing wasn’t an issue, but the words... Throughout the ceremony, she was controlling the school Rappapa and herself. Letting Yuuko go out with Maeda... She smiled bitterly. It almost feels like she’s a woman on the side. There was no time to say all the things she wanted to, so Sado sent Yuuko off with her list. It still had all of the things she hated about her, but it also held a list, more than twice as long, scrawled on the other side with the things she loved, sealed with a kiss. When we meet again, I’ll tell you everything I have to say and I’ll make you listen to everything at my own pace, okay?
A letter was given to her a few days later. It was Maeda’s handwriting, but she knew the words to be Yuuko’s. You wouldn’t be my Miss Sadistic otherwise! It’ll hurt, but take your time, okay? You’ve got to make sure your story is an interesting one!
Crying, she vowed that that would be the case, and that Rappapa, the one they had rebuilt, and regiven character and strength, would be one thing she protected to her very end, no matter the cost or the pain. Without Yuuko, there would have been no Rappapa. With no Rappapa, there would have been no us. Forgetting everything else, that will be our legacy. The joker and the sadist, forever patrolling these halls. And one day, they’ll be there without secrets between them.
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